People in the Streets
See the people in the streets, barely any clothes on their backs and no shoes on their feet.
They have nothing but empty bottle packs
They have no place to sleep, no place to be like any store around here is cheap?
Cheap enough for them to see that they've got no cents in their pockets like we have loose change flying around
You see... we've upgraded from the minted coins to the paper dollars
Walking around with painstaking loans
You walk by them with out any recognition, fixing your collars
You see, we've gotten so used to breathing this air
Air of corruption and pollution
But don't you think it's unfair?
Unfair enough, that the governments only solution is to take more to help the welfare of another country?
But why not us? Our own home
Why not fight?
Fight for our individuality because we are very bright
You see? Those people in the street with no shoes on their feet
And their backs Raw and Bare
Raw and Bare form the lashes of their memories whipped on their backs by society
Their mangled body shows that with each day their hunger grows inside for something better
Making them weak
Their tangled hair shows the desperation in trying to end this endless suffering
They ALL believe that with time their death will soon near.
Those people with no shoes on their feet walk around our society like roaches we think we have to rid of
But don't you see? WE are the ones who made them addicted to drugs and alcohol
And rose the pain in paying taxes
Too high to the point where we are kicked out and foreclosed
the kids we see in the street? The ones we say are juveniles and delinquents?
Getting high off of marijuana
They didn't choose the "thug" life, nor vice versa
We brought it upon them with Lil' Wayne and Justin Beiber
Turning innocence into nonsense
Our society is so messed up we have criminals being set free and the government cannot be pleased
You see?
In the fourth grade my generation took a test...
You know what happened if you failed?
"That's one more bed to add to the prison down the street"
We are labeled as society's laze, failed generation
Girls at only age 12 turning to prostitution because society says they aren't up-to-par and not worth anything in life
But wasn't it past generations that made us this way?
We had no one to greet and no one to meet just people to beat coming to the "New Country" And blaming us for their country's problems?
They take a look at me and call me stupid and a failure
Haven't we all been there?
You see, we wrap ourselves in the "American Dream" which gets torn at the seam in our imagination
And the only guilty pleasure in life is waking up every morning breathing semi-fresh air
Sooner or later we'll end up like the LORAX and live in a giant bubble and have to "buy" our own air
We plague the innocent with lung disease and asthma because of the green goop WE created!
We are so advanced in technology that we don't even realize we are lost in society and we have lost our sanity
Yet we still have people in the street with no shoes on their feet gasping for life
Their eyes trying to find what society used to be
But now all we are to the world is a pest with all of our crime and corruption
There are a few good people in this world who don't deserve this
They deserve the right to vote and the right to free speech but We ARE SO CORRUPTED that we don't even know that society has finally caught up with us
Do You See, Now?