"Redefine Beauty"
-Redefine beauty. Extract all the melanin from my skin, or add just a bit more to yours and let's see what difference it makes in our personalities. No change. Crazy how I used to let my darker skin drive me insane. Ostracized when I was younger to the point where I was alone in a category of my own all due to my darker skin tone. I remember the time I didn't even know my best friend Nick was, "white". I paid no mind to my mother being, "light" skinned cause last time I checked, we were all from the same family. Same blood. Served the same God that created us in His image meaning all of us are beautiful in our own way cause God is beautiful in every way. A skin complexion should never bring up regression. Change your perception, and acquire some x-ray vision to see past the skin and into the heart within the person; start your standard of beauty from there.