The Voices
Overwhelming loud in my head
A crowded brain, my minds so jumbled
The voices tell me I'm not good enough
You're not working hard enough
You've gotta do better than that!
Why aren't you working?
You're lazy! Stupid! Not Good Enough!
The voices have faces
Family. Used to be friends.
I've got to prove them wrong.
I work so hard my head hurts.
I try so hard my eyes close.
I'm dying inside as the voices yell
They won't shut up
Peace be still.
But then you come.
Take a break.
You'e going to kill youself.
Who told you that?
Don't look at me that way or I'll slap you.
You're good enough.
You're smart. You're hard-working. You're more than good enough.
Their voices are so soft. Different. Drowning out the voice's faces.
Making me believe
Making me stop
Allowing me to be
And accepting who I want me to be.