Dark Souls and Cold Hearts
I'm no good with poetry
as it's an art that is felt
rather than seen.
I'm not one for feeling.
I'd rather stare at my ceiling
and not feel much at all.
People joke about having dark souls and cold hearts
but why is that?
why describe being sad and depressed as an art?
There are people who die everyday because of it,
but no one cares, not even a tiny bit.
I partially blame society for teaching
"If we can't see it, it isn't real".
What's more real than a grown man fighting a war inside his head?
What's more real than a young girl suffering from rumors being spread?
What's more real than a person wishing everyday that they were dead?
What goes on in the heart and mind,
no one knows, we're all blind.
Most say that they never ask for a way out
but I beg to differ,
Silence can often be the biggest shout.
Some of the worst things are
felt rather than seen.