Fly on the Wall
Fly on the Wall by Christian Betancourt
The fly on the wall
Sits silently in the room
And says nothing at all
Witnesses children beating each other
The fly on the wall does nothing
Afraid to tell another
Always afraid to say something
Even to his own mother
Still these actions continue
Ongoing words of hate
Continue to spread
The fly on the wall does nothing
Neglecting the growth at this rate
Hoping these actions eventually decimate
Assuming it will all be safe
Do not be like this fly
Stalling forever before it's too late.
And is always too afraid and too shy.
Do not be the fly on the wall
Who simply watches and listens
But does nothing at all
When witnessing bullying in the halls
Be brave and vocal
Speak up and stand tall!
Speak out against
Violence and injustice
Do not be the fly on the wall
Be boldly strong and courageous