Rape Culture Redefined
If I had six seconds to speak to you
Only six, mind
The words I had would not be enough
But here goes, gotta try.
I hate how women walk through the dark
With their keys clasped in their fists
And think "Yeah I could take that guy,
But not him-" and self defense
Is a matter of fact
Like its all on us to make right the wrongs
We got going down now.
As if we have to stop the men who could stop themselves
From hurting us.
No we do not want you
You low down scag bags you know who you are
Your whistles trail us up the street
As if for some reason its a treat
To be lusted after
Like we're just meat-
Hanging on hooks for you to peruse.
Yes, I know you.
In self defense and in good conscience
We stalk and walk the streets daily
Tattoos miniskirts
Burkha's, Amish dresses
Does it matter what we're dressed in really?
Does it matter?
We are women, daughters of Eve and Bathsheba
Rahab and Mary.
We are mothers sisters, lovers wives friends,
We are more than hips and thighs and yes, breasts.
We are more than hair and lips and eyes.
We are alive.
Rape culture predominant blames the victim for her crimes
Going out to have a good time, to spend time with friends
To enjoy the night life
"What were you wearing?"
"Who were you with?"
"How much did you drink?"
"Did you enjoy it?"
Like a mini skirt or a cocktail dress entitles us to be attacked
Like every time a skirt is above your knees
You're wearing a flashing neon sign that says
Like that makes any sense.
But behold men take responsibility,
Pull yourselves back, recall, seriously
You have mothers and sisters and wives and friends
We are not product, prostitutes, to be penned
Categorized and made playthings by anyone.
You want to stop rape culture, the predominence
That its ok for a man to "Pamela!" a woman
But not ok for a woman to wear a cocktail dress, all pink and pretty
Because she's "too much temptation?"
Its ok for men to take the Walk of Fame
While the woman trudge the Walk of Shame
How dare you put all the blame
on our narrow shoulders!
Where are our protectors?
Where are the real men,
Who say to other men,
"She is not an object!" ???
Where are the real men of the world,
Who call us sister,
Instead of "whore"?