why, why, why me?
Sometimes I feel like dying inside,
other times I feel as if the world is my oyster and I am simply creating a line
in some gigantic storybook where I am a minor character.
My actions typically do not effect the world in a major way.
However my words could effect someone's world.
I can break one person's word apart with something as little as a tweet,
Instead of being discreet I could rock and shake and throw someone's dreams overboard
My words are small to the whole world, but powerful to few.
The subtweets and hitting delete could be the end of someone's crew
The things they clung to the most, making them become a ghost.
You've lost your friends, so you've lost your means to start again.
But why?
Why must your world stop spinning at the hands of people who didn't know how to explore this world?
I am more than just a girl to push and shove down.
I am getting back up,
I must keep going.
I am a minor character in some person's heart, but I want to be a major character in my own.
I do not want to be left alone.