Break Out of the "Right"
Break out of the Right.
By- Jacqueline Lantsman
We’re taught the “right”
The way to speak
How to dress
How to act
Who to love
We’re scrutinized if we don’t follow these principles
“That’s Gay! What’s with your voice and your vocabulary? Haven’t watched 21st century TV?”
“Ew! What are you wearing? Those shoes don’t match and your pants can’t be loose. Only boys wear that.”
“Why don’t you think he’s cute? I think he’s cute, she thinks he’s cute, what’s wrong with you?”
The “right,” when not followed, is portrayed by statements like “Only boys wear that” or “What’s wrong with you?”
Statements that change us.
Words that morph us into the standard
We stay quiet and put up with it
Afraid of being out-casted
Afraid of the words
Afraid that if we step out, it will be worse
We protect ourselves
We are quiet
Innable to mute their individuality
They cannot change
Their words, they lock inside
They hate themselves for being different
They listen to the statements
Words after words
Called “the outcast,” “the fag,” “the dike,” so on
They are laughed at
Pointed at
Standing quiet because the cruel words make them feel wrong
As if they are the person behind the words
They are what others say
They feel as if they must stay quiet
The beauty their words withhold are pushed away
Deeper and deeper under their skin
Today I will stay silent for those who are not able to speak up
Unable to use their words to portray their beauty
I will stay silent for those scrutinized for their extraordinaire
Their individuality
Their love
I will stay quiet to show them they are not alone
And when the time is right they can stand up and make a difference
Break out of the “right”
Break the social teaching of the “right”
The way to speak
How to dress
How to act
Who to love
Break out of the scrutiny
Out of these principles
Out of the words
“That’s Gay!”
“Only boys wear that”
“What’s wrong with you?”
Dissolving the “right”
Allowing for existence
Morphing the words into beauty
Into us
Who we embody, our truth
Puting a stop to the muting of individuality
Praising difference
Praising joy from self
Praising love
Praising happiness
Today I will stay silent for those who are not able to speak up
I will stay silent for those scrutinized for their beauty
Their individuality
Their love
I will stay quiet to show them they are not alone
And when the time is right they can stand up and make a difference
Break out of the “right”
Break out of the Standard