The Sea and I are One
Looking upon the surface of the waters,
You see beauty, you see grace
Mystery, and depth of the mezmerizing sea
It is breathtaking, a glimpse of heaven on earth
Many pursue the sea
Some for peace and console
Some for adventure, for the thrill
Maybe they are curious
Maybe they wish to realize more
To realize the depth of the waters
Nevertheless, the waters of the sea welcomes each one
With open arms, not disturbed, not impatient
Just waiting for one to look beyond the surface
For one to plung into the waters
To look within and past all her awe
Some do
They dive in and go deep into the the waters
Reaching for the bottomless abyss
Trying to find meaning
Trying to find the end
Only a handful have tried
If they do, have they tried enough?
If they have, they craved for the surface all along
Wanting to reach for air
Overwhelmed by the pressure
The cold, the unknown
And so, one has not found the root of the sea
The bottom of such waters countinues to be a mystery
Perhaps, the sea herself, does not wish for it to be discovered
The sea does not mind
She understands
She heals
Her love is timeless
It is pure
It is abundant
It is calm, and it is still
It is playful, and it is raging
The waters tell it all
From the crashing of the waves
To the soothing kiss upon the sand
They all speak the stories she wishes to share
So you see
We are one
The sea and I
I, a woman
And the Sea