Barbie Blues
Four years old -- my eyes open up wide
Staring back at me is she
With her makeup and nail polish applied
I could not touch her so I cried
I see her at school -- in class -- the next day
We become friends as she and I play
My peers stare and compare
They bully me for the attributes we do not share
When I go home to cry in my bed
My mother picks me up and and holds me instead
My skin is black and Barbie's white
I would not look at myself in the mirror just to spite
I hear that I'm beautiful
From my family I'm told
When I go to school -- I do not think so
My peers' opinions mattered to me more -- ya know?
My one friend, she never talked about me
She always smiled ever so gracefully
So maybe it's not Barbie's fault, you see?
Cause Barbie was my friend
Through all the insults, she remained with me until the end
So maybe it's not Barbie cause she let me feel flawless
Alongside she
It wasn't Barbie that had the problem
It was society.