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10, It's a beautiful day, but within the peace, we wonder what to expect. At school some ask for attention to be in detention, while others just simply pay attention.
Dear chubby queer kid
I know those words feel like insults now
But someday you will learn to own them
To wear them like medals you earned
Because you did earn them
Fighting every day to survive
you’re pathetic
that’s all you are
that’s all you’ll ever be
don’t ever think you’ll be more than that
you’re pathetic
that’s all you are
that’s all you’ll ever be
don’t ever think you’ll be more than that
I want you.
You know its true.
I'll say it again. I want you. I want you.
I want you badly. Have you ever wanted, badly?
I badly want you. Sometimes I think I only want it as its bad.
Do not tell me that you are an ally of the LGBTQ+ community
If you go home at night and refuse to believe your daughter is gay
Simply because she may not give you the grandchildren you want
Now I'm A Poetic Man...
Who... DOESN'T Like SLAMS... !!!!!
And I... NEVER Have... !!!!!!
Because EVEN When I Did Them...
I Knew They Were A SHAM... !!!!!
Here’s to the mavericks!
What a bunch of assholes.
To imagine a better world,
They have the gall to challenge the status quo,
By spinning thin air into gold!
Her hand grazed my skin. “Please, be calm my child.”
Serenity plagued each of my senses.
Flames from the fire grabbed at my shoeless feet.
Yet, I was the happiest I have been.
Mother looked sadly into my green eyes.
Razors rope knives guns drugs dope
Building cliff cars water electricity starve
Alcohol fire poison suffocate jump—
Pick and choose.
You pick and choose.
Choose your method of self-destruct.
I miss him when he's with me
I miss him when he's not
Even when we argue
I miss him a lot
I miss him when I leave
The cold side of a pillow
is magic, waiting to happen
The condensation of a coke can
is disturbing in drips
The salt of the air
Have you ever seen a color and thought about what it would be like as a person?
I wonder if it's personality is visible and certain.
How yellow sings when it sees the sun,
Have you ever seen a color and thought about what it would be like as a person?
I wonder if it's personality is visible and certain.
How yellow sings when it sees the sun,
Wandering the earth with no purpose,
In search of fulfilling the empty glass,
Eyes full of determination to compose,
Watching you is like watching the stars,
Wandering like a dove freely with purpose,
Perhaps it would be fun to visit mars.
Watching you is like watching the stars,
Wandering like a dove freely with purpose,
Perhaps it would be fun to visit mars.
Do You Ever Feel ...
Like You're ... ALONE ...
To Think The Things ...
You Do At Home ... ???
Cos' When Your Mind ...
Begins To ... ROAM .......................
You better howl if you wanna be heard, wolf,
Sing it even if it sounds absurd, wolf,
Change is everything—now watch her turn, wolf,
We live long if we never know ourselves
Such are the words of Teiresias
For years I had thought to know myself
And which route would be easiest.
But I hadn’t known my true self then
I look around
I see the beauty of the world
As it revolves around me
I hear all my 30 of my friends calling my name
Telling me to hurry up and come play
I touch my smoothe skin
When this flower bloomed I was 14 years old
My breasts began to bud and my heart grew cold
Full lips came too and my tongue grew slicker
Curves came to the hips and my patience grew thinner
Not long ago the growing pains started
The pains that broke the broken-hearted
The inevitable happened- I went blind
It was quite an experience at first
My vision went from bad to worse
Not long ago the growing pains started
The pains that broke the broken-hearted
The inevitable happened- I went blind
It was quite an experience at first
My vision went from bad to worse
Princesses are perfect, they glitter just so
At least that’s what I thought, at five years old
I wanted a knight, who gleamed and shone
To climb up my tower and carry me home
Now that I'm a "grown-up," it's time for me to go to college.
College is a canyon of mountainous buildings, each marked with a letter of the alphabet,
Each made up of halls, upon halls, upon halls, upon halls...
My aspirations were like grand constellations
Plucking one dream after the next
Then came the Big Bang of adolescence
With every burning goal
Came a larger person
To put it out
The four walls in my room are white
The only white thing I’ve learned to love
To Trust
I spoke to them day after day
Knowing they’d listen without judging me
The story begins at my school.
I began to sound like a fool.
My voice started to crack;
I heard a loud quack,
Why is puberty so darn cruel.
An Ode To My DepressionYou are my writer’s block when I really need that essay done.The reason why I wear only pants in public,For the fear that people stare at my thighs when wearing shorts.You are the only reason that I feel some days. But feeli
The emotion I felt when I heard the news of the divorce
I knew it was inevitable but still
Longing for a family, I hoped
Looking at my siblings I knew
Growing up I had to do
Until I was fourteen I felt fine--
Good, great, and better than
I ever knew I could feel because in the moment,
There's a line between boy and man.
Not a line on the face or a furrow in the hand.
The sides are divided but only thinly so,
borders knocked down by what you do and know.
I could no longer order off a kid’s menu at a sea resort
Now that I was ten
It seemed almost tragic then
To have my childhood cut short
Never to be seen again.
when i was 7 years old i realized i wasnt a baby anymore,
hard times and molestation told me i wasnt a baby anymore,
when i ran away from home,
my mom knew i wasnt a baby anymore,
smoking meth,
These changes keep coming
life is not the same
as is once used to be
back when I ran and played.
Now I've got chores to do
and I have to decide
what career to pursue
The first day of school
Daddy dropped me off
Racing out of the car
I did a twirl
Then a hop
A beeline to Mrs. King's
My own girl.
Sixth grade
Girls started to shave
I think I might have learned something recently
In trying to figure out who I am
I’ve only learned who I used to be
Hands hold firm on mine
my past nature entails
fear loving again.
My heart forgives all
My brain forgave none
Lest I feel again,
I feared I'd come undone
Waxy lips,
Purple ‘n thick
Rear view,
A devious kick
Sing-song giggles,
A soft purse
Stomach churning,
A biological curse
“How do I look baby?”
“Pretty mom,” I say
Like a dark cloud hovering over me,
Fear found its greedy way into my life.
It held me back with strong chains and great lies,
And convinced me to burrow into my shell.
Eigth grade is when I found out
That straight did not define me
A single small peck
On the lips was that it took.
Oh, how scared I was
I had grown up around hate
That those who are gay
The hold that you had found in my veins,
was not found without warning.
It was preceded by a feeling
That weighed heavy in my chest.
tell me the difference between you and I while
society explains to us that with our own eyes
we're to expect greatness from wealth
while the poor focus on being fly
tell me why
Is this the new norm?Our people mourn,they ask for reform,then nothing is done.
Will this ever end?No ways to defend,situations they can't comprehend,families distraught because of a gun.
ever since i could remember, i’ve been keeping secrets.
i’ve made little mental notes of the secrets and folded them with perfect creases. i’ve been gently caring for them as they made a home in my heart.
A tree stands still.
It grows from a seedling,
A small little thing
destined to be something great.
A tree stands still.
Waiting for it's turn to shine.
I'm always delayed,
Heard, most common word to say.
Only leaves you betrayed,
In the end.
Selfishly regaining your trust,
Only once and that's enough,
Sitting in my 6th grade homeroom,
11 year-old bored of the pencils and the notebooks,
Fiddling with my hands and fingers
Wondering how long this boredom would linger
A mind of wonders,
Imagination locked inside.
Idle hands,
desperate to be untied.
Expressions bleeding,
through the veins.
From the wild mind,
To dormant hands.
you took away from me
the only parts of myself
that i ever loved
and made me despise them
as much as all the other things
that i could never stand
you stole my heart and ran with it
I have been through it all
From dawn to midnight
I survived the heartaches, bitte truths
And yet I am alive
I have been through it all
From a start to an end
I learned to walk, to run
I hate poetry.
Poetry is rhymes and meters...
and rules on rules.
It makes no sense.
What you can write anything?
No formed needed?
Fingers to keys:
A familiar click-clacking symphony that warms my heart and feeds my soul.
I’m throwing words to my thoughts, my emotions, my trials and tribulations out into the abyss.
For once I’m not silent.
When we fell in love it came unexpectedly.
Similar to car crash on a good night
You were there to hear me say
“I think penguins could fly if they tried hard enough”
for lives lost
at the end of a gun
and those wounded
at the hands of
a bullet
i pray for
your peace but
more importantly
i pray for
your justice
Sleeping with a Habit
In the morning we joke and thank the world that there is only one of you.
When her mouth is sewn
Her hand speaks
When pain leaks from her eyes
The screams float on sheets
I am trapped
inside my body
the shell of a girl who cries at the thought
of breakfast, lunch and dinner
or the days when I say "fuck it"
and eat how I should
just to be punished by someone screaming
You see
It wasnt always this way
when the time passed it brought colors
for sometime its only gifted grey
its a mindset they say
trapped in my own behavior
the devil next door
Dear Jensen,I wish the best for you and hope you figure out your way for our sake. I know you might quake from your journey, but please stand firm and do not forget who you are.
Do you think about me the way I do about you?
Do you reminisce about the past we once shared?
I await the day when I can hold your hand again and smile because of our love
Do you think about me, too?
Dear America,
Last Monday was one of those really long mornings.
My bed didn’t want to detach,
my hair looked a mess,
and I missed the bus.
Today, I made a mistake;
I looked where I should not,
and I discovered memories
that I think you forgot.
Sometimes I wonder...
Why won’t you just leave me alone?
I don’t want you around - I never have.
But apparently, I can’t get a restraining order
against my own mind.
Dear God (if you are even there)
The world is cruel
Most people realize this at a young age
Well at least I did
When I was young, everything seemed so big
40% of marriages end in divorce
40% of vows taken are empty promises
Empty lies
Empty nothingness.
They take you, to have and to hold from this day forward
I’m sorry every morning was an english muffin
I let you become the entity that circled my transcripts
Watched tv with me
So much depends upon the proper playground pick-me-ups
And picking perennial playground buttercups
Dear future me,
I wonder who you turned out to be…
You were always an anxious one
The type who’s too scared to have too much fun
To the ones I no longer hold dear,
When your picture is pointed out on the tapestry
That's hung in the archives of my heart
By it's new inhabitants
Atlas.The God who was forced to allow the weight of the world to rest upon his shoulders.Solely because he saw things differently from those who were in a state of greater power. The GOD WHO WAS FORCED The GOD who was FORCED to be chained down b
I speak for the students or should I say the slaves, Working all the time to impress our parents with grades, And Schools with sports, Teachers with clubs, Colleges with SAT's, Extra curriculars, Majors in particular, Community service, It all mak
I tried for a slam poetry kind of rhythm:
Hey Earth,
I'm sorry that you're feeling this way.
I'm sorry that we're turing you from blue to grey.
I'm sorry that I don't know what to do or say,
Finding someone who is caring, careful, conscientious is far more difficult than I’d like it to be.When I found you I felt at peace, I felt like the world finally had meaning, motive, mind.When I met you my anxiety emerged its way back out of the
You love me You love me? Tell me one more time why you tried to hit me And told me I was stupid Worthless Nothing Yeah, you love me, right? You care so much about what I do That you lock me in at home
Being with you feels like the sunrise
That new beginning
The warm embrace of its light
It's like that first deep breath of the cool winter air
Crisp and awakening
Because I thought it was love, I let them get away with everything.
My rights, values, or morals didn’t matter because of the undenying feeling in my chest.
The face of racism
Uses words to kill all that is good on earth, without glancing back at the damage
It has the ability to claim countless lives in mere seconds, then continue on
I didn’t know what love can do, I thought it was all true
The elders were right it contained pain, but I am not ashamed from what I knew
I know you don’t even exist yet, however I love you so much
I cannot wait to bring you into this world
I will cherish every moment with you
I will always be there for you
I will raise you to be the best you
I’m not so sure when it happened, you see
But I sure sensed it when I let my thoughts free
And you began to listen, your eyes glued to me
Being with someone, your are with them
Not just them for their looks, or the way their body is, or for one thing only
When you love someone, you are there for them
I'v been cheated I'v been lied
I know everything you wanted to hide. Your comments, your dirt, the way you always had to flirtYet you said I was enough, you told me to be tough. You said you loved me so much and that I had nothing to worryBut th
You will always be my favorite constellation.
Every night I wander searching for your embrace.
But we are humans,
To travel at the speed of light like stars is to die.
The day I met you I was confused,
The message you sent me that made my mind and heart flutter, I still remember,
I was fixated on your looks at first but then it became your heart,
I did not know what love was until I met him
It was not until I felt him caress my skin
He captured my heart
And locked me away
Because I love you, he said
I am Black
A race named after the richness of skin
A race deemed unclean
And for centuries; believed so
What does it mean to be Black?
Boys be comin around
Trying to get some
Act like they have an anaconda
Bitch please you can't fit in a condom
You're playing these head games
You were only sitting
two or three rows
ahead of me,
but it was still
close enough
for me to tell
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Fair-skinned, beautiful, and kind
She sings, birds listen, and fly to her hand
The World fights against her, and she smiles still.
This is the Fairy-tale Princess,
Shafts of light shatter the morning skyBeyond the horizon, black clouds loom Juxtaposed seriously
The effervescence of dew shines underfootThe mellifluous patter of feet Working harmoniously
In times of passion they empty love to find the hate,
that lead us through this hell to heavens open gates
In this way we are blessed, to be together is our fate
What nights, what days, my life spent in splendor. Even though I am a humble schizophrenic, I am also a college graduate.
Its funny how when people look at me and they see me…They don't see meBecause I am not me I haven't been me in a long time…I hide in the closet where it’s nice and safeJust because i’m in a closet doesn't mean i’m gayI'm gay because I like guysW
Sometimes my brain is not kind to me.
It starts with the sounds around me.
My teacher is talking.
My classmates are whispering.
I hear it all and it is so so loud.
Then, I stim.
Once upon a time there was a king,
but not just a king,
A queen, but oh no,
Not just a queen,
A quite young maiden,
But not just a young madien,
All were unaware that the perfectly imperfect,
"Grounded, you can't go out!"
I heard, he didn't have to shout.
"You can't go to the prom!"
I think, he should take that up with mom.
Dad slammed the door shut, off to work
lovely girl, my beautiful little lovely girlmy talented, my special who flowered from my womb one fateful day of sunflower child that brightened the sickly wet season.
Why must it be, that lessons are only learned from classics?
Or that fairytales never seem to talk about real human aspects?
Maybe Cinderella and the Prince didn't have a happily forever after,
This poem is dedicate to all the Pacific islanders out there. In which Moana gives a poem for the world to know.
People do not know the truth about our islands.
Maybe it's a second
Maybe it's a teeny tiny eensy weensey little time
That you don't know where you are
Or where you're going
In a vehicle only you can stop
Capable of killing
Capable of saving
The boy flies without a care,
forgetful of a future he once knew
yet now, he chooses to live unaware.
Wish as I could to change his fate,
for if he continues this way
You told me I have to play the game of society. If I don’t I won’t succeed as a writer, but a whore. Who is to define my intelligence by the purple marks of sex on my skinny neck? You?
I fight and fight the same battles
Against the different demons,
I hold in my head.
I fight and fight, with no backup
No army
No partner,
America, land of the free
Home of liberty, I would disagree
Full of freedom? We barely make the top twenty
We ask for diversity they say, "We've got plenty."
We fight for what's right,
I’ve always been an outsider looking inThrough television screens, the internet, everything,Guyana is and always will be my homeBut America is where I need to be
America the great, is not so great,
Or rather great with imperfections
That impede its equal opportunity gate.
Even if pointed in the right direction
It’s funny how much I’ve changed. I’m 14 years old, sitting in my room, now surrounded by white. White sheets pinned to the walls, white carpet, white dresser. They were blue once, but that has been drained away.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of Amerikkka- That’s spelled with three K’s.
I pledge allegiance to the flag
that hides lynchings and crusades behind “God hates fags”
And never to see the end
Of the monotony
Ringing out lamentations
Of the ever-oppressed
You call us a People United.
You proudly call yourself a 'Melting Pot'
Although that may be true, you fool yourself by the own lies you tell.
We are divided.
Divided by the color of our skin.
Instagram, Facebook,
That is all it took,
Took to lead these teens
Out into the streets
To live what they'd seen
On some little screen.
Today in the world,
People are obsessed with diamonds and gold.
Children forced to sit still,
Forced to bend to their parents will.
America the great
but is it really?
Nowadays it seems all I hear is hate
The new talk is about wanting to escape
run away to a different country
America; America the great | The New World stands with open gates | Open arms to the shambled freights | Heavy laden with the poor and the desperate | Th
Build a wall! Our brothers and sisters of the South have thrived
Under the shadow of oppression, located
In the "land of opportunity," now fear for their future as they are
America, not so great.
But who else is to blame for our doomed fate?
A nation divided, far from united
What's more frightening, when people are openly racist or they hide it?
1.The smell before the rain.
2. Long walks at night.
3. Songs that make me cry.
4. Big sweaters in the winter, warm and comfortable.
5. The taste of blood surfacing when giving hickeys
I saw you last night, you filthy man.
I saw you in your car, you picked me up like a stray dog, made sure I was safe and locked in before you drove away.
you pet my leg and told me you missed me.
In the wake of destruction of us i cant seem to find the pieces through the rubble to make us whole again. We are dead set in a war zone and i forgot to bring my gas mask for the despair.
“They’re talking about you.”
“You’re not good enough”
“They don’t really like you.”
“You’re going to fail.”
It was the Winter of my being
But outside I felt the heat.
A lot of people I am seeing
That I’m not pleased to meet.
Becoming Me,
Becoming Free,
The road is a passageway of being independent and being me.
The freedom of life is what gets me inside,
The street lights attack my eyes,
Smoke cascades like soft grey velvet,
past cracked lips that slowly release the worries of the world,
Kill yourself a little bit every day,
because that's better than living long enough to think about you,
You chase your dream,
Seeing it glimmer and gleam.
Then you fall,
Losing it all.
Dirt smearing your lifework.
But you brush it off with some effort.
You start again,
"The blacker the berry, The sweeter the juice"
Is the first quote I think of when I think of you
I wake because I’m drowning;
Life’s currents submerging me-
I’m verging on tears and utter exhaustion
And falling asleep by nothing but fault.
To feel the wind
is to come alive
to kick the ball
leave no doubts in my mind
as if fate
this is my fate
no one else
so don't question why
I kick the ball
just know freedom
Mornings can be the bane of your existence
Mornings can be a pain in the butt
Mornings set you up for the day
Mornings aren't always fun, "hurray"
Mornings can make you strife
*This was written purely by imagination and personal experience, but in no way is this poem about me.
This poem also holds a trigger warning so please be safe and careful.*
During the nights that I feel down
When my sorrows grow
I turn to him for comfort
How his warmth fills me
His soft murmurs fill the room
He shows me that
[written for scholarship topic: 250 words or less - if you were an ice cream; which flavor would you be and why?]
Something that makes me smile
Is driving the extra mile.
I work on my car
because it's broken down so far.
When I first met
that one red Corvette,
it was so dope
I didn't know how to cope.
Simplicity embarks my veins
A voyage of bittersweet delicacy
Entrapped in the fragile estate of a porcelain cup
There I take a sip
The sun begins its slow crawl from out of the bleak black horizon,
Casting its golden light upon all that it touches.
It reaches out like a lover
to caress the trees,
I have found myself subject to the beneficial liar.
What is a beneficial liar?
A liar that tells their lies to benefit themselves only.
"This Just In,
The issues of society have made different varieties
Of opinions, thoughts, and actions
Causing riots in the factions
And laws to be completely changed,
'Calm down.''You're fine.''What's wrong?''Will you please talk?''I want to understand what your anxiety is about.''How's it feel?'
Singing with The Smashing Pumpkins
at sunset.
Slumberous teenagers sinning
on swing sets.
Soul mates trapped in
sundripped snapshots.
Sipping a strawberry shake-
two straws.
She tried everything in order to fill the void she carried inside,
Sweets, pastries, snacks,
The black hole that her enemies,
these two situations are not ideal in combination:
being thirteen,
and realizing that gay is a synonym for your name.
but that was my summer before eighth grade.
Your poisonous smile kills you slowly because of the world in which you see through tainted eyes
So if you want to scream...
do it...
and tell the world to keep their testimonies and false prophecies to themselves
What Can I
(Watch the video)
[Verse 1:]
So, they ask me what’s poetry.
What can I do but tell you what this poet thinks?
[Freestyle Slam] 7/12/2016
Grave me with the words left unsaid; that drowsy night under the light pole I was waiting for a man who said had loved me.
Reality is whatever my words make it.
A long forgotten shack in the middle of a blizzard,
So I've come to a conclusion,
Everything and body is an illusion.
Any sense can feel a tense delusion,
Not sure what's real--
I feel deep confusion.
So open, so crucial
So dangerous, so brutal.
You were a child
who didn't belong in one place or the other.
How could you respond to the taunts that still haunt your deep thoughts?
Between the father that hurt you
and the mother that gave you up
Oh, but the more I wrote about youthe easier it got, mouthfuls of poemsfilled up like my anxiety flowing out.I hope you catch the crown fire in your mouth because before it
Failure.Seven letters perfectly construed to describe my very existence. Misunderstood.Four syllables that boom in my ears, deafening the good thoughtsthat are now few and far between.
Poetry is food for the mind
At our youngest ages
We yearn for attention
We long for satisfaction
And hope for fulfillment
In my earliest memories I am dead
My heart as cold as the winter breeze
That nipped my fingers
When I was too scared to go home
My eyes are dull
Like erased pencil marks
The imprint of
Anxiety and me
Go hand in hand with my sexuality and me
I am not straight
And I am not gay
I am somewhere in the in-between
<p>I'm no longer in step like a marching band member off his countsI'm no longer in the program like a singer cut from the choirI'm no longer in the loop like a roller coaster off of its tracksI'm no longer with the conventional crowd anymor
I lovethe way she shovesme down on the bed.Our heads/
spinning,with sweetnessbetween the sheets beginning.
I let my breath goPlease don’t let me be a statisticI cry into my mothers arms, the first time I told her of my abuse.I refuse.I will not let someone else feel what I have felt.
I find myselfIn cafes and wine barsFilling my nose withNot grape and grinds,But melancholy and bitter,Or is it sweet and lively?The moon has become too bright to tell.
Here I am for the first time in a few weeks with my books full of drawings
My binder full of papers
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In third grade,
They handed me a poetry book
And I found it terribly boring.
I was a child of prose, reading stories of adventures
And faraway lands.
In 1668 silence sailed from Spain
and invaded the shores of Guam
The Spanish hushed the Chamorro culture with rifles
and the sounds of extinction were deafening
Being young and homeless having possesion
But dont own shit the folks that put
you out on the streets hide behind a good class
I can see thru a good glass what lies behind and beneth the classification of help is help
Every year since kindergarten,
We begin with a journal entry.
Entering our thoughts on our day,
and writing for over a whole century.
Bad things
Cease eventually, but
Did they ever say
Everything would feel as if
Falling were the ultimate answer, and
You see the sign, it says stop
You're obedient so you have no choice but to halt
You look through the window, you fall in love with the cat on the neighbour's roof top
You feel she's the only one who can give you the lot
Regrets come back hunting you when you have failed in your tasks
Then you try to move forward by wearing a mask
There's no room to step backward, it's too late, it's dark.
You thought you'd do anything and never lose her
It’s easier to write than to
Untangle my thoughts
In my jumbled mind
And put air behind them.
My voice shakes with uncertainty,
When your mind is captive to your body
and your image doesn't fit society's
and your heart is trapped in a place you can't call home
When you speak in but never out
All I need is connection.
A person, place,
A thing
To gain perspective from.
All I need is to observe.
To be engaged,
And try to understand.
Our fingers grip
halfway intertwined
and lip to lip
we hang between birds and moonshine
it's 3 am and we’re making out
on a park bench.
it's 3 am, we're making out on a park bench
So so crazy how one question got me tripping...
Em but it ain't too bad...
So so no need for the sipping...
Nonetheless I wouldn't mind having Tequila...
On Tuesdays...
3 dolla holla for Margaritas...
I feel music in my heart.
I feel it run from my fingers, through my veins, to my heart.
I can feel it.
Every note, every rhythm, every pitch, every melody,
I can hear it.
I hear music in the wind.
You are all I need
My Radiohead’s in the clouds
The vacant thoughts succeed
I was told looking up was really down
Ah, the...”age old” question.
If you suddenly became Tom Hanks
in one of the movies that he surely has pasted onto his résumé by now,
but you got to take one thing with you,
what personal item would you take?
The sand beneath your feet is not sand, but the pores on a giant’s face.
You walk on his cheeks and eyes and you reach an ear, a cove nestled beneath a bed of seasick rocks.
The hot sandy beach
feels so deserted
Givin’ off so much heat
I’m feeling beat
With the waves at my feet
keeping me sane
What must I have to sustain?
If only I had more time
More time to spend with you
All alone on a desserted island
Dreaming of you
Wishing for you
Feeling you
My preciuos, beautiful, perfect...favorite shoe
She walked alone
Not even one my her side
He asked for help
No one cared or even tried
We all have days
When we're just not ourselves
We lose all faith
Cleansing in time of needSavoir of a growing seedThe one thing to keep me hereIn distress it kills my fear
Building nests inside of you and calling you homeYou are the creaky doors and windows whose noises are a necessity for me to fall asleepThe grave I want to spend all of my eternity in after my black hole heart collapses in on itself and I cease to
I had a Kids Bop 5 blasting in my own CD player
Watching crayons melt into the black leather
of mama's Infiniti
And Orange Crush from 7/11 was about the only reason I would put my shoes back on.
I have two puppies that I love
They truely are gifts from above
One is white and one is black
Both are fluffy - not fat
Without them I would be so sad
For a life without puppies is just plain bad
All I need
is a hand to hold.
Teach me how to be bold
I do not need to be told,
I need to be shown
not by diagrams and charts
but by the careing of someones heart.
I used to think all I need is a minute
So I could think about life instead of live it
All I need is some money to get by
Maybe a car to drive and a house to reside
I need parents who care instead of scream
Have you ever just sat down and wondered,
Why poetry?
Was it an escape from the harsh reality:
Pain demanding to be felt
The loss of your loved ones
All I Need is my heart
But oh, much more
Than for my own life
I need my heart
To care for others
To love the unlovable
To help the incapable
To understand what is confused
If I were stranded on a desert island
I simply could not live
Without the one song to rule them all:
Space Jam.
Slamming and jamming is my livelyhood
When Jayski welcomes me to the jam
Pops, you watch too much TV.
I feel convinced that I have now become a faceless memory,
That only photographs will bring short-term remembrances of me.
I can't live without him. Rather, I wouldn't be alive if it weren't for him. He loved me when I was so empty that I might as well have been a corpse And because of his love I never became that corpse, rotting six feet under the ground. He taught m
All I need is airUndeniably the most important thingBut there's something differentAbout the air that I need
Live life without hindrance, please sir
It is something taken for granted, all should have
None of us truly do… not even you, do you defer?
Might as well do it now, it is only gonna get worse
Whatever I need...
Is all I need
Whether it be the love of my life
Or a tiny flax seed
Whether the world on my shoulders
Or the sun's delightful rays
The love of my life, and his beholders
The Abyss
so dark and cold
sucks my heart in
and almost has my soul.
The Abyss
traps me inside
and people pass by
without a word of hope.
Some push me in deeper
into the Abyss
tick tock, tick tock
i imagine the bells sound
I'm taken to my own mind
where the thoughts don't stop
and I'm back in the past
reliving the old days
"Invite me to your wedding," you said.
Where were you? Where were you when I needed you most?
As I sit down in the dark corner I can feel the walls begin to slide,
I feel trapped, trapped here inside
As if this is my last goodbye.
Anything you can do, I can do betterI'm sick of you telling me I'm dumb WorthlessNothing.
I'm sick of you telling me I'm a nagUseless.
The doors crash shutThe lights flicker ofThe flesh escapes.
The tears roll downThe face turns redThe heat boils up.
Sweet songs,
Hold on,
hope’s in you.
Dear child,
keep your lips widely speaking.
please smile.
Everything was foggy and I was breathless
with the thought of the corners of the room haunting
my existence with a smile. The shutters
shuddered with sadness and I could relate all too much,
My chest is caving in,
But there's nothing besides the weight of a t-shirt
Against my skin,
Yet my chest is heavy.
And I must have been impaled with a bullet
Because there's blood draining from my heart,
My bones hang loose. Shaking unconsciously
With no rhythmic tune.
There’s gravel in your eyes. Was that from when I
Tried to run away? Did I spew up the ground when you
Said it's too late? Now you're begging me to
Wind breaks my chest as you continuously blow me away.
There’s something inside of me seeping through the gashes of your comfort,
Telling me that the cracks within your embrace
The thing about anxiety is
I may look fine from the outside, but
On the inside I am erupting like a volcano.
Except I do not get the privilege
To explode in public.
I am forced to hide the bubbling emotions
Do you remember
When you were a young, innocent caterpillar,
When you basked in the warmth of the sun,
Took pleasure in the breath of the gentle breeze,
do not
they'll always be bright enough dancing with light
to make the bluejays jealous and they'll be deep and mysterious enough to plant elm trees in
they're honest and so loving and
Do I look like a criminal or rapist?
I'm not a criminal and I'm not rapist
I am angry.
I am angry that people who support Donald Trump are proud of it
People who know me know I like to sleep
To me it’s not about the relaxation,
It’s about the dreams –that are so sweet.
I love to dream
I could be a graceful dancer
Or find the cure for cancer
She recuperates,
Deserts fly,
Away cries the vast ceiling bat,
Shatter my climbing dark vision,
"Don't forget!" Says the graveman,
I'm never always alone,
Always alone,
Everyone says that college
is all about drinking.
That college
is all about sex.
They say college
is the time to party,
Willing to giveAll that I haveBecause others may be in needPossessions mean nothingWhen you can't take them with youTo a place beyond life here indeed Willing to helpOne that's in lack I give, therefore I receiveWilling to learnWilling to teachWil
So here’s the deal:
You’ll spend 8 hours in a building
where they’ll teach you math and science,
but the only things you’ll learn are to
keep your mouth shut and
I used to be fragile.
As light as a feather.
As delicate as a dandelion.
I used to be lost.
So unsure of everything.
Never knowing which road was better to take.
I used to be afraid.
There are many ways that I can define me
My major, my gender, or my history.
Lets start simple, something easy.
My major is definitive, it's Biology.
I am a scientist at heart, a studier of the sea,
There were just a few tears that come down
There was a storm. . . A never ending, Silent storm
. . . It's Ironic because there's a storm outside right now
There was some hail as well, beating at the windows
Matter doesn't matter, it's chemicals that scatter.
It's your food, it's air, it's water.
It's human and nature. It's infinite space around us.
It flows like rivers and falls like snow.
We put our things away, it was no longer time to play. We had our fun, now our summer is away. Though summer, I wish, would stay. Its crippling debt that makes me say so. Other wise Ide give winter time more of a go.
As if "getting better" makes up for the amount of time spent deciding if this constant allusion to her future is even worth the present
The first time I was bullied I was in elementary school
they would call me
So I ran to the teacher, tears burning my eyes
She told me to get over it
It's like the taste of bitter coffee in the morning.
Like a gaping hole in one's chest & a constant gnawing of bones & the drinking and drainage of blood.
Who are we
Who can we be?
We go our whole lives being told we can be anything
but can we?
I think not
If we could all be what we wanted there would be no difference
would that be good
would it?
I am a good old-fashioned girl.
I knit, bake, sew, and crochet.
My habits may seem backwards,
But life is much simpler that way.
I am
I take
In the way
I'm pretty fucking great.
Pshh, you know what they say...
so I didn't start that way.
I started by living my life on the day-to-day,
had no friends, but what could I say?
And beneath that, muscles.
Nerves and vessels move between.
Blood flows.
Heart pumps.
Legs and arms flex and relax.
But is that me?
Smiles, frowns, wrinkled brows.
Laughter echoes.
The choices I made were my own
The path I took was my choice
The things I did, the things I used
My reflection is in my eyes
And in my hands
They are always moving
Trying to find an abode
Trying to find a cause
Looking upon the distant faces
With no color to define them
I remember when I was little and I had this perfect family.
I remember having 4 sisters, a mom and a dad.
Your body is not a temple; it's a tree.
Equipt with branches for limbs and leaves for all the little in betweens.
Trees are meant to grow strong for years and years
with their roots consistently reaching further.
Is today a good day?
Just because the sun doesn't shine today, doesn't mean it isn't.
The rain may bring a good day for someone who has a hard time finding fresh water.
Paint me like I amforget the stereotypes forgetjudgmentspaint me how I am on the insidecheerful, loving and caringpaint me smilingpaint me dancingpaint me into the horizon
the lies go on,
never once ceasing
hitting my heart
as it continues bleeding
like a river of hate
your speech spills out
why do you do this?
i just want to drown
Life has it's ups and downs
I know it may be hard
Just remeber that there's someone who cares
It can be
Someone you may know
Someone you don't know
It happens every day and no one notices
It’s not the first time shots were fired
At an innocent black man in the streets
This time Ferguson next time Washington
Creativity has basic steps:
Show us something new.
Show us something we've never seen before.
Show us a display that has never before been seen.
Creativity is seen, yes.
Everywhere you look.
No such thing as flawless, perfect, peerless;
Only fallen varmints grubbing helpless,
Guided by old books to find redemption
And some vindication from above.
Perfect spirits all alike and charming,
Myself defined;
distracted by other peoples definition of happiness
while living a life defined by other people
I was
written, erased, re-wrote, RE-DEFINED
by all these foriegn concepts, thoughts, ideas
Today I decided to show a little more skin, to feel a bit more sexier, to show off my womanly features that belong to MY body. So help me if I so happen to become a victim of violation, harrassment or dare I say, rape.
Me without a filter is a lot of different people.
I’m someone else with each new environment.
Some are sarcastic, some are analytical, most are honest to a fault.
But all of them are real.
Little did you know when our world "Leaders" meet to talk, they talk not about how to create peace but strategies for war.
The common place routine fornicates
foul truths of the mundane.
We pay our bills while our sisters and brothers
Why do we assume the future will be brighter?
Or to reach for the stars a little bit higher?
