Rotting Good: Based on one of my favorite plays, The Crucible By: Arthur Miller
Diabolus the evil spirit is engrossing my quintessence
With the very force of life that engulfed our confederation
From the deceased heart of the juvenile generation.
Righteousness is being desecrated from the essence
Of purity and laid raw upon slabs of morality.
Not by promulgation of discernment, or prudence
That the moral, faultless citizens entangled in belief of mutant
Aggravation of the psyche and suffered of great brutality.
Hidden behind the fractured, cracking stone wall
That solidly held the community from the gates of hell
Passion that broke every beating, destroying, nail
Thrust upon the stone enticing the devil to dinner with them all.
The callous, merciless, immature command
To destroy what was never treasured and deemed right
What had merely always been contemplated wrong in plainest sight
Was so suddenly brought forth to contaminated soil on land.
The innocent crushed between rocks
Like the dead leaves destined to fall
Their souls fell upon the deceased and forced them to wander tall
Only to discover innocence chained with locks.
Predestined or predetermined dictated
the destination of our spirit at the finale ,
That brought down the souls of undefiled people and destroyed morality,
Of the ailing spectacle of the dead that were wrongly created.
The good rotting upon the gallows
The wrong placed upon thrones
To hear the inevitable dead cry in agony with desperate moans
That made the coldest heart seem shallow.
Satan taunts those who play among the thorns
And don’t adhere to the laws
Locked in the solid hold of witchcraft and bloody jaws
The whisper among us that warns
The savour and holy almighty
preached of love and compassion
Not death brought down by the jealousy in an ugly fashion.
The weak and insignificant now stood mighty
Holding the reins of fate upon bloody hands
that entrapped innocent souls in the circle of rotting good.
Once a community so innocent and pure stood hidden beneath the hood
With a ruler of Abigail stretching the bands
That encased the despised and suffocated the helpless.
Amongst the thorns stood life to John
No damage done to his name, but to see the gallows at dawn,
Not to push others down but to be selfless.