Wake Up
It's time to wake up so that we can shake up
The bonds that bind us and the cloth that hides us
Time to take a stand, time to make demands
We cannot let time pass and sit behind glass
While others make decisions impossible to take
Time to shout time to get it out
Time to be heard and time to spread the word
We will no longer be silent and we'll stay non-violent
If they push us, we'll be smarter, we'll push back harder,
Time to be who we are, Our time to be stars
Policies with consent, or else we'll dissent
And make them hear us.
We are the people, we are one people
And when we stand united, we know no equal
We have the right to lift our voices high
Until we make the changes and we set the stages
We are stronger together, and this is a storm we can weather
Nothing can stop us now, It’s time to be loud
So loud they can’t drown us out
And the truth will be found in the darkness that surrounds us.
We are not equal yet. We will never be equal until we stand up
Until we get a hand up so that we might get out
Out of the slums out of the doldrums
that bind our very souls
To this poverty to this idea that we’re lesser
Because we have less
We are worth more than this and it’s time that we showed it
To the people who oppress us, to the people who dress up
In sheeps’ clothing trying to blend in
But we know they’re only in it for themselves and the companies they represent.
Parties of the people, that represent the sheeple
That buy their lies, as they strengthen ties
That we don’t agree with, and can’t feel free with
Making changes and changing phrases
To make the poor have less, and the rich get richer.
Let me paint you a picture
A picture of progress that cannot regress
Until our grievances are redressed
And we possess more than our current ignorance.
Everyone has an equal chance
To do what they love, to get their dance
To do more than make do with what they have,
To be the person they wanted to be when they grew up.
But now we want to throw up, because they don’t show up
And they’re not grown up
Denying rights to people based on crap
That they reed or red in a book built as a trap
For small minds, for the ancient times
But if they read it all from the first light
To the final fall of mankind in revelations
They would see that their motivations aren’t based on faith,
They’re based in hate
In you believe in that book you preach
You should be teaching love, not hate,
Longing for peace, not war
And welcoming the impoverished to your door
Not shaming the women who seem too fast or loose
Or men-loving men whose love is true
Or picketing funerals, blaming gays for dead troops.
When will this end, when will it stop, we try and pretend,
But that isn’t enough, so what do we do about it?
It’s time to stand up for ourselves
And bring out a truth that delves
Into the very heart of our oppressors
Until they themselves become professors
Of the same truth.
We come together and we shake the earth
We shout out loud until the sound creates a rebirth
Of faith in the human race
And we can look our oppressors in the face
And say this is our land, and we’ll do things our way
Oh what a day it will be, when we come together in unity
Up from our poverty in equality
Until at last we can forget the past
And look forward to the future free from these chains.
Time to take back the reins from the ones we elect,
Time to collect on the debt of Jefferson’s
Self-evident truths, that all men are created equal.
Time to storm the voting booths and voice the truths
Laid down by men before us who had been oppressed
And had dressed in arms to fight those that bound them to freedomless night.
And yet, despite the rules and regulations
All the checks put in place
Out leaders it seems can erase them.
Meanwhile we’re making pennies on every dollar their paid
And they’ve got it made, wading in wealth that we provide.
Borrowing money to pay off debts, making threats, and collecting their checks.
And we, the people, the ones who can change things, and can arrange things
We have been convinced our voice doesn’t matter
That we’ve lost our power to object, or defect,
That we’re down and out, and that we don’t count
And they’ve counted us out,
But they still don’t want to be met by the masses
Who have been busting their asses day in and day out
Just to get by.
We are stronger together, and no matter whether or not
You think your vote and your voice don’t matter
Know this
When you don’t speak up, they grow stronger,
And with every lost vote, they get louder
And did you know that 40 percent of Americans
Today openly say that they don’t matter.
40 percent is enough to turn the tide of any election
Local or nationwide
Time to stop hiding, time to start fighting
If you want things to change, change yourself,
If you want help, be willing to help
It’s time to wake up and change it up
Time to break out and without a doubt
It’s time to shout in every medium there is
That we are not satisfied
That we want change and things can’t stay the same
And we will no longer play this game of hide and seek
And if we are to succeed, then what we need is you.
It’s time to grow up and show up on Washington’s Dor
And demand more than just barely getting by.
It’s time we stopped complaining and started doing.
Time to finally pursue happiness, rather than the job that
Will earn us enough to survive.
It’s time to break these chains and wake up.