Thoughts Unworded
Silently in the halls I walk
Thoughts and images crowd my head
No words exist to let me talk
Rogue feelings weigh me down like lead
I've built stories inside my head
Breathtaking adventures woven
Like thorn branches in a rose bed
With sunshine turning them golden
But I fear they're lost to the world
Just because I can't find my words
Like a bird who has never purled
I'm less known than the so-called "nerds"
How I envy those who can talk
And fill entire books with ease
Instead I stumble through and balk
With thoughts that do nothing but tease
Emotions rage inside of me
But nobody knows I feel love
Burning anger and jealousy
They see not the hand, but the glove
I wish I could remove the glove
But it will not budge, it resists
My stories are like a trapped dove
The glove of wordlessness persists
Though to new friends I'd build bridges
If I could speak like the birds sing
I would not trade the images
Not for words, not for anything
Fore I've never seen more beauty
Sometimes they really are stunning
Writing them down is my duty
Without my dreams I'd have nothing