Grasping Life or Grasping Perfection?
I don't know who I am.
I can't find what it is I'm supposed to do
but I am driven.
I know my purpose isn't to just live here,
to consume what God has given.
There's a reason of our being,
one greater than what we're seeing.
I don't know what I'm here to do,
all I know is it isn't this.
I shouldn't be spending my life doing homework
dwelling on the math problems that I have missed.
I'm here to make a difference,
I'm here to change people's lives.
God didn't put us here without reason,
but Satan has supplied us with these knives.
These knives that we use to tear Gods work apart.
He didn't sacrifice his son so we could keep breaking each others hearts.
I'm not preaching my religion,
in fact I don't have one.
I'm speaking the word to enlighten what we've all forgotten.
Our life is a gift.
We all take it for granted.
We're killing ourselves and not thinking twice about it.
In so many ways are we destroying ourselves,
From our minds to our bodies,
if not us, who can help?
We eat too much or we eat too little,
perfection the curse beneath the riddle.
Society has us thinking that we have got to be perfect,
Starving, primping, depriving our bodies,
but tell me, is it worth it?
Is a look from another, whose equally striving,
worth all of the suffering all the pain and the thriving?
I'm here on this earth to please no one but God.
We are who we are that's all that we've got.
I know I am who I am,
stop trying to be someone you're not.