I Am A Musician
I am a musician
I’m no scientist
I’m no mathematician
I’m no historian
I’m no athlete
I’m no translator
Nor will I be any of those things
I am a musician
So I will be a musician.
Don’t waste my time with the Pythagorean Theorem
Or with ionic & covalent bonds
And don’t DARE tell me to take my headphones off
Because I don’t give a shit that Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492
As opposed to you, these headphones are teaching me things I will actually use after high school.
After high school, I will be a musician
I won’t be at NASA
I won’t be a stock broker
I won’t be the guy who discovers ancient artifacts
I won’t be in the NFL
And I sure as hell won’t be speaking Latin
I will be performing for & inspiring generations of younger musicians
This will be MY contribution to society
So if I’m coming to school to “learn”,
Then the only paper I want to see on my desk is manuscript paper.
& if you can’t teach me what I need to learn,
Then let Coltrane & Sinatra do it
Because I am a musician
And it is folly to treat every student as if they were the same.
It’s folly to treat every student like they have the same brain
Because some students amount to nothing
Whereas others aspire for fame.
I am a musician
& I do things my own way.