Good Bye! Sincerely; A victim
Good Bye!
Sincerely; A victim
Yes I am sitting here with no confidence
yes I let there words get under my wing
but why i am still sitting here with a knife
with my lifeline hanging on a string
I can just cut the string
It wont make a difference anyway
allot of people will say do not and disagree
but what else are they going to say
There going to act like they are there for you
"no, there is better things you can do"
"don't take your life away"
"theres help for people like you"
Like ME! Excuse me
you think i chose for this to happen
You think i want to be bullied
beat down on, and forgotten
I do not want to be the victim
I am tired of running and hiding behind the door
I want to go home now
even if I'm lying down upon the floor
Sometimes the bad guy wins
because i let there words get under my wing
but guess what
I am not longer sitting here with a knife and my life line on a string