Old Days
I hear your voice
Like I wisp of air
Indeed this wasn’t my choice
Painful feelings I’ve learned to bare
In the end your choice thrived
All the arguing
Our relationship dived
With no bargaining
There wasn’t anything to savage
All was lost
Only memories saved
Of the good old days
When we were happily together
This is no longer where we are
With my feelings concealed
Tighter than a jar
My feeling you have killed
Like a mighty hunter
To a deer
You string your bow
You fire away
Your arrow soaring through the air
Piercing my heart
Without a care
Walking away
You leave my feelings to bleed out
There’s nothing you can say
I know you don’t care without a doubt
You go on with your life
Misery abounds
But happiness still found
I’m left to battle my feeling alone
Time has passed
Painful feelings I’ve learned to bear
There is no longer a us
All things have come to an end
My new world starts to begin
With a girl truly special
With her my pain finally ends