When contentment is over looked like the shadows that follows before me,
Greed is at a peak and there's no such thing as dignity
I'm dressed in luto because she's dead
A dark mantilla adorns my head
I'm clutching flowers and wiping tears
Because I'm living in one of my worst fears
La Calavera Catrina has my niece
Don't fight me cause I'm noone.I'm the face u see when u look n the mirror.I'm the light that shines to the darkness but yet im noone.I'm something to someone but noone to myself.I'm
I am a raging fire,
Flames spit and hiss
They are destructive,
They are passionate,
They are
I am a tranquil ocean,
Timid is new to me,
You bring your presence near and I tremble from nervousness.
I am strong and outspoken yet I blush when you come close.
Who are you?
Tell me where you are.
You are everywhere and I am not
your mind starts to crumble like a sheet of paper written with words that no longer have meaning,
With no filter, I am me.
Me is I, and I is she.
She is me, and I love me.
Me is amazing at listening to others.
She loves to borrow clothes that are my mother’s.
Sorry America
Sorry that I am black
Sorry that I wear hoodie jackets
Sorry for eating skittles
I've always hated the saying it will be okay because it almost never is.... i tell people that im okay im fine its all in my mind but the truth is thats all just an act....
There's this girl I know
She's perfect in every way
She will help me up when I'm down
and listen to what I say
This girl I know of,
has beauty beyond compare
If I tell you that I don't like your selfie,
will you go off and hate me?
If I don't have an Instagram,
Does that make me a loser, man?
We are who we are.
We are not the likes we get on insstagram.
We cannot measure our beauty by the retweets our pictures get on twitter.
We are stong and beautiful.
They call where I live “The Bubble”
“The Happy Valley”
because whatever problems we face
we hide behind photo shopped pictures
with filtered solutions.
Anyone who breaks the mold gets broken apart,
My hair is matted, as if swept by a tornado in the night,
My sleepy eyes squint through the bright morning sun,
This is it.
The final score
Never has it been this hard before
Racquet in my quivering hand
Do not go into no man’s land
Everything has led to this
Reality is the filter.
It's paramount.
It advocates our aspects in every particle of air,
it pumps the hue into our cheeks with every breath.
In every wave of light,
In my own skin
I am me
Its hard to accept, hard to see
Day in and day out
I'm told differently
That everyone should accept the beauty I must be
My skin holds a story
That can not be explained
Without my filter
I still laugh and smile with my friends
I still work hard and get good grades
I still play sports and try my best
With my filter
I'm trying to be someone I'm not
Every word that he spoke dripped from his tongue like a melting popsicle as I was left to try and mop up the puddle. He was a 1000-piece puzzle, a puzzle I convinced myself I could single-handedly solve.
I'm me.
And I'm not sorry.
I'm not sorry that sometimes,
I'm too honest.
But who wants to be lied to?
Not I.
Not I, who every time I see a cute guy
I must say hi
Why me? What did I ever to to you?
No, it's why YOU! Why would you attack me?
Why me? What did I do to deserve this?
No, it's why YOU! Why do you think you can do this.
Colorless is how people should appear to a police officer’s view
Offender’s skin shouldn't make a difference in the end its true
Colorless is how people should appear to a police officer’s view
Offender’s skin shouldn't make a difference in the end its true
Sepia, black and white,
Nashville, hefe, willo,
Lo-fi, hi-fi,
They all start to look the same
After an hour or two.
Oh wait this one looks good!
When the message becomes the means the master will remain supreme
When visions emancipate themselves from dreams
Freedom eventually welcomes its slavery to the sight of things
I am an artistic soul. I sing, I dance, I make digital art. I am a diverse homosexual male With the essence of a female A flare of masculinity And a celestial heart.
In a room full of people you will see me,
I'll look like the others so it will be hard to notice me,
If you do you'll think that you've discovered me,
You're mistaken and confused by an imagery,
I am a musician
I’m no scientist
I’m no mathematician
I’m no historian
I’m no athlete
I’m no translator
Nor will I be any of those things
I am a musician
So I will be a musician.
What do I look like without a filter?
If you strip away the makeup,
The clothes that are percieved as popular,
And the facade that I wear almost every day,
What is left?
My voice
Is something which my ears fail to define
When it kisses the air, it splinters
Into exactly 2 billion and 3 question marks
Hooking round my pores and
Peppering my flesh with pock-marks of stray
i'm not perfect
and neither are you.
but maybe the first step towards getting the right view of ourselves
is to stop putting just our filtered face forward
and pretending that we are.
A wise man once said,
"If we could physically base peoples apperances off of ones personality today, who would we consider beautiful?"
I would argue that our perception would stay
exactly the same
Stripping away,
Exposing pieces that no one sees.
Who am I?
Who was I?
Who will I be?
Take away the filters,
The makeup,
The clothes that everyone sees.
Reflect within and see myself,
Maybe I was blinded by love, or rather what I thought it was. Maybe I expected too much. Maybe it was my fault, or maybe it was yours. Maybe I was counting on so much more, banking on the feelings you told me you had.
I am a nerd.
A textbook nerd.
Glasses, braces, acne, freckles, a giant graphing calculator,
(It actually clips to my belt)
I play DnD in a basement.
Snowy layers beneath our cold feet,
Warm lights strung above in a line--
When our eyes first meet,
Your warm hand touches mine,
Cold concrete brings ache to his body—unforgiving
Drops pour through a window onto his tired back
Yearning for freedom, he begs for the light of the moon,
Trapped in this nightmare, the pain will not fade.
She stares back at me with her brown squinty eyes,
her lopsided brows raised in apprehension.
She raises her palm and her delicate finger taps the surface.
"I know," she says.
My eyes glaze over.
She knows who she is and knows what she deserves.
She sits upon a throne knowing the sky is hers.
Her walk says it all, her talk says it all.
Many people hate.
Every day is a gift,
all the days just flow so swift
try to live positive & for others try to uplift...
You are here for a reason bigger than you
I know some time you wonder what am I here to do?
Is it some thing huge & grand, here...
The impression left on a smooth, glass tabletop
can be faded or everlasting.
Blowing your breath along its surface
and slide nimble fingers across and
for an istance, your words,your symbols and your marks
Sick of division, powered by ambition
Brushed into a corner from their social superstition
What's your favorite color, boy?
White girls are who he enjoys
Therefore I'm not worthy of his attention
I feel unnoticed
The girl who stares at her feet while she walks the halls
The one trying to get through another day just like you
I know all of your names
but do you know mine?
why would you need to anyway?
Everyday I wake up,
I think to myself about absolutely nothing,
From the earliest hours where the sun hasn't even shown a ray,
I rise thinking about absolutely nothing.
That peace I get from nothing,
Eyeliner, masacara, eyeshadow,
Concealer, foundation;
All to take me away from me.
Which filter to choose?
How to cover up myself?
Maybe people will like me now.
It comes without effort
Yet it takes so much effort
With the light it becomes burdensome
In the dead of the night is where I find comfort.
Around noon everyone seems to "care"
I am beautiful
Not the size 2, flawless skin, model type
But the stretch marks, dark brown eyes, curvy type.
Love finally found me, alone in my room, despair had eclipsed this old heart like the moon, covering the Sun and blinding my eyes, I called out to God and He heard my cries, I still feel the pangs of being alone, left here to suffer my mind is st
I have never really had a filter.
Not a literal one, however.
In a world full of cover ups and blind dates, I stand alone.
it's hard to believe i'm ***FLAWLESS sometimes
but looking at the evidence, who can deny?
with the way syncopated drum rhythms wrap around my head like a crown
i wake in the morning,
having no warning,
of how i would be looked at
like i have on a funny hat.
i walk through the halls
with no fear at all
knowing that who i am
Yeah, I quit, so what?
Our team was terrible, it sucked
You could tell from the first games
That weren’t on the same page
I was hitting the ball, getting triples
When there is nothing left to do,
I smile.
not an ordinary smile though.
It’s contagious.
Infecting everyone around.
Soon the whole room embraces the same type of grin.
One that says,
I am …..
By the strong reigns that peer pressure pulls towards me.
Constantly fighting the battle of not being lonely
No real father in my life honestly it’s not by choice
I am flawless
But for my flaws
But for my imperfections
Called by his name
Because of his resurrection.
I am small
But souls heed no size
I am flawless
But for my flaws
But for my imperfections
Called by his name
Because of his resurrection.
I am small
But souls heed no size
Graphite. Eraser shavings. Coffee-tinted paper.
It all starts with a blank page and an ephiphany of creativity.
The pencil feels at home in my hand as it glides with precision.
"Who is this? Nigga on IG, always on posting pics.
Never get the chicks.
Always with the shits.
Man that nigga lame.
I blow more L’s and got way more change”
When I was 13 years old, I was sent to a public school. My mom told me to stay strong. To be a tree. With no one to know and no one to know me, I stood alone in the forest society calls middle school.
Its dark and quiet.
Except my night light that shines like a star.
Some how bringing comfort to the emptyness that seems to be lurking around the dark.
My mind begins to conclude maybe its my soul.
Scared is a word I could describe this as.
But perhaps,
It's the gentle shedding.
Of old skin, or weathered leaves.
Both things changing.
I am a drop of sunshine in a doubt of uncertainirty.I am a comforting voice in a crowd of chaos.You have a hard time following me? Try harder, because I lead out.
I dont believe in love.Wait actually, I dont believe love exists.Just look at the world.
People rape. People kill.We pollute. We bully.People hurt eachother.We hurt ourselves.
Behind the filter I am Sylvia.
Behind the likes and "thumbs up" I am Lucy.
Before the mascara I am a daughter.
Named by my free spirited parents'
Name sake of shimmering light in the forest.
I'm white.
I'm lower middle-class.
I tan in summer and pale in winter.
But is that me?
Am I just a loose shell covering a jumbled amalgam of bones and sinew?
My cells, my atoms, my DNA, just building blocks
No filter = no likes.
No filter is like going on a date,
without breaking the ice.
(Which is a habit of mine)
No filter is #Fresh Friday
and no #Makeup Monday.
No filter is usually me.
The letter placed on my birth certificate indicating that I was born with a vagina.
I have memorized all the break up songs
Cried a thousand times
Remembered your beautiful eyes and face
The memory of what’s behind it
Breaks me up every time
I want to say I love you
Sit down and view my world
Let me take you in
They say my name
As if it is I that should be ashamed.
And yet, I win another battle
Ashes and blackness and hate
Swirl around the little nestling
Struggling to survive the boorish world
It longs to have its fire created
But can never seem to bloom a spark
Why even try? Constantly feeling the need to get their approval and for what? Praise? Recognition? Why is it that you go out of your way for them, after everything? An apology?
All around me I hear laughter,
Yet I am not laughing.
They did not hit me, but inside my soul is hurting.
I look whole, but inside I am just a pile of broken pieces
Waiting, hoping, praying
If you take a look at me, with my piercings, my unnatural hair that feels more natural than the mousey brown I was born with, you can guess
Apparently you didn't want me
But I ain't Trippin'
I'm Still Livin',
I can listen to Drake all night and never get in my feelings
And the shit we're going through
I tried to fix it
How was it so easy to change on me
We use to be so deeply in love
That when you were sad,
I cried
When I was hot ,
You Sweated
When i thought,
You reacted
If you had an enemy
What is it? Why is it? How?
Lunar gone loony
That Jamacian wants bacon
My atlas is torn
and all I can do is watch some porn
and I slide---
Mom, you do not have OCD because you like clean sideboard.You are neat and I congratulate youbut you do not have OCD until your head is filled with a montage of shattering plates,bursting lightbulbs,smashing vases,
Merriam told me about how in fishing, a safety net can rid of impurities.
I didn't tell her these were my insecurities.
That within each creature,
lie a heart, a soul, a mind- maybe.
I am a complex math function
that you cannot understand.
So, what do you do first?
Step 1: Factor completely.
Extract my primes and variables,
Red Dresses by Clacie England
An invincible, cautionary soul
Holds itself high above it’s worth
No misgivings; a person is as tall as they want to be
Breaking social stereotypes
We walk around, seeing the faces of people we think we know.
When in reality, we don't know them at all.
Although, we claim we know them.
Who am I ?
Im a young black African American teen.
The one who always gets in trouble.
Always getting locked behind bars.
Six feet in the ground.
Or a bullet wound.
Who am I ?
Me and You
I was your love and you were my babe
Sounds cliche and cheesy but why not hun
Just a couple of kids who secretely liked the other for years
But this was not known until recent
There's something you don't understand.
Maybe it's the different lives we live
Maybe it was what I was wearing
people keep wondering what the definition of love is. some say its when two individuals have strong feelings for each other, or sex, maybe even abuse.
Who's wild and crazy
A girl who's set free
someone who listens but can talk to those in need
I was staggering, drunk, holding onto my cousin as if she was now my physical crutch as well.
It was pitch black, the trees surrounding us, and if they weren't attached to mother earth,
Do you feel that?
That feeling of pure satisfaction and highness?
Oh, how I love that feeling.
The feeling of the liquid being push into my viens,
I see them down the halls
Hear their hatred along the walls.
Do they not care?
Their words are something I cannot bare.
Why must they pick on me?
All I want is to let be.
I had been dating a boy for two years, seven months, and twenty eight days when he raped me.
Me at my core is nothing more than a little boy
Who wanted a pet dinosaur
A boy who wanted to become rich and famous and become a candy connoisseur
She lays still on the ivory bed
Her pale face devoid of life
I sit near her and hear the rhythm of the machine
It's taunting sounds beating at my chest
How weak of me as I wait
I was a fool A fool for thinking Thinking That we could work You and me forever But that forever is now never Because I was a fool
without a mask,
without any reason to hide behind a wall of lies,
exposing the girl who's hidden for so long,
a musician, a girl who seeks to change the world,
Okay soNice to meet ya but I wouldn't wanna be yaBecause being myself only gives me a spellA kind of happiness one could never tell
I'm flawless! I'm handsome, i'm intelligent, and I'm FLAWLESS. No problems ever come my way, today is my day... to show the world that I'm flawless. And all of my worries, leave my mind in a hurry, because i'm flawless.
I am passionate.
When I love something, it is more than love; it is a clawing, aching, inescapable need for more of it.
I love movies, a lot.
There’s a woman there, I can see her.
She stands out to me, it’s her eyes.
Something about the way she’s staring back at me grabs me.
Do you know what it's like to live every day
Dreading your life in every way?
Fearing you'll never be good enough
The minutes get longer and your life gets tough.
And how about that body of yours
Like long standing mountains,
I am weathered and flawed,
Made beautiful by life's disastrous, awesome turns.
I am insecure,
Searching for meaning in a life I once thought I did not deserve.
You are probably wondering what I look like without a filter
I have Flaws
Too many to count
My forehead is too big
My mouth too wide
My skin too dark
I have black heads
Facebook, Twitter, the 'Gram
It's all make believe, like a fairytale
People will go to the 'Gram,
I want young girls to be able to look in the mirror and not want to cry because someone made them believe they were "too curvy" for their liking.
When you look at my face, clean and makeup-free, what is it you see?
Do your eyes linger on the dark bags my blue eyes carry?
Does the mole by my hairline distract you from your initial thoughts?
What if smiles were traded like currency?
Service with a smile is a requisite
Not a nicety
Government bailouts
Would nevermore distribute unevenly
Vibes are consistent
Zeal is flourishing
the girl they see
the girl I am.
I am both girls unfiltered.
and im completely happy,
Corrosive stares deteriorate
the fragile filter my fears create.
This pseudo sense of normality,
is a dam for my creative profligacy.
Beneath this exoskeleton of perfection
Here I am.
All alone, yet somehow surrounded, by the lights, the noise, and the all the people, so slow.
Is it slow?
Without a filter I'm just a kid,
Without a father and a mother in prison,
I've seen some things that you'll never see,
Things that make small children scream,
But what you can never see,
I know that I am more shallow plains than mountain tops,
I am more gladiator than gambler, more human than man,
more rusty fork than sliver spoon, more explicit content than censored radio,
Insercurities seem to control us,
drive us to do strange things.
Plastic surgery,
As long as I can remember, I have tried to compose love like a chemical formula with me as the main component: mixing different elements of a relationship, always using the wrong variables, never reaching that perfection I was searching for.
How does it feel to be trapped behind a screen?
In a world without dimension where perception is key.
We iron our hair and puff out our lips in hopes that they don’t see
What’s real?
See, society has this pre-conceived ideaabout how a black personespecially a black girlshould act.
World hunger, what a shame,
This is a real problem, its not a game,
So many sit back and watch, and they are lame,
Get up and help to make a change,
Once everyone has food on thier plate,
No one else
Under its scrutiny
Its light
Because you are under it
All of your faults on display
Just out there
And for
But you must show them
Its a feeling not a knowing.
Curiosity and randomness lead me to you.
I feel so blue.
We are so clueless.
Where to begin and where to end.
Like Thunder Roaring Through The Night
The Sounds of Boom Get Louder Like A Gun Shot Over The Horizon
Cries of Fear Heard From Street Corner To Street Corner
Trees Are Falling Like Soldiers In A Great War
Don't worry I've swept away so many times might as well live in the bristles of a broom,
You are just another face.
You are a statistic.
A number that can be manipulated.
You are a small piece of a chart,
Put into a section,
By someone who doesn’t know your story,
I have a special affinity for the x-ray machine,Faultlessly highlighting my bones, heart, and spleen.
I am more than a genetically modified organismThat was constructed for scientific research.
Small with a big attitude
Accompanied by an even bigger mouth
A sweet, loving smile
that will quickly turn into a pout
Kind of boy crazy... okay maybe a lot
Can't blame me, I mean some are quite hot.
"Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful' .
I'd repeat it. Look in the mirror and say " I love you".
I'd try , but nothing would come out . I'd go mute.
I spent most of my life trying to hide myself.
When I put a picture up on facebook,
I strive for people to see I'm happy,
I hide all the stress,
Pretend there's no pain,
and act like it's everything okay.
I don't use a filter,
and I don't use vignette,
Behind these bright eyes, happy face, and childish glow,
are scars deep within my soul.
I may be young but it is not hard to grasp,
I'm a shitty photographer
no way around it
They all come out the same
tilted to left, skewed and half-hazard
No gels, lights, editing, or daggers can make an image of mine appealing
inward or outward
NIght comes and goes im in a deep sleep dreaming about what happenes next
i wake up tired and my long day startes i have to use public transportation to get to my destination
My heart made of gold holds intentions so true
Reveal to me your demons held inside of you
Open up and let your guard down a little bit too
Releasing your pain is just what I'll do
The lighting has to be perfect, tilt this way like that
I have to get my hair right, perfect in the back
I need to be beautiful by the majority at least
I need to look like someone, someone other than me
Yeah, everyone knows me as that blonde girl with the perfect body that's never missed a church service,
Or an opportunity to help the needy.
Perfect grades and a high G.P.A., nothin'n acceptance letters.
College kids party.
I don't.
Isn't that enough?
describes me.
From parents,
from friends,
from doctors.
I'm not.
I dream.
I act.
Though the world is turning without stopping
people stop in the middle of the street daily to take a little selfie.
Whether it be for Istagram, Facebook, or twitter
you have to make sure you look perfect without posting.
Sometimes you have to reflect
Look back to the past
Take a trip down memory lane
Pop some Advil because there will be pain
Close your eyes and start
What's the first image that crosses your mind?
True beauty, something I wish I'd seen more,
So sue me, something I don't look to screens for.
The true me, not afraid to stand for dreams or
the new me, something the old me would fiend for.
I am that poor girl
whose waning hope
gave birth to passion
Or perhaps I am a pupeteer
with a marionette by the name of
Some days I am the crisp morning drizzle
Click. Selfie. What I’m wearing to school.
How did I get the clothes? Modeling, working hard.
Click. Selfie. What I’m doing at school.
Studying, friends, teachers. Create explosions and fire.
It's 12 am and I'm starting to realize that I literally want no one else but you and I only want to touch and draw on your skin and I only want your hands on me and I only want to comb my fingers through your hair and I only want your lips to e
Hoping for destination, she
gropes toward brightness,
across spaces like tundras.
I am soft.
Sensitivity is mistaken for weakness
and yet it is the one true strength.
To care, to love, to cry.
I have fought my battles with tears in my eyes
But I won the war.
I will not be deluded
I will not be covered up or watered down
I will not change the way I look to try to conform to society’s ideas
I am unique
Without anything to cover us from the real world
We will show people our true colors
Who we are, really
What we are, actually
Many are afraid to do this
To show the Demon hidden behind the mask
Behind the curtain everybody sees,
a light so bright that cannot be reached,
An eternity full of shame,
Lies, resentment, and carelessness,
All so young yet so dark,
It used to be great,
The world tried to filter me,
To screen me before I came.
They told me, "This is what we want to see,
Please disguise your ugly pain."
"No one likes a whiner," they'd say,
I've learned to enjoy these walks alone
Breathing in the cool, crisp Autumn air.
With each breath I am renewed.
Alone with my thoughts I realize
How beautiful the leaves are,
How majestic the trees are,
I may not be a 4.0 student,
But I am very pudent,
I take rigorous classes,
Even though i do not wear glasses.
On this world of 7 billion
Me? I'm 1 in a trillion
Unlike some of you out there,
I voice my opinion and do not care
If you think I'm right or wrong
That's the secret to staying strong.
“No Filter” you say, as I read the screen
It’s simply written, yet harder than it seems.
Filters are hidden, but omnipresent through life
And without our awareness, they’re becoming our vice.
To describe me, you would have to think of the ultimate geek, without the look
I'm the type of guy that loves to play football, but also read a manga book
I love to run, and run. till my lungs feel like they're gone
This world isn't
or bland.
This world is full of opportunity
and color.
What we can do is LIMITLESS.
It all closes in on me
I’m suffocating
Gasping for each breathe
I can’t fill my lungs
There’s not enough oxygen
The pressure eats at me
I’m worn down
Struggling to make ends meet
Walking in the hall of high school, masses of students passing you by. Some recognized you and wanted to compliment your stylish clothing.
Everything is created
In a Bang
We bang
to create life
The Universe bangs to create Life
We bang ingredients to build a cake
We bang our heads to make a mistake.
Everything is just a bang.
Always on
In our hands we look
Lighting up our face
Words flash
color bash
technology hold us
And we can let go
He Stood Tall
Forever growing
Tall as a mountain
Larger than a Building
He's an Idea that is always growing
One day you were there
By my side
Hand in hand
Than one day you left
No words were spoken
Waiting for you
Hoping someday
You'll return.
I have been writing for almost a decade now and what I’ve learned
Is that poetry is damn dangerous,
But it is the only safety I’ve ever found in my life.
Walking down the halls I see it everywhere
In some way shape or form bullying is going on.
This needs to stop.
I am but one person but my voice is heard by thousands.
you can see me,
but can you hear me?
Please tell me you're not like them,
you don't just see what's on the outside,
you can hear me.
You know me,
Pay attention to the eyes,
the windows to who she really is.
Meet Miss Hyde.
Spontaneous she is
Outspoken, yet respectful.
Life of the party and responsible
Definition of style,
Every aspect of my life has
Always been a splintered crack
between myself and who I wanted to portray.
It wasn't my fault.
I just wasn't good enough.
I was not satisfied with who I was,
I remember the dark road
The road I left behind
I remember the knife in my hand
and the thought in my mind.
For so long I sat
My dreams were all blind
But I would no longer wait
Underneath the scars
That cover my skin
And the fabric of my being within
Caked in the long extant scab that once was a collection of thin scrapes,
When I close my eyes
I'm travelling
with backpacks hanging off of me
they aren't heavy
because they're just enough
I hide behind a mask of hurt, insecurity and rejection.
Maybe its because I was never a boy's first selection, not having an hour glass figure really killed
I have two faces but I only show one
No one knows my true face, none
All you can see is my mask
Nobody even cares to ask
Who cares?
My real face shows my trepidation
A man once told me
He told me you see
That you can be anything
You wish to be
But what he says
And what I see
Are nothing but visions
Of obscurity
The mirror reveals
"I love you, sweet heart"
No, you wanted me.
"You're my little girl"
No, I was your toy.
"I didn't hurt you"
Yes, you did.
"You're such a spaz"
I'm sorry, I just get excited.
It’s too easy to fake a smile,
force a laugh,
say “I’m doing well”
It’s too easy to go with the flow,
to become clichés,
to rely on autopilot.
It’s too easy to slather on foundation,
Rumor has it that scars of gold kept you hidden
behind a veil of words that were forbidden to hear,
and the tattoos of watercolors began to slosh around on your marble skin,
until no single pigment could be found.
I stand behind the curtains of an unaccepting society
Pulling at the seemingly infinite weight
Yearning to be nothing but myself
The curtain weighs down with
I protest -
Not for
in this
world -
We will
have no
peace -
I protest -
I Scream
thought -
I refuse
to remain
at peace -
"The road less traveled"
Frost was and is still onto something.
We, humans are so scared and dependent:
Waiting for someone establish and cultivate a barefaced modus operandi.
When I had no place to go, your door was closed.
And when I knocked, I heard it lock.
So I let the rain cover me, and as it flows with my tears,
I know that I will soon have to face the mirrors.
Fidgeting, sweating palms, racing heart-
Please relax I say; my insecurities can rip me apart.
I'm so scared, on the fringe of fright.
This disorder makes me believe that I'm not at all bright.
People judge me by the looks and the actions they see daily.
It is hard to show them the real me.
The reason I don’t show the real me because I’m afraid
"Shes strong beautiful has the whole world at her hands"
yet shes sad scared and surrounded by everyone yet feels so alone
"Shes Beautiful.."
She Cant stand to take full body pictures
"Shes confident"
My illness defines me,
I see no way around it.
They don't believe in me,
They think me weak,
They think me fragile,
They think me suicidal.
The people who should care for me.
I am a slave to their words,
a mutt in their eyes,
for bastards like me were not meant to survive,
I have the face,
the nose, eyes, and lips of a Salabie,
a rich man’s name,
I was handed a mask at a very young age.
Society offered, and like the rest I took the bait.
I’m on the inside looking out
Biding my time till I can stride out
I push and I pull and I purposefully repeat
But these durable bonds are unbreakable
My unlivable cage is indestructible
I yearn to be free
I am more than a face you may remember.
I am her.
I am that girl who is the most liked in school.
I am that girl who everyone loves.
I am that girl that everyone admires.
I am that girl who all the school boys like.
I don't know what you see
But is it really me
I hide behind so many different things
Sweats on the regular
Books are more interesting
Very few friends
Because I am no means to an end
The sun is rising.
It’s time for another day
I get up
Put on my mask
Pull the curtains shut
Start playing the hologram.
There’s a person moving across the stage
Do you know the girl behind the mask?
Everyone thinks they do; they could not be more wrong.
Photography saved her when pain changed her,
Reality made her the very thing she had feared;
Who am I? Who are you?
A mirror.
I am you. I am the reflection of you. The true you. Your heart. Your soul. Your inner being. Your every essence. You have an indelible presence.
Changes don’t happen overnight;
but if they did, think of it this way:
dusk is the beginning of the bad stuff.
The darkness sets in slowly,
and then all at once,
I wake up to darkness
and trip my way to the bathroom
the light illuminates the reflection
of a stranger
I have worn my mask so well it has become who I am
In grade 7, I had an idea.
A man.
He leads a tiresome, boring life,
And when he sleeps,
He escapes in his dreams.
How beautiful, I thought,
A man so in control of his dreams.
How I long for the center stage
To be finally out of this mental cage
How I wish to be who I want to be
and to live happy, properous, and carefree
But if I show my very true form
Warmth enfolds me.
The cleansing current upon my spine,
without it I'd be filthy,
and safety no longer mine.
I remain concealed, behind this curtain,
due to my most solemn doubt.
A friendly face,
for friends and family,
naive grins, boisterous laughs,
plastered across their visage.
A familiar fellow,
warm, kind, and blithe,
never a stranger, or visitor,
A facade of what you want me to be.
You want nice, I am perfectly pleasant
You want smart, I am intelligent
You want silent, I am mute
When people need me I am there
The man behind the glass mirror
striding with the shadows
the voice behind the tranquil singer
is he deep in care or is he shallow?
He is neither subdued nor self-centered
All that separates us is a curtain.
The one you’re looking at-
The side made of
Sugary pink fabric-
Is the side I show you.
I decorate it with
Bright lights of hopes,
It surrounds me.
It consumes me.
The black fog that fills my mind.
It only comes when I'm at my lowest.
It knows when it's welcome.
That's the problem, I welcome it.
With open, raw arms.
Why should I feel lesser because you are jealous?
Why should I feel like I should jump off a moving train because I have friends?
Why should my best friend belittle me for making changes in my life?
We want change.
We want a revolution.
We want to make a difference.
We want peace.
We want to stop seeing young people dying in the streets.
We want equal love for everyone.
We want to mean something.
Fiting into my jeans is almost as difficult as fiting in with everyone else.
The fear of never being wanted is almost as scary as my fear of being "that girl."
I am strong.
I can stand tall and proud.
I can tak care of myself.
I can do anything.
I can be anything.
I can take on the world all on my own.
I am an independent woman dammit.
I am a wallfower
around, but never really noticed.
To others it seems like I have my life together,
but actually I have no fucking idea what I'm doing.
To my friends I'm the quiet one who's along for the ride.
There was a conversation that never happened
Not even a deleted scene
More like a storyboard
An idea cut from the first draft
And you are costarring
Shuffles of papers of decks of cards
Rearrange, restage the stars.
“I like stars.” Reception: laughter.
The gates have cracked
The walls have fallen
I don’t want to go back
I found myself here
I cannot let this go
Why do I feel like I have to hide,
If we are all a little broken inside?
Maybe I am ashamed or at times a little scared,
but I shouldn’t have to feel this way.
I wish I could make them accept me,
My life has been full of secrets
My thoughts much protected
My personality a big puzzle
My Reflections
As I stand between two mirrors
I expect to see my own reflections
But I don't
The mirror in front of me I see the relfection of a warrior
A warrior with a vicious look and a sly smile
I've made a deal with Mephistopheles,
One signed in crimson blood.
I resigned a significant portion of myself
To a hell in which you can't even imagine
And for no greater reason than
Little ones, afraid of the dark,
know more than we do.
They know secrets are in the dark,
When people see me
They don't really see me
The smiles
The laughs
The "I-don't-really-give-a-fuck-about-it-all" attitude
Is what keeps me safe
My own chest seizes at the sound of sobs
Watching rose petals fall from their stems with ease
How a touch of sweat will form ink globs
"A Poem Written at One in the Morning on a Random Thursday" or "Maybe Curtains and Masks Aren't So Bad After All" or "A P
This is what happens when I speak my mind.
"All you do is complain all the time."
This is why I can't be me.
Because, you see, to me, my life is just not complete.
I know I'm not perfect.
Thick thighs and basic brown eyes,
Stretchmarks from growing too fast,
Calloused fingers from instruments, sports, painting,
drawing, writing, clumsiness, and burns,
What constitutes a mask?For me, bright eyes, dazzling smiles,and false perfectionsconceal the truth.
Im fearless and flawless with my feet on the ground
And I keep going with my head in the clouds
My heart beat, beats and I'm not slowing down
I stand out from all of the crowds
I woke up like this.
No makeup.
I worked for this.
Products and oil.
I threw this on.
Skinny jeans and a hoodie.
If I were less afraid I would have turned myself inside out and shown you even the darkest sublevels of my conscience.
I would have scooped out my thoughts
Like the innards of a pumpkin
There is something holding me back
Perhaps a nagging feeling in my head?
Every time I see a reason to offer help
I tell myself I would jump
At the opportunity.
Arrant and austere,
Highs and lows.
No in between
Just excessive extremes
Of commendable and baneful times,
Blissful and despairing moments
That altered me
Into whom I am.
What curtain?
My face screams agony wherever I wander
Between the lines of a soft smile
And the Gap in my two front teeth
I laugh, for the pain is too great
Chin up
Eyes open
This is you
You are here
You are real
The darkness has finally faded
No one can bring you down
No one can hurt you.
staring at a crowd- a clique of friends
but, alas, I am not one of them
walking on the outskirts, outsider looking in
sitting in the back, needing some oil for my tin
congratulations I'm the first one
Do I need your approval,
For anything in my life?
Do I need your judging,
your input, your thoughts?
I'm stubborn aloof, unemotional.
I'm creative, ambitious, original.
Day by day boisterous people walk my way
I sit in classrooms with people who speak their minds
Their confidence is so high they don't care what they say
Oh how I wish I could be the same way
The world only sees
What I want them to see
The true me is a mystery
I crumble behind the scenes
I smiled once today
And it was a miracle, see,
For the first time in months
The doors open for shows at seven,
And prohibit customers past eleven.
When the time comes and the clock strikes the hour,
Hundreds of people charge into the tower.
Swarms of customers all rushing about,
At the break of dawn, after the sun’s come and gone,
When it’s pouring rain, when you’re in searing pain,
When the icy wind blows, and the gray clouds snow,
After two hours of sleep, and all you want to do is weep
I speak loudly and I speak proudly
about everthing about me
Ask me any question
and I'll give you a dissertation
I wear my heart on my sleeve
And so it's hard for people to believe
Let me start off by saying I was a victim,
I was beat down and taken advantage of,
Three girls, those were my bullies
Physically, emotionally abusive.
I was told that I'm black and ugly,
just smile
because it’s easier than to confess
just wave
as if somebody could care less
just go
and maybe you’ll soon progress
just stand
even if you’re below the rest
they say
Dancing around as if no one is watching when there are many eyes
Coming up with catchy tunes that can appear on the radio
Dressing in a style that is whimsical, free, and unique
On the steep ledge, i reached behind me
a flower appeared of the ordinary
as my eyes started to close
the world seemed to immediately freeze
i forced my lids open
and trembled in the cold quiet breeze
I sit in class bored out of my mind
The teacher reads, but I'm far behind
Hamlet's asking, "To be or not be?"
I'm asking, "Do I want to be me?"
Do I have to decide right here and now?
You'd be surprised to figure out who hides behind these lies,
You'd be surprised to figure out who smiles while in disguise,
It's me, the girl who you see smiling all the time,
My color for years has been gray,
Whenever I showed my true colors poeple would stray away,
They dont realize my enthusiasm was my raw ambition,
Although their opinions sting its their ammunition,
I remember how the shackles fit
since I was three years old
and noticed that my brother had cars
and I had an apron lined with
silver bars, they trapped my dreams
they hid my screams under a noxious smell
The crevices of my soul
Are left untouched by the purest of men.
They do not craft me, I craft myself.
A pretty picture I paint to the world,
I've heard it said that to see a mans true face, you need only give him a mask. 'Why give someone something we all construct anyways?' I ask.
