Nation of The Free
America “ Land of the Free”
But what does that mean to me.
Orphans, and poverty
Opposition to authority
Gangs and disrespect to minorities
So really how free are we?
When there’s banging as far as the I can see
Racism plays a big role
Our hatred for each other has taken its tole
In our society has a great gaping hole
Each little crack left in individual souls
The blood that runs through my veins isn’t my choice
The color of my skin isn’t my voice
I am not ghetto, or ignorant
Be free rejoice
If American doesn’t define you
Then embrace what does
From the Hood to the Mansions
From the streets, to a home
Where you’re from doesn’t define you
It is where you plan to go.
I am who you see
I am me
I belong
In the nation of the free