What Is Beautiful
They tell us to feel beautiful
Tell us to love our bodies
Yet they emphazise size
The smaller, the better
But why can't bigger be just as good?
Why can't we love ourselves too?
I came how I am
I was not born "model skinny"
For so long I struggled
Prayed every day to look different
But to no avail
So I starved myself
Skipping meal after meal
Hating myself more and more
Because passing on dinner was feeding the demons
The ones inside who told me how ugly I was
But what makes me tick is they didn't start on the inside
It started with what I was being told
What makes me tick is the sickening amount of pressure
Put onto girls from such an early age
Even Disney Princesses have a tiny waist
What makes me tick is what few people see
Beauty that comes from within
Light that shines through people
Confidence, personality
Even though I am not a size 2
But I have a laugh that puts a smile on everyone's face
When I sing, people cry
I believe in being yourself
And rocking your personality
But what makes me tick is people who can't see that
Tell me I don't "fit"
I can't love my body if it doen't look like one in a magazine
But little do they know
That loving me for me is the most freeing feeling
And freedom is a beautiful thing