On the Steep Ledge
On the steep ledge, i reached behind me
a flower appeared of the ordinary
as my eyes started to close
the world seemed to immediately freeze
i forced my lids open
and trembled in the cold quiet breeze
i felt my heart skip a beat
knowing that my life was incomplete
facing death, it was too soon
My face drained into the bright moon
it was not for my strength
pride didn't matter
it was my fate
He wouldn't let my heart shatter
When reality returned, i stepped back on my toes
in fear staring at the rocks far below
my stiff body trembled as i saw my breath
refusing the thought of that possible death
in awe, i held the weak gentle flower
then felt a rush of Gods power
I thanked him later when i decided to pray
i promised i would cherish each remaining day
i tried to be daring, i would never again
never go somewhere i should not have been