Math is Dead
Here lies my math book
Never will I take a second look
College bound with dreams in mind
Meanwhile Math is no where to be found
Use it or lose it they all say
Maybe I'll need it for taxes one day
But for now he lies cold
In the backback on the floor of my room
I won't lie we had some fun
Passing notes inside him
Pretending to ask for the answer to question one
Sure maybe someday I will see Math again
When I work as a cashier, leave a tip, or when my budget begins
But as for now it seems
Math lies on the floor wishing to be seen
Math I am sorry I have let you down
You just weren't my favorite subject around
Gerontology has stolen my heart
And my shelf needs more room to start
Now. Now. Math don't be sad
I will find you a good place, not bad
After all you are worth an awful lot
That's not something I have forgot.
The shoes in the closet will be your new "sole"mates
But as for me and Gerontology...
We have a date