Flawless... long legs, beautiful face, gorgeous body.
Those are merely simple definitions that describe a little piece of this passionate word.
Who do I say,
Do I say that I am?
What am I now,
Am I now that I was?
When will it be,
Will it be truly me?
Where does this end,
Does this end with a dream?
Oceans rolled,
Soft little kitten, not quite yet a cat.
Sick of the secure and warm caring lap.
Wanted to explore and do things on his own.
My drive is singular, self-relient, unparalleled.
So please, back five feet away-
It is for your own safety.
She is composed of the finest leather seats;
I’m not supposed to call it mine
My anxiety and depression isn’t supposed to be mine,
I’m supposed to distance myself because somehow that helps.
Somehow saying it isn’t mine
makes it okay
I laugh, I play, I laugh some more,
And make sure that the world is smiling.
I watch and joke and play along,
Not once do I think of reti'ring.
Just one, now two, now three then four,
When I look in the Mirror
I am Flawless
I have two brown eyes
that you know are so rare
Masks are a tricky task. Something we can only percieve. They lead to schemes,screams and being mean.
I was quite fearfully made
my love for Him continues
as my faith remains the same.
The open-minded turn back
as for me I strive to be
a faithful disciple from
His tremendous example.
Look in the mirror...
Dang, that's nice!
I like what I see?
Look at my grade...
Dang, that's nice!
I like what I see?
Heck yea!
Who am I? to be exact.
Well don't we all wonder that.
We each think we are one way or another,
but act so differently with eachother.
Myself, I think I'm curious and smart,
Wondering if I'll ever be perfect in your eyes
I try to stay strong enough to survive the pain
I feel on the inside, I feel so lost and hidden
while you stand so tall and confident,
A girl born mid February
Such little did they know
Soon leaping, skipping, dancing girl
They planned to watch her grow
They took her home that very night
I hide from myself
From the fears
The doubts
The insecurity
I show a different me
A me that is confident
Flaws and All
They say,"Just make sense of it all".
When all I see is confusion.
I let these pieces fall where they may until I'm disillusioned.
Keep my gaze down,Headphones glued in my ears.Smile at the right moments.Do the right moves, say the right lines,And no one will ever suspect a thing.No one will know that I struggle.
I'm not going to lie
I'm full of flaws
I'm full of imperfections
I'm diiferent, but that difference makes me shine brighter than the sun
I'm flawless in my own WAY
"Hard work beats talent when talent dosn't work hard."
A quote from the superstar Kevin Durant entering his rookie season.
You push so long and feel as if nothing is moving forward,
Beep Beep Beep Beep BeepWake up ugly, here's anouther day to be made fun of.What is that on your face?Anouther pimple?Well it'll have to do.Four pounds of makeup, and you're still barely presentable.
I can't appear from an open curtain,
I am quite rather uncertain,
because everyone already knows wo I am,
I don't understand,
How to appear from an open curtain.
Oh that the lovely flower, which has everlasting powerGhost that holds the flower has taken an hourWho, by chance will grow?And no one will ever showBut, if the winds decide to blow
Silently in the halls I walk
Thoughts and images crowd my head
No words exist to let me talk
Rogue feelings weigh me down like lead
I've built stories inside my head
I don't understand why in today's world
It's sexy to be thin
To have so little fat, so little curves
It's just bones under skin
And among so many beautiful girls
Not one of them loves
Education though,
it's awful.
I walk into school and want to turn around and go
School sucks and should be unlawful.
Education though.
Education isn't fun but you know what is?
I am Flawless
Not Flawless in the sense of,
Perfect bouncy curls that catch the sunlight
Smooth skin without blemishes
A slim figure, but still womanly
These things are not what makes someone Flawless
Flawless Dancer
The lights brighten and the curtain rises.
I stand motionless...
Looking at the long mirror I go to peek at the astonshing image shown
I see a confident girl looking cute in her school's plaid skirt
she seems ready to charge the day.
I can't always pretend
That I've got everything together,
Showing no emotion like a man.
I can't always wear a brave face
When things plummet downhill.
I want to disappear without a trace.
Why say how I got this flawless?
Everyones perfect
God did not create you jawless.
So speak up erect,
With dignity and pride.
Tell EVERYONE who'll hear
No matter who you are, thin or wide
I step onto the stage
ready to entertain,
but people do not know
Behind the curtain
I left my shame.
Fantasies are what they are seeing.
What draws you into hell?
Why do they bother hearing
What makes me flawless is my beauty,
My beauty is not only on the outside but also in the inside.
What makes me flawless is the love that I have towards Rene.
My flawless love towards him is unending.
Lost in mind
Lost in heart.
Clouds lay my mind
Confusion rest in my heart.
Decision are made
Only when the mind is clear.
Choices are best
When the heart is rest.
Somewhere between being born and finding you in the land we call living,
People look at me
they wish that they could be
a swimmer like me.
My hair has become
a beautiful blonde color
from the amount of chlorine
that is absorbed by it everyday.
Flawless is now mistakes
Flawless is perfection
Flawless is dents and scrapes
Flawless is scars and brokeness
Flawless is you and I
Flawless is loving more not less
Flawless is at least you try
My pits are flawless
It's a weird trait
But it's true
Smooth skin
Light hair
Deodorant commercial quality
Few people can say
Engulfed in a deep slumber,
I hear the eradicating sound of the alarm clock.
As I slowly come to my senses,
they ask me,
If you could be straight, would you?
but things would've been different
if i got to choose,
I am a calm guy who loves hockey.
I wonder where I'll end up career wise.
I hear the stress my parents exert night after night.
I see smoothe ice ready to be played on.
I want a life with no worries, stress free.
~a heart once so pure
Heavy with burdens
~Smiles turn to gold
Shy to break, soft to hold
~molded in flawless to be just flaws
~A heavy broken smile is all I am
My hair was too long, but I cut it and it’s too short
My mouth was too loud, but I shut it and there’s still sound
My heart was still aching, but I broke it and it still beats
Addicted. Insecure.
Lonely. Boring.
My curtain hides me
keeps me from being hurt again.
It hides how lonely I am
How much I crave touch
But I'm too afraid to reach out for it.
Look at that tree
All scratched up and worn
With it's branches turning
Towards the sun
And even with it's diversity
It remains flawless
The branches provide shade
Some people hide behind a curtain,
But I wear a mask.
My mask needed no purchase,
It came with my costume of skin,
and can not be recieved via pay pal nor cash.
I wear this mask every day
The thick red vale that hides my face
makes me claustrophobic.
The smell of my faults and failures over rides my senses.
Let me out.
Let me out!
Always happy on the outside.
Behind the curtains you could find, a mystery so deep, no soul itself merely could define.
She was a beautiful disaster, awaiting to unfold.
Shielded from the bitterness of society, one that can be so cold.
There is a me behind the mask
I look in the miror and try to ask
About my past to see a me
that no one else can really see
or be a person I want to be
and in person to really see
who is the real me
Some people love me for who I am
Others hate me for what they see
Some respect me for what they see
Others look down on me for who I am
I make mistakes
I embarrass myself
please dont ask me to
write about our love
or about us at all
because i can only
write poetry
on the things that kill me
and if you want a
poem from me
You didn't tell me you
loved me
in so many words
but in the way you
looked at me
and held me
you didn't tell me
in so many words
It sucks being the ugly, quiet, rude, sarcastic, emotionally unstable friend with the attention span of a goldfish.
A cry echos as a childs first breath is taken in this world
the joy in his mother
the pride in his father
If I didn't change methen I don't know how I'd beI've lived my life through broken memoriesof who I once wasmixed with all the people who have shaped meinto the thing I am today
Dear little angel, I love you so
I'll never ever let you go
Since my heart to you belongs
I thought I'd put it in a song
You'd laugh and cry and fall asleep
Your body was just too weak
God, I lie under this towering oak,
The whole of nature at peace in this silent still shot,
In the frigid November,
Utterly confused.
A year ago,
This prison wall, this masquerade drains life
Every time I fall into it's trap.
I all alone build barriers from strife,
Though hurt inside I still force out a laugh
I paste a smile no matter what I feel
Play Pretend
There is a girl standing by herself, observing her features and physical characteristics in a mirror.
Sometimes I'm the Earth.
I have a thin
Yet impenetribaly dense
Crust all around me.
Nobody is allowed to go in.
Unless they want to burn to death with me.
If this title defines who I am to society,
Shouldn't it speak volumes?
It should -
But fuck society!
I am a proud, closeted pansexual
With a romantic heart and a dirty mind.
There are mountains we must move in life
To get to the hills we sit atop
To watch the sun rise and set.
I lag from a torn leg and a broken heart,
But the blisters on my feet tell me,
"It's okay to struggle."
man my minds a train wreck so explosive but nobody knows what's going on cuz I show no emotion. I don't feel the need to tell people my problems.simply because my problems are my problems.
Whisper in my ears “I love you”
For it is an act of my ecstasy
Those words I live for daily
The love we shared eternally
Whisper in my ears “I love you”
For it etched a tattoo in my soul
How heavy was I for 9 months?
Was I a bothersome lodger?
Did I ruin your sleeping pattern?
Through my kicks and summersaults?
As a toddler I ran around
You chase and caught me with tickles
Started my day before sunrise
Started my day after noontide
Started my day at witching hour
16 or 12 hours, all shifts I devour
Started my day with sarcastic smiles
My heart was once your home.
Lucky for the girl who have your heart now
Lucky, for she finally captured what was once mine.
Be happy, I know you already are.
I want to be happy for you
I love my dimples
I love bellowing laughter
I love being loud.
I love violin
I loe making punny jokes
I love seeing smiles.
I love uniqueness
Because I am not like you
It's dark in here.
I'm dark in here.
I'm not myself in here.
I'm alone in here.
People all around me are moving.
Im standing still.
There is no one to love in here.
I am a simple person.
I strive to be the best. Perfection.
I am dedicated. Strong. Proud.
I am smart. Beautiful. Joyous.
I am an intricate person.
I long for rest. Tranquility.
This fear I feel is formed from my imagination. Constantly contemplating where my life will be stationed.
I am a bird.My voice holds the powerto sing you to sleep—to lull you into a dreamlike state of mind.
Sometimes love isn't enough to keep loved ones from breaking
It's part of this game we're all playing, dark against light,
Who will win?
I write this now in the mist of darkness, captivated by the thoughts that have been longing to erupt.
Though I smile each time you see meAt a glance you say my eyes glistenI feel alone while thousands swarm around meThe tears filling the corners of my eyes plead for you to listenI swore they were all accidents
My mom likes to think I'm just like her
That I love crowds of people and constant noise
That I love calling all attention to myself
And that I like conflict
My mom thinks I hide my real self from the world
A structure alone
Of jointed bones
With a thin layer
Of mortal beauty
Fair skin and dark eyes
Fair heart and dark mind
Oh I pray that this
Is all there's to me
Stress, sadness, fear,wory. I have a mask to cover
that up. Boredom, anger, doubt, loneliness, confusion,
regret. I can hide it. There truly is no know emotion
No one knows you like I do.
We both hide there,
behind the curtain.
The red one,
stained with tears, resentment and fears
accumulated over the years.
From the moment I walk into the door,
Up runs a familiar face.
Huge chocolate eyes open wide and a mouth open even wider,
A small rosy tounge drips with excitement.
The only sounds to be heard are
I am lusting after the red melon green lights
making amber on your skin
A cool wind blows past my shoulder
I turn to you and you look back to me
Flecks of sunlight fall through the cracks left by the trees and lay gently on your face
I smile as you reach your hand to my cheek
I love the rain
not because of the smell
or because it makes the flowers grow
but because
when I stand beneath it
I can breathe
I am made anew
It washes away my transgressions
Your eyes Benjamin, why do they droop?
Why new quarter, do you feel like plastic?
Why, paper dollar, are you so thin? What makes you valuable?
We kill trees for corporate needs.
I love the sharp pain
And the loud bang
Of a laced leather glove
Driving through your brain
Many call it " the salvage science"
I call it organized violence.
What would I change?
Shall I start with the ignorance haze
Consisting of obscuring fear
Blinding people to yell, "The end is near!"?
When they cause their end
And the farewells to their friends
Who am I?
A question even I don't know,
For this face I do deny,
And body try to hide,
This mask as my disguise,
Every mirror will catch my eye,
To eat I have to try,
It is you, are the one
Out of all the things I love
I could talk about you the most
A year ago, you found me
Drenched in a shirt of tears
At the brink of losing hope
I said i'm going to rise to the top of the mountain....wait wait wait...
I said I'm going to rise to the top of the mountain.
Stand on this stage declaring my Name,say.
Because I am a king, ayee.
Hello, my name is SomeBody
And this goes out to society and everybody that refused to let me be me
Becaue yall led me to believe that I had to live up to the standards and expectations that yall and society told me had to be
If i could change a thing
it'd be my community
in my school
for all of us to be us
even if we wore a hat
or not
so we wouldn't have to face alone
the terrors that ensued
Time seems fluid.
You and I are just floating through.
Time stretches on and on,
Until the day has ended
And the darkness is surrounding.
The rising sun
I begin with a universal statement: Growing up sucks.
being caught in the in between sucks in a lot of ways,
and everyone has dipped their toe in the primordial pool of puberty
Plants are like people,
They all come in different colors
Just like Whites, Asians or Hispanics
Come in all shades,
Like all the colors of people.
Just because I am Hispanic,
In his essay "Self-Reliance," Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote,
"Society is a joint-stock company, in which...The virtue in most request is conformity."
Is this not the same society that taught me that everyone was unique?
I don't mind if my studies whirl me through space and time,
Time, the dime that pays for our studies, our crimes,
The buddies, the lines, defined in our minds,
We just lost a brother
He brought joy in our lives
Now tears to our eyes
We just lost a brother
A child hides behind his mother’s strength,
It seems his fear has grown to impossible lengths.
Day after day, the strangers keep passing,
All I do is love you
But look what you put me through
You come home drunk, angry and swinging
I cower in fear awaiting the stinging
The Slam Behind the Curtain.
What a curious sound.
They looked, and looked,
but it was just me they found.
They keep on looking past me,
eyes searching up high and low.
I see you.
I hear your words.
I feel your tears as they fall,
forbidden from your eyes.
Oh how your sadness consumes you.
lies the false imagery of peace.
Envellopped by nature,
the world, the sky,
I'll take in the aura
there, i no longer feel shy.
I'll look closer at things
I wouldn't notice with them
I'll relax at my root
Envellopped by nature,
the world, the sky,
I'll take in the aura
there, i no longer feel shy.
I'll look closer at things
I wouldn't notice with them
I'll relax at my root
A serene statue lost in the crowd
Scarred wrists and stolen innocence
Playing war and failing at failing in
the constant game of survival
A coffee too bitter to sweeten with milk and sugar
As I look in the eyes of those passing by me,
I can't help but see the sorrow.
The helplessness these kids must feel.
If only they knew who to turn to.
While I'm weeping,
I will worship.
Longing to take part,
But not wanting to lose who I am.
So I sit back in silence,
and let them think as they wish.
Still there's a longing in my heart
to open up and take part.
She waved goodbyr to her mama and scurried skippingly to class. Her mother gave her a half smile and sped off to work, not saying goodbye she was already late. Not knowing this was the last she'd see of her duaghter.
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
For he is not his usual driven, loved, bright eyed and bushy-tailed self.
He lays there having suffered a great lost, a part of himself, and at all cost...
She sits as a mute everyday, when speaking pushes her heart. She looks with a stoic face, when a smile threatens to break her face. She listens with a tentative ear, when she is tired of hearing.
This is my body.
I do what I want.
This is my body,
Not your’s.
This is my blood.
It will shed
Every month
Of my life.
This is my body, too.
The face in the mirror
The face in my mind
The face they all see
and the face that I hide
none of them real
but none of them fake
Society is the door
and I should be the window
The true me
Can’t you see?
The weight of the world is constantly weighing on me
Like the branch of a tree,
Delicate, Stiff, Weak.
I can’t show the real me
Because someone might see
I was on a train headed back to my college after visiting home for the weekend.
I took advantage of the ten-and-a-half hour ride to write an essay for World Literature.
English is my intended major
Scholl Started
but what does that mean?
The fun is gone?
No it is still here
I can now see my friends all together
It is such a great feeling to be reuinted with the ones you care about
I like the sound that emmits from my headphones,
the colors that cover the pages of my sketchbook.
The sun that shines so warmly when I sit out on my porch,
Literally heaven for even just a few minutes.
If I could change the world,
everyone wouldn't be rich and hardworking,
they would be happy.
Rather than worrying about having the most up-to-date iPhone,
people would focus on spending quality time with family.
A baptism.
Though maybe not.
A popular fear,
I call it my home.
Diving in I feel alive
Letting bubbles play chase
They reach for the sky,
I reach for the depths.
I wish someone would ask why my mask is cracked
I wish they would pry it away and find the scars under it I hide
to expose the rotting peeling flesh of depression
and the putrid green colouration of anxiety
Who I am to you?
A woman.
A woman who has fun.
Who like to venture out and dance.
A woman with motivation and focus.
Someone who likes to run and lift.
A fashionista.
The sky looks dark
The sun comes out but cannot be seen
The coughing begins
The air is as thick as soup
Slam! whats that?
Out there in the dark
The truth has escaped,
The bleeding of my heart
I've held in this pain
But now its run free
I've gone go the dark side
Everyone knows of me
fourteen years of age, turn the page, rearrange
your life, your meanings, forget your name
the next eight years of your life will change
things will no longer be the same, oh how they've change
I don't know how i came to be.
When a deer approaches...
I am suddenly a deer.
I hear the breaking of twigs,
the whoosh of the leaves stirring.
I watch the deer an alarm for impending hell.
You, are a good actor.
Able to make me fall in and out of love so easily.
But I, am a good audience.
I've seen this kind of show before.
Who am I?
A question subject to everyday society.
Nothing more.
One that thinks for the better
And acts for a cause.
Life kept justified if otherwise
I just cant seem to get you off my mind, maybe it'll just take some time but it feels
I wish I could say that I was a
witness to the stars,
but that is a lie.
I would say I am a witness to the majesty of the great ocean,
but that is also a lie.
You say "write me into a poem" but the only poem I ever wrote soley for you, were three words you never wanted to hear. Three words that come out as a rush off the end of my tongue like a waterfall.
the Stars make me happy.
the Way they’ve lived an eternity
evolving, but not changing.
To be heard is one thing
To be understood is a whole other topic
I don’t want my words to be a fling
They need to be toxic
I want others to feel my pain
To grasp the emotion from the page
Summer is over
And the school year has begun
Gotta hit the sack early now
Instead of Chasing The Sun.
Summer is over
No more Twerking In The Rain
Gotta hit the books now
I'm stressed out
A lot of stuff on my mind, I don't know what to do
I'm stressed out
I just want to be alone, so I'm sitting in my room
I'm stressed out
Fingers brush over my skin
That is soft but resistant with moisture.
Brushes tease my grasp.
This is art with brushes that doesn’t need a canvas.
I’m not organized,
It's chaos.
" Lead, follow, or get out the way," says Pastor Rojas.
We, as humans, limit ourselves because we're afraid.
We're afraid of the failures that will consume us
Were afraid of the criticism
I write for myself
a girl who's perceived as
small, quiet, and has nothing to say.
i write for myself
because I too have thoughts,
thoughts that stayed unspoken,
waiting their turn
God.Some of you may cringe because I said His nameBecause you expect me to be religiously insane.But I’m just another human, like you who’s got something to say,
I can compare your eyes to an arrow.
Every second piercing through my mind.
All of these memories bring me sorrow.
Can I go back in time just to rewind?
It is unbearable to see you here,
Magnificant form of
Art, not to be
Knocked on.
Exciting beauty in
Unthinkable hues.
Paramount in my interestes.
Everybody loves a girl that is confident.
Everybody loves a girl that is beautiful.
She used to be the girl wrapping up school lunch to take home
She used to be the girl who never had new clothes
She used to be the girl who needed help
They are the family that sleeps hungry
Twas a dark night.
The sky was a black void
And stars shined freely.
Wind was blowing swiftly as I stood alone.
I was given but one mission,
To get rid of a greatly known villain.
If someone is in need,
their guardian I will be.
Need a hand?
Your wish is my command.
Is everything all right?
You can tell me, do not be in fright.
This smile I wear,
You are more important
And you shouldn’t feel my torment
I tried so hard to hide myself
Despite signs of declining health
When I descend into the chasm
Of my idealized phantasm
Content, friendly, and dramatic
Lover of modeling, fine arts, and vacations
Who feels nervous for the future, wholesomeness with life, and comfort from my caring family
From the outside
Just another robot
Going through the motions
Stuck behind this curtain
Afraid to pull it back
I take a look around
At all the other robots
Going through the motions
I'm cursed, on the inside I'm hopeless & vacant;
I seek help for I need some sort of placement;
I struggle to understand and how to feel;
Am I a monster, for I must not be real;
"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil." (Psalm 23:4)
Child upon the horse
Horse runs strong with a spirit
He sees through the lies
Spirit brings life to the girl
Something won't let me open up.
Maybe it's the looks of judgement from others that are really looks of envy.
"How was your day?"
Because "okay" is
Less of a lie
Than "Good" or even
Each letter is thick,
Another layer between
Me and the world.
My shoes squeak, my hair rustles, and my eyes wander. But I am neither heard, felt, nor seen.
Students with satisfied smiles and amused eyes scramble before me, hustling to their next class.
Traveling slowly through the thickness of Time
As others gallop, trot, amble and stand still with it,
Time pulls me back, embracing me in every
dull, dank, drastic memory that is withheld,
Once there was a man who left
and his little girl was sad
she cut her wrists and bleed for him
as she wished to call him, dad
there was an incident that spurred the path
the family was split
Ooh, Ooh, For you I had a change of heart, Don't know where to start, What I'm about to say may surprise you, But now I see it clear Life ain’t always fair, What can you do, When you don't wanna hurt him, Cuz you don't deserve him, And there's no
I have a past, we all do
Some of it is lies, other things are true
My grandma said I lied about rape
My aunt said I was fake
My church said I was a mistake
My friends said they needed a break
The man behind the curtain, the face behind the mask.
One beautiful soul, behind a treacherous task.
A woman of inseurity, concentrating on what she lacks-
Occupational Therapy
With each new experience,
My love grows.
Puzzle pieces that need a home.
Its funny that this Slam was chosen, I had written a litteral poem my freshman year literally called "The Mask"
The mask is constructed
To hide you away
You appear happy
You appear kind
I wanted to be a professional juggler by the time I left high school
I wanted to make a name for myself by juggling five things at once
Then I dropped sleep
I've learned to see my vices as my virtues.
It prevents me from conforming to living the status quo.
My brutal honesty is not liked by many,
Hello and goodbye
the same each day
waiting for something new
something different
a sign that life can get better
I'll smile at you
but inside I'm screaming
I'm not fine
This illusion of me
does not define or
confine my
unconventionally unique
Quiet, I seem,
my passion yet
unseen. I rhyme to
the beat of the
Do I fancy myself as more of a Marvell
when I watch her delicate hands search
for the rubies in her mind’s Ganges?
ten thousand bullets headed your way
what do you do?
run and have hope you'll make it out alive?
or just stand there and wait for the outcome?
the first couple of hits might hurt like hell
No potential. Loser. Ugh, what a drama queen.
These words are released, fatal as missiles.
They aren’t meant for me, at least none that can be seen.
The launchers have previously accepted my denials.
Once upon a time
Innocence existed
Love caused clarity
Kindness was a personal trait
Magic fulflled our everyday desires
And knights in shining armor slayed dragons
People often wonder,
About the quiet girl sitting in the corner,
Who hides her face behind a book,
As she laughs something,
But little do they know,
She’s laughing at them.
Confident, Shy
which is the lie?
What do they wish to see?
Why can't they leave me be?
Strong, Weak
I can barely speak.
What they see and what they know
all of which is just a show.
There she stands, with her past far behind her. Yet so close it just reminds her. Memories of the mistakes and the bullies. The disability that has kept her.
Gaze into my stormy, cloudy eyes
And you will see that I am crying
The tears of loss
Sitting behind the curtain of lashes
Trapped behind a perfect facade
Of happy smiles
If you knew the person behind the curtain,
You would know the real me.
If you knew the person behind the curtain,
You may not be so wiling to share.
The person you see is open-minded.
The sun comes up, it's been a hard night.
Her eyes are red, swollen from nights
of fighting her own inner demons.
The ones no one even realizes exists.
She drags herself from her bed, her sanctuary,
I am not a strong poet nor a good storyteller,so please do not expect a sonnet or anything stellar.What I am about to type is nothing but a mere thought,A youngster at ten I thought these thoughts I sought to fought
What makes me, me?
Is it the way I comb my hair, my brains and beauty, or the shoes i wear on my feet?
What makes me any different from you? Is it because i'm so kind
I am an enigma.
I am a realist, a perfectionist, a bold social stigma
Disapproved for my disapproval of the social norms
Often found within the most social forms.
People gather to talk about the status quo,
This face is not merely cheek bones, and a pretty smile
This face holds a mind whose knowledge runs for miles
This face is much more than the impressions of time
This face holds the eyes that have witnessed the climb
What do you look like? Where are you?
How do I know it's you? Did I do it right?
When do I show you off? Who do I show you off to?
Here I sit,
Mind opened,
Thoughts spilling onto the floor,
Creating a raging sea.
A sea so vast,
A sea so wide,
A sight so magnificent I nearly cried.
There is no plan of action,
I am Bill Gates
At least I wish to beileve that's true
A high school drop out with fantasies that explains
If he can do it I can do it too
What's the reason for all this madness
All these pensive thoughts
And there's no reason for this sadness
I feel as if the world is turning in my thoughts and my brain is the axis
No one knows the anxiety I face
Never understanding the difficulties of being in my place
I'm a man, in a womens shell
Forever living every day in my dysphoric hell.
I'm used to being just another guy,
I’m the type of womanWho wants to be lovedYet, turns away the friendWho would surrender everything.I’m the type of woman
Innocence lost
Facade found
Three year olds do remember
Who would have thought?
Growing tougher
Growing up
Growing out
Away from the students
Away from the teachers
Away from the stress
Away from the homework
Away from the tests
Away from the school
Away from everything
Is my spot
How could the world be made a better place?
With cancer cured?
No weapons?
No abused animals?
Or human trafficking?
If I could change this, they'd come back again.
A young child, excited for the world.
A mother, brimmed with envy, says to she,
"My you're getting chubby, little girl!"
Suddenly, the world was cruel, and the world was vicious.
Push that broom
mop that floor
do whats told
or don't work here anymore
make that sale
with each rule obeyed
slip up once
its the last time you get paid
I am a coward.
I'm too scared to face myself..
Too scared to find myself.
I'm always running away from thinking about the inevitable.
I run away from reflecting on them.
One lip slaps against the other
expelling a wet and horrid sound.
Digesting food waging battle with the tongue.
It’s all on display for the world to see!
Sea food is not meant to be seen
He sees balls of flame and dust.
She sees old souls that guide her path.
I see worlds beyond all of us.
They see stars, numbers, and math.
He endures the dull,
While she beholds the beauty.
Instead of playing house I used to play home.From the age of four I never questioned the perfectionof the woman in white that hung near my bed
What would I change....My teachers, they suckMy nails, grossMy clothes, they aren't trendyMy friends, they can be so bitchyMy body, it's just not good enoughMy home, not warm enough
What is fear?
A distressing emotion aroused by impending danger, evil, pain?
A threat that is real? Or imagined?
The feeling or condition of being afraid.
"Who are you?"
My family had no clue who I am,
And it crushed me every time.
They were scared, not knowing where they were.
I'm scared I'm next.
They struggled to remember.
how could wearin a hoodie cost him his life
how could he kill that boy and get out the same night
A loving embrace: yang
Lonely and chooses: yin
A slap to the face: bang
Bottles and bruises: gin
The catatonic, ironic void of plutonic perception – slips off like sleeves.
Tease a fetish, fleshed by faith
Till base-lines of broader bones – sculpt an age with ease.
Please take some time & check out this poetry video "Poetic Aids" & LIKE for her to win a trip to the 2014 National Poetry Slam! https://m.fac...
A child screams for her mother,
A man cries for his wife,
A young boy holds the only thing keeping him alive.
There is silence all around
Look up kid, the stars are still in place, the moon hasn’t left,
there’s no pressure there. So stay, watch the sky. Just, stay.
Don’t hide, the leaves are changing and the field is dead,
Do you ever think about one situation & how one little detail could've changed everything?
Maybe I don't have much to write about,
inside my life and me,
I am typical, with standard living,
and a divorced family.
Yes, I probably am very guessable,
That white girl down the street.
We're all traveling down this road
The road to our futures
We all have different destinations, but we're all going somewhere or nowhere
It's exciting to think about what we are traveling towards
by Kevinia P.
Why is the World so harsh, and so cold?
Sometimes I wish you had more passion.
Sometimes I wish your desire would take control.
Sometimes I wish you'd just let it all go.
Sometimes I wish you were different...
If I could have my dream job, I’d be on my way to medical school because I wouldn’t have to worry about loans or tuitions.
Dear Friend,
Friendship binds us together,
Respect and humility to one another,
In our youngest hour,
Even in our darkest hour.
We shackle our Feet,
With Vanity and Mirrors.
That bring us to our knee's,
While we fear and shake with tremors.
We build our castle on the media and magazines we read everyday
It means something to go to college.
Whether it be to get an education or gain respect.
It means something.
Whether it be to make something of yourself or to grab attention.
It means something.
If you cut me into 16 pieces
1 would be Native American
2 Italian and 2 more British.
5 would be Polish
and 6 would be Russian.
If you cut me into 16 pieces, like slices of cake,
I wonder what would happen if WE. BOUNCE. BACK
Like the elasticity of elastic bands being stretched by heavy hands
Lassoing nappy strands running amuck like wild stallions
We, are wild ones
The electricity we use every day
leave on the lights, you overpay
what about the Earth
and its atmoshpere?
All our cars spit up so much CO2 Emission
and all our testing with nuclear fission.
Beautiful is she who speaks.
Not with words scribbled out,
Or with the dance in her feet.
It's the beauty she finds in defeat.
It was their choice to have me, not mine.
It was also their choice to have 5 other children, not mine.
It was their choice to have two cars, not mine.
It was their choice to live in this house, not mine.
The female identity
Is not to be confused
With the male entity
On what they think
What they say
Or what the media portrays
And they?
They’re the men
and also the women
Why do you not see
The heart in me.
You seem to hear
But not with your ear.
You think you know
And you reap what you sow.
Assuming what is true
Purple stained lipsSucculent dripsA seductive kiss placed between sweet, strengthWe rub our knees together And bump headsAll under the blanket of
Time is a fragile elementIt stops for no manEven if it were said he was excellentTime is the part of a bigger plan.
You go to school.
You get good grades.
You go to college.
You graduate.
You get a job.
You get married.
You have kids.
You retire.
You die.
Guaranteed success.
Exploded from nothing, just children of the stars
All of a sudden, these little starts started to bloom.
Little did we know, that we were our own doom.
transportation vacation out side of reality within a box that encases me sound proof aloof in the space that embraces me
This is not a poem
Because I am not a poet
A poet is a blacksmith who can craft my soul into words
A line into something I feel
A poet dips their pen into the inky darkness of the night sky
I see the world in a different way then others do.Beauty and peace? That's what everyone makes it out to be, but its not.Not one bit.
So what if I take up a little more room than the average person does
To me........that just means I'm a little more to love
See I go in public they look and they stare
A young girl, dawned in a butter yellow
With glitter on her eyelashes and paint on her lips
Pushed up onto stage hardly before she even knows how to say no
The bright lights beat down upon her startled face
I sing of manipulation of old friends, for the replacment of new acquaintances. When you're taken for granted, when you're friendship has become a chore, a burden even.
We live throught lense, walk throght a body
Go throught life with different experinces left in are back pocket
What is the point of a view if there is no legitimate cause
As I sit down once again, in front of the old computer with the whirring fan
My fingers begin to hit the black keys, each one a small click
That make an musical orchestra of words
I am writing this to you.
My love, my ecstacy, the one and only I come to.
You know who you are,
Slowly spinning along
Never missing a beat
Life simple and uncomprehensive
Never missing a beat
Does as it is told
Never missing a beat
Yet as it grows old and worn
It does miss a beat
I am not sorry that I'm not a 36-24-36
But I do have a body size that leaves me with confidence
I love my rich dark brown skin
And my dark brown eyes that shines from within
More like ethnocentric.
America is the center of the world, right?
The world that revolves around me. My world.
I am a work of art,
I am a masterpiece,
My curves are my definition,
that is what defines me.
The shape of my nose,
Floating in the lake of nothingness
Words flowing in and out
They bear no meaning
Or, do they?
Thrashing my arms and legs about
Stuck in the thralls of life
I am searching for an answer
Forget Me Not
Morning sickness brings the blues,
Monthly cycle is overdue.
She was drunk that night,
Flinging morals in the wind,
There's always a problem
when applying for college -
grabbing bits and coins
and whatever you can salvage.
Thank goodness there's money
for writing this poetry,
because if it wasn't there
Walking down the street with tear in my eyes and you still have words to say to me?
My head in the ground, dirt in my face and your still kicking me?
I am a dreamer
I wonder why things happen the way they do
I hear the voices of the past
I see the promises of the future
9 Years.
Nine years of life lived from a toilet bowl
Watching myself fade into virtual nothingness
While people praised my virtual body
Pieced together from years of purging in toilet stalls.
The girl lies on a cot --
The girl with hauntingly beautiful green eyes.
With nothing but a battered baby blanket to cover her emaciated body.
Her feet peek out from beneath the sheet, bloody and broken,
For me
For you
But for no one
By faith
By life
By all
My eyes see what my mind won't
My mind sees what my eyes can't
For the love of the words
And fear of the unknown
Like a Concrete Jungle
Animals of the street
standing on the corner bringing all the heat
brown buidings
look like sideways slaveships
hold about 1000s people
in each complex
Down the ground lookin' so low
All i want to know
will I go high, so high that I cant touch the ground?
Stuck in this cage with ties that i cant abound
I want to be more than this
with my uniquness
It's a lonesome life,but with a flame that entices the soul
To attract others and fight the good fight,
in our hearts, you know you're right.
But what happens when someone takes the keys,
Its 11:55 right now and i began to think to myself why?
