Forbidden Woman
My Features are Mild My Body is Part Curvy But Strong to strong for a women so they say They laugh as i past By with hopes that i grow to hate myself Because of there insults. I stand in front of the mirror studing God's Creation He formed me so i sit in my room alone as i close the door and tears Fall. I ask God if i was Created in his Image why am i suffering in silence in fear of my life why am i being Prosecuted as he did. Standing with Lashes Across his Back standing Before the Presents of his enemy's. My eyes turn red as i Get angry Everywhere i go i get Insults of people calling me a tranny. From my head to my toes i was Created By one God The same god that Made them so why do they feel the need to judge me. i continue on the conversation with god as i say i fell like im a mistake as i burst into tears you say that you have a plan for my life But what is it. i suffered with love i suffered with loving myself i dont even know who i am. what is my purpose? In the mist of my Break down god is silent. i Look out the window for a sign that he hears me. but still nothing the night falls and im faced with a messy teared up face as i wipe. i ask god to show me how he see's me so i wont have to suffer anymore i walk to the Bathroom and look in the mirror. i pause at my eyes that are red But Beautiful my skin glows at the sight of my fustration. I see a woman a special kind of women who is forbidden by looks. so diversity is not an option Because i deliver my own kind of sexy. mild chocolated skin i was Formed with the Golden Brush of my Maker. Trying to fill avoid That only God can take away i used my pain to wash a way the sorrow i felt inside for years yes im still that Forbidden woman But I rain down from the storms that cause your spirit to stumble. I am God'S Reflection of a strong woman. My dignity will never fall at your feet Because i am one. Fobbiden i am to the World But to God Im his Queen.