Fat Girl
Everyone knows at least one fat girl.
At least one.
Don’t deny it, don’t say you don’t see it.
Don’t be duplicitous.
You know what I’m talking about;
that one girl you look at and only see
a fat girl.
There is always at least one.
And every time you see one you think:
Maybe I should avoid her
Maybe I should laugh with them
Maybe if I’m nice to her she’ll feel better;
at least for awhile, right?
And every time you see one while in a group you say:
Maybe if she wasn’t so fat
Maybe if she stopped eating
Maybe if she tried to fit in
she would have friends.
And every time one helps you when nobody else will you smile:
Maybe she isn’t so bad
Maybe we can be friends
Maybe I can give her a makeover;
she’ll make me look so much better anyways.
And every time one waves at you in the halls you turn:
Maybe if I be mean my friends won’t ask questions
“WOW! Was that an earthquake?” “Let me see that tootsie ROLL!”
Maybe if I go say something to her my friends will think I’m cool
“Hey, see my friend over there? He likes you, wanna go out with him?”
And every time you see one again you tell yourself:
Maybe she gets that all the time
Maybe she’s used to it by now
Maybe she’ll forgive me;
I really need help with tonight's assignment.
But did you know that every time you think this, say this, smile like this, act like this ...
she knows
But every time someone looks at her she thinks:
Maybe if I smile and say hi
Maybe if I laugh
Maybe if I’m nice enough
I could show them I’m not bad.
But every time a group walks by her conscious says:
Maybe if I was smaller
Maybe if I stopped eating
Maybe if I tried just a little bit harder
I would have friends.
But every time you ask for help she does and when you smile she hopes:
Maybe I was enough
Maybe we can be friends
Maybe I will be accepted
should I dare to wish again?
But every time you’re in the halls she pleads:
Maybe if I wave first and smile they’ll wave back
“Don’t laugh at me, I’m sorry.”
Maybe if I ignore them they’ll go away
“I only wanted to be friends”
But every time she see’s you again she tells herself:
It’s not like it hasn’t happened before.
It’s not like I’m not used to it.
Maybe we can be secret friends
“Of course I can help you with that assignment!”
And did you know that every time she think this, say this, smile like this, act like this ...
you break her a little more.
Everyone knows at least one fat girl.
At least one.
Don’t deny it, don’t say you don’t see it.
Don’t be duplicitous.
You know what I’m talking about;
that one girl you look at and only see
a fat girl.
There is always at least one