It could be worse
Don’t give up just yet,
We all go through hard times
I don’t want to say goodbye,
And I care so please don’t cry
But when I stand here with you,
I see what could be so true
Please don’t leave me behind,
Because time cannot rewind
To the day that you choose,
To stop fighting; to lose
I wish you would just listen,
To the loved ones here within
We are all here to help,
Help with what you’ve felt
Every now and then.
We decide to just give up
But please don’t go,
Just live it up
Your life is important,
You’re meant for something BIG
So push on through,
And I can help you live
With your hand in mine,
We can both survive
Just look into my eyes,
And we can push through the lies
The world is too large,
Your heart is too great
To give up now,
To walk away
So stay with me,
In this insufficient verse
As we pave our way,
Because it could be worse.
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Love the rhythm and story behind the poem. It illustrates true faith and love in that person you don't want to lose or give up on. It shows that you will stick it out with them through thick and then for you are a good friend. Never change, but change the world for the better. Keep writing on my friend.