Humans: Natural Beasts
Allow me the time
if you would be kind
to come to a point in the line
where good comes to bad
and happy turns sad
and the world continues with rhyme
Yet those lose little souls
who left more than a life
have become there own demons
while living with strife
Turn now to the brightest of places
where everyone is so nice
but even here in this little place
we see darkness with a price
The kind hearted souls
still torture each other
and some bury holes
with their own bothers
because there are some who suffer too much
yet we turn our eyes from seeing them as such
because even the kind tend to torture just one
to make their kindness become like the sun
We are all demons
angels we be
yet still i feel
that we do not see
the darkness inside of us all
we will be
the destruction that made us all fall
in the end
it is how we became such creations
Such beasts without limitations
in creativity
yet still we are beasts
and still we will hate
because in the end it is just our fate
To suffer
and destroy
to hate and employ
distractions throughout our thoughts
as we ruin others with what we have wrought.