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How could you make me feel like i was the center of your universe,
While reminding me that the sun too, will eventually die,
It seemed as though you wanted to assist in this death,
Women aren't property
Until they are.
Paraded down the street
Beautiful and silent
Forced to produce
Without any question
Stroke the male ego
Protect their status as human
She takes a bite.
I tore like gossamer,
Like she knew I would.
She was a butcher by nature.
And I was the raw meat
Sprawled on her porch,
Oh do I crave
That final exhalation,
The sweet breath that topples my empty frame…
You forgot to blow me up, my love.
I stretch and I pull for you.
And here I stand,
With my mind and me
To orchestrate my ability.
I can count the sand
Or analyze the land.
Anything I see,
Belongs to Me.
Because the mind that moves the hand
"You can be anything you want,"
They sang to me on my eighth birthday.
You can be a doctor, a musician
Or a happy astronaut.
And I believed all that they said,
And that night in my bed
I am the product of my Father’s hand,
a creation of God,
knit carefully into a man.
I am the effect of love and nurture,
a home that cares and builds and corrects.
I am the aftermath of disaster, of learning
Nightshade waves cascade down
framing porecilin white skin
and red, seductive lips.
Her hips, gentle curves
that have been touched,
At first she seems okay.
I go about my life busy like an ant on a hill,
but one day I stopped and decided to chill.
I found if I listen, it's not that difficult,
I could find some peace that wasn't invisible.
They say, "keep your friends close
But your enemies closer."
I ask, then, how do you know?
Who is your friend
And who is your foe?
One moment it's sunshine
And happiness and laughter.
When I look at you I don’t just see some sad, lost girl,
I see someone beautiful, who makes my world melt when she smiles,
I see someone whose laugh just makes me want to laugh right along with you.
My name is Brandon and I am a runner.
I run, I work, I learn.
I am always moving, even while asleep, and love to be outdoors.
I love learning and growing and always knowing.
washington d.c. is a monument city looking pretty a city with white monuments every where throughout the whole city, monuments for you to see, which show the american history in our life monuments that don't cause any strife.
I am an artistic soul. I sing, I dance, I make digital art. I am a diverse homosexual male With the essence of a female A flare of masculinity And a celestial heart.
They say the eyes are the windows to the soul,
but with blurred eyes the windows are foggy
I can't see the stray bird fly
or be successful in athletic hobbies
I am a musician
I’m no scientist
I’m no mathematician
I’m no historian
I’m no athlete
I’m no translator
Nor will I be any of those things
I am a musician
So I will be a musician.
my first memory:looking into my reflection,desperateto find somethingthat could anchor me to myself,and jerking back with a screambecausethis could not be me
New players start at level 1.
There's not much you can do.
The enemies are too difficult -
one hit and you're down,
the quests are too complicated,
and it seems the other characters have looping speeches.
Every day is a gift,
all the days just flow so swift
try to live positive & for others try to uplift...
You are here for a reason bigger than you
I know some time you wonder what am I here to do?
Is it some thing huge & grand, here...
Heart stopping, ears begging for more
I play the strings like a mother
Stroking a childs head.
Softly, whisper the made up lyrics
that escape my heart.
I pick up the pencil
lines crossing like
Slurred images sink in that void of unconsciousness;
That daily death that dies at dawn,
And shrinks in fear of the Nine-to-Five pawn.
I listen and I hear from The Collegiate Sage
My mind is filled with words and phrases
which are trying their best to seep out onto this page,
but they are being constricted.
Its still lines constricting how much my words can reveal my soul;
Let me try to explain what it's like to have a mental illness.
Life becomes a watercolor someone left out in the rain.
I am a winter rose.
I follow rules but I am my own leader.
I am stationary but crave movement.
I am a dreamer and I often dream with my eyes open.
If there's one phrase that's hard to say,
If there's something we don't want to think about each passing day
If there's something that would make some of us want to cry,
There's something I want to start with, that any objections to women being unable to have power because of womanly issues is a myth, I know there are plenty of strong women, and I know because of you my friend.
I may not be what you envisioned
That perfect porcelian doll.
It wasn't my decision
Creep into the day
aware with an unforgiving glance on your face
deepend with hate and anger
spit out the foul words that were once used against you
and then bleed the picture on canvas.
I begin to sign...
When we were younger,
All we wanted to do was play.
But then we grew.
And we wanted--
To Fit--
Beauty is a battle people tend to face.
Some cost it; others just chase.
The beauty, the glam, the entire fame,
Flawless Music
I retain all these faults that could make me flawless,
I can write rhymes, tell the time, though I really shouldn’t floss less.
Flay the skin away
Piece by piece
Layer after layer
What am I now?
Am I
The words tumbling out of my mouth
The thoughts rolling in my head
The despair deep in my heart
i wake in the morning,
having no warning,
of how i would be looked at
like i have on a funny hat.
i walk through the halls
with no fear at all
knowing that who i am
I wonder what I can give,
as far as wisdom goes,
for I am somewhat young and have many years to live.
The cool Autumn wind blows
Less as in I am less without a filter
Less attractive less complete less perfect
Less myself
Graphite. Eraser shavings. Coffee-tinted paper.
It all starts with a blank page and an ephiphany of creativity.
The pencil feels at home in my hand as it glides with precision.
Layer upon layer of masks.
One small, one red, one plagued with faux happiness.
A mask of royal purple.
A mask as silver as starlight.
The streets are crowded with personalities, each one unique as a gem.
I was born beautiful.
Society will tell me different.
I have curly hair.
Long, tangly, brown, curly locks.
I grew to hate my hair.
I was 5, already craving to use a hair straightner.
As life continues I only know of two people who really exist; Kris & KP.
As I enjoy the limelight of being a versity athlete, I still find discomfort within.
You are not alone
Sleepy eyes
Purple crescents burn bright under them
Boney knees
Baggy pants conceal lack of nutrition
A broken heart, longing to stop beating
It screams in agony
Im flawless...
From my feet up to my noggin
And anybody that's thinking different, we're surely to have a problem.
Im great!!
At least, that's what I say when I look into a mirror
I was born into a world of loss and pain
But I still live my life happy worshiping
God’s name
My mama working all the time
Scared is a word I could describe this as.
But perhaps,
It's the gentle shedding.
Of old skin, or weathered leaves.
Both things changing.
Just like my girl Rosie.
Don't mind me if I get a bit noisy,
Cause I'm standing up for all the girls,
All the girls around the world.
It's a positive thing.
Yellow leaves, from the maple tree that lined our street
Falling stars race across the sky; it makes me fall to my feet
Here a girl of 17 sat playing with her nails.She wore black and was thin and very frail.Her dark brown locks hid her face as she stared blankly into space.
Around around on the merry go round.The little girl shall never be found.The merry go round is here to stay.The little girl has run away.Up and down the horses go.The little girl hated school she had wrote.
White Frosting here and there.Putting flowers in her hair.Color of red stain to decorate for this joyous daySome powder here, a fix up there.Now its ready for today.Getting lowered into the ground,
When surrounded by peopleI need space.When alone my thoughts surrounded me.I cant breath.
Im confusedtiredhopeless.
I dont understand, and at this point.I dont think I want to.
Cheeks hollow
skin cold
lips thin
Shoulders bare
Straight thin hair
no stomach to hide
space of thighs.
All is calmjust shallow breaths heard.Drip driptime slows down.
Your life fades past like many times before.Only at the end you find yourselfat a different door.
A little like leads to love.
A little hug leads to comfort.
A little tear leads to a sob.
A little smile leads to a laugh.
A little whisper can lead to a crush.
A little hope leads to faith.
Rain bites
Wind blows
I fight
For a future
A better me
I do it without thee
Water runs
Rockets rise
I have seen many suns
And many moons
Rise and fall
Cry your final tears now,don't hold it in
For tomorrow holds another chance to live again
Keep your head held high in confidence and pride
Just let go, relax, enjoy the ride
Things will pan out in the end
Who says they didn't care?
Was it in seriousness, or in jest.
Forget them for thier stupid ideas
just go live your own life.
Those pills in your hand,
the rope on your fan,
Trying to invent myself.
I'll juggle it all and make all the right choices.
I'm overwhelmed.
Like a cloud stretching to cover the entire Earth.
It reminds me that I am small.
I am a lyricist not a musician
I write words that speak to your soul not the heart
It may seem uncertain but the lyrics that I write show the hidden feelings within
Covering, protective layer, skin
For the body is just a house that the soul lives in
Covering, protective layer, skin
For the body is just a house that the soul lives in
She doesnt know she poor, Even when life tells her in many ways Her refrigerator becomes empty. Whenever she is hungry she can't even find a whole meal. Her family barley has enough food to last them until they can get more.
Isn't she lovely?
The way her hips move side to side.
isnt she lovely?
The way her clothes hug her skin tight.
isnt she lovely?
The way her makeup is bold and bright.
isnt she lovely?
scrub your hands
you dirty thief
every last pocket full of stolen gems
a crown of shame to mark the broken
wash your mouth
you little bitch
scream profanities & curses
I am who I am
Only I can do me like I can do me
You can't teach self confidence
It comes with taking what others say about you
And making it irrelevant
We all live in this world
We fight to be noticed
Though, we all live in a mold.
Some cannot fight against those who are stronger,
So we let them pull us under.
I sat and watch the stars above
How gracious how belove
The nature and the love
The earth is full of beauty,
With nature unity
What a blessed creativity
One foot at a time
I climb into my wet suit
Puff of air
As I check my tank
The unknown mysteriousness awaits
Bubbles float to the surface
The world starts to bounce in the glistening sunlight
A little more left.
Shift the angle, the lighting, the camera lens.
Fix your hair as a strand bends
A daughter needs her dad so he can teach her his morals and life lessons, she needs him to teach her how to be strong, and a daughter needs him to help pick up the pieces when times get rough and he is gone.
I am Flawless,
Just open up your ears,
I am Flawless without photoshop
Now wait, this will make your jaw drop,
You look inside the shiny magazines at the glamorous models there
As soon as I see a filter
I feel awful
I need that filter for life.
Am i lying? IM LYING.
I dont want to lie.
I want to be true to myself but
In a world so social, its hard not to compare,
I tell myself not too, but still I dare.
All I can do , is wonder why?
Why is there life so perfect, not mine?
The face that I put on is one of content.
on the spectrum of dreams
only one is heard
as usual
in everyday life
only one is valued
no surprise
"let us make a change"
we repeat as
nothing changes
My thighs expand the length of continents
But the breasts I was given cannot be confused with mountains
My hazel eyes ooze the color of a muddy emerald sea
But the pores on my face are often compared to broad craters
All around me I hear laughter,
Yet I am not laughing.
They did not hit me, but inside my soul is hurting.
I look whole, but inside I am just a pile of broken pieces
Waiting, hoping, praying
Water running down my face, as today i decide my fate
going or stayin wouldn't even matter
Would it?
Darling, you'll be okay.
You are being irrational.
Take a minute and just breathe in and out.
You are a beautiful human being.
You serve a purpose on this Earth.
You have people who love you.
Behind all the filters,
my pictures hold natural beauty.
Behind the makeup and touch-ups,
I have freckles that engulf my face.
Behind the smiles,
I hold back years worth of overcome struggles
Merriam told me about how in fishing, a safety net can rid of impurities.
I didn't tell her these were my insecurities.
That within each creature,
lie a heart, a soul, a mind- maybe.
My hair, long and brown
My face, straight and concentrated
My body, short and ordinary
None of it matters
I can get through
Whatever life throws at me
My strength
My desire
My dedication
Sadness does not come in the form of rainstorms
Here to kiss away the tears off of one's face
It is not the color of the blackest night
Since I'm destined to be a coffee ground,
I want to be fertilizer.
I don't exist in your bookshops or museums.
I don't have a place on your TVs or radios.
You'll never hear about me.
There's something you don't understand.
Maybe it's the different lives we live
Maybe it was what I was wearing
A permanent reminder runs crooked down his chest
a seam, a scar, still raw, deep, and red
he is in debt to a strangers hand, loses rest
for fear of failing his second chance
In high school everybody wants to be cool
well guess what, I'm not a tool.
i don't care what people say,
i do things my own way.
i shop at the thrift store,
so what if my clothes are a bore?
She knocks on my door and asks me to come out. “No,” I answer, but it’s not my voice talking, it’s his. Raising my 6 year old niece has not been easy, given I’m also raising a young man. His name is Depression.
On this train,
I descend.
A cruel descent from heaven to hell.
The misty, rhythmic waterfalls
I was the girl that grew up in hard brick matter.
At 3 years old my pearls were stolen then shattered.
Beaten,broken and tossed to floor.
And all I could can do is plead "PLEASE NO MORE!!!"
A tear, a whisper
A shout, a cry
No one seems to hear
No one is by your side.
Everyone is oblivious until it's too late,
Another angel has been sent back too soon.
A couple walks together
Holding hands and smiling.
Their love is grand, how can anyone deny it?
I am young and feel as if I don't have a voice.
The things in my life I don't have a choice.
Others try to give encouragement and advice,
but how do I know the truths from lies?
If I could change a thing or two about the world we live in,
I would make it so hope bloomed in every single soul.
If this wish I wished came true,
I see them down the halls
Hear their hatred along the walls.
Do they not care?
Their words are something I cannot bare.
Why must they pick on me?
All I want is to let be.
Me at my core is nothing more than a little boy
Who wanted a pet dinosaur
A boy who wanted to become rich and famous and become a candy connoisseur
Man I love COLLEGE
college is the place where I learn
where I open my mind
where my dollar bills burn
where to get that “A” I become redefined
It is a place that can open so many doors
My true self lurks behind the doors wooden frame,
Locked up in society's chains.
The true me is not who I appear to be
For the world discriminates against me.
My eyes are blue, like the sky at night when the stars are out,
illuminating the distance between Point A and Point B,
but they never cease to shine,
even when the day replaces the night,
Within my heart lay a gap that I cannot fill
A gash within my emotions that lay unhealed
This wound inflicted bleeds deep within me
This stream of emotions wil never heed
A cloud of thoughts loom in my mind
Love was all she longed for,
all she needed.
She didn't believe in it
because she had never seen it.
And what she thought,
that it couldn't be real.
She didn't show or reveal
Who are you behind a filter,
we try to look good and be someone we are not,
just look in the mirror and see who you are,
God makes no mistakes we the way we are from design,
why change perfection with a filter,
Have I got a voice
A voice that amazes
A series of listeners
Proclaiming their praises
My low notes are clear
But my high notes are clearer
And I’ll admit to being guilty
The sound of a siren
Sets my heart pounding
I want to follow it
Just to make sure that
It isn’t for him.
He is a friend
A human life with living soul and spirit
I’m just your average guy,
Two eyes, one nose
Who knows the woes
Of trying to fit in.
But, listen to me,
So that you may see, how I see,
That that’s not all its cracked up to be
Okay soNice to meet ya but I wouldn't wanna be yaBecause being myself only gives me a spellA kind of happiness one could never tell
I am Flawless because i write,
I am me because of my height,
I praise the Lord each and everyday,
Even though somethings don't always go my way,
I still give him praise for all that he does,
Society, expectations, me.
Society sees me as a flower,
expectations see me as the lost sheep,
I see myself as Llailyn.
Yes, Llailyn: Jay-leen.
Smart, goals, family, smart, goals, family.
I am not perfect, for I am human,I envy, I hate, I love, and I fear,What worth can be seen in my living years?
Today has been the first time I’ve smiled in years
The first time I haven’t cried myself to sleep
The first day I haven’t been forced to smile on queue
I remember those days so well; my scars won’t let me forget
Today I want to say to all of you.
I’m not a fan of a whole group chat.
If I want them to know,
I flinch.
False consensus effect strikes again.
I'm not afraid of your touch. Fear has no position on the playing field.
you recoil, my body like a stovetop to the touch.
filters hide the true beauty inside & out
Can't see what's on the inside because people are worried about what's on the outside
SElF CONFIDENCE leads to success
In your own skin you win
never settle for less
Some day's I want to scream, Some day's I'm happy, Some day's I don't care at all, When I run out of things to say, I feel the painful words swarm me,
Not Your Conquest
There is no distress
In this damsel
I am not the conquest
In the grand adventure of your story
How precious seconds pass by me with haste.
I grip its tail in hopes that it will stay.
A force that acts poetically with space.
"Leave me slowly. Keep me here." I pray.
I am more than just a filter
More than what's behind the computer
behind the lightening effects of my skin
lies a girl wanting to fit in
My words aren't heard in the scene
I want you to see
the part of me
that glass so often hides.
Scrolling down your Instagram feed, you would barely even recognize me.
I want you to see
the part of me
that is hidden by makeup
Hashtag. What's a filter?
Instagram's new fad.
Sorry to the conscious
Praises from the claque
Here's an example
Like long standing mountains,
I am weathered and flawed,
Made beautiful by life's disastrous, awesome turns.
I am insecure,
Searching for meaning in a life I once thought I did not deserve.
The scratches that flicker the surface,
They are unforgivable flaws.
We spin a web of lies in its face.
We risk choking under its gauze.
So cunning the spider is.
Writing new names for the pig.
You are probably wondering what I look like without a filter
I have Flaws
Too many to count
My forehead is too big
My mouth too wide
My skin too dark
I have black heads
O Robin why did you have to go away?
It was not the only way
Inspiring us all with your comedy
Teaching us that laughter is always the key
I hope that you have peace wherever you are
Underneath the makeup that you layer everyday
That thick and waterproof courage that still will wash away
You pass the mirror each evening and shudder at the sight
Is it really about us? What is the point?
I'm just One Life. One soul.
Who says it is about me? Who is the One that says?
Life may be nothing more than a breath of days and nights.
My heart is heavy today, I sighed
Depression is attacking my heart, my soul, my mind.
I try so hard not to care,
But all I feel is bottomless despair.
There is an obvious difference between me and you
Between quiet and loud
Big and small
I am combustion-- The Big Bang
Expanding infinately
Exploding with passion
Sadness is dark like a dark winter's night
Sadness taste like salty tears falling down your face
Sadness smells like dead rose
Sadness looks like glass being broken
Sadness sounds like your last breath
I stare in the mirror and what do I see?
My flawless self staring back at me
I don't need makeup or any type of weave
I just get up, get dressed, blow myself a kiss, and leave
I hope...
Because I care...
Because I love my friends...
The powerful message...
Jesus taught me
To love your neighbor as yourself
If it wasn't for that
He pushes you
You cry
He stab you
You die
It could have end at the push
If you knew how to punch
No rhythm
No rhyme
Just me
And myself
Dark hands
Bright face
WIth a dim glow in the eyes
Worn out
By the challenge
Of living each day with a smile
We all have dreams to strive for
a goal to reach to reach for
we just have to wait for the right moment
to get success like the Romans
the girl they see
the girl I am.
