Dear Chubby Queer Kid
Dear chubby queer kid
I know those words feel like insults now
But someday you will learn to own them
To wear them like medals you earned
Because you did earn them
Fighting every day to survive
And it didn’t go unnoticed
Dear chubby queer kid
You’re not alone anymore
And I don’t mean you won’t be single on Valentine’s Day, that still happens
Trust me.
But not every year
And you have friends now
Friends who call
And friends who care
And friends who don’t value you worth on perceived popularity
Dear chubby queer kid
Being alone on Valentine’s Day,
Isn’t really that bad
You can have potato chips
And chocolate
And all your favorite C words
And champagne is a new one I will teach you someday.
Dear chubby queer kid
Some words never stop hurting
And some people never stop hurting you
And sometimes the people you love
Can cut you the deepest
But you can learn to stop loving them
I promise
And sometimes you have to
Survival is a skill you learned long ago
And you will never be out of practice
Dear chubby queer kid
You will gain more weight
And you will lose some too
And there’s this pandemic coming
when you won’t want to eat for weeks
And then you’ll eat too much for weeks
And mint chocolate chip is still the best ice cream flavor you have ever tried
And your dad can go suck a dick
With his opinion that it isn’t
Dear chubby queer kid.
I found your notes
The ones you burned
The ones you stuffed in a box under your bed.
And I saw the tear drops that distorted the ink on the paper.
But someday you’ll be able to talk about it.
Someday your words will become battle cries
Epitaphs, love songs, navigation maps,
And not every single night will end in tears.
Dear chubby queer kid
Smoking pot will not kill you
But you won’t like it very much either
And if you’re only doing it because your friends are saying you have to,
Find new friends
And if you’re only doing it because your boyfriend says you have to
Find a new boyfriend
You will learn to let go of every man you have ever loved
Because you will also learn
That you deserve so much more
Than their broken promises
There is no harm in waiting
for the right season to bloom
Dear chubby queer kid
If an older boy touches you inappropriately do not be afraid to tell on him
If a girl touches you inappropriately, it does not make you weak to tell on them.
Or to tell them no.
When a professor sends you pictures of his cock and tells you to come to his house
And if a man says he will never love you
Do not wait around to see if he changes his mind.
Chubby queer kid, you are the collection of every scar you endured
Every moment you felt alive
And every choice you made to arrive here today.
Let them try and knock you down
Let them throw their words
And swords
And anything else at you.
The rain will wash it away in time
They’re homophobic after all, not hydrophobic.
Let hate dissolve in the showers of spring
Let the blood wash off your cheek bones
And do not let anyone treat you as lesser.
Deer chubby queer kid.
If a girl says she wants you to be her “gay best friend”
Know that is all she sees in you
That she does not really see you
And let her go
If a straight man calls you a slur in front of his friends tell him you still have the nudes he sent you, and be sure all his friends here you say it.
If a gay man calls you “fatty” or anything else along those lines,
Remind yourself how scared or insecure he really is
Do not mention how his boyfriend is still in your DM’s.
How your bed still smells like his cologne
And how this “fatty” is everything that man will ever wish he could be.