Why me? Why now?
I work blood sweat an tears and do not know the reason why?
Why does she lie? Why now?
My hands get weak when i think of this situation,
Voices, so silenced by society.
Forever reminded your words are nothing more than that, words.
I have been waiting on my forever,
and i have found forever in your eyes.
They could not fathom this, however,
but in your eyes, i could see the sunrise.
I am looking for a story to unfold,
All I want is to learn.
why do I need so much money for that ?
Everyone is pushed to better themselves and go to college yet only a few actually have that opprtunity.
I feel the sunshine kiss my face like an old friend
Like a coffee shop meeting
After a long time apart.
The warmth brushes past my face in faint traces
Of smiles and laughter and past graces
Don’t breathe,
or blink,
just stare.
Though my mind tries to grasp the words
to make sense of this,
all that comes to me is a sound,
and I feel as if I may pass out.
It’s like a cave:
large and unknown, with the potential
to hold a world of my own creation;
and yet it remains empty,
I forget the time that's passed, ironically I even forget what your face looked like as I remember our moments together. Most days it's as if you never existed. As if one tear never fell from my eye for you.
To mourn death or celebrate life.
We're always left with sullen strife.
Life, the tunnel of consciousness.
Death, the promising of mysteriousness.
Let it be known that I am a slut.
I am the one who dares to touch those that I feel attraction to.
like a kid and wild
like a forest
i meet him and felt complete
for seven hundred thirty days
i felt alive
and loved.welcomed
we wasted time,
long talks on the phone,
It is hard to conceive,
What humans can not perceive.
From undead beings,
To god-like deities.
Although incomprehensible
Through science and worship,
We blindly follow,
Every single one gone.
The memories are fading away.
No way of looking back into the past.
No young faces nothing but a faded thought.
Deleted forever, what once was is now gone.
My sanity hangs in the balance as I write.
I fill the page with a world born of darkness and light.
Of a universe centered at the very tips of my fingers.
It flows from my mind in smooth streams of conciousness
Have you ever felt goose bumps on your back , on your face , on the nape of your neck ? Have your words ever become so twisted that you wind up not having any words at all?
I was born with favoring eyes.
I can see the burden others carry, like a shadow and a beast rolled into one, and it saddens me.
You're having a hard time again, and I'm sorry to hear that.
It's 3am and I'm starting to wonder
if this storm is outside my window
or inside of my chest because I
miss the thunder of your breath
against my neck and the way your
fingers pour into me
Some people dont deserve the life they live
meet tanya
shes thirty-six, with three grown kids
saby fathers absent
claimed that they aint his
so he up and left for his next mistress
Initially I was a Marketing Major
Set up to learn in the prestigious
Isenberg School of Management
Where I would become an aspiring businesswoman
Where I would first change physically
Take away your right to drive,
Then you get mad 'cause you don't try,
To fix these habits in your life,
That could kill you or take someone's wife.
These dangerous substances that man has created,
Is it me or am i gay for loving myself?
Think about it i am a girl
and i love myself which
means i love a girl
so am i to be judge as a lesbian?
Am i to be look at as a
dirty crumble paper!
If you know, you're on the edge of understanding
for knowledge never ends but forever expanding
the more you know the more it's demanded
the more you demand it
just know you can't cram it
You came to me,
like a snowflake falling from the sky,
drifting until you found your way.
Your smile was like a fire,
it sparked in me and made me want to ignite it everyday.
Oh the anguish I feel in my spine
Everytime you tell me "You do as I say".
Yes, I was in your belly for nine months it seems,
But am I your puppet that you can control as you please?
Listen to my words, listen to my cries,
You are right in front of me and yet you leave me here in such a woeful time.
My words can tell you what's wrong and how they can be fixed,
Can you hear me? Does my words matter?
My mind runs with questions that you left unanswered.
Left alone..Confused.. Unwanted..
I thought you loved me?
I can only be lied to so many times.
The air I breathe,
The things I see,
They make me tick.
The scents I smmell,
The places I go,
They make me tock.
Tick tock goes the clock,
As the time of life passes.
You were like a child with a sweet tooth, and my heart was the sweetest thing you could find. You ate away at it as I played the dentist.
Stereotypes and criticismAll in my head.I can not getMy head right.Liking the same sex hasNothing to do withSomeone else'sCriticism and opinions.Making stereotypes about
I am not this ugly skin,I am the soul that lives within.It is my job to see it through,it is the least that I can do.A wonderful God made me;He loves me deeply.No one could ever love me more,
Some say it is the start of a new life,One full of adventure and mysteryMeeting new people, possibly your wife,With all that said, your past life is history.
What Is It?
They say Its money
They say Its not money
What is Happy?
They say Its family
They say its marriage
What is Happy?
Is it light?
Is it dark?
I'm talking,
But you are not listening.
I'm trying,
but you don't care.
My words are meaninful
but you are oblivious.
My words will change you.
Why can't you see?
All you need,
For the Ones that Are Muted in Society
For the Ones that Are Ridiculed for Their Differences
For the Ones that Are Slammed for Their Opinions
For the Ones that Are Voiceless
They Are Who I Speak For
For you I will
Cook meat, watch T.V.
Wait for you to come to me
Hold my hand like this
Talk to me like this
Kiss me please
For you I will
Sing, dance, drink,
Wait for you to be all mine
You held me
You held me when I was strong
You held me
You looked at my face and told me how beautiful my smile was
Why I write
I write to ask questions, bring awareness, and wield thought
I write for you
I write to organize my mind, to better understand, to relieve the tension, to ignite the flow of creativity
I write for me
It isn't just the simple things
That give my mind something to think.
It's more complex to investigate
And push your mind until it might break.
I think of depression and how it controls
I came to my father and said, "Father, I have straight A's."
Ignoring me as he turned to my brother.
"Son, don't ditch school or get F's. You're the one that carries the family's name."
So quickly you left me, I don't understand why.
Had I done something so wrong to be punished, or was it just time?
You loved me all 16 years with such a big heart.
I just couldn't grasp why we were torn apart.
I can't explain the things that I'm feeling right now
My mind, my body, my soul are being bombarded with poisenous thoughts
I'm being ripped apart into a million little pieces
"You're an atheist?!"
"You know you're going to hell right?"
"I'll be praying for you."
Yes. I'm an atheist.
No that does not mean that
I worship Satan, or
I hate religion, or
I hate God, or
like the flower, so blooms inspiration.
roses only grow from fertile clay...
thoughts, from a fecund imagination.
insights spring from fruitful contemplation
while new buds grow with the sun's warm rays.
Sylvan scenes of virgin timber
an enchanted forest she longs to discover
where mighty oaks give inspiration
and leaves aid in rejuvination
she need a place to breath in the summer.
She's warm,
bringing brightness
at the end of each storm.
Embracing morning with a kiss.
She weeps.
Tears like the dew
roll and wash down her cheeks.
Placed by the window,
the delicate bouquet sits
pristine and untouched
with petals like placid smiles
and soft sissy hands,
they settle dainty and benign
in their sheltered vase.
Let me describe them to you
They are sticky sweet like mango juice
And tangy tart like my favorite pineapple
They drip sugary goodness all over my lips and fingers
Like when you bite into a summertime watermelon
Put down your pencil,
And pay attention to your class,
Not everyone is like you,
They’re all just trying to pass,
You make think that they care,
But they’re all laughing in their reclining chair,
I’ve known you for a while now
You and I are close friends
We’re best friends
I’ve noticed how you have changed from a sad little girl into a mature young woman
People made fun of you
They hurt you
Late nights.... The notes seem to float out of the headphones and into the vacant air as if they are looking for a somber soul in the distance.
After nine long, strenuous months their eyes finally meet.
She can’t resist but to cradle her in her arms.
It was always either too hot or too cold in her troubled mind.
And no amount of tossing or turning could ever
tucker her out enough for her to tuck her self in,
at night her mind was a race car that never ran out of gas,
Not everything works
Like it used to when
We were young
Disease fills us
Disorders rot our minds and
We’re never cured
Anxiety creeps up
Fire that you ignore but
Can’t put out
I would go out on the corners
Handing dollars to the needy
I would give them so much food
They could even be greedy
I'd go to places
Where water droplets are few
And dig a deep well
"Me"Free me, tempt me, I dare you to steal me;Sudden as the wind, let this heart mend.Treat me with your sweet kisses of embrace;
What is the difference between a virus and a meme? "Not again", you sigh, "Tumblr has been ruined by that doge guy." Clapping the audience soon shuts you down. Now nobody wants to see you around.
Do you have ANY idea what you have done to me?
Can’t you see?
Because of YOU
My childhood consisted of empty promises, nothing but air bubbles.
Should have saved yourself the trouble.
Shh. They can't hear you.
Shh. You can't talk about that.
Shh. What will everyone think?
Shh. No! Ring the alarm, bang the pots, scream out loud!
It's always a good time for a drink.
Easy girls and wasted guys make it all the much easier to point a finger blaming a solo cup of bubbles and warm beer.
His hair was sand paper
and his skin was light colored leather
and his face was a canyon
and his eyes were small black beads
and his mouth was a desert.
His laugh was a snickering hyena
What is Beauty ?
Is beauty something we have on the outside
or something deep within
Is it a woman with curves
Or a model that is stick thin
What is Beauty ?
Is it a woman with the bluest eyes
They say they are so proud of you
They say you are the best of them
Yet when it gets down to it
It’s not their claps, nor their cheers
We all have problems
So who are you to come at me
Did you ever think that there could be a possibility that i understand
In spite of what you have come to "know"
We are the same, having a bad day
One mistake,
will you ever let me forget it...
Understood what was done was wrong
Understood this was a disappointment to you.
But hey let’s think of it this way,
What else is new?
So hard to please,
Walking down the street,
You hear the sounds of a six shooter go off down the road.
You duck just as scared as anyone else,
All you wanted was some gummy worms,
But they’re not worth your life.
Please come save me,
You used to kiss the tears off my face.
Wish you would come and make up the time,
Three years have gone by.
Guess it’s time to start living life.
Surrounded by depression,
How can you not see me?
You walk by me every day,
Call my name;
You even hold conversations.
But you don’t see me.
You don’t see the pain that is caused.
The burden on my shoulders,
Push me down again,
I dare you.
Shove my head down in the sand.
Make it so there is no air.
So that no words can be spoken.
What would be new?
Do you feel that?
The cold chain wrapped around your wrist.
Holding you close,
You can’t move.
Do you hear that?
The sound of the wind rushing by your ears as the world stays silent.
Bleeding nails,
Pull yourself up on that ledge.
It’s just a little bit further.
Hell isn’t the bottomless pit they always talked about.
Once you catch yourself you just start climbing,
Music inspires seeds of intellectual concept to sprout from a fresh mind.
Weeds find their way into a mix of ideals when the presence of spirit is in question.
The weed, my love,
Pushes through the dirt,
Rumbling, blistering,
But doesn't really hurt,
She sprouts up,
Without permissions,
Just to find,
That no one listens.
I search for four leaf cloversJust so I can give them to youI wish every chance I getAnd set my heart on them to come true I deny everyone I know
No one sees, no one speaks, no one listens to the mind of the weak.
not here, not there, nor anywhere can this heart bear this pain.
I cant breathe.
I cant get past. This emotion, this judgment
So I heard that you told Bobby who told Ashley
Who told Jason who told Casey who told Ant
Who told Lisa who told Bria…
That you thought I wasn’t a lady?
Why though?
Because I don’t bend at the whim of a man?
My coworkers all have insomnia
They don't remember what it’s like to dream
I think they despise my struggle
To keep both feet in reality
One stands next to me
Inspiration, that imperial feeling toward yourself, to express yourself, while addressing yourself with the things you do to the people who see only to judge, judge, judge you for your rights or w
I write to free my mind
To suprise myself with what I find
It gives me wings
So I may escape and be alone on the sea
I write to free my heart
From those who tore it apart
It gives me shelter
I always knew this day would come.
Goodbye was never so hard before.
New days are calling, my dreams still young.
The question that repeats in most minds that asscioate with me, tends to get rather tiring. "WHY DO YOU LIKE TO WRITE SO MUCH?" " I like to write because it helps me." *que questionble face and they walk away and talk about me and ask others if I
The nostalgia sets in as I attempt to remember a time in my life without music:
You should know bullying hurts
It starts with one word, one word you blurt
Fat ugly, thot
These are the words they hear. Did you know you're their biggest fear?
I love to read
i loved to read before I understood the things I read
and this urge for books and quills had led
me to the library
The time for sitting in the far corner
Why can’t we just throw it all away?
Just let the hate lie and not let it consume us;
Why we have to fight each other.
We are all the same inside.
Ripples of sonic waves, stimulates creative water
Flowing from the crevices of social interaction, the wind russtles uncertain thoughts
Here I speak before you today in regrettable silence,
For we have become a generation to be disgraced, for not only our actions but our power.
chained to stone, to these pillars i know as home
withered by time and awaiting to claim what's mine
angered by the visions of shame.
unleash the beast that resides inside
undo my chains that i carry in my mind
I love Tokyo so much
As a child I would watch anime.
Pretend that I was a marital artist
living in the Hot Springs.
Tokyo is where my dreams were born
My imagination and my love for adventure began.
Oportunity Presents itself Carrying out its purpose in its own way. Carefully unraveling its plot with an almost swift caress. Possessing such prospect sailing forth to establishmen.
Life is filled with pain
Life is filled with sorrows
Bottled up anger
As it goes deeper and deeper
It's too much to keep
Tears shed everyday
All the nasty commemnts i hear
Left alone to face the rest of the world,
It’s okay I guess, I’m used to it by now.
They found me years ago.
Screaming from inside an abandoned apartment,
Just think happy thoughts.
Your day will go just fine until one person pisses you off.
They treat you like shit.
They make you feel like an outcast.
What is wrong with society today?
I sit down,
New baby in my hands.
I look around our rundown apartment;
“Where is he?”
I whisper to the sleeping bundle in my arms.
I already know the answer,
He left;
Never coming home.
Today I am like water,
Thoughts thawing and melting like a rapid stream; no time to
Think, only push forward to my future and maybe,
Just maybe by midday slow down to the pace
Of a babbling brook… A few pensive
i found myself lost in a world of memory.
glimpses weren't enough anymore.
i needed it back. i need it now.
i lost myself in a world of pain.
i found my memories.
Death is dead! Death is dead!This is what everyone cries aloud and cheer,It relieves many hearts of agony and fear,
Death is dead! Death is dead!This is what everyone cries aloud and cheer,It relieves many hearts of agony and fear,
Paint me!
Paint my eyes paint my smile
paint my laugh paint my vitals
can can you really see the exact detail of me?
you can try to paint my legs
oh so smooth like butter but hard like rock.
Believe To Achieve
To Beleive You Must Achieve
Over Come Fears And Regrets
Stress Or Non-Stress
Because it is vulnerable, an option, you might see.
Wide out in the open, entire visibility.
Kindness, is it only but a word?
A person who hears people's needs.
But oddly, sadly, is never ever heard.
You try your best to see the light.
In a blinding sheet of darkness.
You ignore and try to forget.
Your sun may shine
While clouds look divine.
But the thought will never leave you
knowing that someone is going to cry
Someone else's pain will darken their day
November 30, 2013
Autumn Leaves
These autumn leaves ride the golden breeze
So warm and inviting
This city hasn’t felt a night like this in lifetimes
If I Could Fly
If I could fly, I’d fly to you
If I could fly, I’d fly in the blue,
And darkness too
I would travel the globe,
And bring back trinkets and doodads,
With pictures of beyond
Poetry is a candid response
To what I feel inside
It's a gift of exploration
Deep into my mind
If I feel I need to reach someone
I'll record it with guitar
Call me a bitch
But I deserve fame and a name
Too many #hash #tags in this game
All of the Kim Kardashian wannabes are #basic
I want to be original
It’s too hard to be unique and classic
How was I supposed to know it was so bad to be educated and black?
Do I really intimidate you to the point of you trying to hold me back?
All I've tried to do was make something out of $5 and a dream,
Don't waste my time
each millisecond I won't be able to buy into existence
I cannot undo conversations
we've had.
I can't take back the things I've said.
Each millisecond it takes to breathe
I sream and scream as tears fall from my face
No matter how hard I try, I am never heard here
Not sure why I stay here, if I am never heard
Time to leave
So I left
And now I am heard.
Sometimes I think
I dream
I aspire to be
A better me than everybody thought I would be
I try
I cry
I break down to ground asking how i will change this time
Gaining focus
Gaining hope
Hey, there
I’m a nerd
Better yet, I’m a geek
I actually read for the fun of it
I like going to school
I’m pretty smart (most of the time)
I wear solid black glasses
"I have a dream" a wise man once said,
where everyone is created equal
But how is it that dreams could come
with a price tag that's deceitful?
They tell you growing up to always "shoot for the stars"
If I could change one thing,
I'd change how people look at things.
Make it so there's no distinction between gay and strait or black and white.
Do you hearThat small whisper?Full of fear,That little flicker.Fragile and small,Growing and feeling.Alas they all fallEver revealingA darkness for lifeIn hearts does linger.
Grades are getting low, teens are getting high.
A 16 year old is pregnant and her parents wonder why.
A first grader is cursing, a fourth grader has been raped.
Just take a look around, isn't our world just great?
You'll never know
How desperately I always wanted to grow up
When my parents wouldn't let me act up
Only telling me to hush up,
Cause the kid I was, was never good enough.
Here I stand with nothing of my own,
Everything was given to me from the start.
Standing on an empty road I must take this path alone,
Watching everything fall apart.
I pushed my hand against my chest in search of a soundbut my heart beat was no where to be found.what a tragedy I must be for my heart to have abandoned meI pressed a little harder but still couldn't feel a thing
Can I make everything rewind
Back in time
When everything was once fine
And make all of these new thoughts collapse?
I'm bound to the floor because there's nothing more
There are words that I can’t say
I constantly save for another day
Like a forest fire tearing through
All the things I wish you knew
I hold my breath and close my eyes
Listen to me!I need to be heard!My mind is a notebook and for nineteen years I’ve been writing,scribbling away, but no one will take the time to read!
I'm on the brink, staring into the abyss.
My own strength is insufficient; my energy waning,
My knees buckling, my back breaking.
I can't do this on my own, I pitch towards my end.
The world buries problems underground
With no hesitation it takes
While we walk over the mound
All the problems the world makes
Problems look better in pitch black night
I couldn’t keep it together. Every little thing heightened my senses, every sound, taste, smell made my body burst and shiver. I just don’t know if I can handle this. Is it ever okay to hate yourself?
"You are all that you know to be true in the universe. therefor the universe revolves around yyou.
It’s easy to be angry at something you don’t understand.
Something that seems so far away,
out of reach.
How can you understand something when you take a stand against it?
Take a stand,
What I love about you
is that You are,
Tall, thin yet muscular
With soft looking hair,
He said yo midget but I kept on walking
little did he know I went home and cried myself to sleep
Another cut, Another bruise
its all the same
Another pill, Another drink
they all run together
Another skipped meal, Another voice
and you can't escape
Another knot, Another bullet
Everytime I come here
I think of you.
I never forget you,
With a picture of you hanging on my wall,
You're always in my heart.
But when I come here,
To this special place,
When the lights fade
you're left with this unsettling heartache
all alone and afraid
and no one to hear you're cries....
The darkness swallows you're soul
'til nothing remains
Questions fill my subconcious with grass
The rain is answers that you can't learn in class.
Open-mindedness is the stream
The castle walls surround me,
a magnificent beauty all around,
but not a soul is to be found.
I am alone in this wonderful beauty.
I try to end this maddening isolation,
My father pulled a knife on me the last time we spoke.In return, I handed him the remains of my heart,
Ashes in a box of out of tune lullabies.
It wants to be known.It has been all alone.For far too long, no one,No one has heard the song.
Each word is carvedCalculated, starvedTo mean something!To somehow belong.
All I wanna do is play,
But I'm watching the days pass away,
And although you don't give me toys to chew,
Master I will always love you,
You walk in the door and I'm happy,
The levels of life are like the staircase to your future, you must keep walking upward in order to reach your destiny. Even in the your weakest moments you can not let the steps you take control where you might be heading.
One thing I've learned with the example of college,
Success is not determined by hard work and knowledge.
Not to discredit people's hard work,
But being rich definately has its perks.
This goes out to you.A massive parasite, a barbarian wandering our streets.You have forced me to use my most lethal weapon,to keep a record of your filth.
Sometimes we find our mind pausing as we walk
We look around, observe and realize what this world is really about
Secretly observing people as we walk, studying their every move
Strings attached
Playing puppeteer with nimble fingers and old, vivid nightmares
I'm your puppet darling
Strings attached
Center with each, individual, socket
Infants, toddlers, new-borns
*Cutest wittle cheeks I’ve ever seen!*
They were the last two of the sweetest and most ripe apples
From the tree whose roots lay the foundation of mankind
It’s always hard to find a way
To find the words you want to say
Writing words and scribbling them away
And come back to face them some other day
I am from a small city with BIG DREAMS.
I am from lost faith and lost hope.
I am from pot heads and crack feens.
Love thawing my soul
Making my heart beat faster
Breathing becomes hard
Wondering what will come next
I feel like I am Atlas.
Holding the Earth upon my shoulders.
All 5.972 sextillion metric tons.
The pressure is crushing.
Barely visible, uninteresting, still here
Be omnipresent, easily ignored, and flighty
Follow the wind, join your group, and occupy space AWAY
With the east wind, like clear days, from me
The day you left,
I felt nothing.
Partly because it
Was at 2 in the morning,
But mostly because
I was trying to process what was happening.
Why did you run away that night?
Dear, (Fill In the Blank),
I decided the “check the box that applies to you” on the form, was not for me.
So I’m writing over the boxes.
I filled out my address,
my name,
typed in the codes,
I sweat my soul out
Under bright lights through a lying smile.
Fingers splitting from the wrecking dry heat
in an arid lack of truth.
Salt crusts in the corners of my mouth,
over my cracked lips.
Words cannot express the emotion in my body
Like the rush of water crashing into the rocks
My aspiration to talk is shadowed by humility
Clinching my fists and shuttering in fear
As this brewing math problem strives through my brain with its persistence,
I sit and think 'these are the banes of my existence!'
Tock Tick
Time envelops a room
Swallows it whole
Each passing second accompanied by a strum of hopelessness
A crack in the blinds
Lights aglow
Thy Worst Enemy
is one that never leaves.
It is always
by your side.
You cannot
run from it.
is out of the question.
Don't even thingk
about flying.
My heart is like glass
One word
One action
Can shatter it so easily
My heart is like glass
No father
Arguements everyday
Sorrow and heartache
My heart is ike gass
That phone call you never thought you'd have to make;
Where is he…?
You only turned away for a second.
You just had to close your eyes.
He’s gone.
Your little baby boy…
To take away from humanity,
and to be stolen from nature.
We have yet to decide which should be mandatory.
Your words rush through me
I drown in their painful sting
Your eyes pierce though me
as if I should not exist
If you only knew what you did to me
Because of you I can't even sing
words buzz and spin in clouds of confused formation
wheeling and turning, penetrating all corners and crannies with all of their information
Have you ever wondered why,
We were never meant to touch the sky?
We were born with our feet on the ground,
With all its wonders to be found.
But there's an aching in the heart,
It's slowly pulling us apart.
Uh in this world
We listen to the public
To things society says
Speak something of it
Searching for the person to be
Sit here do nothing
Fighting while chasing our dreams
Failures no option
There's love in the air,
And all i hear is your sweet whipers making me smile.
There's tensoin in the room,
And all i feel is you pushing me away.
There's the sound of laughter through the house,
I was toiling with my day:
I told myself it will end, the day did.
I was angry at my day:
I told it not to end; yet it did.
And I wallowed in fear
Night and morning so far yet so near,
NEVER seek to change thy past,
Past that is besmirched will be;
For intent and purposes
Quite the same.
The past is not for me; the past is not for me,
I say the future were its at,
Unstoppable and impending
knowing it comes
knowing it cannot be stopped
its faceless oh but not nameless
it has so many, oh so many
could you be the day falling ?
A year from tomarrow
will there be names
what will remain
the names I know
will they be the same
a year from tomarrow.
The blame I throw
still stuck to the shamed
Life is the basal in which we share
Developing as any plant would; straight from the stem.
It is our choice to have the care
To grow up in the light or digress in the darkness.
The atoms of imperfections fog the mirror these two eyes stare into
They search for meaning in the midst of it all
Life is still a blur
I carry the shackles that forbid me
That restrict me
I wonder why I have to wake up to these dreams,
You're a sky ful of stars that light up like sparklers,
I go to sleep dreaming about your eyes that shine crystal amorous gleams.
My mind has an emotion that feeds of my heart
For what I feel it expresses in words
It is not scripted to what it must be
But simply just wright's from what my heart tells thee
It dances to life with creativity
When we write, what is our goal?
Is it simply a way to catalog the fragments of our soul?
A method to be heard?
Or none of these things at all?
I write for my friends
who are shut up by our society.
There’s three of us,
She’s alone and I'm taking her attention.
He feels pressured,
But that's not my intention.
Alone in a windowless room
She was getting skinnier
By the day
So much thinner
By the week.
The sickness
Invading her body;
Her bones
Her mother
I wake up from your dreams, and Icould not stop thinking about you…It was still midnight, and, after all,I had just slept for only an hour…I get out of my bed, and face the mirror, and O
The word “poetry” is so pretentious
It makes you think of that guy
You know the one
The guy who talked over everyone in your junior lit class
Poison drips from my lips,
I slowly drip my head back as I drink.
Slowly I wait.
Shouldn’t it have worked by now?
The way I see it
Everything kills.
Everyone dies for one reason or another.
Laundry had to be done
And there was something
About some bill
That I had to pay.
Thousands of dollars
Spent and borrowed
For a piece of paper that says
I’m smart, I’m qualified.
The hobby of learning earns weird looks.
I try not to see them while I read my books.
I know some day I'll be in college,
And I will love my extensive knowledge.
But it's difficult to see that far ahead,
The whispers
The side looks
The constant putting down
You’re no good
You’re not cool and never will be
You don’t like me.
Well guess what?
News flash
I don’t like you either.
I come from a family that didn't have much
Seems like each day the road would get tough
The rain would never let up but through it all I kept my head up
Because i new one day there would be a blue sky
Bullying starts in your mind and make you feel insecure inside
Bullying is a sin, because we are all God's children within.
Why can't we stop this vicious sin?
Is it, because we are too scared to step in?
There is a person that is trapped in my body that is trying to escape but is being suffocated by the endless weight.
The mirror is my enemy that snickers back at me and reveals my flaws,
What is the meaning of art?
What draws it from the rest?
What brings it into one's heart,
What makes it pass the test?
Our curiosity strives for the answer,
To this meaning we hope to find.
What is the meaning of art?
What draws it from the rest?
What brings it into one's heart,
What makes it pass the test?
Our curiosity strives for the answer,
To this meaning we hope to find.
My Daddy will always be my king,
Even after my Prince gives me a ring.
In the beginning, he was my favorite toy,
He didn’t even mind I wasn’t a boy.
At age 17 I didnt know where to start
High school was ending and the beginning of college was not that far
I didnt have clue of what dreams to pursue
But I wise woman told me 'always follow your heart'
All you want is green
All I want is to be free
Life ain't worth living if you're gonna die
Everyone's gonna die
All you want is green
All I want is equality
No sir, death bestows us first
I am worried
Worried about what?
College, the place where you get more knowledge.
I worry I won't succeed in the getting the education
I so gratefully need.
Being smacked down
Before being allowed to get back up again
Taught me something very valuable about love:
it isn’t always a cliché
We live in a world where society rules most of us
We create groups to isolate our selfs from larger crowds
We figure that if we stay away from the people who try and change us then we cant be changed
Your weight must reflect who you are
Don’t wear this if you are fat
Don’t go to the gym if you are skinny
Eat healthy
But not to healthy
Your weight must reflect who you are
Don’t wear this if you are fat
Don’t go to the gym if you are skinny
Eat healthy
But not to healthy
The first time I feel asleep listening to your heart beat
i decided this is where i want to live
nestled up into your side
your arm wrapped around me
safe, warm, love
Enough is enough
I'm calling a time out on social media
The content of my newsfeed has been too far out of bounds
I'm calling fouls, for incorrect grammar, filtered photos, and warn out hashtags
Pluck. Pluck. Pluck, into the sink.
Loud Whispers.
Focus, it's time for homework.
Chairs scraping the ground.
In a classroom, in the library.
People are setting off a bomb inside me.
Beautiful one, tell me your dreams.
From which rich river do they stream?
They hold the key to treasures untold.
And help to shape your rare and visionary mold.
Majestically you walk around.
I'm pretty simple
No flare here
Im not politically correct or incorrect
I don't go places that stiffen my chin
I have trouble understanding why things are such
Every young girl and boy's dream.
A place where you create your niche.
And become skilled.
Hopefully enough to prosper.
They build you up to it your entire life.
My likes might not excite you
But they ignite me
When I sit back and truly ask myself
What is it that makes me come to life?
What is my passion, my motivation the reason I do what I do
The thoughts of stress
I feel the stress of life coming on to me ,
my fears of college oh yeah
that place where comes all knowledge.
The fear of not being successful
Beautiful. Remarkable. Stunning. Amazing. Heaven like. Perfect.
Just a few words that come to mind when I see her picture.
Her smile is contagious,
15 minutes to get to class
60 minutes to take the test
2 weeks to study
4 hours of sleep
And what seems like an eternity waiting for grades
DripDripSplashDripDropDripDropMoistness fills the airAfter quenching the demandOf the dusty landThe cot made with rope and woodShifts as you sneeze
I’ve seen the promising become promise-less, helpless, useless
A straight A student taking a straight edge razor to prescription pills
To heal the hell until she fell
Drowning neck high in alcohol
I’m a whirlpool,
A thunderstorm,
A category 5 hurricane,
Of thoughts, and hopes,
Of memories, and dreams,
Of puzzle pieces and star dust.
But everything stays silent.
America the Free~
But freedom has a price
Tears fall from the innocent
As they watch the souls of their loved ones
Tumble to the heavens
Questions unanswered
Nothing yet gained
A endless night
A brain flickering on memories
Memories mainly making me murder myself
The fear of reuniting with your enemy
Who caused the pain without you knowing
The innocent kid who played hide in seek
No one knows what I’m capable of
With my brain and interchangeable love
I’m a product of the stars, molded into the moon
I’ve been falling so hard and I’ll get up soon
My heart knows I’m too weak
I want to work my best, love my best, and help my best.
Among a thousand other things.
And I want to do everything at once.
And at one time.
At this moment.
what is it that defines us?
our bodies, our minds,
our hearts, our busts,
our victories, our finds?
can we change?
our views, our thoughts,
the loves, the hates,
our destiny?
You will not determine who I will be in my future... but I can say you played a part.
Reasons to why I trust very few
Speak very carefully
One of a kind-Original rap lyrics written by TScott (Me)
He was born in a state of poverty
everybody knew him as a joke of society
but look at him now tho, he got the flo
Sitting here feeling empty, not understood, an all alone.
Completely gone off to a place unknown, wandering through trying to find my way back.
Secluded in the forest the mind is absolute.
the silence deafening,
the darkness blinding,
They're selling "dreams" for the price of your soul.
Wrapped in pretty green paper,
Foot steps on the stairs, that aren't really there, feels like there's someone's watching me.Shadows on the walls,whispers down the hall,
Love, is so many things.It can be sweet,it can be bitter.It can be easy,it can be difficult.It can be hard,it can be soft.It can be anythi
A pearl
Strong, beautiful and magnificent
Able to do anything it wants
Now, it’s stuck in a shell
Weak and frail
Speak your mind when your friends are watching
Speak you mind when the clock is tocking
Speak out loud when your words are shaking
Speak you mind when your heart is breaking
Speak out loud whe your breath is taken
I am…
I am…
I am; a mirror
A mirror of emotions
I've become my own motivation
Making it my occupation to inspire creation in my generation
We've got to begin changing and find dedication to spread positve sensations throughout this nation we're shaping
I've become my own motivation
Making it my occupation to inspire creation in my generation
We've got to begin changing and find dedication to spread positve sensations throughout this nation we're shaping
How do I love thee?
Let me count thy ways
12 for The number of scrapes I have from your regular practice
of carving initials into my endoderm.
your fingernails scrape my wrist with my blood as your ink
as if the bruises from my self conscious's grip weren't enough of a reminder of these
Kisses rain down...
She lies to your face..
She doen't care about you..
stop...and listen
he loves her
she lies
Suppression and subjugation
On our conscienous fully operating
Against the grains of our humanity.
Leaving scars the hierarchy booms; blooming
Soothing none whom it's consuming
The World Around Us
Ring! Ring! Tic-Tac! That is all you hear nowadays,
As technology advances people keep changing their ways,
Don't want to forget the memories, but like the stars as they grow old, millions of years afar, they're disappearing, slowly, one by one.
You see I don't want to grow up
and I don't want to leave you
I don't want to leave behind my memories.
Who is this unknown individual who lives underneath my skin?
Everyone else sees who I am on the outside.
I choose what I allow others to see on the inside.
Time is a beautiful enemy,
a two faced friend.
a destroyer.
A lover,
but a fighter.
Time is on our side.
they say,
" You have time to do this, you have time to do that!"
I am sand
Built of different parts
If each piece of me stood alone, it would be overlooked, useless—abortive
He's such a, but when you hear those weak mumbles, almost like a cry, I can't help but feel like, the most luckiest girl alive.
How high can you fly?
White like the new moon,
My bird in the sky;
Singing a sad tune.
Why are you alone?
"Just send your heartbeat I'll go...
To that Blue Ocean floor"
I'll never forget
The time you asked me to explain,
And you just knew,
Knew I could help you understand.
You knew that I had the ability
Student debt?I got that
Another Student loan?I'll get that
Two more years until a BS?I'll do that
Get an education no matter the cost?I've got this
The shaddows begin to appear,
the night kills of the sun.
The man walks, hopelessly,
he knows he is not done.
The wind never blows,
in his direction, there is no breeze.
My nail polish is chipping, andI wonder if the walls of myinsides are the same colorof sea greenbecause I feel a little sick,because I feel the paint peeling,piece by piece,my false peace in pieces.