I am both girls unfiltered.
and im completely happy,
I want to get NAKED
Its easy to take off your clothes and have sex; people do it all the time,
but opening up your soul to someone,
Letting them into your spirit,
In today's society and social media,
Beauty is changed in many ways.
Social Media has changed our view of others.
Everything you feel, it's all in your mind
Overwelming thoughts leads one to be blind
The danger is real, but fear is a choice
Save yourself from all of that noise
You call yourself a Christian,
But have you sat back and listened,
To the things you been spittin,
Acting like you ever sinnin,
But what about that time back in junior high,
On this stage i stand,
Waiting for my cue.
Palms sweaty, knees shaking.
Nervous ball of emotion.
Curtains are drawn;
Face hidden from Embarressment
The music begins, and my heart stops.
Without a filter I'm just a kid,
Without a father and a mother in prison,
I've seen some things that you'll never see,
Things that make small children scream,
But what you can never see,
I may fall some times but I get back up.
I may stumble but I want go down.
You think Im perfect, oh no im far from it.
Theres only one, The Only Begotten Son.
Where do we go when we are lost?
Where can we find ourselves and what’s the cost?
I’m searching of the girl I once was.
Looking and looking, where can she be?
I see a girl, is it me?
Name calling
Stupid, slut, ugly, and fat whore
How could one live in a world with these name calllings?
Could these names be true?
The blade
The sharpness seeps within my skin
There's no going back
The colors of life are all that surround,
from which social media is everywhere to be found,
and Tumblr,
hashtags, likes, are all but words to make me humbler,
Who am I? You should know who I am. Standing tall, with my head up above. Looking beyond the present in hopes to build a future so strong no one could even grasp the concept of going backwards.
See, society has this pre-conceived ideaabout how a black personespecially a black girlshould act.
They say she laughs too much
Her red lipstick is smeared and she doesn't play nice
Torments of sneers pass her in school halls
No filter?
never have a filter.
I am me and if you
don't like it that is your
Or that is what I
will tell myself.
Be your
But fit in
i am a mere inhabitantin a constellation of chaosand often timesi have a habitual inclintationto escape from these wallsthat harbor looming memories
I am beautiful, maybe not in the way some others would think but I am.
I am strong; I can't lift twenty pounds but I can keep smiling because I am.
I am determined, there is nothing that can stop me; I know I am.
Its a feeling not a knowing.
Curiosity and randomness lead me to you.
I feel so blue.
We are so clueless.
Where to begin and where to end.
Don't you get it? I'm not okay I'm not just tired I'm not fine I'm not good My life is not great Don't you get it? You need to understand that you don't know everything
It is in my darkest moments that I become religious. Not so that I can pray to the lord for better times, but so that I can blame anybody but myself. To blame some creator for problems I know I’m responsible for.
What do my words sound like without a filter?
Might as well ask me to reinvent the wheel
My words must remain slightly off-kilter
Because I am afraid of myself without a filter.
You know what sucks?
My pain in my heart
I'm losing my luck
It taste bitter and tart
I feel tired all the time
Yet my heart races fast
I'm losing my prime
My time won't last
Don't worry I've swept away so many times might as well live in the bristles of a broom,
Running to first period, I can’t be late anyone who has been here can relate “buzz” the tardy bell rings. I walk into class “Where is your tardy pass?” she sings.
I am red.
From the sun beating down on my white skin.
I am pink.
After being embarrased by my peers.
Why am I kickass?
My grades are quite high,
for me the girls would die,
I've got luscious brown hair,
when you're older you'll care,
I jump high for my heighth
also, I'm white.
So, this is what it feels like when all the walls start to fall.
As the towers fall and replace the the free space beneath them,
I will think of nothing
I brought this upon myself.
You sit in the dark
Scared of the world
You feel like no one is there
But you are not alone
You feel worthless
Like nobody cares
Like you could disapear
And no one would know
We hear the words to often.
Maybe I don’t want to.
Are we taking a picture?
I don’t know that I can.
Stop telling me to.
You're a coward that is full of messPushing me around and hitting me in my chestYou're a coward that has no heartBeating me up dragging me apartYou're a coward I say I say with grace
Small with a big attitude
Accompanied by an even bigger mouth
A sweet, loving smile
that will quickly turn into a pout
Kind of boy crazy... okay maybe a lot
Can't blame me, I mean some are quite hot.
"Look in the mirror and tell yourself you're beautiful' .
I'd repeat it. Look in the mirror and say " I love you".
I'd try , but nothing would come out . I'd go mute.
I spent most of my life trying to hide myself.
I see myself as a gem
I know mysef as a gem
A mirror does not have to show me this
Photos cannot embody my natural spirit
I see myself
I love myself
I am the gem
From every little pore
I have to hurry home and prepare dinner tonight
I have to finish my cleaning or else it’s another fight
I’ve still much to do: the laundry, the dishes, the dusting, washing the stains off the floor
I get feelings sometimes where I feel like no one cares about me.
It is the worst feeling one could possibly ever get.
It makes you feel alone, scared, or even depressed.
I feel that maybe seein' you go was a wakeup call.
A wakeup call to reality.
That grownups sometimes have no choice even if they get down on their knees.
Hush little child,
you shan't cry,
I'm your friend,
can't you see,
Hush little child,
take my hand,
drop that knife,
fly into light,
kiss mama goodbye,
Hush little child,
When I put a picture up on facebook,
I strive for people to see I'm happy,
I hide all the stress,
Pretend there's no pain,
and act like it's everything okay.
I don't use a filter,
and I don't use vignette,
I'm a shitty photographer
no way around it
They all come out the same
tilted to left, skewed and half-hazard
No gels, lights, editing, or daggers can make an image of mine appealing
inward or outward
As tears streamed down her face,
She realized how alone and empty she felt.
She was so isolated and abandoned.
It hurt her so much within her chest.
A half baked smile on her face.
She lost sight of herself.
NIght comes and goes im in a deep sleep dreaming about what happenes next
i wake up tired and my long day startes i have to use public transportation to get to my destination
My heart made of gold holds intentions so true
Reveal to me your demons held inside of you
Open up and let your guard down a little bit too
Releasing your pain is just what I'll do
Yeah, everyone knows me as that blonde girl with the perfect body that's never missed a church service,
Or an opportunity to help the needy.
Perfect grades and a high G.P.A., nothin'n acceptance letters.
College kids party.
I don't.
Isn't that enough?
describes me.
From parents,
from friends,
from doctors.
I'm not.
I dream.
I act.
Wishing upon peace,
hoping no one sees me,
Taking a deep breath,
hoping no one hears me,
Walking through school campus vastly,
having fear of being stopped,
Smiling, but speaking no words,
Sometimes you have to reflect
Look back to the past
Take a trip down memory lane
Pop some Advil because there will be pain
Close your eyes and start
What's the first image that crosses your mind?
There is an end to everything, aye, to what we all hold dear.
Time will pass, maybe goals fulfilled - and still this loss we fear.
It takes away all inhibitions...purpose; and it leaves you all alone
True beauty, something I wish I'd seen more,
So sue me, something I don't look to screens for.
The true me, not afraid to stand for dreams or
the new me, something the old me would fiend for.
I am that poor girl
whose waning hope
gave birth to passion
Or perhaps I am a pupeteer
with a marionette by the name of
Some days I am the crisp morning drizzle
Yes I know I am not perfect.
But who are you to point that put?
No matter what you say, my confidence will remain the same.
I will feel beautiful.
I will feel pretty.
Becasue I am flawlessly flawed.
Hoping for destination, she
gropes toward brightness,
across spaces like tundras.
Once Upon A Time...
I'm no princess but I've got
beautiful eyes
I am soft.
Sensitivity is mistaken for weakness
and yet it is the one true strength.
To care, to love, to cry.
I have fought my battles with tears in my eyes
But I won the war.
I will not be deluded
I will not be covered up or watered down
I will not change the way I look to try to conform to society’s ideas
I am unique
Without anything to cover us from the real world
We will show people our true colors
Who we are, really
What we are, actually
Many are afraid to do this
To show the Demon hidden behind the mask
Behind the curtain everybody sees,
a light so bright that cannot be reached,
An eternity full of shame,
Lies, resentment, and carelessness,
All so young yet so dark,
It used to be great,
The controlling controller roams in
her controlling world, thinkinking highly
of the crazy cool adventurous odesseys
she embarks on.
Her blanket is her cape to escape
The world tried to filter me,
To screen me before I came.
They told me, "This is what we want to see,
Please disguise your ugly pain."
"No one likes a whiner," they'd say,
Stop! Don't think,Just breathe,It's over,He's gone,He can't see you cry, Deep BreathStop: the tears,The lies,The pain,The regret,The blame, Deep Breath
I've learned to enjoy these walks alone
Breathing in the cool, crisp Autumn air.
With each breath I am renewed.
Alone with my thoughts I realize
How beautiful the leaves are,
How majestic the trees are,
I may not be a 4.0 student,
But I am very pudent,
I take rigorous classes,
Even though i do not wear glasses.
On this world of 7 billion
Me? I'm 1 in a trillion
Unlike some of you out there,
I voice my opinion and do not care
If you think I'm right or wrong
That's the secret to staying strong.
“No Filter” you say, as I read the screen
It’s simply written, yet harder than it seems.
Filters are hidden, but omnipresent through life
And without our awareness, they’re becoming our vice.
No, doctor that's not the problem
You don't understand
I'm putting guns to my head like I don't own my hands
I'm laughing so loud in a room with my friends but
as soon as I'm home I feel slightly deranged
To describe me, you would have to think of the ultimate geek, without the look
I'm the type of guy that loves to play football, but also read a manga book
I love to run, and run. till my lungs feel like they're gone
I see you,
Standing by my side.
Waiting to catch me when I fall.
Ready to help me out.
We all act as if we united
We are one
We are powered
But how united are we?
I am a beloved daughter of God
A light in this world of darkness that surrounds me
A friend to those around me
I am a girl with the deserve to impact the world around me
Looking at my face
You'd never know
In my life
A war grows
On the outside
I`m filled with life
On the inside
I`m dying
Not from sorrow
Not from strife
Literally I fight
Every morning there is a bucket of bricks on my back.
It slowly reaches to the top as the skinny and the fabulous come in from their room of perfection.
You saw me as your porcelain doll
your darling girl
Your perfection
but There was an immaculate exception
you thought i was your faithful pet
the dog who'd
"she'd be back"
People have been insulting people forever, and I must say "Stop!"
If you don't stop today, then I will call a cop.
I want the number of racial slurs to decrease,
because, my friend of mine, we need some peace.
We look for sleep but it doesn’t come, at least not pleasantly. The neurons firing in our brains only produce the fears, the fears we most desperately want to forget.
1 I was born into the unknown,
Inheriting a gene few familiars have shown.
2 But why was it a problem? No one knew.
My peers knew not, I knew not.
Play in oblivion, all youth do.
Everything is created
In a Bang
We bang
to create life
The Universe bangs to create Life
We bang ingredients to build a cake
We bang our heads to make a mistake.
Everything is just a bang.
Always on
In our hands we look
Lighting up our face
Words flash
color bash
technology hold us
And we can let go
He Stood Tall
Forever growing
Tall as a mountain
Larger than a Building
He's an Idea that is always growing
No one really knows me
I'm not sure what they see
But from the way they talk and look
At me
I know they don't feel close to me
Don't they know they're all I have?
Im running and hiding in fear.
Everyone around me points and laughs at me.
I run to the shadows but your there.
I beg you to leave me alone but your there.
Walking down the halls I see it everywhere
In some way shape or form bullying is going on.
This needs to stop.
I am but one person but my voice is heard by thousands.
Suffering through the same old same day in and day out.
Nothing ever changes.
Everyday im hoping and im praying for someone to make a change.
Then I realize I can make a change.
I can make a difference.
The color orange is exciting yet composed.
Still, a lack of admiration from those opposed.
They lifted my spirits up. Then they broke me down. Day by day I felt sorrow in my soul. A great big black deavouring hole. It took my lover, it took me too, and with it, it took everything that I had ever knew.
The beauty within yourself is based on conciousnes
Most people seem to always brag about what they have,
Others just tend to whine about what they don't,
I'm more in the midle.
The beauty within yourself is based on conciousnes
Most people seem to always brag about what they have,
Others just tend to whine about what they don't,
I'm more in the midle.
It’s a Monday morning, and I am fed up.
My teacher babbles on and on
in his nasally, monotone voice,
versing the same damn elementary rhetoric
I have heard all my life.
He presents Grade Point Average
They say Grendel was a demon, born from the line of Cain.
They say he was riddled by malice and impregnated with sin.
But I think he's a part that lives in us all,
I'm a Fake
I'm a facade
I'm not really here
I'm not really there
I'm not anywhere
The mask I wear
the shame I bare
its all covered up
see, I hide
You see that girl,
Do you truly see?
She's been fighting,
It's an internal struggle.
She understands if you ignore,
But don't be decieved.
Like a mirror at a carnival,
She torn up in sorts.
The time to express myself.
It comes and goes over time.
Just like when the sun sets and it does'nt show itself.
The dark takes over and I cover myself with mud and slime.
Outside in the dark,
My personality and voice were white.
Of course, these descriptors were perfectly right.
My physiognomy and intelligence were Asian.
What are we as humans?
Are we just people with amazing discoveries and ideas?
Are we just idealistic and logictic people?
Are we the one that we wanted to become?
If so, what am i ?
Well, you could say I’ve created this image of myself
fragile and wavering, shaking and unsure
I walk to the grocery store, self-conscious with my hands in my pockets.
I try not to look at the sun too long.
I've lived most of my life behind a curtain.
Those tender, shaky
Seconds just before a performance,
Auditoriums and microphones are a part of me.
But when I was younger,
They only meant singing and
Pay attention to the eyes,
the windows to who she really is.
Meet Miss Hyde.
Spontaneous she is
Outspoken, yet respectful.
Life of the party and responsible
Definition of style,
What is behind it?
The void
The abyss
The unknown
Behind it is whatever it pleased to be
Every aspect of my life has
Always been a splintered crack
between myself and who I wanted to portray.
It wasn't my fault.
I just wasn't good enough.
I was not satisfied with who I was,
Do they dabble in trends?Dwell on the popular breed,No matter the way their stories bend?No matter the fruit of their seeds?
“Where do you see yourself in five years?”It is almost a cruel question to ask a young person who is so hopeful and uncertain
We live fast, racing here and there;
quickly bolting through this dream.
What are we living for?
Where is our end?
Don't forget to look around,
stop. Just for a moment,
think. Love. Dream.
An extraneous hope for merciful redemption
These queer mice lurking behind harrowed shelves
Rapidly engage between bones crackling beneath the hands of lost worship;
There are many parts to me
I feel at each deserves a place in my heart
For I would not be me without it
As each misshapen bit
I remember the dark road
The road I left behind
I remember the knife in my hand
and the thought in my mind.
For so long I sat
My dreams were all blind
But I would no longer wait
I have many a friend,
I will follow them to the end.
But do they actually see me
And who I want to be?
There is a man behind the curtain,
In that I am certain.
I hide behind my masks,
Like a magical wardrobe lost in time
Behind the fur coats you will find
A door way to an open Skye
Please don't fly away
Off of the bridge you always walk
Please don't fly away
From the chair and belt as I talk
Please don't fly away just yet
I know you're getting weak
That's ItI've made itI'm doneI booked my ticket straight to the sunThe stars speak and I hear;"This is your Captain speaking,Your one way flight from victim, Land of SilenceHome of the Slave
To outsiders I’m just a simple, plain wallflower.
But if you look a little closer, beyond the closed off petals
you’ll see that each petal tells a story with a little bit more power.
When I close my eyes
I'm travelling
with backpacks hanging off of me
they aren't heavy
because they're just enough
When you first asked for my name
The first thing that comes to mind is the number of times I will lie to you
How many times do I have to sequester behind these curtains with the fear of you judging me
"You are such a bad liar
(it's true)
and oh, you never cry!"
(why would I?)
for my reputation could never handle
the admission of emotions.
That hits too close to home, you see,
The real me?
I am not who I thought I was.
Believe me,
You can't change who i am now because
I am free.
Under the curtain I have been washed
In the sea.
My fake personality has been squashed.
what do people see when they see me?
do they see a boy struggling to be?
or do they see a man being what everyone desires to be?
do they see a boy working as hard as possible to get his way?
I wake up hoping today will be different
Hoping I can actually get up
Hoping I can live
Hoping I live
Hope... something I lost
Not all at once no
Slowly I lost all hope
I look into the past a see a girl afraid of trying
A girl afraid to fail, a girl afraid of shining
A girl that even though they encouraged again and again,
Never saw what they saw
I laugh
For a young woman who cries is known to be a coward
I smile
For a young woman who frowns is helplessly depressed
I study
Through his life in good and strife
A mask did he wear.
On face a grin, but not within
And smirk he did not dare.
On a whim, this boy so grim,
Soon to be a knight.
I have two faces but I only show one
No one knows my true face, none
All you can see is my mask
Nobody even cares to ask
Who cares?
My real face shows my trepidation
I've got a lot of people in this life.
They tell me what to do or who to be.
I listen, and I nod.
They are my loved ones.
They see me as I want them to.
They see me smile.
I give everything my all.
I. When I speak, I stumble over sentences.
Like words are so uncomfortable in my mouth,
That they fall haphazardly into the world.
II. My hair is a wreck, and my eyes are like winter.
A man once told me
He told me you see
That you can be anything
You wish to be
But what he says
And what I see
Are nothing but visions
Of obscurity
The mirror reveals
I sailed the seven seas and rode the rough tides,
When I made landfall, I came, I saw, I conquered.
This epic tale will travel far and wide,
but alas there are secrets yet to be uncovered.
"I love you, sweet heart"
No, you wanted me.
"You're my little girl"
No, I was your toy.
"I didn't hurt you"
Yes, you did.
"You're such a spaz"
I'm sorry, I just get excited.
These hands of mine
Have collected the tears succeeding a painful tease
Fallen victim to a panic-induced squeeze Enfolded my weary, bruised knees.
But still continue to dance by my soul with ease.
You look at me and think I'm fine, confident and loving life,
Unaffected by your exclusion.
If only you could see
The tears I have cried at night
The knives I feel in my heart and back.
Who bothers to risk their eyes
to look into the light of the sun?
They cover their eyes and turn their backs
and take advantage of the warmth and the glow
Me I am the sun
Everyday I rise and my rays
It's just a mask
Another mask
Thats just my face
So much built up animosity, I dont know where it goes
As I sit in my pew
The same pew I've sat in since birth,
On the left
6 rows back
Close to the middle aisle,
I can't help but see
The woman in the back,
As she cuts her eyes
Truth be told abot me
Things you coul never dream to know
Wind is a trusty treasure that makes me feel free
If the worls is a stage,
And we ar the plaers,
Then we hide ourselves,
Costumed with our parts.
To the world, our viewers,
We are characters,
Destned to play our parts.
