How Many Puffs Does it take to get to the center of A Baby's Heart?
One puff, two puff, look in the door.
Your eight-month-old bay isn't laughing anymore.
Three puffs, four puff, five puff, six.
She isn't breathing either- better put it out quick.
Seven puff, eight puff, count calmly to ten.
Call someone for help- what's that number again?
Nine puff, ten puff, your smoke could sleep bees.
Now imagine what it's done to your babysittee.
Ten puff, nine puff, eight puff, seven.
It's far too late now- that baby's in heaven.
Six puff, five puff, you're down on your knees.
That child wasn't even yours, why are you screaming "why me?"
Four puff, three puff, two puff, one:
Now you've learned the hard way; even your cigarrette is done.