Sitting here while I think
in a swirl of thoughts draining like a sink
down my neck and arms
to my fingers typing on this link
Thinkig about what makes me tick
Overwhelming loud in my head
A crowded brain, my minds so jumbled
The voices tell me I'm not good enough
You're not working hard enough
You've gotta do better than that!
What really makes me tick?
Dealing with routine, bogus shtick.
Understanding this requires more than the gist.
Nothing slick, nothing missed, just the worst possibe itch.
I've always said the sound of your voice could tear me to pieces,
But I haven't heard you speak for days
Writin' this for Power Poetry,
Hopin' that they notice me,
And I hope to see this scholarship,
Cause man these loans,
They make me sick,
Emptied pockets,
I love to study
I hope to make some money
Prove to myself and to others that I'm like no other
Unique. That is me
I don't want to flee
Independence is what I seek
My goal is to reach the peak
Products upon products
Days lost to adulation
Looking for beauty under rocks, in-between articles.
The funny thing is,
I buy all this crap, but never wear it.
Hundreds of dollars spent on makeup
voice mono toned, deaf to all ear.
unable to relent nor express deep fear
controlled by all sides of other people expressions
able to listen but unable to be heard
words struggle to escape the mind
I'm a little woman as I've been described.
5'1 and not an inch higher,
but I want to stand amongst giants.
In my dreams, they're next to me
as we speak intensively
What turns my gears and gets me going
Is the heightened sense I have of knowing
That life is as abundant as a fruitful tree.
My mind—
Which usually perplexes me—
Gets excited by art.
Likes to dunk the world
Into color, and tack
On words
My mind is Narcissus who—
Under the beguiling face
Dirt on the flowers
Smudges on the mirror
Scars on a face
Not all as they appear
Some turn and run
Others point and jeer
For what's on the outside
Is all there is to cheer
is it so wrong that i'm content?i do not strive to make myself appear like i am more or less,i just am.
what is the crime in being?for i do not add or take away from myself,i just am.
I see you walk by
I let out a sigh
And I wish I could talk to you
But you're so dang shy,
But that's the reason why
I really like you
I've known you for what seems like forever
She exploits her body to the opposite sex
Or the same sex
It doesn't matter right
As long as she gets her pay check
Because at the end of the night
Her pockets are full
$500 in tips
My mind is a blur:
it races from thought to thought without catching its breath.
One moment:
I meditate on the plight of the impoverished.
The next:
that puppy across the street is adorable.
where your hair straight is what some people yell
some people prefer my hair better curly..I can tell
why is the condition of my hair a concern
They preach that the work place prefers a more "traditional look"
I often think about life and being stressed
constantly working and trying my hardest to be the best
but who cares what place I come in, whether that be 1st, 2nd or 3rd
my only care is that my voice is heard
I hear your heavy, beating wings
That fill the warm summer air.
Some hide in fear of your stings.
However your flight is a glorious affair.
Watching you; full of fuzz
Speak you mind poetry slam
Who made paper?
Who stole from the trees?
Who lied to the birds?
Who sung to the bees?
Jonathan Murray
"The Silent Killer"
The silent killer to all I fear
Is one where no one is in the clear.
Pressing thoughts and pure emotion
Can put one’s life in slow motion.
What makes me tick?
When your lips turn up in a smile and you laugh and your face lights up
and I forget about how broken we are and I remember I was made to love.
I Hear Voices
But There not Voices
There Thoughts
My Thoughts
Waiting To Be Spoken
Waiting to Be said
All I need To say is a few Word
Written By: Victoria Blackwell
The soft skin, the delicate touch, those big eyes staring up at me
Oh, what i wouldn't give to have that
The cries in the middle of the night, the late nights of comfort, the early morning cuddles
It seems like I'm forever confused
uncertain of what to do
Do I say this or do that?
Should I go forward or turn back?
It seems like I'm forever cinfused
in this cruel society full of brains reduced
Ran into a girl from the past
A girl who walked a similar path
From where do I know this girl you might ask?
Juvenile Hall is where I seen her last
Lived our teenage years in and out of the system
where do i even begin?
so many jumbled thoughts with no way out
how do i explain myself without being shut down
because everyone gets sick of me expressing my disgust
when they choose to ignore the truth
Speak you mind poetry slam
Who made paper?
Who stole from the trees?
Who lied to the birds?
Who sung to the bees?
an undergrad seeking a diploma to succeed
the money for college is outrageous and it's one thing that I need
I haven't written a poem since English 1302
and now I'm writing one to inspire me and you
Dearest father, I remember you spinning me around in your arms , I remember waiting excitedly for you to return from work so I could see your smile. I remember you hugging me against your chest and telling me how important I was.
A boy being told that he needs to look a certain way to succeed. His brilliance is over shadowed by his parents need for hi to be normal.
I'm walking out the door
while others are coming in.
I'd gladly switch places
just to be home again.
They drive so far I can't see,
the town of memories
that use to involve me.
I sit in geometry class,
Hanging on no words, not even trying to pass.
My eyelids have a heavy weight;
They don't even care that this next theorem may decide my fate.
To transform a polygon into a square?
Robot winding up the gears.
Every morning going through the motions
Till summer appears,
Thinking of nothing but summer
All through the school year.
Then the last day happens
And freedom is here!
When I think of the night,
I no longer feel afraid.
Not sad nor angry,
Just calm.
The night reminds me of us,
At better times.
When we would stare up into the great beyond,
I hear her cry at night because she has been hurt.
I hear him scream at her and accuse her for being a bad wife.
I hear him talk to other women in front of her.
I ask her, "Why don't you just leave him?"
The Human mind is of the essence
A gift from the almighty, a moral blessing
From which we derive our strengths and weaknesses
From guilt to wrongdoing, life is indulged with grievances
Like most things
I used to think
It was a double edged sword
Trusting myself
Led me to best consequences
While others
Led to the worst
I used to shun this power
What I Hate
Do you know what I absolutely hate?
What makes me so sick to my stomach?
And my skin crawl with repulsion?
I’ll tell you what I hate:
Step up to the MIC.
A sea of lights and faces swim before you.
Your palms begin to sweat, as the stage lights burn hot on your face.
Close your eyes and take a breath; breathe, breathe.
Education wasted
Through blood, sweat, and tears they tasted
Longed for the things we are handed on a silver platter
And yet we neglect this precious gift as if it didn’t matter
Through the storm I hear only the rain
when living in happiness I just feel pain
is it my fault is it all in my brain
thoughts like this run people insane
when I reflect over my life I can not complain
There are days when I wake up and I don’t want to look in the mirror, for fear of what I might see.
There is a saying that "when life gives you lemons make lemonade,"
however sometimes fear and circumstances get in the way.
While some people choose to make the best of every day,
paranoid, thunder-swept in the cave orifice
he stands, a tall boy with a brave, wooden blade
eyes shining ludicrous with the dark anger of Jupiter
his fingers absently running through the dog’s murky hair
Technology is all around us that we must understand
In order for the human race to leap forward and advance
Whenever I think about it, it's like my brain is in a trance
All this science and math is making me dance
She wove golden rays of sunshine
into a long and flowing dress,
that left the scent on everything she touched,
of nature's sweet caress.
Everywhere the girl did go,
the flowers would all bloom,
What is it like
what is it like to always know what to say?
what is it like to never be afraid?
will I make a fool of myself or will I get away?
When I'm with my friends,
will I pretend?
You say you want WOLD PEACE
but your not willing to fight
for the one thing you believe
you think its impossible
for the sun to shine on everyone a
the same time I believe
When I write poetry
I don't just write
I don't think and consider,
Weigh the meanings of my words
And maybe that's wrong, but I don't think so
I feel this urge to find some paper,
What if I told you, all of you are wrong
You've already judged me; probably have been all along.
What if this is the end?
What if this is all I'll ever know?
For this I cannot judge.
For today I am not what I will be tomorrow
Nor what I was yesterday, nor the day before
Drawing deep into my feelings, of peril, joy and hopelessness.
Confusion increases each time I take a breathe and draw deeper into my wild thoughts.
Dealing with things is what everyone learns to do
How you deal with it is up to you
When I have to go against the hardest thing I’ve ever experienced
I run. Not away to the seeing eye but to where all voices are silenced
I'm interested in everything
including the way your body laguage tells more truth
than you ever would.
To the evolution of time
and the creation of man.
Everything is something,
Speak your mind at what no one has the courage to say. Speak your mind for what is right but you hold back because its never worth the fight. Speak your mind even when your mind and your heart do not agree.
girl, if you are to be a woman hereyour hair must not be cut above your earsyou smile and laugh and never shed a tearthat's just the way it is for women here
You were gone
Gone for so long
You left me in the cold
You came back
Then you were gone again
Came back for good
You were down for a little while
You rose
Rose up and started to build again
You're running into the infinite darkness
Because there is nowhere else to go.
She is chasing you, a game of cat and mouse.
You, you see the darkness as your hole.
Your means of salvation from this wretched chase.
Communication is the key.
Humans must speak, but speak of what?
Do we speak of what we know or what we assume.
Seeds from the regretfully accomplished actions,
led your emotions to conduct more bad transactions.
Initially the intentions were adequately justified,
therefore, you seemed artificially satisfied.
Every month is the same.
Every week just routine.
Every year is a new chapter, a way to start over.
But do we ever take that chance?
That chance at a clean slate.
A chance to let the past go.
Inertia is a lie
Somewhere along the way
our feet lost touch with the bare earth
and now our roots have shriveled up
and now our roots are homeless
I think about life
I think about people
Diversity is such a beautiful thing
Differences are what makes this life wonderful
Playing Peek-A-Boo through the bushes.
I see a daisy, a damsel in distress, I wonder to myself;
a flower that has never been caressed.
Let me be kindling for your hate
I can be the scapegoat for your insecurities
Allow me to be your martyr in the eyes of your jurors
Love me like no other
Give me what the rest didn't
Speak to my soul
Get inside of my mind
Beauty is what appears
What if deep down I'm not
Take away my pain
Tell me I'm not insane
You have to be realistic
If I am realistic I will stay in the same predicament I'm in
I live with my head in the clouds
Knowing I will see a better tomorrow
Be realistic as they say
A dreamer
Is that the name I was entitled to?
I don't dream anymore
I use to
A thought amongst your mind can't change your life
A dream turned into a goal
That's the only way it can be achieved
They say life goes by fast
They say time is money
What do I forcus on?
Living life or making money
Why can't I have both
I want to be free
No worries of debt
We're all trying to survive
And we all are rying to make it
The only thing that can stop us from doing so is ourselves
We all gotta keep striving
And going up the steps
Steps to the kingdom
This is how an Angel dies
Forced to hear of man's cries
Upon the legions of those soon to suffer
His ears lay a buffer
As his wings crumble away
He sees those of earth
Awaken for another day
I close my eyes and pray for better days
Watching my mom struggle is the worst of all my days
All i can do is try
I can't let them down
The one's who believe in me
My future awaits
A brigher tomorrow
I won't allow money to be my barrier
To hurt my soul and deepen my pain
Money makes the world go round
It can't run me nor my soul
I will stand tall
I am not a business
I am human
Is it possible for someone like me to be successul?
I've never see a face like mine shine
Someone of staure
I'm different then most
I enjoy the beauty the earth has
Not the cars or clothes
I've see it all and heard it all
No one can tell me my own story
Typical African American story of no father
Just a mother and hope to make it out of the struggle
I am not ashamed of where I come from
I'm on a journey to be successul
I know it's going to be hard
I stay strong
I won't give up
I can't
When love ends, it's not the end of the world. It's just the end of that chapter in your love book.
When you end love, you end your old ways.
You learn how to love more and better.
my father and i were drinking orange juice at
two thirty in the morning when he turned to me and said,
“i never taught you that you could be anything you
I know what you’re thinking,
Here goes another Muslim. Preachin', teachin'
tryna change the way the world sees them.
But I’ll make this quick. I’m NOT a refugee
Born in the south next to American Babies
The pain I feel is deep inside
I have baried it for so long
But it is coming to the surface.
It is too hard to face the truth
But I know I must
I put it off for another day
John Nash’s roommate said:
“If we can’t break the ice how about we drown it”
We are all fighting
A battle between pride and shame
We our no less valuable
With shaking voices,
Over the smoky mountains and into the crystal sea, there is a God above me who looks and cares for me. So, if you're ever lonely, or if you're ever sad, just listen to this poem, and then you will feel glad.
I don't seem to get the meaning in making more meek men suffer man made rules
Its a never ending cycle of tips and tunes and steps and breaks
Eyeing the moving hands,
Why is it okay to judge people
For their dreams?
For what they believe in?
Based on their skin color? Or who they're in love with?
My flesh, bones, and blood...
Always being torn apart by a monster.
Unknown by their actions,
If I survived, I'd wake up with blood on my fur...
I'd cry, whimper and beg...
I wake up and see her.
As I turn on the lights
the darkness stayed in her eyes.
I asked
"What are you, and what do you want?"
She replied.
" I am your biggest fear and I know all your serects.
You Can't
You Can't
You Can't
It is whispered in your ear
To put you down
To make you feel weak
Make you feel helpless, worthless, like you cannot do anything for yourself
It doesn't
Am I really beautiful, or are you just lying?
Do you mean what you say, or should I stop trying?
You make me feel like I’ve never felt before.
Your waves of emotion wash upon my shore.
It's 12:10am as i write this
my darling insomnia fueling my abyss
feeling cool and calm as music fills the air
though as calm as i feel i can't ignore my thoughts
the thoughts that i can't bear
I believe that one's unique and one of a kind
Your silly thoughts are running through my mind
Judging me the way I look and the way I dress
All you ever do is make me depress
My self esteem is in deep pain
The first time it happened I was lost;Eyes closed wondering through the woods of my mind and running into trees I was young and a child and trying to find who I was.
There goes that kid I see over and over. Education is his world and he carries it on his shoulder.Keeps his head in the books ignoring drugs, drinking and crooks.
I've been living every day life as if it was just a breeze. Trying to live in every moment even though they're all just flying right by me. Reality.
My dream begin as a powerful solder at the hands of God battling through the fire.
She steps onto the ground realizing how cold it was.
Fragile. Her bones were always fragile. Especially when it came to stepping on the ice.
She grabbed a piece of the ice, only realizing how it left her hands red.
They call me 2 chairs
Alls i get is deep stares
Feelin like im commonly confused
Solitude that cynically settles,
A parasite within my bones.
Sweet bile festers in the shadows.
I am the master,
the controller,
I am the seargent,
and I am the soldier.
I fight the battles;
I lose the wars,
I reap the winnings,
and forfiet the scores.
Joyfulness is white as a white rose
It sings to me like Sunday morning tunes
It taste like sweet summer lemonade
Has the smell of fresh linen fareeze
Why do I have to suffer?
I’ve done no wrong
Why can’t things get better?
This is not where I belong
Every day I have to deal with this
I’m tired of being trapped
When will life be bliss?
Why do I have to suffer?
I’ve done no wrong
Why can’t things get better?
This is not where I belong
Every day I have to deal with this
I’m tired of being trapped
When will life be bliss?
I am me
She is she
So let us be
This is our destiny
Stop hurting us
Stop killing our spirit
We are different
And that’s our creed
After all you’ve done
We have a crisis on our hands,
America and I
Plenty of us can point fingers
Whose fault it is
But will anyone DO anything?
We are all talk and no action
We as humans are the superior life forms
America “ Land of the Free”
But what does that mean to me.
Orphans, and poverty
Opposition to authority
Gangs and disrespect to minorities
So really how free are we?
Hamlet speech To be or not to be now that is my question/
Weather to act to or not react and then explain my confession/
Is it right I don't react, I feel I'm losing control/
Trying to be defined by who I am in your eyes,
But what are my definitions,
What are my standards?
When I look in your eyes I see a misrepresentation of the girl that I am
I see people all around me
They love making life
better for their self
some for ourselves
Another day another conflict. It's an ongoing fight.
Another law passed to strip us of our God given rights.
They take away our land. They keep their hands in OUR pockets.
laid out
spread like butter
on the ground.
i'm melting.
yellow self bubbling
as i seep into the ground.
through eyes that barely see but
straight ahead,
house, and a white picket fence
smell of the beach and a life of paradise was what i sense
is this a vision of my life in the future or is this all just a false pretense
*This is based off the novel The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga (The White Tiger is a window into a world of poverty, greed, and corruption. Balram chose to show this through letters to the premier of China, Wen Jiabao.
How long has it been?
I forget with the flashes of light and sounds that pass through me
like rain through the clouds
ten years
a smile seems to mark its territory across my face
The way you walk, the way you talk, the way you same my name.
Like venom on the tip of your tongue spitting every word in vain
YOU tick me
The smile of a goddess, the heart of a king, and a voice that makes me plea
Don’t give up just yet,
We all go through hard times
I don’t want to say goodbye,
And I care so please don’t cry
But when I stand here with you,
I see what could be so true
3 years old and father is ill. Ill.
I'll see him quench his obsessions, filling his demons with the drink of death.
They burn his insides, destroying our home,
while he sits calmly releasing his bitter smoke.
Just know that everything will be alright
because I am gathering nutrients;
Like your intelligence, I will be bright
Like star lullabies of insouciance.
Whats on your mind?
I alwyas ponder this question time to time.
We often wonder about our problems and what puts us in these binds.
I think of the same things, sometimes I wonder should i commit crimes?
In my world that's compromised.No one sees the pain I'm in,They willingly accept the grin I give them.But behind these walls I am safe.Safe from myself and the world of hate.Yet my fortress is cracked.
A life without love is no life to live,But a life without you now that would be sin.So for now I'll wait,And tomorrow we'll see,What the future hides for you and for me.
Tell me how do you explain
To one year old brother
Who follows you around
Like a puppy
Loves you to death
That you can’t come home
Tell me what can you do
When six years latter
Stuck in a world with no liberal peace
Trapped in this skin , making it hard to think
Free my mind
Beautiful family tree
With love and support
Roots really deep in earth
With beautiful branches
Juvenile ages
In time of life stages
Bad family tree
Addicted to fleece and other disease
Full of knowledge
I received
Rooted deep in earth
I didn’t have to travel
I am the inner cup
Half full kind of tree
I listen to remember
Listen to the wind
Who carries stories
Unaddressed is the issue of the missing undressed,
Begotten, then torn from this land,
Double X in your genes, you’re a lesser human being,
You ARE shame if you will not be a man.
When I speak my mind, I speak my heart
My mind is where whole worlds start
My heart to them full life imparts
And with my words turns them to art
When I speak my mind, I speak my heart
Real life, real words, real truths, mean little to you.
You hide behind your paranoa,
You want the "best" for me yet
Your support of my dreams means nothing to you.
You ask me to subsitute what I want for myself
Life is something that is between birth and death.
It begins when you take your first breath.
Life is always such a mess.
For some it's a breeze, while others stress.
I down another bottle
To wash the pain away.
For a brief moment,
I feel a bit okay.
I see him standing with his gray cashmere sweater
Leaning against the wall thinking deeply to himself
Wondering what’s next
Turned towards me and just stared
Gazing at me with the glow in his eyes,
Who am I? What am I doing here? No, no, not here in this room, not here in college, on this podium, up here talking to you, but here, on this earth, this rock, this place… in a seemingly infinite abyss of nothingness, darkness, blackness.
Love. Me.
A cry for help? A note passed from an admirer?
No. The two most popular tags on social media.
The need to be accepted.
The need for approval.
i put my cap down as i arrive
temperture prospered beyond 85
its summer looking for a job
dam not having one made my momma cry
time showing the change my mind blaze with rage
The buildings crumble slowly
Cement walls expose once hidden dark red bricks
Those who slowly crawl past the scene see the structure’s open wounds
The grass holds the history of days past
The sky paints an ever changing picture of life
The sea brings life of all kinds into view
Nature teaches me about myself.
Its hard these days to speak ones mind
We dont all get along in this aspect of time
It's not really wrong to speak ones mind
Its only because society stops you on a dime
So unworldy the world is
So knowledgeable they think they are
Finding comfort in lies and ignoring the truth that appears before their eyes
Blinded by their own misinterpretations of the undefined love
Black and White, for some that is all there is
the stark constrast of good and bad,
right and wrong, rich and poor, thick and thin.
What ever happened to gray?
to shade, to shadow,
Damn, I miss you.
I cannot belive this happened.
Why can't you be alive and well?
I miss you so much.
Ever since that day almost a year ago,
I've been hallow.
Constantly, I wonder if you think about me
As often as I think about you.
I do not know what happened.
I want out so badly.
Mom, I know you’re proud of me, that I have not cried in front of you
every time I see you since you told me my dream school is off the table.
We can’t afford it.
I hear that boys will be boys
that we condone rape
that our father figures allow it
that we objectify our women
we turn a blind eye because we think its cool
Its hard for the world to understand, the struggles I adopted when it all began
They came so quick with the presence of you, was it love, which I was falling with you
Five AM, alarm clock screams
Blaring siren, interrupting my dreams
Stretch and sigh and open my eyes
Hoping I could go back to where my dreams lie
There in that place, I can heal all pain
Her eyes open
with the dawn of day.
The world greets her with
open arms; she replies with
a soft cry. Her life starts with the
blooming buds of Spring.
Her eyes twinkle
Black and white.
The swirl is right.
Being interaccial is the way God made me and there aint no changing baby.
Curly hair, tan skin why loose when you can win ?
The day to day hustle .
School , friends , work .
I feel like my worlds about to end , so much to do I can barely breath.
As I sit I realize the ambition I have to make it in this never ending world.
Reading while it rains
the crinkled pages sound soft,
the chaos rumbles
Painting a diffrent reality,
new worlds appear changing fate now.
Humanity. Human.
What a terrible thing to be.
When we look back at everything,
Humanity has painted red,
Every twisted evil thought,
Every twisted evil deed,
We, who kill our mother,
Here I stand transparent and tall lacking a true focal point.
Yet barring my emotions that still exsit underneath the latch I once lost.
I feel in the emptiness with a handful of tears as onlookers surround me.
I'm turning 25 this year,
And with another passing day I fear,
That I have nothing to show and my life is slipping away.
I mean, I don't know what you've been told,
But even at 20 I thought 25 was old,
It's not a debate
Why keep asking questions is search of anwsers that will only hurt?
Pain, a fleeting, yet ever present state
Affecting everyone
Heartbreak, loss, scraped knees, broken bones
Without pain
How would we overcome?
How would we learn to appreciate the good?
What makes my mind tick?
Questions might, numbers won't. I see no value in values, science or quotes.
What can I do?
when I close my eyes
when I see the possibilities
What can I do?
when I go to school
when I get good grades
What can I do?
when I fail
when I succeed
Same routine every day
Wake up, get up, stay up
Constant deja vu
will it continue?
The world changes no matter what happens
People change no matter what happens
Why must the routine stay the same?
Screw this world for screwing me over
Because the moment I learned to walk, it lifted my skirt and took away my purity with a touch of a twisted fate
It became a cursed spot and an attraction for perverted fingers
im crafting my journey the way from the dim
as the light is blind eye that i cant see
days seems oh so right can be the most beautiful fright
mind beyound measure but we dont remeber everything that happin last night
We started at the bottom
Where we learned to say a word.
And then we moved to taking steps
And repeating things we heard.
Eventually we learned to sing
The cheerful alphabet;
Everything i attempted to do, i asked God a question like why do i lose?
is life really a blessing ,what do i do?
Action speak louder then words.... either you contniue to move or lose sight.
I want to welcome you to the depths of my mind
inside a world you will hardly find...
anything but my trembling thoughts that won't tolerate cosine.
I'm not trying to slam the issues of the city
"What do you want to do?"
"What do you want to be?"
"Pick right now, at only eighteen."
I don't know the answers
Maybe I never will
I want to do it all
I want to create
To make beautiful art
I look to the skies as my feet take flight
My arms pump my calves move as one
As the backdrop fades so does my plight
Sometimes all you can do
My legs are more than vehicals theyre my friends
close your eyes
open your mind
Everyone’s goal is a four year university.
Why do I feel like I failed my family?
I study, work hard, and always try my best.
Bu just because of a test, I’m stuck at home like the rest.
One thing that leads followers
These people do not know and do not want to know the truth
They are Ignorant
It's almost a shame how a fool is easily misled
Dead diary
I feel damaged..
Frail; a burnt piece of paper..
Brittle, wounded edges..
As if I'd crumble to the touch or slight breeze..
That day hunts me everyday
At the time I thought that all wounds would heal but it does not seem that way
Ten years have passed and it seems as I get older the worst it gets
I’m scared I am not growing up to be the person
I think I am growing up to be,
Or even want to grow up to be.
I’m scared of feeling like I’m living solely to
Please others,
In the dark blue skies
I see hope of gold
singing blues like I'm being told
my heart speeds all high.
I stand in my mirror
A beautiful world
Filled with various wonders
I want to explore
For the sake of tomorrow
Where will I go next?
In a crowded cage
Captured by others’ ideals
In the Hollows of my Mind
By: Carmen Cooper
The window of my mind opens to a world of dreams
Look at the world around you
And think about the things you do
You worry about clothes and spend money on hair
But tell me how can people be so unaware
The world is burning to the ground
Darling, darling... open your ears and listen to these words you must hear
Stop puhing away the things you hold dear because of your fears
No one said going to college would be easy,
but Imma enjoy the ride while it's nice and breezy.
I love learning all of this information,
I'll carry it with me far past graduation.
What started as a game,
turned into so much more.
The names that we gave eachother were the first step,
I was your Babe and you were my Her.
Our friendship growing to levels unimaginable was the next step,
Racism it's everywhere
We try to avoid it
To hide it
To fight it
To kill it
But the truth of the matter is,
That I too am a human being.
One day they will see what I am made of.
As people tell me, "Everyone has problems at home, your not different than anyone else." But am I not different than everyone else. Thinking about my life and what people tell me of theirs, I am different.
Revolving the world, 24/7
Rattling in people's pocket whenever they step
Slowly diminishing with every purchase
Working for minimum wage
Not receiving enough for survival
But she stands tall
I'm 18 and about to graduate. This is where my mother once stood.
She was bright, intelligent, beautiful, and cunning. I became the best parts of her.
But she was unfortunate. College just wasn't part of the plan.
What is a world without transition and change?
All the gay lesbians transgender and bi people are not natural they say!
But who are they to say what is natural?
When homosexuals are found in so many different species?
Bees buzz in my head
No, it's my alarm. Screech!
No escape from my bed
I put my phone out of reach
The role I took on is not one for the weak.
I must be strong for the patient in my care.
I am the advocate for those who cannot speak.
I breathe for them when they can no longer move air.
I’ll speak my mind
Let my rage no longer be confined
For the men and women I couldn’t save
You brag to all about getting laid, even though nobody would touch you even if they got paid.
You act like you're a pimp and a boss, when really you should just get lost.
dissatisfied with my life situation right now. Winning a scholarship from Power Poetry might cheer me up a bit.
Police sirens
Cars zooming by
Down this busy street
Sun sinking
Car head lights speed past
They say it's your choice, your pick, up to you
This will make or break the rest of your life
You can whine and cry til your face turns blue
Guidance is wrong; your future may be strife.
The beauty of the earth is vast
It flows from Nature's love,
I look around and am aghast
The source is from above
O' how can someone really think,
"Why am I on this earth?"
A Steel lock and key combination, a door closed off to common sense and reason a wall conjured by unbreakable ignorance
Close-minded imbeciles
The catalyst to my insanity
The pin to my ticking time bomb
Unrequited love was like
Looking at one of those
Optical illusions.
Like the one that
Looks like
A vase
And other times
Looks like
Two faces.
The stars shine down,Bathing the windows here.That sleepy frown,Something I hold dear. Those soft brown eyes,The way they shine at night.
Excuse me, little mind.
May you speak, may you shine.Your intelligence sparkles---
Yes, let it be bright.No one else gets you,
Often or not I stare change in the face,Wanting her to see the strain she has put me through,But I can't see any emotions from her,She is just the paper to your pen,
This brown eyed and long-haired girl is beautiful..
Everyone, her whole life, reminded her of her beauty..
Her heart filled with graciousness,
Protected and kept righteous by all her morals.
I can see the golden yellow crown
Upon a woman whose skin shines black.
An eloquent white silk gown
That drapes down
From her shoulders to her back
Straight to the ground.
I can see the elegant black kimono
A love of teaching is hard to find
For some try in vain to fill the mind
And others are bitter, aloof, and unkind
And still others tire of the daily grind
Beyond the oceans,
Past the stars..
Through the moon..
And way beyond..
To the shores,
Past the sunset..
At the sands,
Is where we met..
Through the jungles...
Through the trees..
I wish that everyone knew how I felt when they said something hurtful to me
A mean comment can leave some serious debris
Your words stick to me like a disgusting flea
If I could have my dream job
I would use my voice
Use it to make sounds
Use to make a choice
Use it to make art painted by my mouth
Drawing the images on the canvas of your ears
Gentle whispers
Breezy nights
Cute whiskers
Soft moonlight
Delicate roses
Brilliant stars
Oppression surrounds us, many don't value our opinion but they can't dictate our lives
What some may regard as nonsense may be wisdom to the ears others
Your voice is powerful and unique to you
Once there was a willow tree.
A lovers' tree 'twas fit to be.
But times cannot define the soil,
War and hate marred branches loyal.
Rope on bark as cloth to back,
Love was all the tree did lack.
In my mind, in the words I speak, in the emotions I feel, in the world I see.
Just darkness.
Drowning in my own thoughts.
Would I be missed if I went through with it.
As I button my coat and step out into the night,
Melodies about love- dark passion and sweet affection,
Float lazily into the air and into the ears of lovers,
Mesmerized, wrapped in warm embraces,
The newly forming star,
the planets, red and blue,
the black holes and white dwarfs,
Discover scientific breakthroughs.
Ryan Summers Politician April 27, 2014
My niche is filled with chat of the upcoming elections
And the debate with others who detest my views.
Ever since the beginning my heart has yearned to explore,
A sensation of curiosity bubbling within the very depths of my soul.
No nook or cranny could hide their secrets from me,
“Oh, hey.”
“No, really, it’s okay.”
“You can stop moving, I’m comfortable.”
“Yes, really I’m fine.”
The dirt under my fingernails teases my eyes,
You were My true Friend
You were my true friend
their till the end-
forever and always boo.
There's one thing about you.
You simply open your mouth.
Oh no! That's my que!
I try my best to stay away.
"Oh I need a favor," you say.
And so I decide to not be rude
A thousand dollars..
I need a stack, a "G", in today's society
if you want higher knowledge then you must pay a fee
Corrupt visions in this government made my reality
Girls, we have to do better, we have to be better.
We are more than pur hips, thighs, and long luscious tresses.
We are the minds that build, the hearts that love,
Of all the things that make me tick, it would be HIM.
Everytime he chews, a completely UNNECESSARY amount of effort is put into EVERY. TINY. PIECE.
And don't even get me started with the slurping!
People are dyingMothers are cryingI don't think I can survive itthe block is hot don't you hear the sirenscall 911 cuz they shooting again
You know what really makes me tick…
When I just overheard someone in the library making fun of someone to their friend
Someone getting talked about because of their race, sex, or even choice of clothes
Because I'm happy I'm going to dance and sing
No more prowls or late night frowns
Because I'm happy I'm going to scream and shout
Kendall Davis
April 30, 2014
Music To Me
I hear instruments playing in the wind
As the day starts to end
The blaring of trumpets
the beating of hearts
the family that push me
to move on,
the lights on the feild
the pride in my heart
marching is simply my art,
it makes my stress fly
Help me.
Help Me to be strong
or to be weakened.
Help me to be helpful
Help me to do your will
Help me to let go
Help me to hang on
Help me to stand tall
Help me to listen
There is no uniqueness like that of fear.
Yet this only makes it all the more terrifying.
Peering into shadows,
Ignorant to evils that lie lurking, ready
It's hard to speak my mind. Catch each thought as it bullets through my brain. Too many thoughts crammed inside like those balls in the lottery jackpot machine. Spinning. Flying. Whirling.
He walks the streets looking for a way in or a way out
Seeking a prize that he cannot find
In the sky it cannot be seen,
So he seeks the earth beneath his feet,
Solid ground gives way beneath,
Some times little changes
Bring about great things.
I didn't choose to be this way.
Life has turned me into this.
Take me to the land of fantasies
Where all my dreams will come true
Now that I see
your big round eyes
looking right into mines.
All I can say
is that I am grateful
for another day of peace.
Nothing, nothing is going to come in between us,
The doubts that tour my mind
Keep me off track
I can't get past
That last kiss we had
Without letting out
A cry.
If one day life
Decides to let us try
One more time
A uniform in black, my American blood bleeds redIf I can't save the world, then I'd rather be deadMy heart is my weapon, and these words will be shed
"Why do you talk so white?"
Well sir, what do you mean?
I'm only talking the way I know how to speak,
are you sure I don't talk pink?
"But, why don't you talk black?"
I try to say what is on my mind,
It never turns out right.
I can only guess why it does,
I'm pretty sure that I might,
Say something that could make you laugh.
Or something that could make you cry,
If rebirth was an option, or reincarnation a possibility... I would be scared to be a human again.
Tick tock. Tick Tock.
Motivation which comes and goes.
I sit and watch the clock,
As it ticks and tocks.
What does it mean to make someone tick?
Both positive and negative it can be.
A breeze whispering a soft promise of rain and thunder.
The sun slowly sinking on the horizon.
The clouds roll in as the sky darkens,
This isn’t some side job
that you can pick up
whenever you have
extra seconds on
your wristwatch.
The nebulas of your eyes
are always looking,
observing each individual
I didn't feel 70 miles per hourI felt 50Maybe slower I watched them pair offIn twosHugging the world away
My mind has seasons of its own.....crashes by stainless pressure
critical remarks of laughter that i dont find amusing
What the fuck do you know about me?
What the fuck do you know?
Who the hell are you
To say? To choose
For me,
What you do see.
A skinny black kid?
You see A Pair of Glasses?
You see -
My dream has no name,
it is still an uncreated concept,
one that I hope to create.
My dream embraces my passions,
Thinking, Thinking, and thinking
like I always think.
I have to do many things in life
The creases of the sidewalk
Drifting heavily aside
The darkness of the night
Walking as the ride
Quietness all around
The sense of the decease
Bodies nowhere in sight
You go on with your life, and he'll wallow in his lies. The tide rolls on, and the moon will sing its song. A song so sweet and slow, melodies that bristle and blow. Eternity rests between your thighs, love and life, how tenderly they collide.