Behind stage, we live,
Heads turn at the sound of young black woman’s heels clicking the cold parochial floors,
The ruthless power of her stride swings open solid cross laden wooden doors.
People see her as a Greek piece of theatre
Never showing her true identity
Always hiding behind a mask
She goes along telling my story
But reality never comes out
At home, a different mask is put on
The newest shoes, anything observers can idealize and see
You are not measured by what they say you should be
We do not have to keep following media's image, instead come talk to me
Rumor has it that scars of gold kept you hidden
behind a veil of words that were forbidden to hear,
and the tattoos of watercolors began to slosh around on your marble skin,
until no single pigment could be found.
We are the generation of a new millennium.Be proud?Our title could’ve been better, it sounds pretty corny,I looked online, no one seems to think thatWe’re going to be the ones that save the world
People can label me. Best Leader. Class Favorite. You name it. However, that's not all I am. I'm not just a label, or another number. I'm human. I want most of the same things that everyone else wants.
A solemn tribute to Society,
traveling in silence,
avoiding gazes, conflict.
Curtain of Camouflage.
Misinterpretation leads a nation,
deceit grows infectious,
killing souls day by day.
The mask I exhibit is that of
Any other high school senior
Blended into the background;
Hidden amongst other faces.
A flag twirler in the marching band,
A member of Chem Club;
Yellow Brick Fool
I represent the lollipop slang,
my language marks class,
well spoken, or gang.
The wonderful wizard of ostracization
prompts concealment of character
to defy my creation.
May I obtain an epiphany of self-pursuit?
Cease the persuasion of pointed fingers and demanding mouths,
Consume the obtained knowledge of the stacking years,
You think he is cute, he dresses nice, a little player, but he is into you. "I can make him change", thinks the girl that is still in her teens. You fail to realize that he is young too.
I am so tired of all the voices that I hearTheir catchy sayings attempt to mold me into an average teenI will be the rebel that is expected by defying mainstream culture
"I like the color blue and I like to read," I say.
They do not know it is the somber,
I stand behind the curtains of an unaccepting society
Pulling at the seemingly infinite weight
Yearning to be nothing but myself
The curtain weighs down with
i. At six I knew there was something wrong.
There were thoughts that swirled around my mind,
Sinuous snakes that slithered and curled in forgotten crevices,
I protest -
Not for
in this
world -
We will
have no
peace -
I protest -
I Scream
thought -
I refuse
to remain
at peace -
"The road less traveled"
Frost was and is still onto something.
We, humans are so scared and dependent:
Waiting for someone establish and cultivate a barefaced modus operandi.
Fresco painting fake faces onto my own
Cover my true self with layers of plastered
I want to be free
I want to
Peel back every
Doubt I’ve had on
Why my face
When I had no place to go, your door was closed.
And when I knocked, I heard it lock.
So I let the rain cover me, and as it flows with my tears,
I know that I will soon have to face the mirrors.
Fidgeting, sweating palms, racing heart-
Please relax I say; my insecurities can rip me apart.
I'm so scared, on the fringe of fright.
This disorder makes me believe that I'm not at all bright.
Entering high school,
the stereotypical high school jock,
sole focus to be the best on the team and win over the hearts of girls.
Not truly understanding myself,
following my father's basketball dreams,
My friends’ minds do not blush at their ignorance,
My friends’ ears do not turn red
Instead, their flesh molts as a dead thing’s does.
From purple to blue
From blue to black
From disused to diminished
Everyone knows about first impressions
They are what determine whether you matter to them
Or just someone they will take up their time with
To create the next bit of gossip
People judge me by the looks and the actions they see daily.
It is hard to show them the real me.
The reason I don’t show the real me because I’m afraid
Sitting on the carpet of my square room, my mind raises the curtain.
I take a seat in the middle of a vacant theater. Encompassed by red leather, my mind previews.
Flashing before me, large and vast is Today.
The real me isn't all that pretty,
it isn't something someone
would want to see,
The Dragon’s Wings
Fantasy within, reality without,
Wings down, curtains up,
Straight face, hiding the goofy smile,
Professional by day, amateur at night,
I'm Flawless
Not because my skin is clear or my body is perfect
Cause I'm Far from both ..
But because I love.. I love hard ..
I'm flawless cause my loyalty runs deep
"Shes strong beautiful has the whole world at her hands"
yet shes sad scared and surrounded by everyone yet feels so alone
"Shes Beautiful.."
She Cant stand to take full body pictures
"Shes confident"
That smart young girl
who seems to have everything figured out
with a bright future ahead
yet if you looked deep enough
you will find
that everything is broken
Those kind eyes holds pain
My illness defines me,
I see no way around it.
They don't believe in me,
They think me weak,
They think me fragile,
They think me suicidal.
The people who should care for me.
I am a slave to their words,
a mutt in their eyes,
for bastards like me were not meant to survive,
I have the face,
the nose, eyes, and lips of a Salabie,
a rich man’s name,
This is not a mask but a shell.
A formulated architecture
Based on
I am not my mask, my shell
Who is the interior
He is
Shy girl, heart on her sleeve, with a necessity for independence and to be outspoken. Typical.
It’s not about the voices you hear
That makes you hide
Or the room full of masks
To keep you in disguise
Excited & In Love With Christmas
By~ Vannessa Peters
I am excited & in love with Christmas.
That's me.
I have a lot of friends
I'm confident in myself
If I talk like this,
Can I walk like that?
Would it be okay?
How would I be perceived?
Or can you be deceived?
Stereotypes surround me.
I think I have found me
Step, breathe in, step, step, step, breathe out.
Don't forget to smile.
If it slips for even a moment, you suddenly transform into this perceived monster of unpleasant, dishonest and ungracious tendencies.
How dare you.
I do not want them to know
How I am just an empty vessel
My life has been so dull
Ever since I let him go
I was supposed to be my father’s hero
But I failed him, my negligence unforgivable
Pay no attention to the girl behind the curtainShe's shy and insecure, she’s anxious and uncertainShe hides the way she really feels by giggling and flirtin'Hoping no one pays attention to the girl behind the curtain
I smile,
I giggle,
I say the things I’m expected to say.
Never cry,
Never yell,
My face permanently plastered with a grin.
My positivity can be suffocating,
The pressure to meet the mark of a standard that is ever heighteningAnd never compromisingIs seemingly an everlasting presence that can either be disregardedOr
This curtain is one of
Carefully painted black lines
Swiped across eyelids.
This curtain is one of
Carefully handled curls
Dried in the wind out the car window.
This curtain is one of
I am the girl that wears a lot of make up, which hides who I really am.
Eye shadow, eye liner and foundation, I wear it all.
The make up disguises who I really am;
I was handed a mask at a very young age.
Society offered, and like the rest I took the bait.
I was once naked because it used to be enough
To bear it all bare with not much else but a smile in your eyes and a thought on your tongue
I’m on the inside looking out
Biding my time till I can stride out
I push and I pull and I purposefully repeat
But these durable bonds are unbreakable
My unlivable cage is indestructible
I yearn to be free
I drift the sea of those who offer you none.But when i witness you being giftedmy heart soars.
They say "I don't get it."
They say "I don't understand."
"How can someone erase themself,
Silently, a perminant end?"
"He was always so happy" they say,
"Always willing to lend a hand".
I hide behind an armor of confidence.
It shines its' silver on the eyes of anyone who sees it.
It seems strong,
It seems bold,
It seems unbreakable,
But this armor breaks away.
There was a documentary on the History channelIt was about how all the gods worshiped throughout all time by all people were the same godHow Zeus was the same as Jupiter, and how Jupiter was Thor and how Thor was Jesus
In the public eye, I am happy, joyous, full of personality,
In my bedroom, I am sad, depressed, full of sorrow,
It's not that uncommon to see on the screen,On movies, in books, and in everyday scenes,The portrait, the painting, the one-sided standard.The model of virtue that's held to regard,
I am her.
I am that girl who is the most liked in school.
I am that girl who everyone loves.
I am that girl that everyone admires.
I am that girl who all the school boys like.
The greatest lie I’ve learn to tell
Is of the facade that I try to sell.
By chance or happenstance, I’ll let you decide,
Why behind a mask I feel I must hide.
Hard to describe our world as great,
i've been staring at
a cold screen, a blank
sheet, an empty bed,
and a split mind.
torn down the middle--
i've been . . .
ripped--through--my center
Don’t feel
Don’t let it show
Don’t let them know”
Quoted from the movie “Frozen”
And none sadder but truer words have never been spoken
See we all hide behinds our curtains and masks of sorts
Do you know the girl behind the mask?
Everyone thinks they do; they could not be more wrong.
Photography saved her when pain changed her,
Reality made her the very thing she had feared;
Changes don’t happen overnight;
but if they did, think of it this way:
dusk is the beginning of the bad stuff.
The darkness sets in slowly,
and then all at once,
I am pure.
I am true,
but I'm not everything you thought you knew.
Hiding behind the curtain,
is a nervous, ambitious woman.
Many tell me I can't do it.
I feel like no one will listen.
Juniper eyesKalediscopesCold.Bitter.Resting faceSeperated mind from bodyagaintyping rants of equality outcry"Bitch"Like bee-sting.Hurts for a second, Stays throbbing
If sin and Beauty became as one,
What astounding creation would be done?
Would it not befuddle the mind,
A thing of beauty and transgression designed?
A flawless child meets the eye,
In grade 7, I had an idea.
A man.
He leads a tiresome, boring life,
And when he sleeps,
He escapes in his dreams.
How beautiful, I thought,
A man so in control of his dreams.
Good morning!
How are you?
What'll it be today? A coffee? A latte?
Hot? Iced? With sugar? Of course
Will you be using your card?
Life is like a roller coaster--Psh, that's so cliche.If you really think about itLife does take you on a wild ride
To hold the curtain,
to clench it with my hand
every stich meant to be missed
curtains on a window
curtains on a stage
curtains in a hospital room to seperate the pains
some to hide the shame,
Painted across a thin veil
That hangs lightly in front of me
Is a girl who smiles,
And enjoys sports.
She laughs at the right times,
And thinks that people singing loudly is annoying.
A rainbow bracelet rests proudly on my wrist. It’s my subtle, colorful way of silently coming out to anyone that cares to look.Frayed strings brush against my palm as I type,a constant reminder to hold back no more.
All is empty
then there's war
you see first, a ring
soon a kingdom.
Train your eyes
to become super
yet simplicity
can do it all.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,
For he is not the me you're supposed to see.
Keep paying attention
How I long for the center stage
To be finally out of this mental cage
How I wish to be who I want to be
and to live happy, properous, and carefree
But if I show my very true form
Warmth enfolds me.
The cleansing current upon my spine,
without it I'd be filthy,
and safety no longer mine.
I remain concealed, behind this curtain,
due to my most solemn doubt.
I am a woman behind a curtain,
and that's something that I find difficult to accept.
Keeping lies, and secrets, I seem to always let
them take advantage of every part of me
my heart, my lips, my eyes.
No one sees me because I'm scared. There is hardly anything more pleasant than being like those joyfull people. This isn't me, I want to do without restraint. Its been so long since that has happened. I do it for others since they did it for me.
My mother earth gave me my shadow.
Her heart relished
in thieving light out of my body
the way that dusk takes wrinkled hands
and a sewing needle to stitch
the sun into the seam of the horizon.
I am bruised.
Let me shed my tears.
My life has been fused.
I wan to give.
No im just confused.
I want you to see my fears.
Im scared to live.
That I lived with all these years.
In the corner, I sit, backstage,
small and scared of the world around me.
I don't want to move, for fear that
I will go far, far away and
never come back.
I want no one to look at me
Bullying is for the weak
Bullying is hard to beat
you have to stay strong
To survive what's inside
You think it will disappear
If you stay hidden within,
yourself and keep it from
she is blue electric music.
she is cocktails and bright neon lights and classic cars and pastel smeared colored flowers.
You get up just to plaster on a fake smile and laugh constantly,
Because that's what people who have their shit together do.
A facade of what you want me to be.
You want nice, I am perfectly pleasant
You want smart, I am intelligent
You want silent, I am mute
When people need me I am there
The same weird looks I receive when people hear my last name are the same ones I get when people get to know me.
The man behind the glass mirror
striding with the shadows
the voice behind the tranquil singer
is he deep in care or is he shallow?
He is neither subdued nor self-centered
I hurt him.
My first love.
I fell hard.
I forgot.
I erased.
I escaped.
I yearned.
I fought.
I resisted.
I regret.
I got hurt.
I hurt him.
I learned real fast,
Life stopes for no one,
So I let pride take hold,
I learn fast never judge by what you see or hear,
Take my faith and believe in the impossible,
If you want to change the world,
All that separates us is a curtain.
The one you’re looking at-
The side made of
Sugary pink fabric-
Is the side I show you.
I decorate it with
Bright lights of hopes,
Are we really glorified by the outcome?
Are we paying the wages of a sin or an ideology?
It is shaming us into silence.
A two-face lie with another side.
Why should I feel lesser because you are jealous?
Why should I feel like I should jump off a moving train because I have friends?
Why should my best friend belittle me for making changes in my life?
Muisc is my life
Music is my passion
Music is a way for me to release all my emotions
Without music, my life would be shattered.
What I've been through,
What I've seen.
What I've heard,
when i see myself the way everyone else sees me
i am walking down the hallway
smiling at everyone who passes;
Fiting into my jeans is almost as difficult as fiting in with everyone else.
The fear of never being wanted is almost as scary as my fear of being "that girl."
One-two and tick-tock
Ribbons and lace tied up in a knot
Like the one in my stomach, the one in my throat
The one in my head that hangs from a rope
Give me your hand, tie it up with strings
We put our front to shield ourselves from the monsters on the outside
Worried about getting hurt again.
My past is filled with despair and depression,
And no one needs to row back there.
I am.
I am not.
I am not to
I am not to be
I am not to be defined.
No one.
No one can.
No one can place
No one can place me.
I am the...
Night before the breaking dawn....
I am rainy days, butterflies and big hazel eyes.
I wonder where the rainbows end and when the sky stops.
I see old book pages turn and kites soar through the air.
I want to glow with kindness and radiate love.
They are what make us unique,
What makes us learn from our mistakes.
Everyone has them,
so how can you say who has the better mutation?
These tiny imperfections are what differentiate us from one another.
She is a girl who puts her family and dearest friends first.
A girl who doesn't mind a few critical comments.
Behind the curtains
Never let them close
Keep your secrets concealed
So that no one should know
All the pain and the tears
Can leave a dessert run soaked
wish the problems fade away
it gets so confusingtrying to figure out who you areas you're force fed spoonfuls of stereotypesat such a young age
and are isolated because we are different
when people realize it.
There was once a girl born into a world that let’s children live in their imagination,
But as she grew there were restraints put on her dreams,
I walk on the stage beginning to shake,
Adrenaline pumping through my veins.
The lights above so hot my skin could bake,
Anticipation takes over my brain.
My cast mates around me seem like a blur,
Melancholy and gray, blank and boring,
A new room in a new house.
It is a strange place,
Filled with strange people.
A deserted island upon which,
He alone resides.
I don't want it.
I just wish,
that everyone will stop saying,
"It's my fault"
"It's all my fault".
How come they're telling me that?
Dont you know,
Pay no attention to the girl behind the curtain,
That quiet one, over there.
For she is something unusual,
Something you should beware.
Pay no attention to the girl who hides
Here's to the quiet girl
who no one understood
they called her incapable
they said she was no good
so, she set herself on a mission
to be an actress and a star
where she could show the world
There was a conversation that never happened
Not even a deleted scene
More like a storyboard
An idea cut from the first draft
And you are costarring
My dad said once
That flaws are what make a woman beautiful
It took me eighteen years to believe it
I am Black and White in a world of Grey
Everything is fixed, nothing is certain,
Separated only by a curtain,
Just because I act the way I act
Doesn't mean I really feel it on the inside
Life is an act, a play, a show
Having the bumpy adventures of a roller coaster ride.
Someone once told me that if our heart says it
Underneath the flesh
Beyond the superficial things
Trying to past the test
That society often brings
Whats a person to do
Underneath so much pressure
Trying to make it through
Shuffles of papers of decks of cards
Rearrange, restage the stars.
“I like stars.” Reception: laughter.
He opens his eyes and looks at his reflection in the mirror
He is lost,He is confused,He questions… Who am I?
The answer is not one that is simple,But could be clarified with explanation
The gates have cracked
The walls have fallen
I don’t want to go back
I found myself here
I cannot let this go
Dancing in private in a secret place.
Looking for ways to win this race.
Thoughts of the mind,
Tick tock with time.
Fear of my very own strength.
Wondering if I will go the length.
Drastic emotions,
I know my secret self,
Do you know that self?
It is different than my ordinary primary self.
That self is hidden “behind the curtain”.
Hidden, hidden.
I know my secret self,
My Reflections
As I stand between two mirrors
I expect to see my own reflections
But I don't
The mirror in front of me I see the relfection of a warrior
A warrior with a vicious look and a sly smile
I am from pastels,
from finger paint and crayons.
I am from the dust that settles under a marimba’s wooden keys
(Grey, fine
powdery enough to make one sneeze)
I am from the orchid,
Since the very first day I lived,
I looked out at everyone.
Each man focussed on his sin,
simply correcting what he had done.
Darkness falling on their souls,
concentrating on their wrong,
Behind the camera is where I stand.
Surveying over the land.
There I stand, hidden from view.
a cage of too much potential
making my perceived achievements and resultant pride essential
Can I let go?
or does my satisfaction and ego hold me back?
Eighteen years of backstage passes
Sleepless nights spent looking after the home
Faked smiles while out,
bottled tears while alone
your handwriting in the letter.
the way the blood splattered.
how gracefully you jumped.
and the sound that came from your landing.
everything was perfect.
except the ending.
On my soul lies a curse
It is an evil few can grasp
Granted me with a personality bright as molten gold
Just an ordinary conversation
With just an ordinary girl
Until she raises her sleeves
And you see her pain and struggle.
You tell her over and over
It's not worth it.
But "escape" she says
I've made a deal with Mephistopheles,
One signed in crimson blood.
I resigned a significant portion of myself
To a hell in which you can't even imagine
And for no greater reason than
Don’t let them in,
don’t let them see,
keep them all at arms’ length.
We live in a society
where hating ourselves
People say it’s like burning, but all I get is the ache.Dull and stabbing constant and ebbing etched into my Self in pricklingthrobs.
Me is nerd,
Myself is ornithophilous
I am determined.
Read, bird-watch, give my A game,
All these are in my name.
Studying is not only me
Playing with my birds is not only myself.
Yes I have the blonde hair
Yes I have the soft brown eyes
Yes I have the slim figure that doesn’t grow
Everything is checked off on the list
4:32 am
I sit up and look around my room only to see different shades of black, each just as lonely as the next.
I have done the things THEY want me to do.
I have loved the people THEY want me to love.
I have concealed myself with things that carry false pretenses.
