Life is...
All about
What is easy for you,
May be hard for
Someone else.
What is hard for you,
May be easy for
Someone else.
It's too easy to
Jump to conclusions.
False conclusions.
A straight A student, with
Everything she
Could ever want.
Now, imagine...
A student with
Poor grades, who
Only has what she needs.
Who has the better life?
The second student?
The first student?
Based on assumptions...
You would guess
The first student.
Would you be
Surprised to know
That the first student,
Is the wrong choice?
The first student,
Hates life
And wants to die.
She is bullied everyday.
Not just at school,
But at home too.
Her peers call her
An ugly, fat, know it all.
"Kill yourself."
Her parents tell
Her, she isn't
Reaching her potential.
Her parents tell
Her, she can't
Do anything right.
Try and try as
She might,
She always fails.
She feels as though
She'll never do
Anything right.
Never make her parents happy.
She forces herself to
Work hard in school.
She stays after,
To please her parents.
She starts wearing
Makeup and
Uncomfortable clothes,
To try to be considered
She slowly stops eating.
First, she skips a meal
And then another.
Until she stops eating
She only eats
On occasion.
When she does,
She sticks her
Fingers down her throat.
Her peers slowly
Start to accept
Her, as she
Grows thinner and thinner.
She begins to
Become depressed.
Overwhelmed with sadness
And self hate.
She locks herself
In the bathroom,
Razor blade in hand.
Her peers love her,
Finally accepted.
They don't know
About the mutilation
Beneath her clothes.
A month later,
She's in a hospital.
Clinging to life.
The second student,
Is bullied too.
She is told the
Same things as
The first student.
"Know it all."
"Kill yourself."
"Not reaching potential."
"Can't do anything right."
She doesn’t pay
Attention to
What they say.
She only
Listens to
What she thinks.
Blocking all
The negativity
Comes easy
To her.
She is alive.
The first student,
Is dead.
Killed by the
Cruelness of
The world.
Just because it's
Easy for you,
Doesn't mean
It's easy for
Someone else.
Life is...
All about