Never, Never Give Up
Failing is hurtful,
Falling is painful,
But getting up or climbing back up,
To the mountains, is wonderful.
Nothing can top
Nothing can stop
You. You’re defying gravity.
You’re it.
Not only that you control the valleys,
You’re also in charge of your days
And nights. You’re heading to the very top;
You’re climbing the mounts in full force.
You’re as powerful as a Trojan horse.
Don’t give up, don’t despair.
Nothing has changed, life is still beautiful.
Love yourself and Mother Nature. Be fair.
Think positive, everything will be wonderful.
Be always optimistic
And never, never be pessimistic.
You possess more than you can imagine,
Forget about debts, trash the bad engine,
Kick the bad or deleterious habits
Struggle or endure to keep all positive facets.
Stay natural, be courteous and strong.
Stay in control of your inner feelings.
You can never, never be wrong.
You can always get new strings.
Failing is hurtful,
Falling is painful,
Raise your head high and nourish your soul,
You will inevitably race up to the top in full
Force soon, where it is wonderful.
Nobody can stop
Nothing can stop
Nobody can rob
The joy of your soul.
Nobody can stab
The heart of your soul.
Nobody can steal your joy.
You are not a toy;
You cannot be destroyed.
Be overjoyed; life is to be enjoyed.
You can stop or defeat all ploys.
Think, dream, imagine, stop and pause.
Failing is not an option,
Falling is a bad motion.
Never, never give up,
Never, never give up.
Copyright © May 2009, Hébert Logerie, All rights reserved
Hébert Logerie is the author of several collections of poetry.