Behind the Glass
Sometimes you have to reflect
Look back to the past
Take a trip down memory lane
Pop some Advil because there will be pain
Close your eyes and start
What's the first image that crosses your mind?
screams, shouts, the throwing of things
curse words were the choice words to fling
so I took a step outside
where the sky was wide
I played
blocking out the adult world and simply being a child
pretending to be a doctor
no a teacher
or an artist
because that's what childhood is
a place where anything is possible
a place where you can dream
Interesting, intriguing
Now let's dig a little deeper
Tell me, what else can you remember?
belts, paddles, combs
couldn't ask a simple question without getting burned
bruises, tears
couldn't open my mouth without being flooded with fear
eventually numbnes
had to force myself to cry or else the beating wouldn't stop
Ah, I see
Now we're getting somewhere
Here take a tissue
While I listen
well, I remember wanting to kiss her
though I was a she
when I let that thought slip my mind
I cried and prayed
and tried to hide it away
I wanted to be fixed
Are you saying what I think you're saying?
I don't know
will you keep this on the down low?
no one else knows
But of course
Let's move on
Do you have any memories of, say... happiness?
yeah, sure
I used to have a cat
and some goldfish, too
I had a bestfriend
and grandparents that were true
Well that's good
Please elaborate
Always focus on the positive
Gee, this was worth the wait
well, my cat ran away
I didn't like her that much
she scratched me anyways
the goldfish died as they always do
my best-friend moved
and my grandparents are gone on to the unknown
That's not happy
That's kind of sad
Maybe we should try again
And, please, focus on the positive instead
I have a love for music that runs deep
and when I draw I feel peace
writing is a release
where it all flows and I'm finally free
That's good!
A form of therapy on its own
Alright now
Ready to dive back in?
now, where to start
singing I loved
until they said I sounded like I was crying
playing instruments as well
until they put a stop to that
running was fun
until I got my team disqualified
the biggest disappointment of my life
eating was needed
but I couldn't find the strength
opened the refrigerator only to close it
it was empty anyways
I looked fat in my pants
or so I was told
the calories weren't worth it
car crashes, no job, hospital visits, fights with friends, getting lost, rumors spread
my memories of school
home school wasn't much better
think isolation
blood spilled in dark rooms
plans drawn
no hope left
all I needed was one swallow to quit
but I was a coward
so I found old habits
until someone ratted
but in all honesty, it's not that bad
sure, some days I feel glum
but there's nothing like a good friend
to help you through your times of struggle
I only hope I can return the favor...
... If there's one thing I've learned from our conversation
It's that you can't judge cereal from the box it comes in
You're a fighter through and through
Just looking at you, I would've never known
Promise you'll throw away that notebook of plans
Lock the cabinets, hide the guns
If you stay on this journey, you'll find success
When you discover yourself
You'll be the best
Friend a person can have
I can't promise happiness
Or an easy path
But when lightening strikes
When rain falls
Look to me
I'll answer your call.