It will get better
People saying that it will get better
When will it get better?
Living through hell each day
They don’t know what they are doing
And it gets better?
When we feel hopeless
We live through our own nightmare
Each morning we wake up
Knowing that it’s a horror movie continued
We are the first to go
When will it get better?
That’s what we want to know
When the fear follows us home
Like our own personal killer
The mirror is like a fatal car crash
We can’t help but look
We start to see what they see
The thoughts start
Starting with never feeling happy
To sometimes we wish we were dead
We start to lose our hope
Life getting better becomes a dream
But you still tell us it will?
When we are losing our wills to fight
When we don’t see the light
The tunnel becomes endless
When will it get better?
Each day knowing it won’t
These words of wisdom
Don’t seem so wise
So you start to tell us more lies
Like kids are cruel
A common knowledge
We’ve known for years
You think kids are cruel
Try being the ongoing joke
The ones who try so hard
Those who feel like we fail everyday
Try being different
The losers the geeks
You don’t know cruel
Until you switch with us
Your advice is useless
We know what we see
We know the cruelty
We know the fear
So you tell us to rise up
To look forward to a future
This advice sometimes comes too late
Sometimes the future is as bleak
As the life we live each day
We can’t see the light
We see a way out
Out of the fear
Out of the depression
Death is the only way
Some of us will rise up
And heed your advice
But for everyone of us
Theirs one who lost a life
We need you to act
We need you to say
That this will stop
I’ll make it stop today
When you feel that there’s no way out
Telling us it will get better is no help
The future needs to come today
Every life loss
Is one that could have been saved
We need actions not words
We need to know that you’ll be there
We can’t wait for it to get better
When we feel like no one cares