That Girl
Someone who was abused and neglected and decided that , that girl was the one to blame
The same person you grew up with in pre-school was now a bully
A person with no pity in her heart no remorse for what she did
Ceaseless, cold heart-ed lil girl who didn't know from wrong to right
She blames her daddy for doing the thing she does to , that girl
That girl was minding her own damn business
That girl went home and cried into the weeee hours of the night because of your daddy
That girl would cry, weep and cut herself until she felt she had enough
All because you, the bully from Weller Street
STOP Tammy!!!STOP Fredricka!!!
You would have thought these girls were her friends the way she carried on
She didn't know. But she did know a God
She yearned for forgiveness all day, everyday.
She couldn't take it anymore
Until one day it was over.