To No One In Particular
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say good morning
And I hope your day is lovely
And you wake up and you’re happy
And you don’t have to force yourself out of bed
Or wonder what’s the point?
I hope you don’t hate yourself when you look in the mirror today
And that you can see all the good instead of the bad
Because there’s so much good
if you just let you love yourself enough to see it
So, good morning
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say how are you?
Because I don’t know if a thousand people will ask you that today
Or just five people
Or maybe nobody else at all
But I wanted to make sure I did
Because your feelings matter
To somebody
Even if it’s just me
So, how are you?
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say I’m happy
I didn’t need you with me every step of the way
And even though you tried
I managed
And regardless of the obstacles
I prevailed
And I’m in a good place now
Even if it kills you
I like it here
I like this feeling
And nobody is going to take that from me
So, I’m happy
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say it gets better
Because it does
I know everyone says it but
I promise
Everything seems like shit now
But it doesn’t always
And I’m not going to lie
Some days it gets worse
Some days are just awful
And some days are just okay
but okay is better than nothing right?
so, it gets better
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say it’s okay to be afraid sometimes
It’s okay to wonder what’s happening next
Or where you’re going
Or where you are
Or who
it’s okay not know what next step you should take
because contrary to popular belief
not everyone knows the answers to everything
all the time
so, it’s okay to be afraid sometimes
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say f**k you
Because I wasn’t brave enough to say it then
But that doesn’t mean that I never stopped being upset
Or that you deserved to get away with whatever you did
And I hope this hurts you now
half as much as you hurt me then
So, f**k you
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say I forgive you
Because even still
No one deserves to live with guilt for this long
And even if I’m still upset
I can’t hold on to this forever
I’m not doing this for you
I’m doing this for me
So, I forgive you
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say it wasn’t your fault
What they did to you
The way they spoke to you
The way they touched you
Or put their hands on you
Had nothing to do with you
And everything to do with them
It wasn’t the company you keep
Or the situation you put yourself in
And don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise
It. Wasn’t. Your. Fault.
To no one in particular
I just wanted to say I’m sorry
For anyone who may have wronged you
And for anyone who ever hurt you
And was too much of a pansy to tell you themselves
For that person who broke your heart
Or the parent that destroyed your confidence
Or the friend that killed your trust
Or for anything I ever did
Because I know I’m just as guilty
So, I’m sorry
I’m so f**king sorry
To no one in particular