Dear Mom
Dear Mom,
I started this letter months ago but i haven't gotten the balls to actuallly finish it. I wonder if you ever look back replaying the past like its some sort of movie wondering why you can't remember when it was me who picked you up every night after a fight with him. Or how all those guys who promised to stay, didn't they just wanted inside of your vulnerablility. Hey mom i wonder if you ever think how crazy it is when you think about how im over an hour away from you, and you don't even call anymore...your husband doesn't even talk to me the same and he was the only father figure i knew. Did you guys just one day cast a unanimous vote that said Torys no longer part of the family because i somehow was the one that left; it couldn't have been the fact that i was kicked out to never be heard from. But mom it's okay.... I dont hate you anymore i just wish I could've been a better daughter