Own Your Body
Your body is your vessel
It will travel miles farther than where your head has taken you
It is your storage unit
A unique container of your individual world
It is a plaque of scars
Self made or life inflicted
It is your machine
Each piece of you with a million specific tasks
Able to work in perfect harmony to create,
say, a poem
or a harmony on strings
and when coupled with another,
even a child
And I beg you to allow that child to own their body
Teach them to smile at their reflection without fear
and when they see their face,
A malleable portrait that will be so quickly carved with tears
and dirt and grins
let them relish in the idea that it is their own
The world will try to take your sanity
They will turn off your lights
scream over your voice
and push you back into the crowd
they will knock you down
But do not let them bury you
Life will leave it’s scars
but underneath the world’s turmoil,
underneath those tracks of tears and tears and bruises
is your face
it belongs to you
and you belong to it
and belonging is beautiful
let go of any fear of yourself
because no one,
no one can take you away from you
accept your face
show off your face
declare your body
own your scars and one day
you will leave a beautiful scar on the world