I have changed everything i am for THEM.
I have become desperate to fit in.
There is a girl behind a curtain
Who cannot be seen.
She lives her life hidden
From the word around her.
Being invisible is her only
Protecton from the world.
If others knew who she is,
I wish
You all could see
The small girl behind the facade.
Behind the facade
That does nothing but show off
And try to prove to everyone that she is a woman.
When really
I have been boxed and labeled,
and am expected to reach a certain location,
but I've been lost in the mail,
I live in a world of crudeness
I live in a world full of venom
I live in a world which finds victory in sadness
I live in a world full of crushed sprits
Ever since my first breath I have always been different
In the eyes of others that is.
Bullied so ruthlessly I had to change schools.
My life started out great,
My childhood has been glorified by playful memories,
Visual symphonies,
Playing behind closed eyes,
Don’t get me wrong it wasn’t all lies,
Honestly my mother tried,
Little ones, afraid of the dark,
know more than we do.
They know secrets are in the dark,
When people see me
They don't really see me
The smiles
The laughs
The "I-don't-really-give-a-fuck-about-it-all" attitude
Is what keeps me safe
Walk through the door and I hold my head high,
Never will they hear my defeated sigh.
Walk a little straighter, come on be a little stronger,
Stand a bit taller, you can hold on a little longer.
My own chest seizes at the sound of sobs
Watching rose petals fall from their stems with ease
How a touch of sweat will form ink globs
Let me take you to a place
Where a curtained creature crawls and cowers covering his face.
Truth is... I don't know many things.
I don't know why I hide behind a curtain.
Peeking out from the sides in hope that I have an audience
Don't be fooled by the persona I display;
I'm a glorious actress each and every day.
My vast array of masks harbors my broken soul,
sheltering a heart that was never quite whole.
Everyone has different masksfor whoever they're aroundSome try to be the prepor the rediculed class clown
I remember the first day of schoolHow I clung to my dad’s armNot caring whether I looked like a foolCause I thought, as long as my dad stood by my sideI would be safe
I shake his hands,
Yet my toes are beneath where he stands.
He’s been stomping my toes for hours,
Pacing on them as he explains why his belief, should be ours.
Any longer and my toenails will fall off,
The bro’s don’t know.
That what is within the man is not without.
That the truth of oneself does not play out.
The bro’s don’t know.
That the late night parties do not fulfill.
I have always found safety in "putting on a mask",
hiding myself I avoided vulnerable exposure.
Every once and a while I'd find that mask had become stuck.
Glued to my face and personality, and I would question who I was.
From a tender age we are told
Whether it be by a parent, teacher or other mentor
“Be yourself”
Like it’s the simplest thing in the world
But even if it should be
It’s not
Pay no attention to that girl behind the curtain,
Just look upon the bells and whistles I have placed upfront.
But why inquire to see the girl behind the curtain,
When you yourself are enacting the same stunt.
Normality: a fleeting illusion. The ones we befriend, on whom our sanity depends, hide behind a joyful facade.
"A Poem Written at One in the Morning on a Random Thursday" or "Maybe Curtains and Masks Aren't So Bad After All" or "A P
I am an immigrant
Or so they tell me.
I don’t feel different,
Like an alien.
Yet I am an outsider
Looking in.
I am afraid to do anything
Apply anywhere
For fear of rejection.
I know I'm not perfect.
Thick thighs and basic brown eyes,
Stretchmarks from growing too fast,
Calloused fingers from instruments, sports, painting,
drawing, writing, clumsiness, and burns,
What constitutes a mask?For me, bright eyes, dazzling smiles,and false perfectionsconceal the truth.
Fat. Ugly. Emo. Gay
we've all heard what the haters say.
they act so kind right to our face.
but then they talk crap once we're replaced
by yet another hater (who hasn't really seen)
Although I will laugh and grin amongst the company of family and friends, behind the curtains I really do hate the B word. I am NOT a B****. So don't call me by that name.
Im fearless and flawless with my feet on the ground
And I keep going with my head in the clouds
My heart beat, beats and I'm not slowing down
I stand out from all of the crowds
I woke up like this.
No makeup.
I worked for this.
Products and oil.
I threw this on.
Skinny jeans and a hoodie.
When you ignore me you're only hurting me more
Life's a journey and there's so much to explore
Take me as I am or watch me walk out another door
Not for you but for me I'm doing this for
Every person is clothed in beautiful, colorful fabrics,
But is it their true value that shows
When they dance to the tune that society chose?
I hide behind my mask as the time ticks.
Walking away from this pain,
Leaving it behind,
To try and see,
A new light.
If I were less afraid I would have turned myself inside out and shown you even the darkest sublevels of my conscience.
I would have scooped out my thoughts
Like the innards of a pumpkin
Some call hidding ones true self a mask
but reality is not that simple
"mask" is just an icon, a symbol
removing it a futile task
truth becomes cloudy like frosted glass flask
The outside is built
of sturdy wood with a door
with corners on a tilt
and windows that adorn.
She walks with confidence and
strength of a lion.
Unharmed by any hand
There is something holding me back
Perhaps a nagging feeling in my head?
Every time I see a reason to offer help
I tell myself I would jump
At the opportunity.
They were so jelous of her,
She had the grades, the friends, the atittude.
They all wished they were her... And she just wished she was someone else.
She hides behind cigarette smoke and prescription pills on her bad days
Behind a curtain I am no one
But the person in front of the curtain
I am Sarah Riddle
I am the girl from California
North and South Carolina
And Japan
Who am I?
I'm a joke, an
Immature amateur.
Gottverdammt it all,
You can be sure, no one's heard of me.
The real me?
Who cares, why would I bother,
how could I possibly share myself?
I can’t give all of my heart
Because it’s been torn apart,
And that tender look in my eyes
Hides my real desire to cry.
Arrant and austere,
Highs and lows.
No in between
Just excessive extremes
Of commendable and baneful times,
Blissful and despairing moments
That altered me
Into whom I am.
Chin up
Eyes open
This is you
You are here
You are real
The darkness has finally faded
No one can bring you down
No one can hurt you.
Pull... back the curtain?What type of blasphemy is this?How dare you,Who know me so little tell me to remove my mask!How little could you know,
I started
as a seed
small and strong
I was planted
and given sunlight
but I was planted
later than usual
A few months later
the cold wind came
Behind the curtain
Beneath the skin
it's different than what's in front
Out for others to see
Eye contact feels like lasers
When people are staring, it feels like the world is closing in
Knock, knock goes the true me; the secret me plenty havent seen. I keep her stored away in a locked space.
staring at a crowd- a clique of friends
but, alas, I am not one of them
walking on the outskirts, outsider looking in
sitting in the back, needing some oil for my tin
congratulations I'm the first one
Do I need your approval,
For anything in my life?
Do I need your judging,
your input, your thoughts?
I'm stubborn aloof, unemotional.
I'm creative, ambitious, original.
Behind the curtain is a show worth watching but
will it be like. Different, weird, and out of the box.
Show full of hope and love for the world.
Love for nature, peace and animals has a hippy flow to it.
Even the most honest person may be hiding part of his true self behind a curtain
That doesn’t make him a bad person that just makes him human
We all are hiding parts of who we are behind a curtain
The doors open for shows at seven,
And prohibit customers past eleven.
When the time comes and the clock strikes the hour,
Hundreds of people charge into the tower.
Swarms of customers all rushing about,
At the break of dawn, after the sun’s come and gone,
When it’s pouring rain, when you’re in searing pain,
When the icy wind blows, and the gray clouds snow,
After two hours of sleep, and all you want to do is weep
He warned me before i even knew it
he told me to run before i even knew it
but what the hell he gave me a run
the passion he gave me turned into something much more
The beauty of love,
Is that it cannot be sought,
It cannot be tracked,
It can only be found,
Sometimes in the most unlikely of places
Skin is not transparent at all
Emotions blocked by thick broad walls
One’s inner self cannot be freed
As fake psyche pervades indeed
A curtain may seem like the same
I speak loudly and I speak proudly
about everthing about me
Ask me any question
and I'll give you a dissertation
I wear my heart on my sleeve
And so it's hard for people to believe
Let me start off by saying I was a victim,
I was beat down and taken advantage of,
Three girls, those were my bullies
Physically, emotionally abusive.
I was told that I'm black and ugly,
just smile
because it’s easier than to confess
just wave
as if somebody could care less
just go
and maybe you’ll soon progress
just stand
even if you’re below the rest
they say
They ask me why I never speak
Why my face holds a constant expression
Don’t tell them now, then they’ll know
A face of half-worn smiles and quiet laughs
A lack of personality, I think not
I am who i am, idenpendent and strong minded. In today's society beauty and perfection is all that matters. If im not skinny enough, pretty enough or perfect enough then that means i'm not good enough.
Dancing around as if no one is watching when there are many eyes
Coming up with catchy tunes that can appear on the radio
Dressing in a style that is whimsical, free, and unique
I may not be my mother, tall, strong and bold
but who I am is who I am and that is all you need to know
I feel like some days there are hands grasped around my ankles preventing [ my escape .]
On the steep ledge, i reached behind me
a flower appeared of the ordinary
as my eyes started to close
the world seemed to immediately freeze
i forced my lids open
and trembled in the cold quiet breeze
Optimistic. Kind. Successful.
It's what I should be.
It's what I will be.
Needs for love grow daily in the grey eyes of beloved friends.
Be happy. Be loving. Be an example.
For some reason you feel like you can look down on me.
I am not a rock.
Not something you can just kick because in your path I'm a block.
Why don't you just see?
I am here screaming.
Let me tell you a story:
It's about a young girl.
Her childhood had no worries,
But one ruthless day changed her world.
Laughter-filled days,
Seemingly endless smiles,
I sit in class bored out of my mind
The teacher reads, but I'm far behind
Hamlet's asking, "To be or not be?"
I'm asking, "Do I want to be me?"
Do I have to decide right here and now?
all of these walls surrounding me
my mask is on, yet still everyone is clowning me
i cant take it anymore its time they stop doubting me
these crazy thought across my mind letting all these sounds be free
You'd be surprised to figure out who hides behind these lies,
You'd be surprised to figure out who smiles while in disguise,
It's me, the girl who you see smiling all the time,
A Mask,
Displayed upon a smooth, ebony, Hershey surface,
Framed by the luscious, succulent, crimson lips,
Glistening pearly whites,
The Mask,
Revealed for all the World to see,
Concealing truly,
From the Forbidden Tree to the lethal knife
From absurd battles to many a worthless strife
The human has been defined by the aforementioned fallacies
The crevices of my soul
Are left untouched by the purest of men.
They do not craft me, I craft myself.
A pretty picture I paint to the world,
In stage one, Society has its own biased opinion, everything is so contradicts.
But in Stage Two Society encourages you to become who ever you want to become.
But, as always it brainwashes us to be a specific way,
Behind the hazel, she's just a lonely little one. Behind the hazel, she wants to the world to be gone. Behind the hazel, she's fighting everyday. Behind the hazel, she's scared in every way. Behind the hazel, she's slightly shattered.
Doubt is but a stream of negative thoughts
Telling you, you cannot do something
You aren't good enough
The beige drapery
marks the edge of the path I walk
it is a heavy wall.
It shakes at my touch,
and I can listen to the sounds
that I may never see.
No one can see me,
Slimy, small, and screaming child, put into Daddy’s arms.
He looks at her, thinks to himself, “No one will do you harm.”
Little princess in the yard, running from a fiend
I wonder if they hear me,
Does anybody know?
Everything I keep inside
The things that I don't show.
It creeps in on me like darkness,
Almost impossible to see;
I'm running around in circles
I sit, alone or companioned, staring out to see
The faces of those around me:
Familiar, yet discordant; seemingly
Omnipresent yet never truly there.
I am an artist, I strive to make
I've heard it said that to see a mans true face, you need only give him a mask. 'Why give someone something we all construct anyways?' I ask.
The girl behind this curtain is not an easy sight to see.
The fasade of happiness that I exude is not reality.
What everyone knows is fake; just one of many avatars.
The girl behind this curtain has bruses and scars
“You’re not in this alone. Let me break this awkward silence…”
Blared loud into eardrums
Eardrums of an emotionally unhinged fourteen year old boy
Flawless... long legs, beautiful face, gorgeous body.
Those are merely simple definitions that describe a little piece of this passionate word.
We are coming in to an age of technology
An age of exploration and variation and sociology
Everything now is in this language of electricity
She spoke loud and talks with a voice that unheard of
she spoke loud and theres no face revealed
Who do I say,
Do I say that I am?
What am I now,
Am I now that I was?
When will it be,
Will it be truly me?
Where does this end,
Does this end with a dream?
Oceans rolled,
A curtain you say?
I applaud you for that
No mere curtain could ever hold me back
What's its color?
Its make?
How tight is it bound?
that's what I think I am
is what I try to be
in school
to impress my classmates
when I'm with my family
they won't thank highly of me
Ignore the girl hiding behind the maskshe whispers to me at night"what have you done?""you're so stupid""why would anyone want to care about you?"her whispers raise in volume and venom
Happy, bubbley, smiles from ear to ear.
Sweet everlasting laugher fills the room.
Everyone says "She's so perfect"
searching for a flaw to pick at.
But if she is so perfect,
Soft little kitten, not quite yet a cat.
Sick of the secure and warm caring lap.
Wanted to explore and do things on his own.
The glow and look in your eye.
A shock of excitement from your smile.
Spread of warmth from those delicate hands
Maybe even a stride in your walk
My drive is singular, self-relient, unparalleled.
So please, back five feet away-
It is for your own safety.
She is composed of the finest leather seats;
People can only see
What I portray of me.
A simple girl with a simple life
That couldn't be farther from the truth.
I hide behind not curtains but walls.
Walls so high, so thick, so strong.
Behind the mask she hides,
counting all her lies
Convincing herself she's okay,
and everyone else along the way
Afraid to go back to the dark,
the past leaves a mark
What is beauty?
Everyone has different opinions about beauty.
But what is beauty?
Beauty can be big,
Beauty can be little.
Beauty can be light,
Beauty can be dark.
Who's hiding behind the locked door?
No one seems to hear me.
Who's behind the curtain?
No one seems to see me.
Who's hiding behind mask?
No one seems to see who I really can be.
Why are you hiding?
A fallen angel
with a broken wing
Still she manages
somehow to sing
Though her song is sweet
It's full of sorrow
Wasted yesterdays
with a promise for tomorow
She fell for love
Humans carried each other on our backs, evolved and made new discovers. Now what do we do? Bring down, try to overpower and hurt each other with no regrets. Sanity is slowly being lost with ever baby being born into this corrupt world.
When I look in the Mirror
I am Flawless
I have two brown eyes
that you know are so rare
Sometimes people tell me that I'm perfect
All things considered, I am-
On the outside of course;
My inside still needs work
More work than I'm willing to admit
Masks are a tricky task. Something we can only percieve. They lead to schemes,screams and being mean.
Living life with a bliss and a kiss
placed on needy cheeks,
needy cheeks who speak bleak,
needy needing nurture
needing a hand, which i expand
my hand to touch theirs.
Their eyes cry as i try to dry
I was quite fearfully made
my love for Him continues
as my faith remains the same.
The open-minded turn back
as for me I strive to be
a faithful disciple from
His tremendous example.
She was whole.
Everyday was words
From the mouths of those around her
Those who she loved
She wasn't good enough
She couldn't do anything right
She never met expectations
Look in the mirror...
Dang, that's nice!
I like what I see?
Look at my grade...
Dang, that's nice!
I like what I see?
Heck yea!
It's true, I am perfect.
So my friends say as they stare.
"Perfect score, good job" says a teacher.
Nothing's new, why care?
I go to practice and coach commends me.
It's not easy being sick.
Not the kind of sick you can see.
Not the kind of sick that people understand.
The dark, twisted, secret kind of sick
That eats away at you,
Who am I? to be exact.
Well don't we all wonder that.
We each think we are one way or another,
but act so differently with eachother.
Myself, I think I'm curious and smart,
Wondering if I'll ever be perfect in your eyes
I try to stay strong enough to survive the pain
I feel on the inside, I feel so lost and hidden
while you stand so tall and confident,
On the outside
I'm perfect
Golden and true
The truth stops there
That golden facade
It's only skin deep
On the inside
I'm better
Radiant even
A girl born mid February
Such little did they know
Soon leaping, skipping, dancing girl
They planned to watch her grow
They took her home that very night
Woke up one day,ready for a change, trying to dream those disney dreams. A bippity boppity boo and my dream would come true, id look like a princess, or maybe even one of those perfect cartoons.
Flaws and All
They say,"Just make sense of it all".
When all I see is confusion.
I let these pieces fall where they may until I'm disillusioned.
He walked the halls with his chest puffed out
Everybody knew him as the head of the crowd.
His confident smile put warmth in a cold heart,
not a soul knowing his heart was the coldest one of all.
When Blue Reflects Upon Waves
I’m staring, always staring, forever staring,
No focus in sight, yet a bright future yields token,
Novel, arguably plausible possibilities.
Keep my gaze down,Headphones glued in my ears.Smile at the right moments.Do the right moves, say the right lines,And no one will ever suspect a thing.No one will know that I struggle.
I'm not going to lie
I'm full of flaws
I'm full of imperfections
I'm diiferent, but that difference makes me shine brighter than the sun
I'm flawless in my own WAY
Hidden Behind Normalcy
By: Mikala Turner
Opportunities run short,
judgement runs long.
Potenial never seen
just hidden behind niches.
In the belt of religion,
Living in a world, not knowing any person around you.
Living behind a mask, because people won't understand you.
Living and caring too much, about what other people think of you.
"Hard work beats talent when talent dosn't work hard."
A quote from the superstar Kevin Durant entering his rookie season.
You push so long and feel as if nothing is moving forward,
Beep Beep Beep Beep BeepWake up ugly, here's anouther day to be made fun of.What is that on your face?Anouther pimple?Well it'll have to do.Four pounds of makeup, and you're still barely presentable.
They always say love yourself first,
other wise, you'll end up hurt.
But I'm tellin' you I loved me before.
It some how got out of hand and I started loving you more...
than myself.
I can't appear from an open curtain,
I am quite rather uncertain,
because everyone already knows wo I am,
I don't understand,
How to appear from an open curtain.
Oh that the lovely flower, which has everlasting powerGhost that holds the flower has taken an hourWho, by chance will grow?And no one will ever showBut, if the winds decide to blow
Silently in the halls I walk
Thoughts and images crowd my head
No words exist to let me talk
Rogue feelings weigh me down like lead
I've built stories inside my head
I don't understand why in today's world
It's sexy to be thin
To have so little fat, so little curves
It's just bones under skin
And among so many beautiful girls
Not one of them loves
Education though,
it's awful.
I walk into school and want to turn around and go
School sucks and should be unlawful.
Education though.
Education isn't fun but you know what is?
