Sticks Stones and Words
I come home with these afflicting wounds
They’re everywhere down my arms on my back, my face
I try to heal
I find a different route home
But every time I heal or plan a new path they just find me again
With their fists and mouths
Everyone says that sticks and stone will break my bones
But words will never hurt me
Well let me clarify that this saying is the biggest lie to in society
I have broken bones
I have gotten cut
I have been bruised
But let me tell you my friend
Well I don’t have any of those
Just let me tell you that I have been called names
Horrible, nasty name like the ones junior high kids scratch into playground equipment
Those are the things that hurt most
The names that make you want to lock yourself in your room and never leave
The names that make you feel like moving away from there
I don’t know where but anywhere where my name has never been heard
Like maybe Australia
There are names I’ve been called that make me want to mope around depressed
I try to report to a teacher but you know
The teachers always say they will help you in these situations
But that's never the case
When I tell they the pain I’m going through
They just say to walk it off or to ignore it
But you know what
They’re just like the kids at school
Saying they’ll stop it when the next day they come back and beat you again
And when my mom asks me what's wrong I lie and say nothing
Because you know, I don’t want her to worry
And she keeps urging me like an interrogator saying
Whats going on sweetie whats the matter
And I keep saying nothing
And it feels like the biggest lie I have told anyone in my entire life
Cause there is something wrong
Everything is wrong
First it’s the bullies
They start out teasing
Then they start name calling
Then they start pushing
Then they start punching then they start full on attacking
Then the teachers after I had enough of going home with bruises and scars
I tell them
They don’t listen
I show them the wounds one my arms
They don’t seem to care one bit
Then you get to that one moment where you show her that they tore up your math book
And she flips out
Not at the students but at you
She yells at you screaming
How dare you deface school property and making you pay for the book
So then instead of the kids just beating me and calling me names
They start tearing my homework
Or copying it down for theirs then tearing it up
When they get a wrong answer they decide to give me a little extra beating
To teach me to get it right next time
Or maybe it's just me
People tell me it’s me
They tell me I should believe them
That they’re speaking truth
But I don’t know how to believe them
They tell me to do horrible things no one should ever do to themselves
They tell me to go back to where I came from
To go die in a hole
To just stop existing
To stop breathing
They sometimes get technical and say
Stop inhaling air through your nose and exhaling it out through your mouth
So I inhale through my mouth and exhale through my nose
Then they punch me more
So hard
That I fianaly start believing the things they say
That I'm nothing but a mistake that someone tried to get rid of but they couldn't
So finally when my mom finally reads my journal that has all the bad things anyone ever did to me
She decides to have no more of it
She tells me to tell the principal
I tell her I have but he just does the things all the other teachers have done
So she decides to homeschool me
But that doesn’t work either
Instead the kids just stay outside my house hiding in the bushes
Waiting for me to go out
So I stop leaving the house
And once when I got enough courage to they come after me and beat me to the ground
Leaving me lying there, unconscious
My mom sees and rushes me to the hospital
They tell me I will never be the same
That the beatings they gave me had clogged my brain
Now the kids would just make fun of me more
They’d call me stupid because that's what they made me
A dumb piece of flesh that should never have existed
So mom moved herself and I to the place in the country where we could be as far away from Maine as we could be in this land mass that I live on
That no one who cares about me
I felt like a prisoner on my own turf
So my mom makes me leave my turf
She takes me to California
Two thousand eight hundred miles from my home
This is what bullying does
It takes people from their homes
And plops them in the middle of no-where, California
Keeps them from where they need to be
I can’t deal with it anymore
We need to stop it