Quien es la Morenita?
Who is the little dark skinned girl?
Where does she belong?
Her curious dark eyes look upon the world in wonder.
She does not seem to question
The woman she calls mami,
Has skin the color of a coffee creamer,
Whilst her own is of a darker tone.
No se da cuenta de ella?
Does she not realize?
That the girl she calls sister
Has hair that falls like
A silken, black curtain
Whilst her own
Twists and twirls like it has
Forgotten its way.
The curves of her pouting mouth
Are full
Commanding attention
From the little boy
She calls brother.
And the man she knows only as
She lays her head into the chest
Of the older woman who calls her Mija.
She cannot understand what Abuela says
Yet she already understands,
Love has no color
No culture,
No language
She is where she belongs