Hiding behind a maskExisting only behind a curtainComplete with smoke and mirrorsDon't we all?Trying to be perfect
I am Flawless
Not Flawless in the sense of,
Perfect bouncy curls that catch the sunlight
Smooth skin without blemishes
A slim figure, but still womanly
These things are not what makes someone Flawless
Are you stuck behind the curtain
Entrapped by the boundaries they set for you
Unable to unlock yourself from the dungeon
The hate of the world can beat on you
The hate of the earth will make you blue
Bitterness can harvest, in your heart
Bitterness will make your tongue tart
Some days the curtain feels heavyweight,
gray-scale afternoon when the weight of decrepit trees and lifelessness sits heavy.
Thick velvet, aged beyond color
Like armor, steel, steals away the light that I seek.
I am hiding behind a wall I've made
A wall that tells me to be ashamed
Ashamed of who I really am inside
It tells me to shy away and hide
But I am who I am
And shouldn't have to give a damn
Forgive me for always wanting to be in love,
I know it sounds dumb and stupid.
But I rather be in love and feel it’s warmth then hurt from the outcome
Of its winter cold.
If I were a window,
could I let in only light?
Would you accept my faults and worries,
Take a left then a right; look up, and than around
Everyone sees greatness while I’m staring at emptiness
“Girl, pick your head up” is been pronounce more then the times,
I’ve actually lifted my chin up
There is something you will never see....
The true me ,hiding behind all these lies wanting to feell accepted ,wanting to be regonized.
I dont want people to think of me boring and she has no life .
My eyes, my lips, my nose, and my eyebrows; not too thin, too wide, just the right amount of narrow… For me to be me my looks are a great deal. I am different and lovely, perfect to my own appeal.
Why say how I got this flawless?
Everyones perfect
God did not create you jawless.
So speak up erect,
With dignity and pride.
Tell EVERYONE who'll hear
No matter who you are, thin or wide
On the outside he's happy
Smiling and vain
But on the inside he's crumbling
Suffering from pain
His family life ain't the best
No he knows it could be better
But he isn't exactly the type
I’m surrounded by a wall
That blocks out the sun
But keeps out the harsh wind
I hate it
But its safety
I've been through it all, but you would never know.
Rarely do I let my past baggage show.
I've stolen, abused, lied and used
Who is this person coming to the surface? I'm so confused.
There is no curtain here. Only a show.
This is no ordinary show, but one of miraculous proportions.
Here I stand
Waiting, Hoping, Praying,
Hours, days, weeks go by.
Few words and short calls;
Long nights with silent tears.
Days of wishing, wanting, waiting.
The best thing in life is to be free.
No I'm not talking bout' responsibilities.
I'm talking bout' free of one's own self and discovery.
I hide behind books
that allow me to run wild and free,
As I wake I hear noise
Coming closer and closer
I see monsters every where destroying most of my family and friends
But then I see one coming towards us...
The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.
Attitude to me, is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what people think, say or do.
You know me as the hapy, funny girl.
But you know what,
Everyday is a struggle
Somedays, I dread to wake up
Windows shuttered
Blinds closed
Curtains drawn
Don't look in
Sealed up tight
Invisible me
Sliver of light
Crack in the wall!
Warms the skin
Click click click
hear we go again
these scholarships are free
and the money is my friend
i write about my life
to be judged by some man
am i worthy of your spoils?
Full of flaws or rather deprived of it?
Perfection in one or an endless search to reach it,
Pondering on things that make me unique,
Blurs the reality of who is the real me,
In life we’re given two options,
It's a common theme.
I shout in the void,
No one hears my screams.
Externally though;
I have high esteem...
Beautiful genes,
Role model teen,
Homecoming queen,
Chalk dust fingers
Jell-o tongues
Aligned wearing
Pressed white shirts and sharp blue bows
Bright coins that fall dull upon the ground
I sleep with my body turned inward
I curl my toes and arch my back
My spine peaks
As I hold my sharp elbows over my
Hollow chest and
Shallow breaths like cerulean bubbles in waves
Let’s go to the movies,
let’s see a show.
Heroes, villains, romantic obstacles,
love-struck teenagers,
You can hear my voice
Is it really your choice?
The voice you hear
Makes you tremble in fear
Who am I you think
Please don't let me sink
Drowning in my mind
I'm no Barbie.But I Thought I Should be.Compared myselfTo girls of the Barbie standard.Hurt myselfThinking all about'perfection'.
There was once a time when I hadn't learned,
I hadn't yet learned the reason I looked different.
Different from my family.
A black sheep, believing I belonged for years.
What makes me flawless is my beauty,
My beauty is not only on the outside but also in the inside.
What makes me flawless is the love that I have towards Rene.
My flawless love towards him is unending.
I don't belong here, at a private University.
I didn't belong there, at a public high school, at a community college, or in juvie.
I am among the elite, with a horrific secret eating at my soul.
I know who I am .
I am one to
Though I am real.
Deep down i am hurt,
I know. We all know.The world is full of hurt and hate.
I want you to know I am kind enough to open the gate. I am kind and passionate.
Now stop lashing' at that kid over there. Look at his poor, innocent stare.
Lost in mind
Lost in heart.
Clouds lay my mind
Confusion rest in my heart.
Decision are made
Only when the mind is clear.
Choices are best
When the heart is rest.
How can you decide she was meant to die
it's called gendercide and you say that's a lie
how could she be the one to blame are you insane
you can't control your gender are there rules to this game
You want me to sing you a song, but I'll write you a rhythm
getting right down to what is within
and I and only I cannot deny these demons inside
controlling my mind
where right and wrong becomes a blurred line
Loud Chords, Heavy Notes
Piano, Flute
Music Instead of Words
Rhythm Over Screams
Tempo Opposed to Whispers.
Melodies Instead of Words.
Hidden Behind a Curtain of Brown Wood and Silver Keys.
Somewhere between being born and finding you in the land we call living,
I want to leave a mark on the world
Not just any colon or comma
One that inspires the heart
Something bold like an exclamation,
Within past history whether it be
Black or tan
Born in Christ,Raised in religion,Never have I known a life without faith.My parents are believers;My grandparents were as well.Though in my early years my faith was great,
Counterfeit consequences of "comical" 'capades,
Brain's automatic switch to "courtesy" on my face,
Eye contact and generous nods
Belie the underlying thoughts.
Within; I spin,
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain,
For he is an introverted tune
Purred quietly by a lion,
To be hummed along with,
Like the mellowing strum of
An acoustic guitar.
no one really knows,
do they?
what goes on in your heart.
a smile.
a laugh.
all is well.
except, it's not
My wall is in front of me,
It's a barrier of sorts, although protective and warm.
Behind this wall is my only home, really.
Behind this wall, I can watch people. How friends interact, how they relate,
People look at me
they wish that they could be
a swimmer like me.
My hair has become
a beautiful blonde color
from the amount of chlorine
that is absorbed by it everyday.
Flawless is now mistakes
Flawless is perfection
Flawless is dents and scrapes
Flawless is scars and brokeness
Flawless is you and I
Flawless is loving more not less
Flawless is at least you try
My pits are flawless
It's a weird trait
But it's true
Smooth skin
Light hair
Deodorant commercial quality
Few people can say
Hiding behind a smile is exhausting
But I'm exhausted anyways
Eternally tired
No relief
I need sleep
But no amount of sleep is enough
I just want to feel normal
But I'm not
A million stars up in the sky
one shines brighter I can't deny
A love so precious a love so true
a love that comes from me to you
The angels sing when you are near
within your arms I have nothing to fear
Engulfed in a deep slumber,
I hear the eradicating sound of the alarm clock.
As I slowly come to my senses,
they ask me,
If you could be straight, would you?
but things would've been different
if i got to choose,
Hidden so deep that it's hard to find
In a deep dark place within my mind
Not a sliver of light can pass through
I am a calm guy who loves hockey.
I wonder where I'll end up career wise.
I hear the stress my parents exert night after night.
I see smoothe ice ready to be played on.
I want a life with no worries, stress free.
Can’t you the feel the rain?Can’t you see the tears the stars cry at night,under the moon light?But only you can stop the rain,Only you can soothe the pain,
My hair was too long, but I cut it and it’s too short
My mouth was too loud, but I shut it and there’s still sound
My heart was still aching, but I broke it and it still beats
Look at that tree
All scratched up and worn
With it's branches turning
Towards the sun
And even with it's diversity
It remains flawless
The branches provide shade
Who am I, who are you, who are any of us really
We hide, we lie, we submit to pressure freely
We take what others call weakness
And mask it in hate, or strength or meekness not show our passion or our joy
I loathe your addiction to cigarettesand the women you go to seebecause one is killing you
You never taught me to not let men beat and mutilate me.
You just sat there and watched; Is it because the same thing happpened to you?
Exactly like what they have done to you mommy.
as i look deep i see myself
coalescing into a human being.
tell me no holds barred
and i will spit until i am speaking;
speaking to an empty room
I take a xanax here and there to escape my impending doom.
I've come to find that life is safer from the comfort of my room.
I am Flawless by giving advice to my friends.
I am Flawless by making my friends laugh when upset.
Tears, streaming down my face
Insecurities, flooding my mind
The clock is counting down; Life's a race
Of the confidence we're trying to find.
I show you a happy smile; an open embrace
Shadows of the night
Mortal enemy
Of my soulless life
That once again
Has brought to the light
What by day I manage
To keep buried deep inside me
By day you can see
The thick red vale that hides my face
makes me claustrophobic.
The smell of my faults and failures over rides my senses.
Let me out.
Let me out!
Always happy on the outside.
The sweet word
with a combination of freedom
recklessness and disorder.
Love it,
Break it,
Tear it if you will--
I'll scream its meaning loud!
Life was suddenly full of glee
The mask was somehow now a part of me
It’s been a while
Since I had a real smile
Woke up, hooped out of the bed then looked at the time
looked in the mirror, rubbed my eyes kinda shocked what i find
is this thing true, or is this some image that is trapped in my mind
I wear a badge.
A badge with no name.
A badge with only numbers that identifies who I am.
People see me as this number man.
I am one of billions.
A worker, masked in weakness.
What better way to reveal yourself than to express yourself?
No one knows me here because I have not given them the chance to see inside my mind.
I'm not perfect
no one is
but our flaws makes us who we are
flwaless is perfection in the works
A peice of me is broken inside.
The weakness is what I am trying to hide.
For years and years, I have been so strong,
I do not want people to know what is wrong.
Make-up and clothing brands are just objects to aid,
Flawless in more ways than one
I am a girl
with a flick of tongue, of witt, of fun
I am more than just a girl
I am hilarious
a hurrican of passion
All the love and lightness dissipated,
As they lethargically stroll along.
The stranger cannot articulate
Exactly what is wrong.
That knowledge is not needed,
For the stranger has something planned.
The curtains fall, their breaths' are hushed
She enters the stage, cheeks a'flushed
She's captured the moment, they are rapt attent
On the edge of their seats, even Lord Gent
The curtains fall, their breaths' are hushed
She enters the stage, cheeks a'flushed
She's captured the moment, they are rapt attent
On the edge of their seats, even Lord Gent
The Shadow Behind the Curtain
I guess I like to hide it
My secrets at the bottom of the pit
I don’t know why I like to hide
With my computer and pencils by my side.
I never want to draw attention
She's stepped between worlds, conquered her fears
Left home behind, dried all her tears
Full of beauty, and grace
She's brazen in her chase
Her road's just beginning
Dying to be loved, because you hurt me so deep.
Everything now a days are temporary, noting's for keeps.
The words you spoke really got to me.
To get over it, I use humor as my therapy.
Sometimes it’s hard to be the real me,
A mask of solitude, coldness, and shyness;
A cloak of invisibility, covering completely.
They think that I’m fine, that I need no one.
People always asking whats so special about me
I reply what do you think is flawless in the world that you see
What makes us all flawless.
We are all not the same.
We are unique with beauty of all sorts,
I've never been one for being like everyone else
because it was never how I was taught.
Although, at the same time,
it was both a choice and not an option.
It was a choice not be to be like others,
I screamed but only piercing silence was heard thus I took my seemingly rightful place as the invisible nerd.
I rise in the morning, a smile upon my face
I look out to the world and realize I'm in love with this place
Although my smile crooked and yellow
I show off my dimples anyway, and say a happy hello
How can I be me when i look around and people out to judge me, saying untruthful things about me and expect me not to plead. That the things were said untruthful was not for you to believe.
“Free me”, she screams in his face.“No more.No more a moore.I am a river.I flow.I live and give
A silent killer, suicide
It creeps into mind
But stays inside
A silent skiller, suicide
You fake a smile
But cut your wrist
A silent killer, suicide
You say "I'm fine"
As a growing Flower
i take in positivity from randoms'
Parents and Friends
Strangers and Lovers
But also i take in Negativity
Parents and Friends
Strangers and Lovers
Depression is a powerful demon. It takes your happiness and slams it against your own brain and heart. Hope is hard to find, and the end of the constant drowning is unclear.
They say I need to change
to be more
More what?
I say I'm already as good as can be
From my mind
to my waisteline
and even feet- Yes!
I say I'm already
as good as can be
Partially, everybody is perfect in one way or another
Contradicting the way perfect is told to smother,
Others, the beings who are flawless in every way,
With top grades, wages that actually pay,
To the girl with the coke bottle figure:Everyone gets dehydrated sometimesThey are thirsty, parched, dry, crunching bonescreaking out for just a sip of you
Most days, having a vagina scares me,
And it's not because thinking of the giant life force that one day is going to spring forth from it and nestle itself in the crooks of my weary arms and loving gaze.
A girl is hiding, hiding behind that curtain
That curtain right there, I know I am certain
That is her, that girl hiding behind that curtain
She is shy and uncertain and bullied eveyday
Put your makeup on, go to the beauty salon.
Get your nails done, my dear loved one.
Curl your hair, keep it slim their.
run an extra mile, keep your smile
Just so they could like you?
The fact is I am HUMAN.
I make mistakes
Those mistakes prevent me from
Continuing my life,
Where do I begin?
And Where do I end?
Time goes against me,
But life always goes on,
Twisters, whirlwinds, hurricanes, and blizzards surround an insignificant ant.
Hearing everyone to be this, to do that- pulling me in so many different ways
Is it okay to do what I want? What I dream?
When you look at me, you see the young girl with the baby face who is always smiling being nice to everyone because she is always there to help.
i lost myself
in my blanketed tomb
scars on my wrist
and pills on my tongue
couldn't breathe
although i tried
i tried and tried
Rolling, pushing, Jumping.
You feel the vibrations on your feet, the wind in your face, the warmth of the sun.
I am beautiful, inside and out.
From my waist to my hips to my thighs,
I am satisfied.
A full-figured bombshell that oozes confidence in every stride.
I challenge you to say I am anything but beautiful.
I just want to say, THANK YOU
THANK YOU for breaking my heart
THANK YOU for making my life fall apart
THANK YOU for the endless nights
THANK YOU for the arguments and fights
THANK YOU for making me cry
My mask? you ask
is made of smiles
of laughter
of pretending I don't miss you
well here's the truth:
i miss you everyday...
when i remember
how you laugh about everything...
when i want
Take a second and look at me?
Am I everything that I appear to be?
You know me for my smile,
the constant giggle you hear.
I bet you couldn’t imagine what I hide inside.
Lonely nights of crying and scars.
The fear of error consumes my brain,
but the concept of intelligence is wrong.
My creativity and knowledge becomes mundane.
Their learning how to pass will not last long.
They never see me, the boys in my classes.
I sit right beside one, smiling and laughing at his outrageous stories.
Our eyes lock as he exams the room
I don't do regular, I'm far from it
Just makes it sick to your stomach now don't it
I do stuff you couldn't do, it's too easy
When you hear of my illness baby it'll make you quesy
Who are you to say that im not flawless?
I am flawless while you are unpolished.
You do not know me.
You only know the parts of me I have shown you
And what a shallow view that is
It's staring into a puddle and thinking it the ocean
I keep it this way
To win your favor
I wear a mask.
Not in a literal sense,
But I wear a mask.
The real me likes everything
And sometimes nothing at all.
I'm a total girl some days.
I love makeup and hair and Gossip Girl.
Broke a vase and crashed a car,
Told my Daddy I wasn't going far.
I choked on stage
Tripped and fell
I am definitly not hollywood,
Oh damn well.
Got a drink dumped on my face
An ordinary
albeit introverted
young girl
She would make willow-branch crowns
pronounce herself queen
of all empty
I'm a flawless lady made of different parts, it's hard to find the words to start.
Everything about me screams flawless. Whether it's the way I walk with my head held high or the aroma I leave when I walk bye.
Head up not down
Lips up not down
Nothing more precious and beautiful, than a lady being herself
Comfortable in my own skin
God made me this way for a reason
Won't change for the seasons
I'm trying to act like I'm invisible because I know that you can see that I'm not #perfect.
But I know that if you could see the real me that is not my blotchy skin or curvy frame, you would be #shocked.
The Real me loves to sing
He loves the rain as it falls in the spring
that person plays in the dirt
The mysterious shaddow loves to flirt
What happend to the person i knew
I walked back home that night alone. Desolated and feeling awkward,
I could hear the crows above me in the dark skies of the night, wondering why that was.
Walking alone along the sweltering
road, I saw a figure that was unknown.
A god damned mess of imperfections that only she can see
It's as if someone took a shotgun to her self confidence and left it full of holes
She knows she is breaking down every second on the inside from
I can name you every bully I've ever had the displeasure of meeting.
I can name you every day I've ever said I hated myself.
I can name you every moment that I've ever felt pathetic.
I get up in the morning and what do i see
A flawless face staring back at me
Through the water its lines crash
Out the other side in front of fogged glass
Not a blemish or black head marks this skin
Why am I here
I ask myself every day
To live, to love, to laugh maybe
I don't fully understand my purpose
Hopes of being something great
Dreams of being something amazing
I wonder how people see me
I'm not satisfied.
Not just with me.
Or my actions.
But unsatisfied with life.
Do my feelings even matter if I'm plastered- generic,
A Phenotype?
Hiding behind a pseudonym with no shame;
My popularity hasn't been the same;
See that girl?
Alone, shuttering against the cold,
Making her way to point B?
Wearing her hand-me-down jacket and shoes with rips and tears,
Only wanting to make it through the day.
My mask has a bright smile
my mask shows my deep dimples
one may think I'm in denial,
but as you can see, my mask has a bright smile.
I go to school with my mask on
I go to church with my smile
Likes to laugh
Likes to dance
Likes to eat chocolate
Cocolate both white and brown
Likes to live life as me and only that
There is only one me and that is a fact
I'm flawless because I'm flawed
This is my peom about how I feel, I never realized how hard itd be to peel,
back all the visual standards to better reveal.
My inner desires, thoughts turning my wheel.
Well here I am, and this is what I'll say,
I hide behind a mask,
not showing my true self.
As i sit here with my flask,
my thoughts all so stealth.
