The Flame
Over and over
life hums like a song.
Life plays for each person,
each family, each throng.
The more we learn about it
the less we seem to know.
The grating and reeling
and uneasy feeling
all mashed up together
to rehearse yet another
refrain of the ever-playing tune.
Each day but a speck
on the continuum of time -
but is it time we should measure by?
The gnashing, the slashing,
the rolling of the bones.
The tossing, the turning,
the lament and the groans
all do signal a struggle,
a struggle to feel
what it would be like
if each had his own.
Life is but happiness
so why do we feel
that grinding and thrashing
and constant contention
will lighten our loads and
result in resurrection
of lost time and lost feeling
that with all our appealing
has been lost to all
but the ones who fall
out of the reckless rampage
that bedevils each person?
Life is not present
in those who content
themselves with a fancier
death sentence.
life is the light
we seek right from the start.
From the start we delight
in that which shows heart
and the courage to stand,
to take anyone's hand,
and know
that there is life
beneath all the struggle.
For without the flame of hope
there is nothing to fight for.
There'd be no life
no joy to contend for.
Be not sad
of each burden you bear.
Be proud that you
have a life to declare
is yours to be had.