Time has passed
Little change to show for it
Years ago Kunta was whipped,
Rosa was arrested
Martin was shot,
Malcolm’s death was orchestrated
Music was stolen
No one likes confrontation
but theirs no explanation
or communication
you base it off of he say she say
um but no hey
Once so close people thought we were gay
One job may change my life
It includes neither a fork nor knife
I will not construct a building
Nor will I be drilling
What makes me tick?
That's a good question, actually.
I think the best way to answer
would be to say
what makes me
the person that I am today.
I would not be who I am today
Dear John,
I wish I got to talk to you before you hopped in the car that night
Just to catch up, hear about your sights
We always knew that you had the vision
A nineteen year old soldier, on a high speed mission
One puff, two puff, look in the door.
Education is makes me tick
I like to think it's my only true skill
Deep interest makes it stick
Which helps since it takes more than will
I want to go to college someday
My brother used your name in his paintings
I wondered why he would
You chose to not exist, years before we were born
I see the candle flickering and my fingers dance with the flame
Rushing, always rushing,
Really no time to look back for what you wish was coming.
Movement, perpetual movement,
Making steps towards the revolution.
"You're so strong," they always said,
If only I could
Give you a life,
One thats worth living,
One without strife,
I would.
If only my job
Became a career,
Then we would live,
Without fear,
Of living like Uncle Bob.
as innoccent and pure it seems
pour salt in a wound
there at first you weep at the pain you will feel
but if you live through the pain
in time the wound will heal
it is something that is felt
If I had six seconds to speak to you
Only six, mind
The words I had would not be enough
But here goes, gotta try.
I hate how women walk through the dark
With their keys clasped in their fists
Listen to others and always be kind
stay strong in your beliefs and never let doubt cross your mind
Married couples and families all struggle with things
It is up to us to fix and to keep from untieing the rings
Over and over
life hums like a song.
Life plays for each person,
each family, each throng.
The more we learn about it
the less we seem to know.
The grating and reeling
The water, the trees, the flowers we adore all behind the government system we all fell for.
They provide defense
They build shelter
Survival lies within the hands
They pluck oranges from the furthest limbs
Creating a sweet nectar juice, derived from a simple fruit
My mom always told me that college isn't cheap.
However if you want to be successful, it's a must.
For those who don't go, will be a bust in rust.
What is love? How do we define love?
We ask each other "do we love each other"? We say "I love You." but do we mean it?
How can you love someone who does not love you? How can I love someone who loves me, more than I love them?
My dream job is not too popular, but one that completes me.
To feed the poor, clothe the naked, share some water if need be.
It calls me when I see the homeless.
It calls me when I feel hungry.
Broken child
Save her from his grasp
She's been here for a while
She's growing up too fast
Life and death had a meeting
when life was old, dying, and pleading.
Death said hello with a grin, a dark greeting.
Death looked at life and said, "welcome back you look different."
One year costs about the same as a C-Class,
Four years costs as much as a wife, a crib and a baby does,
Without it, we can't get good jobs.
With it, we spend our entire lives paying it off.
Drive into the night
There's a light flashing in the distance
A young boy driving thought he'd miss it
The mind is a curious thing,
It can make you think you heard your phone ring,
It can also make you terrified of the shadows on the wall.
I wonder more and more how the world worksSome simple things like how those girls twirkAnd those big question of whyLike why did you never get to say bye?I wonder am i making you proud
Healthy girls wanting to be my size
they aren't happy
they have voices in their heads telling them to eat this an eat that
that's why they are fat
they always complain and it's not a game
Wake up everyday at 6:15
constantly going through the same thing
wash, brush your teeth and do your hair
its all the same
having people yell at scream in your class
Looking upon the surface of the waters,
You see beauty, you see grace
Mystery, and depth of the mezmerizing sea
It is breathtaking, a glimpse of heaven on earth
Many pursue the sea
I don't stand.
I don't stand stand for that.
The "Pledge of Alegience."
No, I don't.
Now, before you go on
about how I am just "ignorant"
I want to state some of the words we all know:
A cage she loves. A cage she sees. This cage is in her lungs, she breaths. No freedom. No air. Yet she does not know.
I crave the rumbling thunder and flashing lightning.
The cool front against my body
cool sheets on a cool bed
my thoughts washed away.
Everything dirty in the world
now clean.
The sound of nature
Disappointment. Anger. Sadness. Fear. I'm afraid. Some days are easier than others. Some days it feels like ropes are pulling me into the ground, and I don't have the strength to resist, so I just sleep. Some days my heart feels heavy.
Sitting with idle hands
While a busy mind sits on my shoulders
It's polarizing its thoughts
None of which being what is
All being what was and can be
Now back to the crossroad
this life is for you
this anger is towords you
this pain is from you
everything i do
is for you
to be happy
everything to make it threw is for you
this life is for you
this anger is towords you
this pain is from you
everything i do
is for you
to be happy
everything to make it threw is for you
the rain falls
big tears
to whom do they
belong to?
come the lightnings
and the thunders
the rain falls
big tears
to whom do they
belong to?
come the lightnings
and the thunders
When I inhale the fresh air of this world,
And witness the virgin colors of nature,
And listen to the innocence of the wind,
I am inspired.
When I walk through the places of mankind,
The pretty girl who everyone wants
they admire you for your smarts
respect all your wishes
all the boys wanted to call you theirs
and one day, a boy was able to
you thought you loved him
Blank mind
Empty canvas
Open body
Free spirit
Ready to begin a sketch
Cant decide where to begin
The picture's unclear
Foggy and distorted
Colors are dull
You'll regret it,
You'll regret ever leaving me, making me go through all that pain and hurt.
Quien es la Morenita?
Who is the little dark skinned girl?
Where does she belong?
Her curious dark eyes look upon the world in wonder.
"Excuse me miss, can I help you?"
Have you heard this recently?
It seems as if people can never talk decently.
Is politeness something we are born with or taught?
What I say doesn’t matter. I’m 16 years old today.
It’s true. Who cares what I have to say?
Who cares just because I get good grades?
My mind isn’t light,
But it sure isn’t dark-
Life no one understands it
On cloud nine one day
And the next day you're makng a crash landing
So many obstacles to overcome
Don't think I can make it
Some of us have strong personas
Everybody think they can push me around, like I'm joke.
I don't know what they thinking, I'm the antidote
for the world's sickness. It disgusts me,
How they feel they are superior to me.
Work five to nine
I shouldn't wine
I'm earning money for college
Not enough I must acknowledge
Papa Ginos only pay's eight fifty an hour
Doesn't give me much power
Meanwhile my grades are slipping
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say good morning
And I hope your day is lovely
And you wake up and you’re happy
And you don’t have to force yourself out of bed
Or wonder what’s the point?
My mind is full of thoughts
Thoughts, like honeybees buzzing through their nest
They're flying around, without any rest.
My mind is full of dreams
Dreams that seem impossibly unobtainable
In a world where everyone is violent
How do I react?
How do I respond to the things that happen eveyday?
In a world where no one knows what love is
How do I show my true feelings?
We were always meant to be,
but will never get to be.
We are separate entities,
There is a "you", there is a "me".
Starcrossed for eternities,
yet bound to you like destiny.
We express our anger
At all the things that live under our skin.
There are shouts and comments to friends
Of irritation we can never pin.
Road rage is a common place
My words eat through my brain like maggots,
they spew from my mouth like roaches
eating through tissue.
As kids we are asked simple questions like, "what do you want to be when you grow up? How old are you? How's life?" These simple questions are fun to answer because you still would have time to decide.
A gilded cage, clipped wings, a weight, breath short, metallic fear
shaking, sweating, the bitter putrid taste of vomit.
She cries every night
tears streaming down her face
She needs to be loved again
she's forgotten the taste.
Who Are You
Who are you to tell me,
A person of my own being,
Who I can or cannot be?
I am a living person,
With my own rights,
Thoughts, and feelings.
How dare you, someone
A flash of light and you wake up in a place unlike anything you have ever seen
Constantly changing with each step, inhale, eye blink, and gasp
You would rather settle for less?
Another night on the screen answers yes
You couldnt keep from wondering eyes
Your mouth was filled with lies
What was your thought about me?
Words flow endlessly though my mind defying all space and time, as I lay down I begin to unwind all my thoughts and emotions.
We all just run in circles
looking for love
looking for hate
and through that time
we just sit and wait
wanting others to act for us
being afraid of the end result
Sometimes the sunshine of a new day isn't enough
to burn out the pain, anxiety, and sadness
from out deepest fears and worries.
Sometimes walking through the shadows and living in the dark
All over the globe people are dying every day
I pray and ask God why does it have to be this way
People in America are getting shot for stupid things
And in other places they're dying for their rights as human beings
slow down!
where you are going is not worth
your life
their life
no ones life.
slow down!
you'll get there in time
better in peace than in
p i e c e s.
The mind is sorrow
pain, regret, loss
The mind is joy
fulfillment, grace, satisfied
The mind is color
imaginatiom, creative, interaction
Our minds have chemistry
The connection between eyes
I am greater then anyone else.
I don't need anyone else
wow I am so proud of all I do
look at me a mIllIonaIre
look at me an actor on your favorIte show
I am perfect..
Beautiful black women drug through the dirt,
we're beautiful black diamonds,
stripped from inherent rights to be beautiful, strong black jewels.
Dear God
Your work is easier than mine.
Fishing for scholarships, all floating above me.
They're all biting,
Laughter is the key to anybody's heart , but the question is what makes me tick? and thats being smart.
Life is an eventful occasion.
Much like a meteor, crashing through the ever-expanding sky,
We, too, have many directions we could go.
A slight nudge from a comet,
a quick tug from a fast-moving planetesmal--
I see them
I ignore them
I passed by them
I see you
Having a sign
I stand up
Saying that's not humane
Stating that he should help
Walking few blocks down
Panthers and Bolsheviks both had their day
But Capitalist swine still have their way
Into our cities they pump drugs and freeways
And try to control us with bad pay and police
But the people are rising
Eyes are capable of so much.
They hold back the tears that our worst memories imbed in us.
They have the ability to tell a story without having to speak a word.
They keep in our deepest secrets.
When someone says, "tell me about yourself", they actually mean, "tell me your name and something that makes you important".
Continuously, they seem to tell
"The field you dream of won't treat you well"
But this is my dream so I will not comply
To their incomprehensible cries.
Interminably I've heard,
Since I was three, I felt the pain.
When I looked for the sun, there was always rain.
Had a lot of problems in my life.
Sometimes I wanted to pick up a knife.
Hearing family members screaming at each other.
Tears are flooding down my eyes, knives are being pierced threw my heart. There bones tear threw their skin. It is as though they're walking skeletons.
One shot, two shots, three shots
This was the only thing he knew
Father wasn't around to teach him better,
And mother was working two jobs,
trying to keep up with her substance abuse.
Change, change, change. What would I change about my appearance?What would I change about my life?What would I change about my world?
I feel the hot breath graze across my neck.
Raising each and every hair onto their tippy toes,
Please, give me three feet!
In the Silence
Time stands still for only a moment
But in that moment I find eternity
In that moment I feel yearning
and in that moment I known I am lacking.
You see me drawing sitting alone in the white void of my room
You may even speek up but reseave only the cold winter's chill as a response
But if you brave the cold and push threw the transparent snow that blocks you and I
Restrained by society with a death grip,
Over what I am, they are so obsessive.
I make a move, they turn it back,
Replacing my face with a mask.
Corrupting my very soul,
To study a subject that brings me grief
Stirs up a loathing brews like soup.
Filled with great passion and heat
My mind has changed for good, for art!
No job that works me like a slave
with no heart.
The pain of the world takes a part of our hearts and souls
And refuses to give it back until all of us are gone….
But we continue to be happy
It starts as a nightmare
Being pushed into a classroom
Saying goodbye to mommy and daddy
And finding a stranger who looms
In front of the classroom, all friendly
A painful process
You want to know what really bothers me? When someone come and block my view of the class board and I cannot see.
In life, we are all given a path, a choice to succeed or failSome people know from an early age what their dream is and how to obtain it: success after success.
I don’t know how I’m supposed to live in the real world
When the ones in my head are perfect
and this one is so far from it
Nothing is ever out of place
Hair is piled neatly on her head, Clothes is fitted immaculately on her body
Her smile is wide, showing a nice row of pearly teeth
The blazing king
Rampaging throughout his kingdom.
Clawing his way up the minarets of cognition and boldness
Growing up all I knew was poverty.
"Put that back!"
"We cannot afford that."
I come from a life where education was a scapgoat.
I come from hand-me-downs, and cheap shoes.
The tick tick ticking of time passing by
The climbing numbers of a clock while,
My mother tells me to stop, the minute hand
Whispers to the hairs stretching up
I plant seeds that I never see
Why do we cry, let things happen as they will
Why are we so scared, as if dying at every chosen trail
Try going ahead, leave it at that
Try flying with the clouds so you don't look back
Sit & wait, I will wait for the right voice
For the spirit to come upon me, choice
has no shape or texture, look at me now
as I raise my hands, doubt is crumbling down
And there she was longing for a successful life.
A life to inspire others,
A life to help the poor,
A life to prove to her family,
That education can give you more.
Fate's been kind to lead me here
So far, so close to childhood home
Three years gone an eon ago
No sign of that boy is left to show
Two graves were dug, one loved, one not
When a family was a family,
A whole and binding unit,
When fathers were fathers and mothers were mothers,
A team that stood together for better or worse,
Parents who taught their kids respect,
I don’t want to lie and keep up this
Saying everyone is beautiful and
We are all just great
Because in reality we’re not.
You say you want passion
I don’t think you rationed
I’m Tired
Tired of being told I can’t do something
Tired of being told I’m too slow
Tired of being told I’m too small
Tired of being told I’m to week
I’m Tired
Ten thousands thoughts collide behind these eyes
Cacophonous silence that drives me wild
At all times led in every-which way
But bound by science to live in only one place
Choice is a hefty weight upon by back
To all my peers
who and who are not
Yes, us, we are the ones
who walk in front of you in hallways;
You see through us.
We sit in front of you for hours;
you talk past us.
Have you ever been told "you can do it," when they meant only if you do it someone else way.
This week I feel funny. I feel out of place, underdressed and alone. I feel a little bit like sticky hands that you can't wash. I can't shake this feeling but for some reason I don't mind.
With beautiful oceans and beautiful seasOur home is full of life but thats not what we seeThe greed for more is not what we needHowever the want for more puts our mind at ease
I was the boy who didn’t look adults in the eye
The one who scraped his knee and who was too afraid to cry
Who constantly crunched numbers, calculating his steps
And with each diagnosis
I just want to be a doctor,
One that will help others prosper.
I just want to work in the emergency room,
To lead others out of certain doom.
Call me crazy if you will,
As a high school graduate,the job of a college education is what I seek,
I know the "right" answers,
The ones I should say:
End world hunger,
Bring world peace.
But is that enough?
If my real answers are:
Change my body,
"I had a dream.."
Those were the wise words that seemed to gleam,
I found them carved on some sort of oak tree.
I put it together, kind of like the birds and the bees.
My dream is to change the world,
If I could have changed one thing
I would have changed my choices
I would have said no to the peer pressure
No to the party
No to the drinking
I would have said yes to being the designated driver
I sit in constant worry, wishing on a star.
What I will I do that could change my life…forever?
Will I make it that far?
My mind is conflicted. Anxiety is consuming me.
It is both a curse and a blessing to feel things so deeply.
To take on the gravity of a burden or the flight of a fancy.
Both within herself and from those she cares for, as they live around her.
*Scribble Scribble*
Hmm... What would I change?
Hey, how about a pony?
I think I wanna trade in this Xbox for Sony.
And also an extra controller for my homie.
For every baby that lies in the cold. For each infant who was told- they are not loved. For every child that sobbed tears. For every year that passed without a smile. If I could, I would provide a blanket. A blanket provides shelter.
I could have done this. I should not have done that.
Life is never a success. It is along the lines of
Try. Fail. Repeat.
Life is supposed to be an amazing experience. But it is more like
Try. Fail. Repeat.
Loyalty is a fickle beast inside all,
seemingly temperamental and ever-shifting.
In reality, however, it has a core
where irrevocable loyalty lies.
For some, that is their country.
We all have free spirit.
We all decide what we do.
But what we really do is what people expect of us.
Should we let them run our lives
Or should we control our lives to get what we want?
One Job
One Day
One Life
One Chance
To make a difference
The Job?
NCIS I Choose
To Help People
One Job
One Day
The first images
Vivid like a reflection
On redefined glass
These images are ideas
From the biography on Marilyn Savant
To the ancient relics in Machu Picchu
When I was young, I used to dream of far off lands and play pretend
Dance around school like i was in some fairy tale den.
Find your "passion", he said.
As if "passion" was a magical word.
I asked him what that felt like.
He was silent.
I asked,
"Does it feel like adrenaline running through your veins?
Loyalty and Honesty are harder to find in today's society than a four leaf clover among the greenest of green pastures. Nobody is willing to do right onto others or treat others as they would want others to treat them.
One job,
Going to work every day.
One path,
Going to change others’ lives.
One way,
Going to get my bachelors.
One field,
Going for mechanics, four years.
I coerced my words from the dormant soul residing within me.And through that lucid window, I could see a flame swaying about
one job may change my lifebut how are you taught to workwhen you come from a city where they slang;its just principal.not like the kind you meet at school
I would change the view of a minority,
A minority currently is,
Anyone who has squinted eyes,
Or is darker than the average spray tan, but naturally.
Minorities are gifted,
One life to change at a time
Not a minute sooner
But a time just right.
A simple act.
A thank you.
A friendly smile.
One life to change at a time
Not a minute sooner
If there was one thing that I could do for the rest of my life
I’d be a teacher, but not just of education
I would teach children the ways of words, and how to use them
So that one day, they could set themselves free
Love, love
what is love?
Ill tell you,
love is not a game
and will never be forever.
Love isn't always the same
and will be nothing but a big game
The way your hair falls perfectly across your face,
Like waves in the sea.
Your eyes sparkle,
Like the midnight stars.
Your smile,
In love
Your heart gains a sharp feeling,
Like a dull pencil.
Your eyes sparkle,
Like tinker bells light as it dies out.
It stops your heart
I came to life to dream
to beam, to seem
to have a purpose.
I came to life to reap
not sleep, not keep
my pride holding me back.
For my job is to be under
the hunter of clothes.
Whenever I tell people I want to write for a living,
they give me a funny look that says 'good luck'
in a sarcastic way, though.
Most people don't think anyone can make it writing,
writing for television,
If I could change one thing,
I would let no one
feel like
the only one.
All it takes
With headphones in, A determined stare.
I type for you but a passage, for all readers to share.
Viewers reflect, make choices, prepare.
The future is approaching, with its army of fear.
Thoughts are as common as the world
And at the same time they shape it
Sticking to our detailed minds making them twirl
Sew a quesiton mark to your deams
imagine where you shall be.
Maybe you are a tree
without motion
in one place for a lifetime
seeing changes around you
Just a moment of our lives,
Thinking about every second,
Not even caring about the person walking right past us.
It's all about ourselves time and time,
Education is the building block, the job that tops them all. You often don't get paid alot, and you always get ignored. Its your fault for everything, and parents will complain. You work past 3 o'clock, and you're up before 8.
Many jobs can change a life.
Teacher, doctor, husband, wife.
In many ways large or small,
A single role to benefit all.
The professional I aspire to be,
Has more or less chosen me.
As the night follows
The slim light that shines during dusk
I can't express the sorrows
I feel for us
I mean us as in the people
The epitome of God's creation living life so evil
Who can define success?
What does it truly mean?
Could it be something tangible that we can have?
Or is it considerably unattainable, obscure, and unseen?
How do I find this road to success,
Holy Spirit
creating enlightening
changing the world
We live in a world where we dont need to get to know someone
Cause' we're able to judge.
Have you ever been liplocked? Not romantically,
But has your mouth ever been a bank.
Your teeth safe-bolts to an iron door.
A room with no windows.
Your jaw wired.
Torn between the two.
I have a friend who knows me inside and out,
and another friend who is still trying to figure me out.
What am I supposed to do?
The best friend who I love,
Half naked women, dancing on TV screens.Magazine covers with girls not-so-modestly dressed. mocking these images all become a test to the girls of our world.
Can one job define us?
Can our hunger for success, fulfillment, and adventure be satisfied with just one job.
What if I told you yes!
Would you believe me?
Probably not! Am I right?
letting go seems necessary,
like I have no other choice
but to let my fears and problems-
swallow me whole.
I'd look in the mirror
and study myself hard,
Going to college, my Momma is proud,
“My son is successful,”
She can say it out loud.
High school was hard,
Not the smartest one
But now I’m a man,
My journey has begun.
Imagine everyone being happy.
The poor, the rich, the hobos, the CEOs.
You can, and in your mind, you imagine them smiling.
After all, smiling’s happiness.
But you’ve smiled.
"Good Morning, Ms. Mai Xee",
everyday as the students walk in.
Bright little smiles,
maybe missing a few teeth.
Sitting in their seats and eager to learn.
Pulling out their crayons,
I would be happier, if I could
More independent, I should
Smile more and make the most of the day
Carefree, I would stay
Do what I can when I can
For who ever I can
Be better and do better
We all have that one goal in life
That one job we’ve dreamed about all our lives since we were little
Whether it was to become a princess like Cinderella
To be the firefighter that saves the day
For her as a child it all began ,
With a fairy tale and a simple story
Perhaps the tale of Peter Pan,
She comes to meNot only listening, but living what I speak.
She steps up to the plate.She swings.She succeeds.
The creditall given to her,but she thanks me.
What if I could earn my degree in college?
What if I could go to Japan?
What if I could get paid to edit manga?
Or what if I'm turned down?
What if they say nay,
what if, what if, WHAT IF?!
Changing my path for the career of my dreams
it hasnt been easy, I've stifled many screams
Working full time while taking many a course
and stressing about the great unknown in full force
On a road to fame...
Most people would expect to see shame.
Drugs, sex, and violence, stain the lives of the rich and famous.
These "idols" inspire us teens to do the same,
But really, who is to blame?
An outcast laying low, hiding in the shadows of the Earth’s chattering inhabitan
Mesial, Incisal, Lingual, Facial,
These are the surfaces of my dream
Slidig smootly over the deep pits and fissures
Weaving in and out of the sulcus displacing bacteria
Sometimes I feel like a shell of what I should be,
Just unable to see what others can see.
They're all so comfortable and happy,
While I remain bitter and sappy.
Hundreds of others can instantly connect
If I could change one thing, it would be discrimination
The only thing it brings its separation
The world has no place for segregation
We are brothers and sisters
So why are we adversary?
A nurse has always been the one thing I wanted to be,
And I will become one to the best of my ability.
To cure, to assist, to heal,
Would make my occupation surreal.
The world is a super-fleeting-rundown place
You look around and think,
Just for a moment what have I got here.
Trash-upon-pollution with nothing in-between
Its suffocating me
Same time
Your front door creaks, did you notice?
Mine does, too.
10:30 AM, you walk out of your apartment-
The one right across the hall from mine-
And I make sure I walk out, too.
Look in the mirror and see
you are nothing you want to be.
Sad face, permanant frown.
The only way to go is down.
What if one day, that all changed?
Confidence is key
Teaching new students’Telling us about everythingTransforming the world
Enriching our livesEducating our futureExpanding our minds
Are you a man?
Your reply "Yeah I Think I am"
But being a man is more than what you think It's not when you hate the colour pink.
There was a little seedOne planted six feet downHidden from earths greedInnocence in the groundEach and every day it grewNever in a huryHad lots of time to think things through
The way we are living now is prone to always change.
A world searching for tomorrow, yet today never remains.
When the next big thing hits, and no thought enters brains
Everyone has dreams and goals,
but it may take some time for things to unfold.
And once you begin to make some ground,
next adversity will come around.
I've heard over and over the sky's the limit,
People don't seem to understand
people think we're bubbly
overly happy and hysterical teenagers
when in reality we're the complete opposite
It's not all rainbows and unicorns
He said this
She said that
You come to me asking for help
because you know
you know that I will
even if I'm ill
don't question it
but when you leave and talk behind my back
Think for a moment if we didn't consume;
If we didn't eat,
If we didn't drink-
More time on the clock for personal use,
More accomplished feats,
More seconds to think-
my life has indeed been pretty simple
it has been pretty good, not to crazy
but you know have what i have wished to do
i wish i did more
more for the community, more for others
If I could change one,
I would change the blemish upon my face,
But not the one on yours.
certainly you've felt life tug you, hug you, and even push you away..
and I'm certain you've seen life assert it's opinion to your dismay..
& by all means necessary, life has lead you to this point..
With a peek into the sky,
I forgot where I lie.
Upon a place I wished to know,
I twisted my head to and fro.
Why are there still people out there that just love to hate?
Based upon the color of their skin and their race
Every individual possesses different traits
Is it even possible to change these people's ways?
You can't look at yourself in the mirror anymore
without seeing failure written on your forehead.
You're at an all time low.
Society's image:
Long hair.
Big eyes.
Fancy clothes.
Big house.
Perfect family.
A toothpick is skinny, not a woman.
A skyscraper is tall, not a woman.
If I could change any one thing small or big; I would fund the youth schools for better education for all of our kids. Education is stability, power, and success; So that we all can thrive and be our best.
If I could change one thing I would change everything.
Politicians wouldn't lie and innocent people wouldn't die.
I would change the way this democracy runs, where the people, not the corporations are number one.
Change is the very meaning of our life
As humans we are the definition of change
We are also everchanging to meet our needs
Within change more change is needed
Our greed makes our charge so much
He is an American soldier.
Before he enlisted he was just a boy,
He was undisciplined, scruffy, and a little pudgy.
Before he enlisted he was just a boy,
He had no manners and no respect for authority.
Gonna be a signer one day
Gonna give them a voice to say
No more silence will there be
Hearing people gotta see
Getting an education is the plan
Figuring out how to get money in hand
In the bible, evil is money's root,
In the streets, people live and die for it;
World power built on exploiting for loot,
Whose void has torn apart homes bit by bit.
Imagine a world without money's need,
Looking down over 200 feet.
I pause.
I climb back down.
Again, I climb up,
Hoping. Hoping. Hoping
That I could fly,
be unafraid.
Progress does not come without struggle,that is what my mom would say.So changing the world wouldnt be easy,take it day by day. They teach you God, Family, then Future
Spinning in the wood chips of the elementary playground,
I look to my left, a boy is looking up, the sky is looking down.
Stop daydreaming and dance on this concrete, boy, says the tall man in the suit.
If I could change anything, I would start at the core of the problem.
Before I can change anything, I must look from within and pick myself apart to discover every last flaw I might have.
One day a little bird, asked me what would I do
If I had the power of words, to make a change in you.
I pondered it for a moment, my thoughts began to race.
Knowing in my heart I'd change the world's pace.
Change is always around us
Change is everywhere
It happens every day, but sometimes we hardly notice
The temperature, the shape of the clouds, and change even arises from tectonic plate movement.
Desperate, Hopeless
Wishing, Wanting, Begging
College, Debt, Wealthy, Employed
Striving, Achieving, Believing
The words they flow, through and through,
Running, skipping, bouncing too.
Under and over, bottom to top,
Swirling and laughing, they don’t ever stop!
All the day long the sun they chase,
I would live to see the day that society crumbles,
Their ashes in the palm of my hands, all destroyed,
To finally have its remains of the endless hate,
Of the standards that society had created.
Your hatred is unreasonable, unfathomable, and irrational.
So why continue to say that name in place of my own?
You are the NIGGER
The low-down and the dirty.
The hatred.
Change, everything is constantly changing.
We need to change the issue of bullying.
People are dying, children are crying,
yet still there's hate.
When will the world see that something needs to be done.
You see that kid over there?
His dad abandoned him when he was only five
, and his mom killed herself when he was just ten
Hes a foster child.
His foster parents beat him.
He smells like alcohol and weed
I used to be here,
Didn't we all.
History shows,
Powerful nations,
Always fall.
But we never worry,
Never show fear.
Just shake our fists,
And drink a beer.
No! Don't cry,
This world is getting crazy; the truth is a blurred line
Respect is something foreign; a concept not grasped
Where greed and envy run rampant, where everyone screams "Mine!"
When people ask me,
What would you change?
They are surprised to find, that it's not my personality.
If I were to change something, it would not only affect you and me,
But also everyone you see.
soft and furry
try not to scurry
sizing up a lion
we are not buying
no need to freak
the point is bleak
we live among you
its true
the name you gave us
Wait and see:
Anarchism of archaism of clinical depression bought for $4.25 plus tax
Cynicism of circular policy of mandating time and space as property right
Look into their hearts and you will feel.
Look into their eyes and you will see.
If you are willing you will find them
In the streets and on TV,
How often do we consider,
I would change the judgement,
the judgement all around.
In the air, and In your mind,
tearing people to the ground.
I would change those evil thoughts,
making people's love go blind.
They slam Islam
What I am, a Muslim
A Muslim woman
But it's cool
You can laugh
I can costomize
Go from a red hijab
to blue hijab
This hijab
And that hijab
I am a fashonista
I fly, I soar, my lungs can't get air
The beauty, the freedom, it's beyond compare
I can't get enough, the joy overwhelms
Performance I live for, above all other realms
My feet may ache, my back may break
Every person has different thoughts
On who they want to be
We have been told since day one
that you can be whoever you want to be
At the age of five this makes sense
food should be healthy
We need to recall our food
we should be healthy
food is killing us
our kids won't live longer than
this generation
heart disease, cancer
Walking down the street
Suddenly life changed
I thought to myself
“I gotta stop being so disengaged,
It’s time to take control of my own life,
Be the man I want and end my strife”
My World it is filled with joy and wonderIf I were to change one thingit would be how the world views matters of the heartwho dares tells another person who they canand cannot love
Lying here on the bed sorting through offers from the world, I imagine what life will be in the future.
Look at her mouth
At the thoughts that once filled that mind
The after math of a death too early
After all someone has to be the one to examine the bodies
All I want
I need
The power to connect,
To communicate,
To learn,
To teach,
To understand;
To connect you,
To communicate to the world,
So the world can communicate back,
Sick. Sick was what I always was.
What I felt. What I was labeled as. My indentity.
So my body was sick? Sick wasn't my state of mind.
My mind was never more alive. Alive with passion.
I will change how you perceive me
The world is waiting
Clouds clearing
Our eyes finally esteemed to what really may be
I believe the allusion has sewn our seam
The allusion of difficulty
Heights, widths, IDs -
Sketching, scribbling, writing fast -
Taking shape on
Website Design
Is not a hobby or a job,
But a passion.
Totes,clutches,crossbody,shoulder bags, ,and wallets all bearing my name
Girls waiting in lines to wear my name
Jumping for joy when they recieve a gift with my name
I wanna be the next Tory Burch
As long as I reside in this Reality I'm always helping another human being
mostly through words, or constructive theory; really what my goal is, is to help them start seeing.
A disease,
That no ones knows,
But it stings like bees,
Yet still no one sees.
My father,
Has this curse,
He looks at his daughter,
She knows it hurts.
Could I change my community?
A small town,
Where there is no impunity, no crime,
No one to be found?
Could I change the world?
From it's destruction,
The sorrows, the cries
Nothing is perfect and I don’t want it to be
But somethings on me may need to be tweaked
When something beautiful is destroyed,
It grows back twisted and ugly.
You will find it hiding from the sun in fear,
Quarters, nickels, and dimes can change hands every day.
Each face different, but to a child, they only see them as gray.
Open your hearts like a target register.
And see the world like a child
I look down the road and while it's far away my destination's in sight,
The path is long and filled with hills so I know I'll have to fight,
First I have to make it through high school, such a daunting task,
Whimsically wishing for a life of happiness,
yet constantly constrained by a monetary monster.
Reasoning roads to take or to avoid,
forever weighing the pros and cons.
We're just kids
Defined-- By our apathy
Subjugated wiithout sympathy
But how can we care?
Whenwe're stripped of our voice
Left with no choice
Cold cinder blocks covered in thick, distorted white paint that tries to hide the sharp, rough edge of the bare blocks.
I'm a teapotwarm and boilingboiling so much that my top is poundingpounding me until I can no longer feel the burning sensationthis rapid raceand unwilling face looks at menot wanting to touch me
I am happy
for her,
She has beauty
and heart,
She deserves it
for sure,
Her soul
is true art,
All those who disagree,
Calm down and
let the girl be.
What would you consider calm?
Maybe a tropical palm
Or a vibrant butterfly on an infant’s
Sprouting hair
Yet even a single tulip
Amidst the life that’s bare
Or a teeming cub
An excuse of good looks don’t get you anywhereSoft blue eyes and long blonde hairIn their eyes are all bad habits
Happy thoughts don't exist.
Nobody tries to understand.
There's always an unkown twist,
I'm on my last strand.
I'm drifting away,
hearing the voices.
As the people try & pray,
There was a sad story,
well it was more horrible than any.
A story of a woman,
a young woman at that...
A woman who spoke kind words,
and never felt or suffered hurt.
I love you more than those Versace heels worn by January Jones.
More that that Escada argyle sweater of neutral tones,
More than that five-hundred dollar Chanel necklace and that vintage Gucci purse and heels.
I am from Picture Frames
From Yankee Candles and febreeze Airspray
I am from the weeds growing under the deck
(tall, green, it tasted like celery)
I am from the Begonia semperflorens
the Gaillardia aristata,
Too many teens sit on the steps in their house after school
with tears on their face and blood on their wrists.
They get out of school and they load their home screen on facebook
or twitter
or tumblr
I crave you in my deepest depressions. I fear you in brightest highs. In my midst of finding who I am and who I want to be, I get the sense of something going wrong. You call my name before I can even try to fix the broken pieces.
I once read a poem.
It was about nothing.
Then I started to think hard.
What is ‘nothing’?
Not sure how many people have thought that.
Alone in the chilling void,Feeling emotionless as a metallic droid.Why am I here?Why can't I stop these vast rivers of tears?Never been so afraid, so cold;Yet, I see a fluttering, red light, so vivid and bold.
The release of my emotions,
The movement of my soul,
The language of my heart,
There are no limitations,
no expecations,
but only beautiful improvisations.
Let go, to feel
Danbury is my home, my house, and my hearth.
It is the bustling Main Street and the quiet back roads. It is the big lake full of waterweeds and the seagulls that fight with the geese on the shore.