Why should I come out,
from behind the curtain and give a shout,
When the curtain is more of a window?
All eyes are on me,
But I still want to hide behind my shadow.
Look at me
What do you see?
Young, black, short, mean
Somewhere in between?
I look in the mirror
You know what I see?
A queen
Staring back at me
Not the tallest
PerfectionThis is meEveryone must know
Shout it from the rooftopsWrite it in the skyI’m Flawless
Guys want to be with meGirls want to be meI exude confidence
To the people around me My flaws are abundant Limitless, astounding, and blaring Like the sound of a siren's scream However, to me They are beautiful creatures Ready to fly and ready to be Ready to take off in the world As if they battle like sol
WHO really am I?
When my indentity is swallowen
From now becoming stolen
Because the bible told me I can't be gay
So that identity
Is hidden away...
And to make sure no one knows
They told me that every scar on my body
Was just another moment that I survived.
That every stretched valley was a sign of
The struggles I've overcome.
I didn't believe them until now.
Who am I supposed to be?
My friends tell me be cool,
be strong, be the life of the party.
Do it no matter what even if you act like a fool.
Be down for anything and don't trip
I tend to hide what's inside
I don't know how to express my mind
I hide my soul behind brown eyes
I want to shout at the world, but get tongue-tied
I wish that people could only see
Will they laugh...
Will they be disgusted...
Will they disown me...
Will they leave me...
Will they distort me...
Will they give up on me...
Our mind comes with a They.
Gemini, they tell me I am
Throwing out words like
Fickle, unpredictable,
Uncontainable, unreliable
Excitable, dynamic,
Restless and mutable, a proper air sign indeed
I am perceived as sweet and innocent
No bad thoughts can cross my mind,
I am seen as smart and thoughtful,
People seek my intellect all the time
Always I wear a smile,
I am human.
I will break;
I will fail;
I will stumble and
I will fall
“I will put the pieces back together;
I will try and try again;
I will find my balance and
I did not wake up like this
I grew with love and happiness
my family kept me grounded and strong
my faith kept me where I belong
I might have my faults, don't we all?
A mask is heavy.
It weighs down against your soft skin,
scratches against the porcelain surface
leaving nothing but shadowed marks
that protrude against a pale complexion.
I hide behind many curtains
along with anyone I've ever known
its a paradox in the sense that we are all hiding who we are
from people who are hiding who they are
Hidden behind my silent smile I stand aware.
Encourage the abuse of the tortured? I don’t dare.
I stare, and cry internally,
Yearn forever,
She’s a nightmare dressed like a daydream
stuck on the outside of the world.
She’s never enough for herself-much less the insiders.
The words she speaks are formulated days in advance, rehearsed, edited, scrapped.
The tag
It reads extra small
Her heart
It shatters like a broken wall
Every day is harder than the last
She craves the perfection
She wants to be known
i am flawless because i wake up every morning and don't want to get out of bed
but i do anyways.
and every day, i wear my battle armour;
whether it's red lipstick or my combat boots
Tired eyes, tired man,
this dreary countenence is not what I am.
I'm a thinker, a helper, a possible friend,
and I would love to help in any way I can.
The world would say, "No, be quiet and still,
Flaws of the skin,
Flaws from within
Lost and damaged
Working hard to repair a mental image.
You did not wake up like this
You're currently looking in the mirror at a far cry from what it is.
There's never a statute of limitations on an apology.
Tell me what makes one think they are greater, or almighty.
Behaving ridiculously. disgraced
I am ashamed to be your neighbor.
I've been treated worse than dirt for one reason alone,Because my greatest sin,Was living my life my way,I've taken punches and had my hair pulled,
What our culture does not seem to understand is that we are all
In our own way
There is not a single definition to what beauty actually is
To me, I am beautiful
Marching band.What's the first thing you think of when you hear it?Geeky, out of place kids holding or hitting big pieces of metal,Making stupid 80's references and talking about dungeons and dragons?
Sasha fierce is what they call her
Young girls dream of her
They want to BE HER, to live LIKE her, sing LIKE her,
I'm not the best of sons,
and it's hard to miss my family when everyday they're part of war.
I live with scars that just won't seem to end,
but you know what?
They're my medals and best friend.
Black hole upon my chest,
Set me free and let me rest.
Defying gravity and fate as I may
I only break down in tears when I pray.
Tossing in turmoil, repressing violent thought.
She is perfect.
Prosperous grades,
Belle hair,
Admirable girl.
She's stuck up.
Favorable grades,
Pretty hair,
Commendable girl.
Her home is broken but she has
The doors of a shuttered house stand closed
You walk up to the desiccated grounds
No true path
No sign of color or vivid life
No way to get past the hound
How is it that I am under you?/ Why me?/ Am I really that different?/ Am I really easy prey?/ Am I really weak?/ Does it really give you the right to hurt me?/
I've always told myslef to be strong
But what do I do on those days
when the tears total to a tsunami;
overflowing and chaotic, unable to control
She hides behind her smiling face,
for all the world to see,
She laughs, cracks jokes, goes out and plays,
everyone would agree.
she's kind and smart, has a good heart,
Helps anyone in need,
Nobody is ever PERFECT, we all make MISTAKES
I’ve CHEATED on my boyfriend, I’ve LIED to my mother
I’ve TRIPPED on my own foot, I’ve COVERED my face in make-up
I’ve CURSED to fit in, I’ve CUT my own skin
Soft giggles and laughter of light-hearted child,
Fill the air in the warm and quiet neighborhood.
The blissful ignorance, the sense of security, unconditional love,
I am young, I am Naïve, and I am gullible.
I am old, I am jaded, and I am a realist.
My traits contradict each other at every turn I take.
My hair is ratty, with multiple dead ends.
I started early, not knowing what to do.
I chose the flute so I could whistle
They thought I wouldn't seek it through
They told me I would quit, like a cat on a thistle
My director didn't like me much
Put it onThat mask I wearA smile for my friendsA laugh here and thereDon’t let them seeWhat lies with inTears that threatenTo flow over the brim
I am the Queen of Illusions.
My power is to make others see what I will them to see.
It’s the only way I can properly hide myself,
So others can’t see my pain, my tears, or my discomfort.
Wake up. Wake up.
Get dressed. Force myself to move. Make sure my arms are covered.
Trained ears,
Strong mind.
Studied mind,
Exercised mouth.
Hashtag: Feminist.
Hashtag: Liberal.
Hashtag: Woman.
Twitter, Facebook:
Say it.
Just say it.
i am your whisper of strength in the battle cry of your demons
i am the promise of a beginnnig, a phoenix
i am the end so long anticipated
bittersweet, empowering
There is beauty in the folds of my skin and the crease in my brow
Underneath my matt of hair and freckles
There is power behind my quiet voice and my timid thoughts
Seeing past my unsureness and doubt
"Pay me no mind,
please walk on past
don't see the lies behind this smile.
Pay me no mind,
please move on with your life
I swear I'm alright."
False face. A mask. A covering. Something you use to hide something.
Behind my false face I am lost.
To others I appear as a happy and silly person but there is more to it.
I show them only skin deep
Trying to hide my flaws within
I cry each night
I see only darkness
I show them a brighter me
I show them a happy soul
I smile
I laugh
When inside I am dead
I am flawless because I am ambitious.
I am flawless because I am beautiful.
I am flawless because I am my own person.
I am flawless because I have a big heart.
I am flawless because I am loyal.
Greek. Meaning together.
interaction between two organisms
living in close physical association,
typically to the advantage
of both.
I am, and have been
What are you?
Why cant you make up your mind?
Just pick one?
Why do i have to decide
Cant i just enjoy this time
we are taught that happines is in the
future and so we must suffer in the now
Shield me from the star
and i remain the same
Bring me to the light and they multiply
Skin so pristine
with only a few thousand blemishes
What is shamed to be obtained
"I'm fine." I smile as I reply,But really on the inside I am screaming, what a liar.I'm so unhappy I can barely breatheI numbly live my life, I can't feel anything.
Do you think I’m that oblivious?
Because I don’t need ears in the back of my head
To hear how you think I’d be better off dead
Do you think I don’t know about my
Bad reputation
Mental aberration
"We're unbreakable," falls off his lips,
As she pushes her pants down off her hips,
Second guesses of the whispers she's heard,
Slowing them down so they are slurred,
She feels those whispers against her skin,
~style based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Raven"
Am I only here to borrow this unwanted flesh and sorrow?
While I hate myself to the deepest core
From my mind the loathing rises, onward my heart despises
No one notices
They don’t see my pain, sorrow, and loneliness
I cry behind closed doors, and dream of nightmares
Only sharing my thoughts with myself
I act as if everything is fine and that I’m happy.
A curtain to cover the uncertain,
A mask should anyone ask.
One must cover the truth to avoid the feeling of ruth.
The truth, who wants the truth?
Varity is a rarity.
Im not afraid to show it, I dont care if people know it. I love myself.
Ive taught myself to think it, I live, breathe, drink it. I love myself.
Mirrors use to make me cry, now I dont even have to try. I love myself.
You are the pretty one. The one who is admired.The one who is cheery with minor flawsI am the one that suffers and feels the judgment of your mistakesThe one who is in agony from your so called flaws
I wake up looking in the mirror
Brush my teeth
My horrid breath no longer existing
I change into an extravagant outfit
No longer feeling insecure
I put on a mask of powder and liquid
Feeling perfect
Behind these eyes are hidden lies,That nobody has ever realized.But why hide between those hidden lies?There's no one really by my sideTired of wearin a paper bag, coverin up what's behind my smiles.
I walk down halls of familiar faces every day
But are they really so familiar
Or are they like me
Hiding myself from the outer world
Afraid to show people
Show people that I am always unhappy
Look at me
I’m the perfect picture of daisies, sunshine, and smiles
Wrapped up neatly and encased in a pretty pink bow
Even my name
Kylie Rae
Hints at sugar, spice, and everything nice
I want to give you a reason in life
To keep on keeping on
Put down that razor, you could someday be a wife
Nobody wants you gone
Stop crying pretty girl, you are beautiful in every way
Depression, comparisons
Oh no you're wrappped in
Who is that girl
Who sends you in a whirl
She has the dainty features
While you stand in the mirror looking like a creature
Thoughts race, you cry
I hate these ballet shoes
Everyday marks another bruise
And as I dance with the pain, my brain is in flames, going insane
Working double time over what should be considered a war-crime
Keeping a level head is what I do best,
Achieving my goals is the most important aspect of my life,
Treating people with care is my passion,
Instructing others is one of my assets,
Entertaining is another,
Sitting silently in the front row
Taking in the voices around me.
My pen in hand
Scribbling in the notebook.
Days later the test arrives.
Writing as fast as I can,
I walk through the halls looking at people,
poeple look at me.
I don't care what they think as they pass in silence.
This is me.
I smile and wave at strangers,
as if they're life time friends.
Flawless is not true
Lawless is the virtue I seek
Awless is what these spreads on PAPER magazine make the men do
Less is what makes the woman's world bleak with the deadly streaks of no mystique
Flawless is perfection
Perfection is having no inadequacy
But because i am flawed
I am Flawlessly me
You see I wasn't made to be without fault
I'm proud to say I'm not perfect at all
Incorrect, pupil.
Thou shalt not reply in such a fashion.
The mannerism of erudite
is all but eradicated.
Thou shalt never reveal interest in school-
In teachers' wellbeing-
I look in the mirror and I think of all the negative comments people have made to me.
From talking about my big eyes, to commenting on my fluctuating body weight.
in ability to move
Power! Strength! Heart! Hope!
Our generation will be known for nohing.
Never will anybody say,
We were the peak of mankind
They step over mountains
they flatten our trees, chewing them up and spitting out green-
Although they eclipse us mortals on earth
Ever taller they tower, over our heads they glower
never enough, never satisfied-
i write and i write but how can i describe the feelings that i have yet to experience with words i can't even begin to know the meaning of?
My personality
never lacking originality
formed intricately by the different motives of my ancestry
creating me to be, who I be
no matter where I go,
it always comes along with me
I love it
Inside my mind
I stand inside
A room full of mirrors
None of which are any nearer
Than the other....
Each mirror is an emotion
That I have a devotion
For a person or place
there is something wrong in a world where we pour ourselves out to
strangers on the internet
but our best friends dont know our torment
and there is something wrong in a world where beauty is only skin deep
Hold on!!!! So you’re telling me I can’t hide behind this curtain
So you telling me I have to show everybody the real me
The girl who just needs to make her family happy
I wake up this morning seeing me
and I wonder
what would it be like to be he
but I can be he
cant you see
through compassion I can be he and she!
or just plain me
Flawless/ What is the meaning of this word/ The beauty seen here/ This God/ This God/ This God standing in front of me/ How?/ Is it that I see you here/ I am b
Happy is a smiling face
Caring and thoughtful
to those who don't know
you shouldn't hide
Sometimes my hair is curly and sometimes it’s just messy,
Sometimes I wear makeup but most of the time I won’t.
I can dress up and I can dress down but what I do is my business – not yours,
I am quirky
I am loud
I am imperfect
I am awkward
I get nervous
I lose focus
I make mistakes
I get back up
I am powerful
I am strong
I believe in myself
“Just be yourself,”
They would always tell me,
“No one likes a fake,”
I always heard,
Over and over through the years.
Yet, despite everything I was told,
All I saw were the hypocrites,
Some people burn cold as the mid-winter wind. Some are as hot as the core of the earth. There are a special few who are as cool as autumn but as hot as spring. I don’t blow often, but when I do.
There she was
Laying on her bed
Hair messed up
Makeup smeared
No will to live
No strength to go on
No recognition of what self love was
Every day I pass you I smile so you do too
Every day you see me you look right through
The crows feet and the laugh lines that mark my face
Do not stand a chance against the feelings I case
One less insult whispered sweet
For flawless smile, flawless me
I’m unbroken from head to feet
Seamless lips, don’t they see?
I’m perfect, so don’t crush desires
I search for a shadow to be my safe haven
I’m condemned to be a lawyer, a doctor, or maybe an engineer,
Filled with the hopes and dreams of my parents,
I spill blood over the paper because words are my safe haven,
As a child expectations make us. Growing up we feel them break us. the expectation to suceed. The expectation preasure is to much. The preasure is felt harder and harder. Expectations build our struggle. When we struggle we learn.
Take the candle bright and bold,
See it dripping red and cold.
Hidden deep within herself,
Broken with the bitterness.
Selfish needs of other people,
Beating hearts and bleeding steeples.
Flawless is me,
because this is how God made me.
Flawless is me,
Because God made me this way,
And this is how i am gonna stay.
Flawless is me,
Because God loves me,
I stand alone in my weirdness,
Yes I do.
There is nothing special though.
I go to school,
I go home.
I see his face,
but I'm all alone.
There is nothing special about me,
A cry echos as a childs first breath is taken in this world
the joy in his mother
the pride in his father
You’d never know just looking it her,
That each day fights for her self-worth.
A depressed mother,
An abusive father.
My world is crumbling, yet I smile.
People suspect, but no one knows.
It’s just a bad day they muse.
Inside I’m broken and worn.
A rock can stand against a storm.
I am not a rock.
I define myself by my secrets.
I count them like scar marks or ticks in the sidewalk and cloak myself in them like curtains.
I am stitched into a world of sin, but this design is suiting me.
There was a girl with beautiful short hair,
Blonde as wheat, once so long she chose to share.
Pale as parchment with a spread of freckles,
She enjoys foods with chocolate speckles.
The Girl In the Corner,
Yes the one all alone,
The one who is in the pouring rain,
She has had a troubed past,
Cuts that are like sleaves going up and up her arm,
Her parents both gone,
Depression creeps into my heart,
Restraining blood flow from the start.
Can't breathe nor think straight.
Tears, that I have come to hate,
Descend as I began to fall apart.
Behind the Curtain
By David Orosco
I am good at many things, but great at nothing
I am an outdoorsman, preferably hunting
I have a love for the arts especially music
Beauty holds no true shape or matter.
It is not tangible.
One cannot measure it.
It cannot be tasted.
Who can define beauty?
Beauty can only be created
one can choose how to define beauty.
You tell me to Be me, yet you say its not good enough.
I consider what you say and remember onE thing
Her eyes are hidden behind storming clouds
The voice of a girl who's thoughts were never heard
Cuts on her wrist reveal the pain that lyes with in
She Sharpens the blade and cuts her skin
Do, again, repeat.Look back, remember, repeat.Do, again repeat.Look back, remember, repeat.Three little letters that are a part of meAre why I can memorize things.A-B-C1-2-3Do, again, repeat.
I am not just your Facebook Friend,
Not a profile picture,
Not another one of your precious likes,
Not a tag in a post,
Or a name in your chat box,
I am a living, breathing person,
The only thing people define me by;
"The emo girl with cuts on her wrists".
Instead of discovering who I really am, they only see my many scars that lie on my wrist.
Underneath the makeup
And underneath the scars,
Titanium plates –
They break her heart.
Once a pretty face,
A joyride gone wrong,
Now an ugly memory
Is all that belongs.
Is what you will hear come out of me
because I can sing
more beautifuuly than you could ever believe.
I scare some people with my sound
Some will walk the earth without a thread on their back
They are destined to walk their own path
Others are covered; head to toe
Drowning in their own personal woe
Cowering behind their garbed facade
My dad always told me I was beautiful,
But inside I never thought the words were useful.
I would never truly believe what he would say,
But I would carry on with life anyway.
Smile brighter than the sun
Skin tone same color as honey
she lights up like gold
beautiful on the outside , and the inside
she is a sailing soul
voice softer than a melody
I look in the mirror to see my face,
But I almost always see
just another hopeless disgrace
So I put on a show to make them think I'm fine
and I put on my mask
to hide how much I've cried
One day I woke up
Thinking I had had enough
This world this life was filling me up
with lies that told me I could never be enough
But when I looked into the mirror
thought about how those words made me feel
Smile, Laugh, Go Crazy
You can cry when you get home
Stop Talking, No ones listening
You have no where to go
I laugh in light of myself
And I am made alive
Reborn like the phoenix
I was born to strive
For happiness and content
Where my smile saves the day
There is no sorrow on earth
Here I stand in my late teens
Behind the curtain of responsibilities.
And all that's there is an empty shell
Doing whatever is expected of me.
I look around and see a world that needs
These people. These conceited, overbearing, ignorant so called friends. I have spent over a year now with these people. I have shared beds with them. I've shared secrets. I have kissed some, I have hugged some.
I am an alien.
No, you needn’t be afraid;
I simply come here to learn your ways.
My home planet
I’ll admit I do miss.
It’s called Summer, and oh what bliss.
Before coming
A smile,
A laugh.
Calculative, precise.
