They Never Told the Truth
who told you that God could not be a woman?
I am almost 6 feet under my own fears
and I have no holy power to turn to
that is a reflection of me.
Who shoved their generationally skewed
ideas into your young brain
and called it "good enough"?
who said you couldn't wear that?
You are not defined by society's
idealistic attempts at a perfect gender.
The clothes that you wear do not
make you any less important.
Put on what makes you feel free
and let them know you don't care
if they condemn you.
who made you feel that your body fat percentage was a sin?
At what age did you start wearing black and avoiding stripes
to fit your "body type"?
Do not hide your beauty behind
Cosmo's "10 ways to look more appealing".
Your society described rolls do not affect
your ability to live out your role
as a confident human being.
who told you that your interests were not interesting enough?
I'm not sorry to tell you that being boring
is boring.
Take your hobbies in both hands and run with them.
Run past the too cool for schoolers
and privileged abusers and do what you believe
is right for you.
At what age did you not feel good enough?
Stuck behind the world's preconceived image
of who you're supposed to be.
Please, take their self-entitled cameras
and delete it.
Paint a picture of who you
know you were meant to be
and live it.
Take your words to their
sword bearing assumptions
and let loose your battle cry.
You were born with a way out of their ideas
of what's best for you.
Take your words and win.
who ever told you God couldn't be a woman?