Live a little.
Don't let life just pass you by
Don't be as busy as an aut
or so mellow as a melon
but be cool as a cat
slow down like a snail
Observe everythig around you
But don't miss a step.
There is a vast ocean,
which engulfs every aspect of existence.
It submerges life,
under its path like a pestilence.
It has been present since the fall,
none can escape its wrath,
First off, I will start off by saying I’m sorry
I don’t know if I actually am
My brain says I ought to be but my heart disagrees
When he says you’re beautiful deny it.
Do not be defiant and tell your mother that organized religion isn’t for you and you won’t be going to church anymore.
Am I the wrong woman because my hair is not silky or smooth?
Am I not the one for him because he can't tell me what to do?
Am I not the one he chooses because Im not from a foreign place?
The power to change the world is not a fantasy.
The power to change the world is not a dream you wake up from.
I could never understand
How someone could see the fear in your eyes,
Hear the tremble in your voice,
Understand the falsity of your choked out laugh
Pain is a sign that something is wrongMissing is a sign that you're not where you belongLonging is a sign that you're not done yet;Remembrance a sign that you're not to forget.Love is a sign that something is right;
I believe in the precious momentsThe joy in your laughterThe warmth of your touchThe precious smile on your face
This passion of mine is a craft I refine,
Words Clash and align then get graft into lines.
Disaster and crime get you blast with a nine,
Just for cash or a dime bet you castin' a sign.
I have these scars from you.
And I don't mean just you
I mean everyone including you.
I'm too big.
I have an eating disorder.
I ache from depression and battle anxiety.
I see you there in the back row
Laughing like a pro
But tell me is it still funny
When it’s you on the road?
When you’re the one that’s suffering
The harsh and painful blow.
Tell me is it funny
Right as my gold rush fever slowed
I stumbled on the mother lode
But someone else had claimed that road—
The road to El Dorado.
I was tired of falling for fool’s gold and flakes
A walk down the open dirt road
An adventure that’s never been told
The sun is already at its peak
Gracing the surface of my cheeks,
Rays seeping deeply into my pores, receiving the vitamin D
A placing a plate of cookies and glass of warm milk for Santa
On the dining room table was a waste of time
At least I got to witness my father gobble it down
Silence settles within
A restful smile imprinted
Above my chin
As my mind opens all about
The box is gone, I got out
Vast planes surface
And I’m witnessing my purpose
On purpose
I have covered my ears
From the wise words of your heart
You were right from the start
I have made my mistake and done my part
Forgive me
For I was young and naive
I didn’t want to believe
i'm no angel to knock on anyones door
trying my best not to mourn
& this is why roses have thorns. because i go by my nature.
& no one understands
my ways
The sun shines brighter on the other side
Where children can run and play
At the park and by the slide
I am not a stereotype
So leave your uneducated black girl
Fried chicken
And nigga behind
Don’t characterize me by the color of my cashew skin
But instead, take a deeper look with in
When I think of orientation
I dont immediately think education
when we think of excitement
Camp crimson is synonymous
we are sooner born sooner bred
No contest!
No seriously, this is not a contest.
I am entering a random drawing
by adding my thoughts and words in exchange for money.
We were friends back, years ago
Back When She was a awkward nerd and my hair was nappy.
Now We're all grown up, reunited,
And All I want is to make her happy.
I'll only write once at 8 am,
I'll write once again at 9.
The true test comes at 10 am because I've had all I can to eat,
Including the wine.
The words are harder to understand,
Clashes of metal cranks and crane
And the bolts, screws, and nails crashing.
An industrious sphere is instigating
Air is filthy, water is nasty, bottom is insane
Gently, the wind folds around my body.
How come you didn't include what I had in my mind in your essay?
You had enough time to cover thirty years of history, in thirty minutes
How come you do not have the answer?
I enter his room with excitement
Yet he leaves the room with BS
He claims I'll get a BS
And I agree,
I haven't learned anything
Except that pessimists are realists
In your minds, we're all the same.We the students, you our masters.You do no wrong; who are we to blameWhen suddenly comes a disaster?This is not realistic, not at all,
I have stopped counting the number of days when I feel unable to do anything
But sit on my bedroom’s carpet and allow my fingernails to create moon-shaped marks on my skin.
Memorizing data to spit back out verbatim
That’s not learning
Banking our self-worth on a letter
That’s not learning
Staying up so late that the book get’s blurry and our brain gets fuzzy
That’s not learning
My best friend is my radiator.
It talks to me on cold days
When it's working so hard to heat our little apartment.
It likes to hiss and pop and gurgle
When I play it music on my guitar.
Teacher these days are just ignorant
They like to teach us stuff we already know.
When you correct them, you suffer a consequence,
Or you could just go
Outside and miss the whole lecture,
I admire the person who could be so confidently wrong,
The person who could condescendingly know not of anything,
Many things, look for every seam, just to bark up my tree.
Insult for your comedy, so funnily.
Education is something that you need to have
A definate must with the impending reality of the world going from good to bad.
There are a lot of people in the world who don't understand
So you wanna be gay, huh?
Well I'm sorry fellow,
but that just don't fly with me.
You gotta be straight and man up.
Show that God gave you some damn balls.
You think you know what you feel?
Once upon a time there was a wandering child
Who found herself in a cold, dark wasteland.
Once it was her safe haven, now her never-waking nightmare.
She searches in the fog for the answers.
Until tenth grade, I was afraid to write poetry. Every time I put my pencil to the paper and wrote what I thought was a poem, unforgiving red ink told me otherwise. The word choice is awkward, it rhymes too much, it rhymes too little, i
Difference is separated in a community
Where it's hard to find another
To break away from negativity
Just to be together.
Sometimes belonging never really feels equally connected
My college has a lake,
oh how it looks so fake.
What good is it for?
Our school is supposedly poor.
The lake does not serve a purpose;
I was taught 31 digits of pi
And to ask "how?" not "why?"
I was taught how to solve for x
And how to prepare for tests
I was taught how to read, write and speak
Some call it crazy,
Some say it’s sick,
but I think it’s freedom,
the pain is fierce, but quick.
Some say that it’s a sin,
just a little to risqué.
But it helps to release the pain
Life is a prison
Won’t someone let me out?
There’s no one around
To hear when I shout.
Climb the walls of insanity
Jump into the pit of despair.
If I fall it won’t matter
My toes touch the edge,
I look down.
I see the darkness
beneath the ground.
I look up,
searching for light.
All I see is darkness
deep in the night.
In a life full of sorrow and strife,
The only thing I want to do is hold the knife.
The knife that cuts, the knife that scars,
The knife that stops most of the wars.
The wars inside, the fights on the out.
World's Deadliest Black Man
Which is deadlier a black man with a loaded gun,
Or a black man seeking education providing for his son?
Which do we fear the notion of inner city aggression,
Cancer strikes without a sound,
My friends life was laid down.
Not to see a day past sixteen,
So much talent was left unseen.
I hugged his mom as she cried.
Watching everyone say their goodbyes.
When my fingers brush your skin
The tips of my fingers are on fire.
Your energy surrounds and envelops
Anyone you're with,
Bringing sheer bliss.
Without your light
I'm not sure I could see
We are voiceless.
Our feet are turned to iron.
We're lobbed into a torrential river
Of expectations.
Ideals. They say,
“The perfect child is ours.
“No flaws here.
Well I succeeded
When I thought I had mended
The door receded, the colors blended
And my mind surrendered to the feelings rendered.
I want a peace that is pieced together and not falling apart
Like my heart
Teachers don’t work hard nowadays
Rather than focus on education
They focus on my grades
I may have passed your damn class
I'm floating, but oh, sure to sink soon.
A sponge soaking in dirty water--
You say waving; truth told, I'm drowning.
One little fish caught up in a school.
Follow the leader, but the leader--
Good riddance, why am I stopping?
Just stop.
Oh, please. If you must, don’t be too specific. Now if you would excuse me for a moment as I continue ‘undisrupted’ ..
I'm sorry for not being like you
I'm sorry for not looking the same as you
This is the way God made me
He made me in his image of perfection
But whydid youhate me?
You didn't know my name
My body aches with pain.
Fear flowing through my xylem as I'm rooted to the floor a Charlie Brown tree in the midst of a forest of strong pine.
It's alarming
The statistics we find about:
test scores,
teen pregnancy,
underage alcohol consumption.
Because ladies and gentlemen,
two of these are shooting up
more regularly than
Sheltered.I had no choiceIn the high school I attendedI am Catholic;Therefore, to a Catholic Ladies' schoolI shall go.
Is it too much to ask
To ask for a space
Where a girl feels like saying ‘No’
Wouldn’t be out of place?
To see a court case
Hello there teacher!
I am so sorry to tell you that your class is a mess!
Behind your back, OH NO could it be!
Wall twerking! Maybe…
Texting! Of corse…
Learning! NOOO!
Your class is a mess!
Through paper thin walls,
I watch as you slowly fall,
With your kness down to the ground,
And with eyes downcast, I can hear every sound.
As the clock ticks away the time,
Sweaty palms and the nervous biting of my nails
let me just start by saying that i hate pop quizzes
Confused looks on my face don't mean i am stupid
when the 16 year old boy kills himself for no known reason
how your bestfriend changes faster than the seasons
and how when its winter you want summer and when its summer you want fall
It's just for practice. Made for perfect.Clock the time, that's for working.Play the game call it sporting.Mail it in, importing.Pressing concern, important.
Who am I?
Who am I to look her in the face and say
“I’m fine. No, really it’s okay.”
When really I’m screaming inside.
Work, sweat and sometimes cry,
deadlines are coming
and the only thing not stopping is time.
Submit your work
and close your eyes.
Take a deep breath
and feel like you made it.
What I would like to see
Consists of greater funding of three.
The first builds upon creativity.
The second trains many, for jobs.
The Third explains everything.
First, is seen everywhere,
We are all made out of ruin
Every broken branch
But She and I, we stand and we grow
And these knots in our bodies are just monuments
to how we've overcome the lightening
and the burning
Her lips get blacker and blacker,
And the more they do, the more she masks them with red lipstick
She claims she's got no regrets,
but she suppresses each grudge as she inhales another cigarette,
I'm just a girl,
A girl in love,
A girl that knows what she wants,
Is just out of reach.
I'm just a girl.
A girl that is smart.
A girl that knows what she knows,
Is just not enough.
Kindly turn and walk away,
Abandoned thoughts have gone astray.
Images allude feelings once had,
Timid eyes have now gone bad.
Looming clouds that hang overhead,
Yerk the soul about things unsaid.
I have gone to school for many years,
What I have learned isn't exactly clear.
There were many teachers who taught me well,
English, math, science, and how to spell.
Mr. Care, he was the best,
Dig deep. What do I find?More pocket lint, but I'll be fine.Pinched pennies equate to dimes.A quarter for the meter maid.Or a quarter for a minute made.In that minute a decision is made.
We are His child.He knows our name.We ask, "Why?"He replies, " Hush my child."We don't understand.He holds us in His arms.We've failed.He loves.
Innocent lives being lossed, like they dont know the meaning of lifes cost. The government has money for guns and war but still cant feed the poor. They tell young men that its a new chapter, a new door. But not just any men, black men.
I heard about a young man whose life was cut short
By an individual who categorized him into an unlawful sort
His judgment was merely predicated on appearance,
In all truenessyou’re my steeple of religionThe paper weightholding me down in placethe blade of grass where the ladybug resides my bedside books and first shower of the day
I love going to class and learning all I do
But hear me out when I say that change is overdue
The seats are as hard as stone and make noises when I shift
The coldness hits my back as I sit in the rift
Most of us believe that we are free,
But in reality, we are nothing more than a working bee.
Most of us believe that the system is fair,
But in reality, its only causing us pain.
i just need to vent .
this life is suppose to be well worth spent .
but as of now it makes no sense .
arguing and fighting and throwing a fit.
but really is it worth it ?
He was just as innocent as you,
or maybe he was better,
His soft, calm personality, just as light as a feather,
walking home after a long day,
never intended to cross your way,
While holding her belly she tries to hide
From the horrid stares as she walks by
Traumatized eyes glare as she wishes the day would end
For she’s too humiliated to face those she called “friends”
Were we there, do we know?
Do we know true facts for sure?
its our minds who believe what we're told.
who ever caused it, there hearts are cold.
the one that were there know and the guilt will show.
You promised we would be together forever
I guess forever isn't such a long time
White lies and night cries
You take but never give
I give but never live
You say you love me
But you left me.....
A friend was once given some doughnut seeds
to spread joy wherever she went.
But each one she planted and watered and loved
In that moment I lost it allI lost all hope, all beauty to the eyeI even lost curiosity on the last personthat stretched my mindEverything began to resemble a rockworthless, pointless, just taking up space
Kiss My A**
Where do I start, what can I say?
Never been much for words
At least that's what they tell me.
"Oh you're so shy"
But I stand up in class
"That question is stupid"
I'm lost,
Lost in a realm where though time is a deciding factor
It remains unrecognized for the world know.
Is one unshown in its happily ever
As the pedals fall from its own start
Earth! what a small word for a bulbous creation,so much diversity, from cultures to racesfrom continent to countries, from places to nationswhat a gift God gave us for ages and ages
I'd love you have you walk around instead of me
Take the notes and do what I do,
Yeah, you have already, and that's why you're in the front of the room
But you ought to do it again,
Hello, you! Yes you there!
I know I can’t be that invisible,
To the point where I fall into class and you nor anyone else sees me.
Well, I see me. I know you are of ability as well.
Hello, you! Yes you there!
I know I can’t be that invisible,
To the point where I fall into class and you nor anyone else sees me.
Well, I see me. I know you are of ability as well.
So we have rights
We have the right to life and liberty, to the pursuit of happiness
The right to worship however we like
to freedom of speech and expression
Sure we have some rights, and they make us who we are
Poor little thing,Your weakness lies within your strength. Presenting as a monument,So strong and assuring,No one bothered checking For those cracks in the porcelain. They saw the sculpture
I can’t tell Professor C that I’m not focused ‘cause I’m so anxious I don’t sleep
I can’t tell him that I hate the way I am and I’m dying to change
There’s no way he’s gonna understand the way my heart feels, let alone my uterus
Students stare when I pass from class to class,
Teachers even give me double takes,
And glare when they realize what they see.
I'm not a boy.
My hair is cropped short, my jeans bag,
Oh math, I hate you so much
You're my one and only, actual crutch
I work my fingers to the bone
Yet them equations never flow!
Square root this, rationalize that
Your about as stupid as a half beaten cat
Why is it that a school could feel like prison
an institution where there's no one to listen
We are denied of expression
if it's not a calculus lesson
Where the funding goes elsewhere
As I walk into school,
I feel everyone’s eyes on me
They burn holes through my skin,
And their glances pierce my stomach
Darkness lies inside my mindCoiling around my soulScarce are those who are kindCausing me to not find my roll
Not everyone is perfect, okay,
Even if the think of themself that way,
And although teachers wish it weren't true,
They abide by the rules too,
So here is a list I'll give you to try,
Dear Ms. K
I hope I don’t sound gay, but
You are one of a kind
Probably the best Math teacher I have ever had
You took something I hated and molded into a beautiful thing
Observe the young children.
Soon some will crave
a drink or two
a smoke or two
a lovely high
a dull needle
a brusie from a lover
we spend about an hour with them everydayoh the things we wish we could say
some of us want to vent and befriend 'emothers want to whack them with their pen
oh the things we wish we could say
I came into in to the world and I knew who you were
But I didn’t know you
I slipped out of the womb battered and bruised and the only reason I lived was because of you
And yet I’m ungrateful
Running around hiding
I hate your f***ing class
why be here when I could be smoking glass
2 + 2 is 4
No way! who would have thought.
you think your so smart
but its clear your brain is melted from pot
Who would of thought? that with composition, lines and verses
Y’all cast these disperses to pay off my courses
Disperse em, then convert all disbursements
investing, buying, spending them all in the moment..
You ask why, but I cant give the real answer
The story cant be heard
No its not correct to say the things that happened
Get personal,
NEVER! Its inappropriate..
But what if my story defines me
Feet on ground
Head in the sky
Making plans for the future
When I am barely getting by
Just happy to be smiling
So lucky to be alive
Whether money grows on trees
Or I am begging on my knees
Life can flow,
Life can stop,
But don't you dare waste one drop,
For Life is Precious,
And Life is Blessed,
If you just end it you're guaranteed to be missed,
Life is like water,
Some advice I consider the bestSurprisingly I got it from Mr. West"If you admire somebody, you should go 'head and tell em'People never get the flowers while they can still smell em'"I met you in my freshmen year
What do you really think when you say, how are you?
Because I doubt that you mean it, but it’s the polite thing to do
I could talk all day about what I’ve recently been through
Here lies my math book
Never will I take a second look
College bound with dreams in mind
Meanwhile Math is no where to be found
Use it or lose it they all say
Maybe I'll need it for taxes one day
Our World is so fucked, the gulf iscrying out in oil suds mixed Fossil Fuels-all- -gone--dry-In this heat wave they speak, as I kick
Woke up this morning with a thought on my mind.
How the day will go, will I make school on time?
Greeted my family as I wandered the house with ease,
showered up, got dressed, it was absolute peace
My elephant Sam grew a mustache
It was my birthday wish
My mommy said wishes don’t come true
But mine was special because mine did
The other year he had an afro
Little boy rage,
Screwing down puberty plate,
An underlining cage,
A percent of hate.
Turning around from the face of the commons,
Dashing towards that figure of authority,
Viewing the cries of the summons,
Seeing the pleads of minority.
My thoughts run towards that mighty being,
Just one step and…gone
Maybe in an instant
Maybe after a few minutes
Maybe it will be like the movies
My house is like a circus party,
But a little crazy for me,
Come right in, and right this way,
Why don't you come and see?
You see the lion and it's tamer?
Performing tricks and all of that?
You taught us A-B-C, 1-2-3,
Reach high scores on SATs,
But when do I learn to be me?
Being a teacher for the day
I would get more done
I would let the students teach
I would make the class room fun
Every once in a while
I would give them a test
With the answers on the board
A few weeks ago I walked into an abandoned house in my cul-de-sac, It was new yet rotten, tagged and trashed, violated mutilated desecrated dead, dying and forgotten… This wasteland of a property,… is a magic location, a haunted plantation, haunte
Teacher, teacher
I need help on this question
I’m trying my best
But I need a suggestion
But teacher, teacher
Instead of rote memorization
Instead of formulas and dates
I cannot let you see me cry
It's not that I don't have something to cry over
I don't know why when I cry
I run for cover
rather than the open arms of my mother
I cannot let you see me cry
Put me in a cage
Let me run in my head
Tell me to wear this
No wear that instead
Do you ever get tired of bashing me around?
I am not your personal clown
The royalty he desires
Burns brighter
Than any fire
The dreams he always had
Mislabeled as passing fads
Late nights, constantly wishing
For miracles that have been missing
Endless school days
Repetitive weeks
Express problems
In dire need of critique
Walking on campus
Is walking a runway
Your mind is flooded
With words they don't say
The wheels on the bus go round and round
The wheels on the herse go slow and soft
Telephone ringing with solemn news,
despite the birds chirping
Click. Great-Grandma is dead
Must it be this way
The consistent blame of 'media'
Why am I not allowed to love me?
The constant reminder that I'm still in remedial
Perhaps this is meant to be - a shell of what I used to love
Respect. These kids are ruthless . You try to teach, No one listens. Why? I'll tell you why. You want respect, but you don't give it. "Be on time!" you say as you walk through the door minutes past the bell.
I can't go a day without you, you're a drug.
Intoxicating, just like rum.
Crawling beneath my skin.
I can almost taste you, sweet as sin
keep me awake for daydreaming has become too dangerous for me
You walk in to talk about these economically issues,
but instead you ask if your shirt matches your shoes.
You blame me for not learning your subject,
but you veer off on tangents, which I don't elect.
To the teacher that ruined my dreams:Thank you.To the teacher that ruined math for me:Thank you.To the teacher that always made me harmony:Thank you.To the teacher that never had time for me:Thank you
We walk. Down the halls, Into to a classroom, Right to our desk. You teach. Boringly, Monotoned, and we sleep. You give us homework. We don't do or stay up till 2. No dresses work for you. Too short, No sleeves, No boobs. We don't care.
Oh great and powerful
how knowledgable are thee
To conquer my mind in the neck of time
I listen and enjoy
I beg to differ
for you are the lesser than me
I wish I could write,
Somebody please teach me to read.
The only thing I've learned in 12 years is...
Why X left Y for Z.
I can't fill out my tax form,
There is simply no hope.
Those tear filled nights where you toss and turn,
Mind won't stop and the heart does burn.
Your words tonight cut in real deep,
So deep that it prevents my sleep.
I hoped you had intentions to mend,
Open up your eyes and can't you see
This is who I am
I'm not this fake you want me to be
And you know I never can
Just pretend to be
This make believe
Girl you want to see
A low ache
A growing pain
Too hard to see
What I could gain
Darkening skies
A clouded soul
Listless wandering
Without a real goal
Faintly I sigh
Blankly I look
Ode to Shakespeare
William Shakespeare, a genius old bard,
Famous are all of his characters’ names,
Hamlet, Macbeth, and Romeo starred,
Etu Brute? King Caesar exclaims.
The toxic substance you consumed
The way you looked when your picture was plastered across the room
The hurt you’ve caused my mother
And now I have to sit and watch her suffer
I have been in school for thirteen years.
Why stop now? Why end here, and leave my peers?
It seems to me I still have much to learn.
About people, places, and talents I've earned.
Less than two weeks and Im unsure I can bare much more.
I wait for letters that don't come from people who stopped caring.
To do things I don't want to for the right to do what I love.
Heat, sweat, & bitterly cold.Creaking windows and doors.Old chairs, old tables.Stained carpets and floors. Broken shelves and fixtures.Missing pages and books.Did you get the homework?
The Idea of IdeasBy Ariel Randolph Everyone’s opinions around me connects in a way. I, for the longest time, could not label. Up until now, I knew that the peoplewho are young minded and free spirited, or just have that something about them that g
My brother a little older than I,
where have you gone?
where are you?
come home if you may,
We have school tomorrow, it's your senior year,
your whole life ahead of you.
OH, wait,
Might I relate to you?
Could you feel the way I do?
Just slip me a smile-
it's all it takes
to leave me up- wide awake
A flicker-
a glance
my chance-
to lean in
a kiss
While growing up in a fast laneShe started these fast waysand she was missing her fatherMissing a love that could only be giving by a manBut instead she grabbed the hands of many
If only I knew that day was near
That day you would whisper those golden words
If only I knew that time was close
When we would come together in complete happiness
If only I knew that moment was coming
We are undefined by words alone, the ones who stand, the rolling stones.
They will say stand out in a crowd and try something newBut heaven forbid that you actually do.
Children Of God Wake Up
This Is More Than An Act Of Murder
This Is More Than An Act Of Racism
This Is More Than An Act Of What’s Right And What’s Wrong
This Is More Than An Innocent Boy
Wordsmiths are my forbidden fruit
But then I look at others and wonder is this a trick
Why are you so different?
Life is good despite being birthed a sinner
I was never emotionless but
sealed tightly
in a box
stored somewhere
shut tight
(heaven help the one that opens it)
I Walk this on this Earth Each Day With my Eyes Closed I Wake up, Smell the Fragrance of Failure, Feel the touches of disappointment, hear the sounds of bitterness, taste the disgusting taste of spoiled dreams, but I don't see
I have placed this pen in a behemothic, spherical object,
Where it is not required to nest in the area it was assigned to,
But it has the option to wander around,
And perform what it desires.
Am I a bad friend?
I’ve always had trouble with relationships. Whether it be with a friend, a guy, or family.
Am I a bad friend?
I am from the southern part of Dayton, Ohio.
I am from my dad and granddad because my dad has anger management
And because my grandparents didn't want children,
And when I was born I was real sensitive on the inside
I’m so gone.
There is a distant look in my eyes.
And I go further and further away every day.
I’m gone.
If I come back, that’s God’s will.
I was so shocked when I heard of your fate.
How could something so bad happen to someone so great?
I shed many tears and hugged many friends.
I tried to reason why your life had reached its end.
why do I write? I don't, not here anyways.
I don't write on this site because it's a bit of a scam.
I write because I never could throw a punch.
I never could run fast enough jump high enough or beat you in sports at recess,
But I could run circles around your head with unparalleled linguistic prowess.
I spoke daggers,
I am untouchable
Surrounded by the black gates
Unsure of which to open
“Let the people in!”
Cries my heart
Yet I am lost…
Separated and gone
Write my name in the water
I'm a child.
I'm curious about everything I see.
I ask too many questions.
I have dreams of changing the world.
I imagine the unreal and make the most out of simple things.
I fight with my clockit’s faceplate staring right passed my pupils phasing through defense mechanisms resembling the thick walls of area 51my mind is the U.S. government and what I see as my mind is the U.S. population
Sky, why are you so bare for me tonight?
Isn't today a happy holiday?
The Fourth of July should be filled with light.
If there's no light, what would the people say?
Why act so timid when you have the fame?
I write because when no one hears,my story must be known.They told me to speak lowI spoke of hope,but someone has to speak out.against hateagainst discrimination,but most of all
I thank God for letting me live this day
and that's why from this day forward I will pray
I will pray and pray all day
Because I love God
and can't no one take that away
He's the slowest man we know
The passion that leaked was spilled by led,
The words able to form what's been left unsaid.
There are times I wonder how it all began,
Though I'm sure it was because of the age of man.
Before, I had nothing.
An empty bottle of ink; no quill.
Endless. White. Space.
Before, I was silent.
a pin cushion to prick.
a bag to punch.
no sound, just space.
Before, my emotions hurt.
He was my age when he died,
a boy who would now never grow up.
I don't know what it's like
to grow up hated and feared
by simple minds and closed hearts.
I don't know what it's like
Do you remember that you were the first lips I touched?
The first hand I held,
The first one I cared for,
The only one I ever loved.
Do you remember you made me smile when I first saw you?
Why I write
My words aren’t just words
That are thrown into a sentence
But you must uncover the mystery
Of what I have written
I write for those who can’t
But want to be heard
A flame that consumes; destruction that follows wherever it goes. But with a home in the middle of all that pain; it seem like it is never going to make it back out.
A single lasting impression,
The hinting lack of discretion
He poured into each word he never said to me.
I am simply letters from a father,
The aching heart of the waters
He broke my heart, he gives and takes
But the fact was it was not his to break.
My heart belongs to God, the one and only.
The one who loves, the one who holds me.
He never cheats, never lies,
Lips I can kiss
A heart that is mine
A friendship evolved
A love so divine
Hands I can hold
A rush I can feel
A connection so bold
A bond so unreal
Someone I can talk to
They come together to be paired
So many of a kind -- individuals, yet inseperable
But with Time treading upon them
You find that they start to wear
And come apart at the seams
Why is it things can never stay the same?Everything constantly changing,I need a timeout in this gameBefore I yell out, screaming, raging.When things finally seem like they're going as planned;
Before you were gone I imagined the way it'd feel,But it's all so different when I know it's real.You feel so close, yet you've gone so far.I remember your blue eyes twinkling like a shining star.
“All I need is a red rose
To see her dance upon her toes,
But in my garden there is none,”
The student cried up to the sun.
Lying in a nest above
Sat a bird inspired by love.
Its as if you feel invincible
Or maybe you don’t feel at all
It’s as if I’m the only one
That you’ve ever seen fall.
Maybe she’s perfect
But maybe I’m worth it
I won’t let you down
Alone in the cold, a feeling thats never old/
my hearts starting to mold, feelings outta control/
Tears dripping down the side of my cheek/
No one to lift me up when I feel so weak/
I write because,
the pen is the only thing that understand me.
And the paper; the only thing that listens.
I write because of hard times,
because of bad times.
What am I gonna do when you’re gone?
Because you couldn’t let anybody in to hear the cries of your sad song.
So tell me what am I gonna do when you’re gone?
All their voices tell me I fell,
Tripped myself while wading in mud.
My heart only craved to be known.
For agonizing lengths of time I'll have to endure
The piece of me that is alone.
They say the body is a temple.
A sacred home of an object of religious power,
meaning God has chosen it to be one of his homes.
A thought to live by, words to own.
So youngSo innocentSo freeTo discoverTo failTo beYou laughYou cryYou growAnd sassAnd matureAnd, ohYou seeYou knowYou chooseTo loveTo hate
Im slamming through these rhymes like it means nothing,
Some say its a crime, yet im not doing the time.
Some say its intense, but I see it as common sence.
Some say it comes from the heart, yet they dont know the start.
Objectives thru journeys Which within them we, As culprits of our deeds, Die consecutively... Loops swaying around... Of life's need to fond... Caress scars and wounds... With which i so bound... Strides of loud strobes... Sights of glowing vibrat
I'm lost in this tiny space, my mind has decided to leave and didn't warn me. I have no human interaction, not even the warmth of sunshine on my face. My thoughts are random and seem meaningless, yet they are taking control of me.
They said
The pains and woes of past plague,
Would Shape,
Would Define,
Would Make,
Before Frederick Douglass crossed the roads to freedom,
And showed his light shine bright
The sea shimmers like sunlight on chrome
Loud crashing waves and soft silky sand are my living room
The beach is the place I call home
My home is unlike the old empire of Rome
The true definition of beauty is a definition that can’t be defined.
To describe the beauty of one is rather difficult because everything that holds a purpose, holds a meaning which holds beauty.
Toddville, the place where I live
A small town right off of a busy highway
Home of Monroe Township Fire Station
Forgotten school house
Toddville, all the things I see
Bouncing balls in the ballpark
to put it bluntly..I think im in the deepest whole.Sunk in so far,Trapped for an eternity.Im not going anywhere,And no one's helping.Now of days we make it so easy,
You make promises that you never keep
Break my heart,andmake me weep.
Never do I protestI just ignore the pain,So that in your armsI can rest.
I believed that we wereSo in loveBecause you made me feel so sure
You started slipping awayand Icouldn’t do anythingBut cry.
It hurt,
When you let me go.
It hurt,Because I didn’t know
It would be so soon
I should’ve listened toWhat everyone said.
You only wanted one thing.
Like a tidal wave,The memories hit me.
I’m drowning in,What used to be.
I gasp for air,But it’s not there.
I reach for you,But you’re gone too.
In my puzzle,
The pieces mold together, and can’t be rearranged.Each piece stands for a part of me,And every completed section,Is a window,Looking into my past.
Who knew,That love was a thief?
Not I,Until it robbed me of my heart.
Who would’ve thought,That when in love you’d grieve?
Not I,Until I watched you leave.
Can you look me in the eyes,Without blinking?
Can you talk to me,Without speaking?
Can you cut the tension,That seems too thick to slice through?
So many questions,What will you do?
Sometimes I miss being a little kidWhen the problem was which crayon to chooseOr finding a marker without a lid.The biggest mistake’s result was a bruise,And boys just carried a bunch of cooties.
Endlessly hoping for something, anything...
But recieving nothing.
That's what my life feels like.
Chasing dreams and coming up dry.
But it plays the way I want it to,
in my imagination.
I love poetry.
The smooth rhythm of the words
rolling and flowing like a river or stream
I love the freedom of expression
the beauty of the meaning.
And yet,
I also love the strict, formulaic,
You made me
Then you left
You fought for me
But soon it became to much
And you gave up
You took a break
One that was often ridiculed
Exspecially by me now
You didn't want me then
A mind tied in knots and it cannot be set free!
It is like everything is arising in distress, filled with anger, hatred, and revenge.
The world constantly becomes a blur.
A what a strange world we live in.
How one joke is a muse, but flipped is abuse.
How the light at the end is glory from war, but is also the big gold gates to The Lord.
No matter how hard I try
No matter what I do
I am always thinking of you.
No matter where I am
When someone truly Listens to you
They will react both inside and out.
A response infused with emotion
Showing you that they have been moved by your words.
When someone truly listens to you
Every day is a struggle
When you have no one to lean on
All of my problems and pain began
weigh so heavy, when will it end.
I'm giving my all
Day in and day out
Crying out to you
That first morning waking up with a feeling of dread in my belly
Or was that just the nausea or a little bit of both
Kneeling over the toilet with tears in my eyes
Thinking of the game I played; this is my prize
One step forward
The soft sand cushions my foot with its tenderness and warmth
Seeping between the secret crevices of my toes
The sun drenched grains heat my feet
Almost burning
But not enough to hurt
I sometimes think that people are put here to be something. But they later find themselves in the odd position of being nothing. Why?
The joy in her smile brings warmth to my heart. A pleasure I had forgotten renewed. I only wish she could understand me for being me but it's not that simple. The dimples dare me to dive in but it is only for the road of the warrior.
I write simply because Im messy,
I cry and tears land on a white platform,
I yell and sound waves move my pen in type of tango,
I love and my heart beats rhythm into the words I write,
Your love is not just love
Your love is that type of love that is unbreakable,
Let me explain ... See, His love is that type of love that will never give up.
Its unlike human love, which is conditional.
Your love is not just love
Your love is that type of love that is unbreakable,
Let me explain ... See, His love is that type of love that will never give up.
Its unlike human love, which is conditional.
What happened to the secrets we shared? The tears we cried?The friendship we tried to keep when it was hanging from a thread? Have you forgot all about it?We've been together trough thick and thin
I see all these girls, They are all really pretty.They have friends, they are taken.Then, you see girls like me.
These girls you see,Are outcast.They don't have anyone. They feel oh so alone.
I always became a certain way when I heard a distancing train.
It took away the love in my body and left me with disdain.
The hollow sound filled my heart while lonely thoughts scoured my brain.
I am from out-of-the-notebook poetry, happy and sad.
From broken Luna ukuleles and loud music.
I am from the constant but happy silences, echoing into the night.
What did I do to offend you?
I didn’t mean any harm
What did I do?
I meant it as a joke.
What did I do?
You get mad at the slightest things.
What did I do?
Dear world this is what I've wanted to say for along time, the words I can't reveal without the rhyme, these words keep on changing with the times and the tide.
i was lucky enough
to be introduced to poetry
when i was seven
but poetry was never my thing
no matter how hard i tried
i couldn't get past the boredom-inducing
rhyme and rhythm
It's alright,
you can stop the snapping.
You can leave the little hole-in-a-wall cafe.
You can take off your hipster hats
and turn off that single spotlight.
I'm not here for that.