"What a beautiful young Woman
you are,
ready to please
the perfect Man
that is required for a
There’s so much miscommunication between the womb and the world
I like to be me thats what I figure
I am smart my knowlege gets bigger
i am appealing to the eye
not a fast girl so don't let dudes just touch on my thigh
I am not a carbon copy of anyone or anything
I am not your rag to use until your mess has all been cleaned
I am not the nervousness that hits me when I'm asked to speak
I woke up like this!
Oh no honey this is work…
But you know what?... It is well worth
I wake up: Hair a mess
I wake up: Sleep in my eyes
I wake up: TIRED
But you know what? It is well worth
You told me I'd be safe,
You told me I'd be free,
You said to take your hand and come with me.
I listened,
I swallowed,
I was filled with fear
Not knowing of the future that was near.
Hot pink.
VERY hot pink.
Bright, happy cheerful.
You would think so wouldn't you?
But behind it...
Theres me.
Just me.
I am a girl.
I am a woman.
I should sit on the toilet, and stare at the wall, or the tub, or the sink.
My view should be of the things around me, not the things under me.
I am a human.
I am a person.
I Need new Jordans
I Need a Iphone 6
I Need is really what you want, "But i gotta have it i need it now"
The pleasure of what you desire in hand is an amazing feeling.
I want water
I want food
I look to the sky and think to myself,
What if I were anybody else,
I've lived this life for many years,
But yet I've kept the same two ears,
What if I were you?
What if you were me?
At what point does
Become two?
Does it experience the growing pains
as it's
And morPHED?
And once
two reaches 3,
Waking up, staying up, worry through my mind
I wanted to find a way to have a bond of some kind.
I didn't need to be different, you needed to change
I woke up that day, with a thought so strange.
The mirror shows, more than you knowAbout yourself, about your life,And the feelings you don't show.The mirror reflects more than just yourselfIt reflects your life in general,It reflects something else.
All my life I have been trying to fight the world.
Ignoring the messages from televison commercials, ignoring the blurps of the radio, ignoring the brightly colored signs that tell me how to be in my body.
Who am I to hide behind
a dark red curtan time after time?
Who am I to act as if
I really don't have anger fits?
Who am I to just portray
a happy person day by day?
Who am I to smile bright
I cannot sleep,
the scene is just too beautiful.
It's like a huge weight has lifted off your shoulders,
I'm not who you think I am.
I am a leader not a follower,
but I hide in the shadows of the curtains to avoid conflict.
I hide who I am to keep myself safe,
People may call me a wuss or a pansy,
Older siblings, older cousins, older adults
Strict, proper, Catholic
No C's, no B's, A's
Do that! Do this! Grow up!
Okay, I will.
In this worldWe all competeDo you look good?Did you run a mile?Sometimes we forgetTo look beneath
Who wins you might ask?
Well of course, it's up to you.
Wether you keep the mask
Or be true to you
Life is a game
No one wants to play
And the only two things that can be quite left
No one can take away persons body or mind
I beleive my mind can create the world i want
And my body can produce the people in it
Its who I am, just this girl who'd rather be herself than anything else in this world
I'm my own inspiration, no hesitating to change myself for anybody
In confidence, I'm lacking,
I haven't the likings of a model,
However I make up for this slacking
With an extra special skill,
I am in fact the best hugger ever,
Whether you're happy or sad,
Turning my heart with a racket
trying to break it loose
to revel the contents inside
reveling who i truly am
pay all attention
to the girl up on the stage
all part of the show
imagination engaged
When your goneits like my world stops.when your gonemy head spins in loops.when your gonemy heart feels hollow.but only when your gone.
Captivated by her beauty, the beast overcomes me.The beast i cannot tame. The beast that tells me who i am. And who i want to be.I see the way you look at her.The way she looks at you.
I wanna tell you everything
I wanna let you in
But innocence is so long gone
Where would I begin?
If you were me, you’d do the same
You will never know my pain
But maybe this time I will fall
Dear Artists,
We all have 3 common grounds of expressions
One common idea to keep our feets grounded while the rest of our heads wandering in the universe
Because we artists are the universe
To know who you are is a lie
what you think or want to be isn't exactly accepted in reality.
So I became what everyone thought of me
I believed whatever they taught me .
Let's be raw and emotional here,
Growing up, I shriveled away in the corners of the room
enveloped in a young girls insecurities,
Welcome to my High School
Where teachers and students mingle
Where the confused kid gets all the love he can
Where friends are everywhere
Oh look over there
That girl just got all those kisses from those guys
To be strong it makes you feel flawless
I want everyone to see what I see
To be strong means to always take chances
Chase the dreams that appear in front of me
To stay strong in times that seem doubtful
On the good side of the curtain,
I am the smiling, sweet girl that everyone can see.
On the bad side of the curtain,
I am the dying, angry girl that only I can view.
On the good side,
Who am I underneath this costume?
They want to define me.
I let them.
Family is the world.
Suffocated by loving arms.
I'm cute. I'm smart.
I'm gentle, docile,
Looking in the mirror I stand and stare at my bare face
Not bothering to hide behind the mask that most girls wear
My fingertips glide over the surface of my face
She takes her seat before the glass.
The reflection she sees so far from what she feels.
“Why do we show the world a mask?”
She pondered.
The true me?
Well there's a mystery.
Even I, myself find trouble to congregate my thoughts.
Maybe that is me-a plethora of lost thoughts?
Microscopic thoughts. Dots.
They say Dijah you'd be a baddie if you only lost a couple pounds
I'm not going to dit around and act like I ain't thought about it
A perfect body is more appealing but it's funny how
Who am I?
Behind this curtain
I hide, but no one sees me.
Scared, lonely
Different and not your most likely
Candidate for I
Don't truly know. Who I am
Grab your mask
From the table
Before anything else
Use your make-up
So heavily plastered on
To help too
Keep it a secret
Don't tell anyone
They can't know what you do
Oh my hair! Oh my hair!
How I love and take such care
Don’t look at my face
That’s not my best place
Oh this hair of mine!
In the morning it takes so much time
"Don't you feel beautiful today?"
my mother asks.
Her badgering of my clothing,
the constant scorn she speaks
haunts my mind as I approach my descent.
"Femininity suits you well,"
I guess
The Best
But, I must Confess
Reguardless how I look
I am Impeccable and Immaculate
I bet those girls can't relate
I'm just too great
Some consider it an encumbrance
But I use it as motivation
There is no reason to have frustration
As I grind I know my life is limitless
My brother knows my success is imminent
During any given situation
I am Short
I've known this for long time but I just don't undertsand
I am Short
But I'm tall in spirit
I am short
Pay no attention to that girl behind the curtain. She only comes out when she's all alone. The mask is only taken off when she is by herself.
I am not a perfect weight, I am way heavier than I'd like to be. I am not the most beautiful girl you'll ever lay your eyes on, there are girls way prettier than me. I cant speak French fluently, even though I've been learning it for years now.
Me... I am flawless.
I am the definition of flawless from head to toe. Beauty queen and a model whose runway is her room.
When you feel sad, insecure, helpless
Worthless, you must find strength somewhere
Somewhere that cannot be overlooked
Somewhere that is GREAT
Somewhere that is positive
Somewhere that can't be beat
Flawless me.
Flawless me.
The only me I wish to be.
Though I am full of anxiety.
I will continue to be,
Flawless me.
Flawless me.
The LGBT community,
Is part of me.
Flawless me.
I'm afraid someone will see me at my darkest
When no light shine through the clouds
So I put on a smile and continue to breath
I want to shield you from the cloud and the rain
Seven billion billion billion atoms in the human body.
Each one, creating a different part of a DNA sequence;
that makes us different by point one percent.
You are ninety nine point nine pecent me,
This curtain here is ratchet,
It’s overbearing and quite resilient.
It’s embedded with daggers,
Preventing it from prevailing.
It’s discriminate to all,
a daisy on the side of the road
dust blowing in my face
trying to move but my roots keep me grounded
is there purpose,
what is identity,
what sets ME apart form the others?
flowers dont move;
I'm a broken glass behind the scenesI am an entire home in shamblesI'm only so sturdyThese shelves can only hold a heartAbsolutely nothing else
Once a friend said:
"Your eyes are always smiling"
That was one of the nicest compliments anyone has given me.
My eyes are not anything to "ooh" or "aah" about,
The mask that one presents to the world is not so much a place to hide, but more a fear of whats inside.
A day filled with guilt and pleasure.
How could someone defy that which sustains them?
Yet how hard have I worked to indulge?
Meager dreariness coats the beginning of everyday.
In my younger years
I use to come home my face in tears
Always told that I wasn’t good enough
I tried to keep tough
My door is closed,
My life is not exposed,
The fear of being seen for who I am,
I simply think people don't give a damb.
I will open my heart and my door,
And put my feet stead-fast on that floor,
The corset is now off,
Putting all the guard down.
What if they should flout or scoff?
Sea of shame, go ahead, drown.
Fabricating to care,
Pitching bad self esteem.
Yet they gossip and stare,
Pulgarcita: Thumbelina.
Living in the grass.
Inquires of the day to day,
yet no one seems to ask
about the way
she seemed to hurl
herself into the world.
Pulgarcita: Thumbelina
Two masks,Safety in numbers,One a closed-in clown,Another a screaming shadow,Both pieces of a puzzle,Two numbers of the unbreakable code that hides what’s within,
"You should come to school with your hair straightened!"
Sorry, Conair, nothing personal.
Big, brown, and bushy when brushed, my curly hair is my thing.
I've always been afraid to take this mask off of my face.
Afraid that no one will like me and I'll never find my place.
Within these brick school walls I hear them laughing and pointing at me.
You count down,
It's almost time.
The tears they fall,
No going back now.
In our early schooling years we were taught to share;
The Montessori way.
Parents at home continue the route of compassion
“Share your juice with your sister,” mother said while standing at the picnic table.
We werent born the same.
Everyone is different
mankind has flaws
Even the sky has lightning and thunder
but who is to say that isnt beautiful?
Some people may see the flaws in you
Props and patterns,
It's all up to you.
How do you choose to feel today?
You see,
Lately, you haven't been giving yourself enough thanks;
Enough paint to finish your masterpiece.
For to show the world who I am inside
Would be like peeling off all of my skin
It’s easier to cover up and hide
Than to try to let anyone else in
I’ve tried to tell my secrets to the world
Not another love can compare to you,
Or was it even love at all?
I had your undivided attention at first,
Or was it only for the thirst?
The first time I rested my head on your chest,
hearing the warmth of just you being alive.
I felt flawless.
Like the beat of music,
I am flawless.
Coincidng, our hearts beat like that music.
Free money for one's poverty
It takes a little bit of "change" to make a CHANGE in society.
I wake up and look in the mirror
To red marks and scars on my face and body
I cover them with makeup and whatever I can find
But what I don't have to cover up is what makes me
Why does the wind blow on the other side?
Feeling as if I'm trapped in my own of forgetfullness
I Am Not Like Them
I’m quiet.
I don’t talk around them.
I am scared.
What if they don’t like me?
Inside, a flower ready to bloom.
Nobody understands.
I want nothing more,
see, if you can change your thoughts then you can change your world
if you can change your world, you can change your lifestyle
dream big, have ambitions, have hope
Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain
Peeking is not allowed.
You want to see her?
Well you can’t.
Direct your attention instead to the façade standing before you
I am inherently by birth a flawed creature
I was born from the earth with my mother's heart and my father's features
Raised in the darkness just as a lotus would drive forth from the dirt to the heavens above
Guess I don't get it
as I get all the credit.
I get I'm the President,
but without me really trying,
GLOW UP getting it's own article
made mom so proud-
I wish we were taught how to walk
Or to strut, flaunt our stuff
To others wearing blindfolds
I wish we were taught how to talk
Or to yell, sing and shout
To others wearing earplugs
When people see me they see
A beautiful, black woman
They have no idea what my story is
They don't know the pain in my smile
They don't know the tiredness in my eyes
They just see what I allow them to see
Teacher, condemn me,
For I am not an athelete.
Classmates, bully me,
For I am not petite.
Break me down for what I cannot control.
Tear me apart for this illness that began at eleven years old.
She laughs
She's okay
Nothing is wrong
They think she's okay
She begins to think so too
At home she stares at the mirror
Hours pass
She takes off her smile
Her laugh
Her makeup
No one will know; who you really are;
Until they understand; all your scars.
Behind the smile; a face of tears;
Past the laughter; the you who fears;
The one who screams; without a sound
I see myself a vision of perfection,
Regardless of what my mother says that only god is,
If only god is I am god of my own self vision,
Anything else is kept to myself as self imprisonment,
Her days were devoured by darkness.
Her life was empty, yet she was filled with sadness.
Her purpose on earth was often a question.
Verdadera princesa
A true princess
A young woman in a big world
A first Gen' American
The dead end sign is just a sign.
And that dividing wall is just a wall.
Those stereotypes are just words
from the ignorant ones.
I am better than what you think.
I am more than just a minority,
Quiet and shy, is how they see me,
but, is that who I am really?
Oh yes, there are things that they do not know,
thre are may things I choose not to show.
The truth is, I fear
(that no one understands:
why I threw away the keys,
why my heart is locked,
guarded by invisible insecurities,
that you need more than a knife,
The crown held high upon my head
The pain I feel in my heart as I look out
The Kingdom before me filled with dread
I hear a man in the crowd shout
"Where is our Queen?"
I see you here, Great Mango tree.
How your steady green leaves go to and fro.
How I see myself in you wherever I go.
Though you appear tall and strong, without a care in the world,
At the age of 10
she told me I wasn't going to be pretty for the rest of my life
Long blonde hair.
Part of that family
That big nice family.
Everyone knows them in town.
Homecoming queen.
So small,
So cute,
So sweet,
So quiet.
Without mark or scar
Perfect skin free of acne
Not a hair out of place
Makeup painted on your face
Teeth, straight and white
A mark that distracts from appearance...
This face you see
It isn't really me
Why don't you talk
Because I talk a lot
Let me hear your voice
No, that's a foolish choice
You might not like me
I'm a far different person
than you think me to be
If one laid on a prairie at night, they would experience the world and become awestruck
Despair! Despair!
Senior Year!
It is the end
of my high school career.
'round the corner.
Money money!!
Charish it.
Senior year.
I don't wake up perfect
and my teeth aren't white
but if there's one thing I'm proud of
I’ve never touched a throne,
Sitting, overlooking everything I was
And everything I could have turned into.
When wings grew out of my shoulder blades
I questioned if I would be able to fit through
I used to let beauty define me…..As I gaze at my reflection, I wonder how my life changed so dramatically fast. I went from being one of the popular kids to one of the “losers”. But the funny thing is, this new label does not bother me.
What beauty is to me is not what it is to you
Beauty is not measured by the amount of makeup I wear
Beauty is not measured by the clothes I wear
Beauty is not measured by the sizes of my bra and rear
I have flaws
but so do you
my flaws make me perfectly imperfectly
your flaws do to
I smile at my flaws with my crooked smile
Because I know
I love myself
Flaws and all
Hurt is not an emotion. It is a growth that multiplies with you as you age, spreading like cancer to your heart, and hardening it to the point of never wanting to feel again.
Taking subtle breaths,
I glance both ways
and take two steps ahead.
Away from the threads
that bind me, I push on
toward the verge.
Sleeves and wishes
"She's obviously vapid because
she's going into fashion and likes
makeup!" Is what everyone seems
to think when they meet me.
Hell, I even played a
teacher with this bit.
Yes, I am a girl.
I never was the girl who had it all
Hell, I was the one who had nothing at all.
But here I am,
I stand before you
proud and tall.
No money nor connections,
just sheer ambition
In the confines of my mind,
There's a serious care of mine,
I ask myself why?
The struggle is green.
On my way, I've started
Relying on others,
Two worlds stand apart,
Separated by only the Moon and the Stars,
Connected through a tiny thread,
for the defintion of beauty
like the definition of art
cannot be defined
every wound and scar only to add to the shine
for all is valued
they may doubt it but I never will
Flaws are beautiful
Reflection of the dew staring back at you
The ethereal gleam tearing every seam
You and I, or I and you?
You amongst the chosen few.
Can you see behind the dirt and grime?
The uncharismatic whine?
When I was six months old,
my father died and left me,
He was a mixture of antidepressants and Camel cigarettes.
His truck became his casket, as it hit the swaying Dogwood tree.
Sometimes I'm the Earth.
I have a thin
Yet impenetribaly dense
Crust all around me.
Nobody is allowed to go in.
Unless they want to burn to death with me.
Reality fades away,
and once again I'm trapped in my mind.
I'm left with my thoughts,
that scare me with all their doubts.
This mask is starting to feel comfortable
My emotions are unknown and so many other little things
I know myself but little by little is seems the pieces are fading
If I show my real self they won't understand
I didn't wake up like this
I couldn't be any less from flawless
My parents weren't around to see me growing into this
you thought this time
it would go by the book again
it almost always does
you know the one
it's my own edition
but its always the same story
or it was supposed to be
Sometimes I show the real meThe one that no one ever seesThe one who doesn't know what see wantsThe one who rarely ever talksThis me doesn't know what to say
The fog of my breath leaves a whimper in the air
The days merge to weeks as I wait to be found
Bound by the restraints of my condescending mind
My patience and hope sinks in a drain of my despair
i trythat’s what it isto be humanto trywhen allyou want todo is cryi’ve failedso many timesi’ve brokentoo many heartsi haven’t beenbravethe silver
the whole world smiles with - me?
Crazy thick, strawberry blonde "locks",
nervously flipping them with an old book and cup of tea,
an unexpected special moment of a smile with a stranger
Who is this lady in the mirror?
Nerly flawless, intelligent, attentive
Cordial, joyous, expected
She whimpers
A light shines bright
But who would ever notice
That the shadows of her face
These walls I put up to protect,
In the end, only help to project.
This glass from which I hide behind,
Only reveals my truest mind.
I built a house around myself,
In order to present myself.
but then there's the part of me that is hidden
school is so tough And teachers just want To make it rough.People always want to fight even out in plain Sight. So disgusting, bet these people aren't used to adjusting.
When i say this just know its true, you are beautiful because god made you. You might think your this or your that but just know that your eveything someone looks for , even if you think your fat.
My life is amazing no need to change my life is flawless to me
My flaws are what make me unique
Thought the hunt comes pain but thought the joy comes happiness
I'm the image of a butterfly beauty and smart
They tell me,
Do your homework, study well, and get good grades,
Not caring about what I feel,
Identifying me as a number, just another part of the machine,
Your beautiful mind is sick
You see yourself as less than you are
I know you think you're not worth a crap,
But your very being makes me glad
I hope you know you're worth more than a mountain of gold
Walk with confidence
Talk with purpose
Dress with class
Speak with sass
Let there be beauty in your air
Be one who leaves them with wonder
See who you want to be
Line your lips
How heavy was I for 9 months?
Was I a bothersome lodger?
Did I ruin your sleeping pattern?
Through my kicks and summersaults?
As a toddler I ran around
You chase and caught me with tickles
Remembering the time
when i wanted to get older,
thought things would be a lot easier
as I`ve seen grown ups do their own way.
