Temporary Goodbye
After nine long, strenuous months their eyes finally meet.
She can’t resist but to cradle her in her arms.
Tears continuously glaze down her face
In realization that these next three days will be all.
The rise of the third day comes as almost a surprise.
Many hours were spent preparing
Yet un-preparation feels evident.
The drive home becomes bearable.
Shades of pink and yellow sift through the sky.
The piercing silent’s is brutal.
They lay together for one last time
For three brief hours.
It’s time though.
Gently she drapes a dress over her small, fragile body.
With mother and sister so near,
Tears are inevitable.
Emotional feelings of love and support are shared.
With damp eyes
She knows it’s time.
Tears continue to flood the room.
Cradling her in her arms once again stirs the emotion.
They leave
Knowing that this selfless act will be far more rewarding.
This is what’s best.
Goodbyes are finally shared.
She cries.
But knows that goodbye isn’t forever.