Preliminary Findings
Daughter of an Irish man,
Daughter of a German woman,
Born from a supernova love affair
Easy come, easy go.
Daughter of a generous man,
Daughter of a loving woman,
Learned kindness at an early age
What comes around goes around.
Daughter of a stubborn man,
Daughter of a willful woman,
Taught to stand up for herself
The world is her oyster.
Daughter of a blind man,
Daughter of a depressed woman,
Tainted with disease in her blood
Everything happens for a reason.
Daughter of a clever man,
Daughter of a crafty woman,
Shoulders buckled under weighty expectations
Failure is not an option.
Daughter of an absent man,
Daughter of a scattered woman,
Shipped back and forth like chattel
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Daughter of a caustic man,
Daughter of a saucy woman,
Blessed with a razor tongue
A chip off the old block.
Daughter of a buoyant man
Daughter of a lively woman
Eyes shining with hope
All’s well that ends well.