Every time I try to speak, someone claims they can't hear me. I hear it often, SPEAK UP!
When these two words are spoken, I tend to talk softer.
Middle school
Back in the day
Wishing I was someone else
Built another way
Pen and paper
In my hand
Creating a new place
My own land
Being so suprised
Time has elapsed leaving me with flashbacks Five years ago I was on the right track They said I was doing great/ The jury made a mistake/ He walked free from cuffs/ No longer myself life's rough/ Worst part he will touch again/ Not only me and my
I write because I write.
It’s who I am.
I have loved rhymes and words since I was born.
They wonder what goes on, can't see, even with glasses, thoughts of what I can and can't be, preach to be free from the masses.
Fighting, but i'm weak with both hands. A vacation, eyes detect no beach, feet feel no sand. Double left handed, clubsy but talented. Can't get a job, did once but got fired because I couldn't manage the way my manager managed things.
Poetry means absolutely nothing
To me
Do I respect it?
Do I understand it?
At times
Do I feel it is of importance at all?
Well of course
But as for what it means
At first glance, one might question,
“Why bother keeping such a book?”
I’ll tell you why-
This book is special.
From its leather bound cage,
That still holds the scent-
After my master moved away-
I saw some boys come out to play
they played a game with balls and bats- and blood and bones and yowling cats
I ran away from them
an alleyway, so dark and cold
I write for the troubled young boys and girls
With shattered dreams
And broken homes
Those who depend on the streets to raise them
Guns to train them
And Friends to tame them
Hidden system, rules function like clockwork in my head
Crank, crank, crank: the demands on the system
More work, more power, more output required
I heard my worth in your words
I saw my value in your acts
Melodies that cannot be unheard
Sights taken as fact
Unheard tears
Echoed by whispered prayers
Forget the world and the ghetto too.
When I wake up I get ready to lace up my shoes.
Walking out the front wondering if someone is going to shoot.
Five weeks earlier my home-boy kirk was shot all over the news.
The complexities of chemistry,
seeing Spanish in written form,
music falling into a beautiful structure-
all are engaging but none of them compare
to the beauty found in the English language.
The days pass and her eyes are heavy on her weary mind. She wonders if this is what it's like to feel alone, to be alone. She sits frozen in a fast paced hell. And while she cries her black tears, she sings.
I'd like to know your favorite color.
Maybe you have more than one, but it's okay.
We all taste the rainbow one day
So tell me its the dark crimson slowly seeping slowly from your soul.
The world around me is like a prison
Capturing the demons that live within it
Torturing their bodies, invading their souls
Held captive, waiting to be freed
Confined to their life
I pledge allegiance to the flag,Of the United Sates of AmericaAnd to the republic for which it standsOne nation, under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all.Liberty and justice for all...
Writing is the calm after the storm
The rant after the fight
The memories after the moment
The shoulder that I cry on
It's an escape from reality
My pen to paper is beautiful
As lines turn to curves, and brings beautiful life
To simple words
For me they tell a myriad of stories
From troubling circumstance
To some of glory
A man sits at a pub with the keys to his car,
Drinking and drinking he’s going too far.
He looks at the clock and it’s time to go home,
He knows that he’s drunk but he came here alone.
This slave-like mentality,
quite simply the reality of our
warlike principalities
whose brazen nationality is
worn thinly by brutality
fledged from personalities
How wonderous an entity you are.
I only wish to share you with the world
and proclaim my undying affections.
Your powers are infinite.
Your purpose is true.
I am but an instrument to you,
They're are days when its raining. They're are days when its bright and sunny. They're are days when I feel down. They're are days when I feel happy. During those times, im always walking with no one by my side.
Poetry is an escape
A world with no bounds
It breaks the contorting chains of this oppressive world
It overcomes humanity and undercuts the fascists in this authoritarian society
Poetry bleeds our passions
Eyes like diamonds
A smile worth seeing
A face of angel
She stands there before me glowing and gleaming
She talks
If our Founding Fathers saw the world today,
Their jaws would drop and mutinies would come to pass.
If they saw our struggles to appease the mass,
They’d assume our society would soon decay.
I am a new song
I'm different and I don't care
People may like me
Or they may not
But either way I'm going to shine
Again and again I'll show myself
Until you press stop
My words are important-
You meet and it's awkward and you don't think it will last,
Then all of the sudden spending time with them turns into a blast.
You go to the mall and watch movies,
And share your dance moves you think are "groovy."
In my years of experience I never thought I'd cherish the light that rises in that wonderful horizon by the ocean. It calls out as if a new challenge was created simply for me. And I think of the secrets that will remain until the dawn of time.
I'm scared of what's out there. Friends are not friends, but people who pass by your life; they open up to you with different reasons and in the end, they leave you confused on what it all really meant.
I want to be remembered. Not just another soul that lingered in this earth, no. I want to be embraced, to be as a model for others, to be mourned for, to be something of my own, to encourage, to be honored.
It may move up and down,
It may move side to side,
It may be corrupt,
It may fight with itself,
It may not be perfect.
It is the land I know,
It is the people I love,
God says do not covet,
but how?
How do I tame my jealous eyes
from wanting what I don't have?
Contentment is never within my grasp.
Some days I see it
the beauty others claim is there
Choices shape the youth.
It might be the choice to not drink and drive,
and to see your best friend of 12 years dead in the seat next to you.
It might be the choice not to try a drug,
and disappoint your parents.
You are more than:
a weight
an age
a name
a race
a gender
or a stereotype
You are you
in a world of them
You have a future
You have a past
Smash the typewriter over your head:the advice I'd give you in pre-computer times,which neither of us were alive foranyway.
E’erlasting Winter in Heaven subsides,
When Fated birds a Chapter newly sing.
A tune of Beauty which rare Hope provides,
and might from Cloth of Time a Springtime wring.
Do you love me?
How do I know you're not lying?
Do you trust me?
Will you take a bullet to the heart?
Do you need proof?
To show how much you care?
To show how much you love?
I don’t know much about the world, economy, politics and what not
I didn’t know about slavery or racism at all for that matter
I didn’t know about Martin Luther King’s dream and how the conquest for Civil Rights
My life has been a constant battle.
my colleagues,
my parents,
my friends,
my demons.
To be an older was my dream as a child,
to be a child is my dream as I become older.
God is loving, God is good, God has peace in my neighborhood. God is merciful, God is Kind, God is yours but he is also mine. God is Compassionate,God is faithful and thats why you should be oh so grateful.
We live in a society
That can't comprehend beauty,
But calls symmetry pretty
And isn't that a pity.
We're told to behave,
How to act like a slave.
But the don't give us what we crave
Fair Maiden Alone
How long must she travel
On the path crooked and narrow
All of which the suitors crossed
None have shown the dear maiden
Worthiness of her heart
Resting in a jarA single flower, pure and untouched. Corruption sings to you like a nightingale just waiting to be heard. When I saw your reflection in what I wished to be,
When lust is greater than love
When hurt is too much to heal
It’s hard to stay in love,
When there’s nothing left to feel.
When the pain of holding on
Defeats the fear of letting go
He told me he loved me
He said I was the one
Before I knew it, he was done
He got a new girl in a blink if an eye
And I died a little inside
I tried not to cry when he told me the news
Shoutout to the people who are always themselves,
who stay true to orginality not caring who else,
is paying attention to way the look or the way they act,
and like having a life thats not staying on one simple track,
Transfixed by my own gaze,
I see not who I am, but what I have become.
unhappy with this site, I caring on in a daze
What I see makes me feel dumb.
I am concerned with where my mind has gone
A simple word, with many definitions.
A simple word, a greater mission.
A smile, a handshake, a hug.
Simple actions, a simple proposition.
Spread the word and find repetition.
Wait! Life has to see-
The slimy-spunned around crime of intestines-
Why can't you stop, my friend is-
What do you think when your not with him? Or does he even cross your mind?
What does it feel like when you hear him call someone else your name? Or does it even effect you?
I hear your voice
Like I wisp of air
Indeed this wasn’t my choice
Painful feelings I’ve learned to bare
Daddy daddy,here no more. And life is now knocking at the door. Mommys love can only solve so much,When daddy's not around and not in touch.
All I need
A kiss goodnight
To know I’m loved
It will be all right
Her sweet smile
A mother’s care
Her gentle touch
Brushing my hair
This land is your land
which part is my land?
Wasn't it their land?
Isn't it OUR land?
If so, where do I stand?
She will fill me with glee,
when she finally decides to come to California with me.
I have always dreamed of traversing the wine country,
though I have never been,
so when, when, when?
I hate remembering how perfect things were
How when I was small I could run free
But now this world can swallow me whole
And the monsters I thought were under my bed
Actually do exist.
Warrior speculating
Clucking to their left are the defeated
Barking to their right are victors lined up for future beatings
Just spewing out special deliveries
Come foreign repugnant warriors
What is this insane reality that I live in.
Its seems to be that every time I come to see.
I can't still believe.
I'm walking 'round Blind
I'm worse than the mice.
I'm awakening from beauty.
When ones so close to death
You didn't even notice you took your last breath
Your still alive
and yet there's so much hope
We all pray here
Left with cope
Your still young you've got so much left to see
This house is full of the sort of warmth
that comes from good conversations
and good books.
A welcoming place that won’t change you,
but will help you change
if you want it.
What once was three-fifths is now one whole.
What was once whipped and chained lives in my soul.
I write because I can.
An inside of a rose,
So fragile and smooth.
My thoughts are enclosed,
but down on paper it soothes.
The soliloquies in my heart and in my brain
are begging to be released
shouting loud, their words manifested on paper
relinquishing all that has been trapped,
like a caged bird or swirling wind in a cave.
Maybe there are icicles on your tongue
maybe your tonsils are the poles
maybe you can't help the bitter frostbitten breath you bark at me.
Shall I compare these tears to a wet day
Or use my quiet words, and loud thoughts, to speak
In tongues and rot
Ambiguity and Entertainment
Living in the Moment
Send a message to the public
Of the darkness
emerging from
our souls, beyond
threshold of
the black mire
into the pits
dying, our souls
This right here, is America
A land carefully constructed atop an intricate foundation of lies
With a Society that'll quietly step over bodies of those who were victims of pardoned crimes
I write
Not for praise or for achievement
but because I can, and knowing that is power
in a world where secrets clear as day
find their only fortress in letter-speckled pages
on the sturdy shelves of the educated
Terror and fright consume me:
Light leaves and dark trails behind me.
I am forever alone with no one near or close,
In this secluded island, I stand morose.
It's really odd how one can go from looking healthy to the frail ball that lay asleep now.
So called treatment causing blonde hair to fall out in clumps, features to look sunk.
Breathe in, breathe out.
Lungs on fire, body ready to collapse.
My face flushed while the sweat drips down from my forehead.
Silence in the open air
Overwhelmed with nothingness
but it's always everything
Too jumbled to organize
Too messed up to put in complete sentences
Am I just dysfunctional?
Empowered by self infliction
your pain, your thoughts, your dreams
can never be replicated.
your joy enlightens others
even though you have grown and matured.
life goes so quickly,
don't wish it away.
Passion is so familiar I breathe it.
It underlines every aspect of my expression
now suddenly, I find it pushed off
I suppose it was lost among shadows
cast by my strained thoughts
This man,
though some considered sour,
died from laughter.
A pair of identical twins,
could never tell them apart
so one wonders who got this spot.
And such was the day,
that America died,
when those who had served, fell, and protected
were shunned by those who they had defended..
Brothers and sisters, do you believe you are living the right way?
I don’t think so from the looks of the television, what I see on the internet and especially what I see on the streets,
I’m not judging because that my intention
I don’t read the paper
But mornings I bring in the library copy
And on the front page is the U.S. ambassador
Lying in the arms of a Libyan cititzen
Like Jesus lying in the arms of his mother
The struggle is imperative.
Regard this as my mental laxative
Impacted by the lyrical attractiveness
Ain't no facts in this shit.
Lividly livin' through these writtens depictin' nothin'
I'm ready now
Ready for your bullshit
I can take this fight
this battle
this war
This never-ending game of drawing circles while you hog all the pencils but I
Have the eraser
Help me as I strive to sing.
My voice fails my woozy heart.
The rain, to my song, it clings.
The jazz, trumpet, and secret swing
Appalls the ones who breathe Mozart
Help me as I strive to sing.
Help me as I strive to sing.
My voice fails my woozy heart.
The rain, to my song, it clings.
The jazz, trumpet, and secret swing
Appalls the ones who breathe Mozart
Help me as I strive to sing.
I need to see my pain
I need to
I need to
Cry for help?
I just want it to go
be different.
If only
If only
If only I were stronger
Stars in his eyes, the sun in my sky.
A man for the world to like, my Uncle Mike.
He's the strongest hero, stands taller than the trees he climbed.
A Godfather that I so thankfully called mine.
In the summer, I dreamt of Styrofoam cups raining in my sleep.
I’d wake under my sheets, buried under the humidity.
Nervously, I would speak:
I am still here I would say in the dark
No one ever answered,
Mystery, mundanity;
normality profound
proffers suggestions
to bold quivering chin.
A man! I can be
as charade hysterical
flowing through brain
of body ephemeral,
briefly insane.
The stability of mother’s love-
may it cripple one so?
That withdrawn parallel, intimate she:
cause endless dream of a lover’s retreat.
It’s true my beloved friends, family, unknown creatures of this world,
A heart really knows when love is away,
365 days in a year, 24/7, every minute of the hour, even today,
At a crawfish boil I cannot fully make peace
With myself because I have frequent flashbacks
Of spring break in April of 2005 when I waited for my big
Sister Tori in that red and yellow sunset
For 3 days straight
I love you.
I love you
I love yo
I love y
I love
I lov
I lo
I l
I l
I lo
I lov
I love
I love y
I love yo
I love you
I love you.
My cannon is heavy with heat,
Aimed steady, directly for your heartbeat.
My dear, we’re slow dancing in a burning room,
Only to be swallowed alone by the fumes.
Tonight we’ll light the match,
Start a wave that will flow without currents.
Heat will simmer for miles,
Boil our demons with rays.
Trees provide a shady canopy,
a majestic river flows throughout the ‘hood.
The air maneuvers its pathway swiftly,
with a faint whistle of the little engine that could.
We're just watching time pass
Sitting around
Being clowns
Playing with the rules
When we're all bound
To do great
So why wait?
Why sit around & contemplate
on our already planned-out fate?
The sound of his breath loud
The springs of the bed squeak
The tear rolling down my face
Just the rhythm of my heart beat
The memories come flying back
I never thought I'd feel like this
So this guy had a problem.
More specifically,
he had a problem with me
and was asking questions about my mentality,
trying to make me realize
that it's no use being a writer
All my things jumbled
because the mind is not:
and I’ve nothing to reference,
so am I truly me?
The bottle's in your hand
And can't escape
You won't let it.
Your hand Turns white
From fear of losing it's best friend.
Of all comes none, yet feels as still
some semblance of a substance seen unreal,
echo endless hollow beauty immeasurable.
I don’t go to church anymore,
there’s no sleep for the restless.
I spend my days with a crooked wishbone,
the meat still sticking to it,
and our shed smells like the gasoline
that burned out of me years ago.
Kind and Caring
never daring
Was the good, ole' lord
Was never creeping
nor barely ever weeping
Was our good, ole' lord,
He wasn't prideful
He was just very humble
The moment I heard the first note of the measure, I knew that this would affect me forever. It was serenity it was peace it was magic. It was everything I wanted and I had to have it.
I’m afraid,
To let people
See the tears roll uncontrollably
Down my face
Each one mimicking the last.
And, I don’t want
To have to face them
And show them that I feel.
The man proclaimed he was a genius:
they scoffed and asked for proof.
He looked them straight in both their eyes, said:
"Sirs, the first from you."
There's Always gonna be
These moments where us both
Are going to be in need.
In need of a voice,
A touch,
A kiss,
In need of each other.
The seduction of the other,
To seduce the other.
Upon each wingéd criticism float
hollow sadness extending infinite within,
devouring seeming core of self eroded,
still suspended in earthly bondage.
Feeling a depth of despair inescapable,
an entangled mindweb is my dwelling
and my tongue tastes of bitter longing.
In days to come I write of hope,
I write of beaming white.
I scrawl of joy and scribble truth,
and smiling, sweet aloof.
(poems go here) Somewhere along the line of scrimmage
I lost my sense of self.
15,000 concussions over 45 years
Can do that to a man.
My name is Junior Seau,
And football is the only identity I've ever known.
The bedroom is silent and still as shadows tucked away in a blanket, was a small boy
his blonde hair painted to the tousled sheets.
The only movement that stirred the room was his breath lifting his chest;
Do a lot of things first, and put God last
And I know it isn't right, I do so wrong
And I'm addicted, because I've been doing it for so long
Sometimes my mind be so far gone
Freeness, lightness, something extraordinary
Unsure, wobbly footsteps across pavement
Pressure pushing you on
I remember that sunny day
When my world crashed and caved
You called me that very morning
And your hair needed to be shaved
It begins when
The innocence of white
Flirts with a tease of pink.
A white dove
Grows strawberry lips.
And soon comes the thirst.
The passion.
A rosy cheek
And burning tongue
From the corner of my eye she peeks into the world,
Timid and soft-spoken—
I can hear her
But others say they can't hear this girl.
She never bothers to speak up,
Always insisting on getting ignored,
The way it read, “Poetry Slam”, made it sound so violent
I liked to think the artistic community was more refined
than the MMA fighters slamming each other with folding chairs
This is my falling down story, the one where no one caught me
There’s no happily ever after, ‘cause they couldn't put us back together
I’m just a damsel in distress, turns out you’re just as helpless
They said to my face that my garden was beautiful,
that my dreams would have fruit,
and grow vivid blooming flowers,
but they walked away muttering
It’s smothered in weeds
Just one look,
Was all it took.
You shoot my breath away.
With every word that you say.
I long for that time
When your hand can be in mine.
A peaceful bliss,
A night such as this.
We can teach how to attain power
Knowledge is the key
Power that can alter the world
The kind that admires change
Accepts it and soon wishes
To free the thought of tradition
Habits someday will shift
Gliding across the sea,
Gazing up to the heavens
This is all I see
The final resting place
Sinking into the ivory lace
The shoals, the stepping stones
Call to me.
Guide my soul to you, to
The people celebrate,
The bells ring loud,
dancing one every street,
what a marvelous crowd.
The politicians jest,
reelection assured,
with their very signatures,
the nation secured.
He said that he was ready, he said now's the time to go
She was hesitant to answer, she was only twelve years old
But Puppy Love is blinding and her future was unclear
A feather floats by,
Soft and warm.
You feel warm arms,
Around you once more.
The soft caresses of the past.
I can't take it
Everywhere I look there is despair
The news informs me of the horror in which I live
Another man dead from the war
Thirty kids dead in a school shooting
I can't handle this world of despair
A heart lies in fragmented pieces
A family has fallen apart
All of the sweet taste in life ceases
Teenage life comes with a hopeless start
November 26, 1997
A daughter is born
To a family of four
Immediately thrust into a competition with the first born
Who she soon learned to abhor.
There are days I sit alone and wonder,
Do you miss me as much as I miss you?
I keep thinking of my foolish blunder,
But not regretting what we used to do.
Remember lying underneath the stars,
I thought of you - again - today.
Your song and music to which I would sway
Playing softly from this machine of mine.
I wonder if you will ever grow some spine.
Heavenly Flight
I wish I could write exactly what I saw
As I peered out my little window the soft orange glow pierced through the clouds like fire flies
The stars all in place quietly buzzing about over head
Step by step, I move only forward,
Hands jerking at my ankles trying to pull me back.
I look ahead.
So many steps stand in front of me, too many to count, too many to see.
But I see them.
A trip forward to the future-
a blast back to the past!
We loath to sit and wonder-
how time will go so fast.
Listen to the words that I say
Realize the stress of today
Dream for the peace of the world
and live for the youth of boys and girls
The streets often take hold ad have their way
Finding yourself speaking,
but there is no-one around to hear
those beautiful thoughts,
the fact that the room around you is bare,
leaves the mind to ponder if you're there at all.
Light is like a spot in the night,
It is a tiny tiny twinkle in twilight,
How small it can be in some places,
It could be the white on my laces or hiding in some places,
~The Good thing About It
the good thing about life is we can learn everyday
we all make mistakes but those things fade away
life is just a maze, and we’re trying to find our way
but the Bible says the path is straight
when your friends have walked away
and your parents said you can’t stay
and your problems don’t seem to fade
and your bills are due today
and you forget to pray
and things don’t go your way
I drove past the place we first met and the house we spent hours entangled and intertwined.
I drove the roads you drove while clutching my hand ever so slightly and softly singing along to the radio.
Trapped in darkness.
Forever it seems.
An eternity I wait,
until a slither of light navigated into my prison.
not quite...
Sudden velocity extreme and jolting
Suspense eating at my insides
Starting to reconsider
Where did this courage come from
What am I even doing here
Too late to back out
I see you running towards that ball in the fields.
I hear your laugh when you fall in that pile of leaves.
I think of that day when you won’t need me to fight your battles.
I love you so much
It's almost greater than that of fruit punch
I need you more than Rick Ross needs weight loss
That sometimes, I resort to life decisions with a coin toss
I want you more than a junkie wants drugs
The stars of 50 states reflected in the sky
The eyes of American people filled with tears to cry
Oh Nation of the Free! Oh Home of the Brave!
Your shining gleam of hope has now begun to fade
Born to a different breed & raised in the Heart of the U.S.A.
My family worked hard to make me who I am
And I'll appreciate what they sacrifice every day
Her heart is blue,
Bruised by lies,
She has been hurt so many times,
The pain can be seen within her eyes.
They done really did it now
They pushed us in a pit so deep that climbing out would only lead to chaos.
Got us believing that the trash holes called “Ghettos” are to be flaunted
Lips ready,
eyes aglow.
There's just one thing
I do not know.
Will all ther earth,
and all the sea,
really become
so dull to me?
Looking up at life,
Watching time fly by:
Eyes fixed on the future.
A simple moment stops you,
Surrounds you like a home:
Eyes fixed on the now.
Feelings. Senses. Sight. Smell. Contour.
I get this weird feeling
Whenever I see you.
Do you notice the glances I'm stealing
And my subtle smiles too?
Paper on desk, pen in hand
45 minutes to write just 21 lines
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
Reading a poem is like walking outside
on a beautiful spring day,
after hibernating the entire bone chilling winter
I'm a person too…
I'm real also…
I have opinions to speak…
Why is it that I can't be heard?…
Is it because you don't think I deserve to say a word?…
Why do you get to decide?…
No one is ever on my side…
You pay women to dance, while your love is at home.
Two Viking babies asking when daddy is coming home.
How familiar is my name,
For daddy’s the one to blame...
Your ice cold look is really just a new flame.
The cold air and my skin collide
I got my jacket and came inside
I turned my head and you I saw
Your beauty left me in shock and awe
I'm truly blessed by your complexion
Something about it screams perfection
Let us sail.
Off with our boat and two thick oars,
off away from the plain and overused shores.
Let us paddle till our arms tire,
and enjoy as our laughter gets higher and higher.
What if these tears…
Added up over the years…
Could drown out the screams of the silence that now deafens us…
What is they Could wash away the scars of all the battles we once before lost…
There's something lurking in our schools,
That's far scarier than ghosts or gouls.
It's sitting there stalking you,
Waiting for the teacher's cue.
One little hour is all it would take
Sunrise in your eyes.
A new begining,
New love, and new passion.
Noontime, high in the sky.
Been going on and on
With the same routine.
Sunset, tries but dies.
Say goodbye to the day.
What is home when you lose all sense of trust? Coming from a teen, i get that trust is already a weakness that needs to be worked on, but when your the one left wondering what else can be taken away before i become completely numb? well...
I cannot control the ocean waves, nor turn the hands of Father Time.
I cannot see the future, or take what is not mine.
I do not know what lies ahead, but I know I’ll be just fine.
We never knew what to expect, the day we walked the stage
Fear of unknown was on par, or next to creative change,
"life's an adventure" they said, or at least, so we were told
Sang you “Baby” by J.B
Maniacal as the American Idol contestant
With the most effrontery, yet
Never made it past the auditions
pain and fear of rejection cloud my hear and my mind.
What do i do?
what do i say?
how do i tell you i love you?
Pain coarsening though my veins a sweet release with in my brain as the pain gets stronger and the blood starts to flow i know whats going to happen if i continue down this road but it's to late to late to turn back i can feel myself slipping away
I need to marry a man who plays the guitar. No, the piano...yes...the piano. I need to marry a man who plays the piano and sings beautifuly.
Suddenly, an explosion,
a burst of noise
tore the space.
Either side
of the place,
divided by spit and air, the unexplainable
and those who think themselves
worthy enough to explain.
He looked at Me today.. He didn't speak but He peeped at Me today.. I caught that little smirk, I still consider him a jerk for the way he portrays himself around school, but its all cool.
How do you protect the innocent eyes, in a world filled with lies? Lustful minds that trick the young into irreversible crimes. Hips move in sync, to what eyes through cracked doors have seen. ”If I open my mouth, and bob like this.
Eyes, blue as the sea staring back at me,
And curly brown hair on top your head.
From your childhood you have remembered thee.
To my dismay these memories have fled.
This is like a dream, every bit of you;
Never knew what to do,
Thought I knew the real you.
I can’t believe I fell for your lies,
Now I wish I didn’t have to say my goodbyes.
Throughout this time we have shared,
It seemed like you really cared.
A 'ray of hope'? B.S.
'Rays' of hope can only be seen. That's what someone else has, that one might observe.
This isn't necessarily seen.
No, for me this is only felt. Swings to and fro.
The pens will drop
When the sun darkens
In the hearts of the twisted
of the broken and ravenous
The doors will crack
When the fist pounds
On the hearts of the sick
Of the wounded and tired
I wish
I want
I need
Like anyone else
I’ll always be on the sidelines
Waiting on the benches for someone to ask for my hand
A conversation
A connection
A mutual feeling between two souls
Pages of glossy white paper
A single canvas onto which
I am supposed to magically fit
Four years of heartache and laughter,
Love and friendships On to shiny pages
Some odd years back there is ten year old girl staring at her daddy’s picture and it is hard for to believe that he won’t be coming back
Now as she looks back on all the memories that they have had and a tear falls from her eye
another door closed
another opportunity lost
this needs to stop
how many more
will it take?
you need to stop
we need to stop
started from the bottom when you come from your mama
got to love life i swear i love it like its summer
if you dont love life then it dosent mean nothin
life is like love so dont be BLUFFIN
One bright day, I sat on ground that was grassed,
Looked up at the Sun, to which I asked,
"Oh where, oh where, do I find this thing called Love?"
"Look between the 'I's," the Sun said from above.
Life around me
describing words of Glory,
Her big brother, Death, surrounds me
at final chapter of my story.
I picked up my pen today; It felt good to let the stress flow
With every stroke and line finished, I began to breathe easier
Many young teens now smoke, cut or drink but I will write and pray
The way the ignorant bystander lurks,
Enclosed with thoughts and society pressure,
Cradles their mind possessing hundreds of blisters,
Thinking they might overcome the silence.
If my tigers eye can protect me,
What does that mean for your eyes?
If your hands are the ones that fit
In mine,
And your arms
Are the only ones that i want to surround me,
Three words.
Three words that can make your year.
Three words that can make you smile like a goof.
Three words that can make your insides turn.
Three words that can make your heart flutter a mile a minute.
I am only a man, and just barely one at that.
I have off days, not days, shot days, and days I just don’t know what to do with.
Im forced to make decisions, sometimes I don’t make the right one, or the best one.
Our bodies the same, alien to us both.
Their neatly planted garden I trampled with my feet.
She locked me in a closet, the bitch.
Fat black cat, emerald eyes that burned through my window.
With a quizzical frown, a child asks me Where is Heaven?
To which I instinctively shrug. I often times have wondered the same thing myself.
And when she woke, light
Bore into her sweet eyes.
Candle flames flickered
Down to their waxy bases,
Eager to put out their blazing
Flames. Slowly, mildly
Getting up, sensing the
On the floor near the doorway lay
Those green polka dot socks that I hate.
They mock me, telling me he’s been here,
When the crisp coolness of my sheets tell me otherwise.
Every night is the same it seems
She holds such life in her hand, as a child
Gazing into the exposed face of a clock,
Carefully analyzing the cool, lifeless elements
Until they develop into a beating whole;
Blazing eyes, electric green technologies,
Years cannot be unlived
Through the piling on of concealer.
But she comes to me in hunger.
Beauty she holds in her hand
And we see in the morning before,
How fresh and sweet her basic state.
Her hair is as dark as the midnight sky.
Her lips as red as the blooming red rose.
At night she walks around and wonders why.
Why the day is warm yet the night is froze.
Green is land I walk on, and the air I breath.
Red is blood I shed from fear, and the battle I won.
Blue is the water I drink, and the path to freedom.
Orange is the sun at the brightest and the never ending path
I am the bird of the weeping
willow. I whine and sway
I cry at bay.
I toss, I turn; I yearn, I wish.
And whisper to plead,
set me free from the swaying,
the willow that whispers.
I wade and lean
There is the saying that goes
Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words do not hurt me
I guess I was half-expecting the sound of fingernails to fill the room,
but I decided to let myself drown in the silence
sink to the bottom
until looking up was my last option.
Blind in the eyes of god is the color of our skin
And who said you were in charge of deciding where I eat, drink, watch a movie, sit on a bus?
You think we’re dif-fer-rent but we’re all-the-same
African Americans rallied for their rights
African Americans put up a fight
Discrimination was all around
No nice words between races were found
My room mate, my friend.
She doesn't see me,
She sees my almond eyes.
Her white-tinted glasses tells her eyes,
those orbs of ice, what is Asian.
Despite the spots on the map
that my people come from.
We are the people of this world
We are the people of America
What are rights?
Does rights have a color, a ethnic a gender, a race?
Rights are something that is given but yet earned.
My whole body is filtered black,
Knowledge is something I do not lack,
Everyone is equal,
Equality should be passed down like a sequel,
One store that welcomes different skin color to purchase a Bagel,
Black America has been inspired
By these words from the past
But are we truly free?
This question puzzles me?
When our fellow brothers and sisters
When the world goes blind,
It will only be love that we find.
Everyone will look the same.
We will no longer play a vision game.
Early in May our ride had begun,
on May 4th,1961.
The buses left Washington D.C. ,
and It wasn't what America wanted to see
They call to me
yelling shouting jeering
And this—
not my name
never never
My Name—
is all
I have known.
Eyes, pale eyes—
follow glance slide past
Skin – Chelsea Nelson
Was it my skin that made me a sin?
That made me hated by the white men?
Or was it that brother
Full of soul and color raising his fist higher than any other?
Everyday, every hour, every way I turn reminds me about
the days, the ways, the people who paved
this path so I can walk on
I wish on broken stars...
'cause those bright ones give off too much light,
too much light can be blinding and if i remember correctly
becoming blind was never on my bucket list so,
I settle for the dim ones instead.
The darkness closes in.
The bag is tight around my face.
Breathing is difficult.
Fear is choking.
The light floods in
"We're free," they say.
Votes, buses, bathrooms, parks;
We can all share.
We're all warm bodies,
put together in an artistic ways,
Our skin isn't what society embodies,
There were never any good ole days,
Shunned by society,
No love for Ebony and Ivory,
White men had the right,
Just pass a test,
And fill out the ballot,
But African Americans and women could not,
Why were we restricted?
Some say black,
Some say brown.
They call us monkeys,
Some still slaves.
They call us stupid and uneducated,
But really there is some irony in that.
Look at all these presidents,
They're all the same kind of gentlemen.
Wearing their suits and ties.
I wonder where are their wives.
Sitting at home?
Perhaps, I don't know
Because they can't tag along.
My life is in pictures color and black and white. I hear the ocean roar and see my family's fight. Struggle to third floor just another day. Mother worn weak and ragged like the scarecrow hanging by a few pieces of straw.
Brown, yellow , black , white
There just colors no need to fight
We are all equal in every way
So I am writing this poem because I am here to say
That freedom is a gift you see
Beaten, battered and broken
Through hell and back,
We stay alive,
The torture, the hate and lack of respect
From Emmitt Till to Rosa Parks,
They endured, they fought!
[We fight and we live
we strive and we cry.]
to live in a world so cold
so brave so frightful
so full.
Of Color [we sigh and
we hide and we hate.]
to live in a world of hopes
and dreams
Little do we know,
A Civil Rights Movement
Is happening right now.
During these times,
Protestors remain silent,
Hiding in shadows.
Paralyzed by fear
Of being snatched
Away from family.
How could individuals that look SO different coincide with one another?
They said the brown animal could never be called a brother.
On August 28, 1968, two sides making up a quarter million marched as one number.
Equal people, same in hand and face,
but outcast quickly when not the chosen race.
Die for beliefs that should self explain,
that treatment you beg for, hope to gain.
Scream and battle with tooth and fist,
Centuries of oppression,
Second rate, second-class existence,
Judgment not by character but the color of one’s skin,
Biting dogs and blasting hoses assault the dreams of decades,
A few weeks ago I was reading a book on theater
And someone saw me reading and told me, "Black people don't read".
That made me sad.
Then the quote started to sink into my thoughts
and it started to make me mad.
"And Justice for all"
We say it everyday.
They say it too
They must,
They do.
But do they think of us
of me, of you?
No I dare say they do not.
They only think of conserving
They tied him down with the same thick threads and chains that he busted out of a few scores ago
Unknown white men in white capes with white tips strung him up upon a thick black stump
I remember you sitting next to me learning about our history,
about the protest that our ancestors took part in.
For you and I to live free, with equal rights as whites.
Belittlement, beatings and such things as slavery.
I’ve daydreamed myself invisible.
Lost in the blur of faces, names, laughter, colors.
The school hallways are Tetris, and I’m a piece trying to fit before I am crowded out.
I’ve daydreamed myself invisible.
Lost in the blur of faces, names, laughter, colors.
The school hallways are Tetris, and I’m a piece trying to fit before I am crowded out.
“We shall overcome,” he said. His eyes held strength as he gripped the podium.
And spoke to the crowds of mothers, brothers, sisters, fathers and sons.
One Constitution
provides equal rights for all.
One court
One Congress
One president
decides what this means.
All people
are guaranteed equal treatment.
What is the definition of
To dislike intensely or passionately.
To feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility toward.
To detest; is that your definition of