The Color Purple
They don't come in true colors.
Some come in blue.
Some come in romantic red,
But some come,
In Backless Black.
In the depths of darkness,
A woman could be bullied down to her grave,
Or just be left to swallow in sorrows.
Never to be treated like a princess,
For she is seen as absolute dirt.
People always telling her she's never good enough,
Or that she's too fat for a guy to ever love her.
She crumples underneath their feet,
For she is the villain in their story.
But in those depths of dark pits of nothing,
She can be so much more,
Than what people think they know about her,
And one day,
She will rise up to see them at her feet.
On the hand of life,
Life isn't like a fairytale.
It is far from it to be exact,
Because in today's modern world,
All people want is a quick sex partner,
And to move on to the next.
They don't see the point in marriage,
And definitely not in understanding.
But maybe it's not all their faults,
For all they have time for is jobs.
Since life has become a survival tactic,
For the earth is being wreaked havoc on,
And so is the financial state of affairs.
But of course there is some stragglers,
Who want the luxurious life of a family,
But there are only few who can hold on to their true feelings.
And those people,
Get the worst of the worst.
They live in depths of heart break from others,
Who don't believe in loyalty,
Who don't believe in commitment,
And who don't believe in being there
For the people they're supposed to love.
But even in the context of just love,
This world is far from a fairytale itself.
Neo-nazis fly their colors,
In hopes to go back to the past,
Although time traveling isn't real.
Hate fills their hearts and no words
Can change their minds.
Fairytales don't exist anymore,
For they once did when people gave love.
Where the Earth thrived on sunshine,
And people wanted happiness for one another.
But the true colors of black do really show,
In the times of modern world,
Where people want death to others,
And life isn't so precious anymore.
But in some colors of purple,
There are only few
Who believe in love,
And want to keep this Earth special,
And give all they can
For dreams never die in their hearts.