May 18, 2017
It's been a year.
A year since you broke me.
It's been a year since you cut into my flesh
Before I even got the chance to
After telling me how horrible it is.
It's been a year since you slit my wrists and let me bleed out
Before I even got to pick up the blade and fill the bathtub
After feeding me lies that you cared.
It's been a year since you tore away the only people who cared
Before the natural course of freindship could take its toll
After deceiving me into thinking they were nothing but evil.
It's been a year since you turned a blind eye towards the pain we went through
Before we could even show you the suffering we experienced
After telling us the diseases that plague our minds aren't real.
It's been a year since you all yelled and screamed your intolerance, causing us to cut ourselves
Before we even got the chance to be happy
After telling us we didn't deserve it.
It's been a year.
And yet,
Even after,
The fallout of what you all did still remains.
A Dean and a Counselor.
None of you deserve our forgiveness.
Not until all of you change,
And apologize for what you did to us a year ago.
It's been a year.
I'm still waiting.