Art as Therapy
To study a subject that brings me grief
Stirs up a loathing brews like soup.
Filled with great passion and heat
My mind has changed for good, for art!
No job that works me like a slave
with no heart.
With this mentality, I dare to dream
about a vision bigger and better than myself.
I dare to depart from the norm,
though the asking price is steep.
Reaching out
I want to teach people how
To write
Inspite of circumstances not right.
To create and innovate
in a state that is untame.
To think beyond the spond
of the interest pond.
To feel something so real
in a field that is abstract, not mundane.
Through artistic means, I want people to say
"I have found peace, I can now feel relief."
Through disciplining myself in school, I want to say
"I am certified to help people in need."
Throughout life, I want to look back
and know that I made a difference in someone life
that is long lasting.
My testimony will lie in my career as an Art Therapist.