“They r just (w)ordz.”
Tell that to the suicidal kids
Taking it everyday, silent
Letters (o)n a screen, never quite heard
Yet stings of fag and slut ringing in the head
An upturned smile hiding the t(r)uth
Bloodied day to day, school was fine mom
Numb. A whole (d)ifferent world, stranger to the aged
World of wonder, yet of hidden pain
Hiding from hope and action
They (s)ee nothing, the adults
Oblivious to the words, the hate
“They r just wordz.”
Tell that to the dead (k)ids
Forever sleeping in the dark
Because you put them there
With letters connected to form the f(i)re
That burned the mind of their innocence
Hanging with no thought of va(l)ue, desensitized
They said it was fine, everything okay
Believe the pain in the eyes, not the spoken words
Searching for a (l)oving heart, a loving word
In the room, hoping with every last drop
On the crumpled tissue, things will get better…
R these just wordz 2, or do they actually mean enough
For you to go do something about them.