As my height grows inch by inch,
clothes I wear changed day by day.
All great things had small beginnings.
We constitute so many complex ideas and
Wonderful visions but sometimes we don’t do
Anything about it,
Like a caterpillar that’s safely in the
Shadows under the leaves.
Big dreams with big plans
My ambitions evolving, improving each day
With adults that have to say
"Get a real job"
The feel of a clean sheet
The satisfaction of a job well done
Things I love can't be summed up
But I can say one is the sight of my pup
When she wags her tail at me
My skin is not milkyMy hair is not shinyMy nails are not manicuredMy body is not toned My eyebrows aren't tweezedMy teeth are not perfectly straight
I love my dimples
I love bellowing laughter
I love being loud.
I love violin
I loe making punny jokes
I love seeing smiles.
I love uniqueness
Because I am not like you
the impending sadness I feel
runs perpendicular
to the happiness you give me,
and the confusion between the two
causes so much grief.
I do not possess the ability
The curtain keeps me safeThe curtain is my friendIt is my armor from the judgementsThe viciousnessThe cruelty of others But deep down I know
I'm drowning, unable to swim so I sink.
This ain't like no swim at lake, a pond, or river.
Not like in a pool but more like the ocean, swimming around in darkness.
Little ole' me
been hiding and hidng,
I think its time to come out and see?
When I was just a little girl
My mom would tell me how
She loved my hair of kink and curl
The way she liked it down.
I am sheltered by darkness,
For it comsumes me piece by piece.
While she shines brightly to others,
Burning them with her desperate smile,
I am left alone,
Being only her shadow for the weak.
My parents have always told me to be good growing up as a child,
a statement I never quite understood,
I am the mask worn to school
Intended to fit, intended to fool
I am the mass you wear to work
A monotonous gaze, convenient quirks.
I am the mask you wear everyday
My body is the twisted trunk of tree
Charred, cracked and broken
The branches that reach up the the sky
Are filled with lines where scissors tore my skin open
My leaves are scratches, freckles, and pimples
If I could list all the things that make me
I'd start with a child no older than three
It is her battling the noose of cancer--not me
My work ethic stems from two people, not three
Behind the curtain
What I keep hidden
From your eyes and mind
Is strictly forbidden
Under the mask
What a clever disguise
Who am I?
Am I more than that shy, sweet, innocent girl?
Do I have more than one face?
Am I truly hiding myself?
I will tell you who I am...
I am me,
I AM quiet, shy, and at times sweet and innocent,
My good friend Silence is here
His company is comforing in my travels
Tunnels of purple and yellow hint of joy
Iridescent light spots in the sole of the Iris
Green eyes and a bleeding spirit
My sister chronicled her life in pictures
Of sports teams, school dances, and friends
Plastered across her walls.
My brother chronicled his in memorabilia
From sports games, movies, and family trips
Little, can one scrutinize the details of the face.
Simply due to the fact that none can see beneath the surface;
the truth hidden behind the curtain of semi-permeable membrane.
Behind this layer the real stage lies,
I am me
Can I be me while trying to fit in this square
In your square
What society wants from me
Cannot be the same as who I am
Or who I want to be
To all wounds of the heart,
Time is the antidote.
Designed like a coat
Soothing the pain as it impart
It is nonpareil
It understands what you want
As time acts more than a confidant
Writing you this poem reflects my lovemakes you doubt, it’s hard to concealAccused to things that’s hard to dealso please erase the doubts above. Trust is like freeing a dove
Only one is flawless. It's not me. But I am okay with my flaws. They do not define me. I live for a greater cause, the one who is truly flawless.
Burning with anger
Flowing with Flaws
I am me
And me I am
Rushing with fiery
Swimming in Heaven
I am me
And me I am
Cutting off pain
Spitting my fire
Dishonest, impolite, impatient, disrespectful, boastful -
A litany that continues.
Not caring or sharing with anyone -
Amber eyes and a crooked smile,
not a model aspect to be seen.
Happily content with the so called imperfection,
blessed to be imperfectly me.
Eyebrows for days and indecisive dark hair,
To me my skin is beautiful
My soft brown skin
No mask of makeup will define my realness
Natural hair here and there
My curls are there for you to stare
May rock a weave when I want to
When you first meet me
Any then you get to know me
I’m too different people
Then there is the person that is unknown to everyone
I met a boy who turned my world upside down, the next thing i knew life came crashing down. He said he'd stay and that he loved me, i ended up alone carrying his baby.
Are you ready to see what hides behind the curtain? Can you handle something so uncertain? All you can hear is laughter from her lips, and see a shadow moving her hips. Are you ready to pull the curtain? Are you ready for the uncertain?
This Poem is about the discovery of yourself because for others to see past the curtain, first you must pull it back and see yourself.
I am the sunshine, lighting up the world
I am the rain clouds, dark and stormy
I am not flawless.
I live a life burdened with mistakes and errors.
I know my mistakes and the scars they have left.
Sand slips through woven mesh trays
Sun burns the specks of glass into Lilliputian daggers.
Wind yanks grasses from their gritty home.
Rain gnaws the dunes which are never secure.
Who is more flawless than thee? Who is more flawless than we? Competing for a title that is only skin deep. Look in the mirror and you will see, the flawless beauty that lies beneath.
Hi, My name is Abriana, and I'm addicted to him. He is like my drug, never good for me but still good enough to silence the pain.
Don’t move, don’t breathe, don’t think, don’t act;
Think before you do, or something may go wrong.
You’ll mess up, you know you will.
That’s all you do.
Life is bleak
Like an empty page
Feeling agitated, restless, or violent
Ripped, crumpled pages, and broken pencils
This block -
The first step to a solution
Is a problem
Life is unplanned
Trapped in a shell
She's clawing to get out
But no one can tell
She makes sure, without a doubt.
Father would be enraged
That's why I keep her caged.
If you differ in opinion,
Once independence takes over,
that is when you know you don't need him anymore.
And when you learn to love yourself,
that's when you know you won't need him to love you first.
Lately I've been thinking that I'm more like the Evil Queen than Snow White.
I am not Wicked, nor am I a Queen-
I am a woman
a young woman
in a society that values my looks above all else.
Who am I really? I bet you really want to know. But would that be a good idea to even share and show. Sharing the true me, is really hard if you see, which is why I sometimes push away people and tell them to let me be.
Sometimes I wish I was crazy.
Wouldn't it be nice?
I could do anything I want freely.
No judgment.
People would say "Don't mind her. She's crazy."
No responsibilities.
they see what they want to see,
so that's all i can be
i am the background,
a face in the crowd,
yet i don't want to be found,
even if i want to scream out loud
Inside this mind
there's so much that I can hide
Everyday walking around with a smile on my face,
but not bearing the depths of my soul
A saddness not able to be consuled
This girl is always smiling, filling our hearts with love. But no one knows the truth.. what it's like when shes alone. Broken dreams, slashing screams. not what we call home.
I plaster a fake smile on my faceday to day.Hiding my sadness and pain,holding the hurt inside.Walking around saying
There have been changes all around me
Ever since I was a little girl
I never seemed to notice until my imagination started to go
Magazines left and right, pop culture and the lights
She is self-absorbed
She can’t be bothered with your petty problems
She’s got shit to do
She likes to stay home then accuse her friends
Of leaving her out
This is a small excerpt in the perspective of Elliot Rodger before he went on a killing spree.Reader discretion is advised. I took complete liberty in making up his perspective (so be warned).
The first cut was the deepest
I look at my scars and all i saw was fear
I let myself drown in all the sadness and sorrows
Yes it was harmful i admit
But it gave me a way to cope
I fight a battle everyday.
I see my enemy everyday,
with eyes full of pain,
full of hate,
The vast, the deep, the wondrous, the ocean
That lies beyond the borders of the land.
Always moving with powerful motion,
See her here, the perfect daughter
She works, she learns, she obeys her father
Her mother was the top of her class
A standard that the girl will never pass
The way I walk , The way I talk , The way I carry myself , My confidence over whelms you.
In return emotions stir that you can't help.
I don't blame you.
What you see is what you want.
The real me
Is more than the eye can see
It's time to unleash what's inside
To let the world go for a ride
My doubters will be hurtin'
When I slam behind the curtain
Her routine consists of make-up and a dress.
A voice that booms across the stage.
A facade she wants to put to rest.
But they keep her here in this cage.
No one knows the war of not being enough.
Outside is an illusion,
While inside shows reality.
Outside is accepted and liked,
While inside is hidden and safe.
Inside is tainted with past mistakes,
Embarrassed of weak moments.
What makes me flawless is my determination
What makes me flawless is my effort
My dreams, my passion, my goals
My achievements were not handed to me
I work hard to be the best
Child, why do you hide?
Don't you know the world has lied?
You are so beautiful without any help,
Don't throw in the towel and say "Oh welp."
You may think your body isn't the right proportion,
I am who I am.
I am like the wind
soft and suttle , but always present.
I am the smoke that desperatly escapes from the past fire.
I am who I am.
I am like the series of phases of wine.
I have a confession to make.
I am not who they portrayed;
Beneath the “steel” exterior
Lies a child who afraid of breaking barriers
Always hide behind the curtain
Because I’m afraid I’ll be abandoned.
They said "You can't." so in return I thought "I cant."
They said "You aren't." so in return I thought "I'm not."
I pulled up my tights and I leaped onto the floor.
The music got loud
When all the odds are against you...
You know that you're doing something right
Being Native American I face the rumors of what I "am"
But the way I see it, it is encouragement
Flowing from my tongue is a river of speech,
But flawless is nowhere in my vocabulary
Therefore I won’t preach about what I think is flawless
But more of why my flaw is less.
Wounded Healer
His footprints fade from the sand on the beach.
I understand that depression it kills
Cause my bestfriend swallowed handfuls of pills
I am a geek,
The geekiest of geeks,
The nerdiest of nerds.
I wear glasses,
I have pimples,
But is that all I am?
I am a singer.
I am a girly girl,
And a tomboy,
I’m going to take small steps
There is no need for leaps and bounds
Small steps
Leading me to what is to be found
The world seems to be spinning
In a rush, in a hurry
Everyone wants to be winning
There are people breathing air I have never tasted
Air that has been recycled and repurposed
to start wars
to blow up birthday balloons
to whisper secrets in lovers ears
A young woman should be bold and brazen and fearless and I,
I am not.
A young woman should embody grace and charm and hope and I,
I am not.
You’ve got to breathe.
Take a deep breath and stop crying.
You’ve got to do this.
I’ll see you tomorrow.
Only 18
You were only 18. Young with your whole life ahead of you
Ready to live your life and actually do it right
Ready for college AND you had the potential
Behind the curtain
In the closet
Wherever I am
I am here because of you
Every loud remark you make
Not realizing you were comdemning your own daughter
The way hate slides off your lips so easily
I'm a first class writer,
VIP introvert.
And don't tell me I'm not the observer,
because I am the observer of the observed.
My fingers play Fur Elise on my keys,
as I plead not to kill
It's not my looks that set me apart from the crowd.
My academic achievements make me no different from others either.
I am not smothered with popularity, and I am not showered with constant admiration.
Perfection, Symmetry, and smoothness..
I am not those things.
I am flawed, scared, and rugged.
My skin is translucent.
Blue veins on my wrists intertwining.
Flowing through my body.
Someone with self harm on their mind is not "doing alright",Someone with darkness in their eyes cannot "see the light",Dont yell at them and blame them for things that aren't their fault, Cause they will believe it.
"small lips", "big nose", "pale face",
"big eyes", "small thighs", "fat in the wrong place",
"awkward", "strange", "too shy",
but "dont let them get to you", "dont you cry"
smile, smile, smile.
brightens my day and his day even your day look in the mirror my way everyday a smile wow a smile talk with a smile walk with a smile oh, and don't forget smile
“Aim to be successful, but not too successful”
What makes Beyoncé flawless?
I woke up this morning to the sound of no alarm clock
Of course I was 30 minutes late, and I had to leave in ten
I shot up from my bed and my whole body cracked
Pull Back the Curtain and you will see,
A completely different image of me.
While every day I stand, tall and proud,
Who are you to tell me that I cannot enunciate and emphasize
Who are you to say I am not eligible to finesse with such gracefullness, to which you envy
Who are you to brand me as arrogant , because I am proud to be educated
I've never been one for fear-
I don't fear the dark
I don't fear hights
Not spiders, nor snakes
I don't fear a challenge
I don't fear confrontation
I am not afraid to feel fear
Let us linger here a while in the foolishness of things. Let the wind and the rain cleanse all our sorrow and shame.
I'm not always polite
but I can fake it
I am determined
that I can succeed
I'm gonna be
an archivist slash librarian
I'm gonna make it
despite the voices' claim otherwise
I'm not mean
Some days, the mirror showed me happy
But to my friends, I showed no sign
On others, it showed me falling down
Outwardly, I claimed "I'm fine."
Every day, another mask
Slipped onto my tired face
Sticks and stones may break my bones
but words will always hide me.
Letters interlocking in long chains,
linking, binding, sequestering away,
Dripping down the body like strings of slick pearls
You may think you know me
You're in for a surprise
The girl that you see?
She's not as she implies
I'm in a shell
Trying to come out?
Well, what's stopping me
In the near yet far future,
everyone is perfect.
But no one really is.
Flawless is the new term.
Beyonce is our leader,
Our guardian,
Our mentor.
When I wake up in the morning and I am moving at a snail’s pace,
I look around me and see how fortunate I am and it puts a smile on my face,
You are not your weight
You are not your flaws
But you are,
Everything you are
Everything you do is what makes you, you
You are beautiful.
Treat your one body
with respect.
What makes me flawless is I'm Unique
I simply use my brain to think
Picture perfect no not me
but Success is my destiny
I am beautiful
I am Proud
at age nineteen I had a child
We live in a world that you must act a certain way.
They tell you what to do, where to go, and what to say.
Everybody is judged for who they are.
Let's take a trip,
no a dip into
the past where
the sun showed,
where the dew on the
leaves of the grape vines
Before echoes of the
pinged and clanged,
There was a time
when I was blind
to the magnitude
of the world and all of its vices,
when I woke up
and looked forward
to life
and all the surprises
that it had.
I am happy to join you today,
With this right path I’ve made,
To serve you, God, the angels and other people on Earth,
To achieve the good deeds they need,
As an eight year old you don't care how your hair look or how the make-up on your face was going to make you stand out from everyone else. I was an eight year old once, I mean we all were once. Playing in the rain with out a care in the world.
I do not wear a mask
I am forced into a mask by society
A society that deems me “fat”
Everyday I view myself as too heavy
And everyday
I wake up
I put on clothes that do not cling to my body
Perfectly Flawed in Every Flawless Way
Perfection in one stroke of a makeup brush to our beautifully flawed faces
Surrounded by laughs and smilesWhile I just listenOnly my ears are openSealed lips shutWords can't be spokenI understandThis is who I amI say what they want to hear
The fire in my eyes from poverty I despise
I begin to realize my unwilling demise
My will to win is powered by sin
As I overcome pain with a pad and pen
A college-bound kid that will never give up
I feel your presence, when the grass shakes a shiver
That’s when everyone hides and everyone covers
You paint sinister lines over clouds of silver
If you were to ever look at me, what would you really see?
I am not a typical person. I have a dream.
Society tells you to be a perfect person inside and out, but they need to see who we are.
He wants to love but can not love
He walks the streets like the boy society thinks he is
Pain is deep it can not come out, Pain is deep it must stay in
He must not hurt a soul again
From a young age you were told you will be great.
From a young age you were told that you have an amazing Fate.
From a young age you are already given a role to play.
Have you ever felt the pain in your heart?
The pain of your soul being torn apart.
It doesn't feel nice in fact it hurts,
your being torn apart and no one can hear.
Life's a beach, the bugs dieLittle ones fall, moma cryLife's a beach, the water dirtyBullies, messin around with nerdiesLife's a beach, the sand is flat
Deeply conflicted I cry out for help inside
Nowhere to escape there’s more to me than meets the eye
I try to run from self but from self you cannot hide
Deeply conflicted on a never ending ride
Frankly, I'm a little depressed
The world stays at rest
All while my mind races to places that don't exist
Like a place where misogyny
Doesn't disguise itself as equality
I'm beyond flawless
Who knew everyone is more than just flawless
I am happy and proud of who I am till today
True friends see behind the curtain
They are the ones, who like Dorothy know to look behind,
For what is on the outside is not always what counts,
Sometimes we are much softer than we may seem.
my name is Samantha, please call me Sam.
i sing and play guitar, i like to smile.
i have brown hair and brown eyes, i'm pretty.
someday i will be very successful.
When asked about what makes me flawless,
I can't help but think I'm not.
But in reality it's the flaws we have
that make us who we are.
Sometimes I may say something different,
I scream and shout
You hear me from across the room
I'm a bright prescence even when you want nothing to do but get away
Always laughing
Wearing a constant grin
Doing my best to pull out a smile or a chuckle
I'm that girl.
That girl who smiles and walks with a skip in her step
who gets only As and Bs and and is involved in every club.
That girl who people like to be friends with
because she is bubbly
and fun.
See that house,It's crumbling.One more kickAnd it's tumbling.Rain is poring downAll day and night.The wind so harshIt won't give up the fight.
See that house,It's crumbling.One more kickAnd it's tumbling.Rain is poring downAll day and night.The wind so harshIt won't give up the fight.
Day in and day out
Sexuality questioned because
I don't follow the common guide to attraction
I want to love too
But why should I follow society's rules?
I want to be held
I want to cuddle
I am constantly asked, "How are you always so happy and chipper?"
Ironically, I am not.
Whenever I feel angry, I smile
Whenever I feel depressed, I smile
Whenever I feel taken advantage of, I smile
There is a word
With many names
It fills our goals
It can't be tamed
Some may say perfect
Some may say ideal
But others say flawless
Flawless is real
I am flawless
we live in a world of black and white with people living colorless lives hiding just out of sight husbands with perfect wives this is not the real world not the real me I live in color like a dream always hidi
She's not a beautiful girl.She has a big nose and a silly smile and sheDoesn't always say the right things at the right times. No, she's not beautiful.
It's all a lie.
People come and go buzzing around like little flies.
There is no school alike, but yet they are all the same.
They all spread rumors and play the same games.
I do not have an opinion
Because that would be
Picking sides
And once I have picked a side
Straight face, curved back
Deep breath in, and out again
That little blue dot on the wall has my attention
I squat down with the weight heavy on my shoulders;
I have colored myself the entire rainbow. I have been black and have came back numerous times.
This is why I am flawless.
Who is the real me? Am I the person who people look to for a good laugh when they’re feeling down?Am I the person who is there for my friends and family in their times of need?
Who am I behind the wall?
Trying to stay hidden from you all
I can come out but not be true
Hiding is all I can really do.
Its time to break down the wall
time to be myself and stand up tall.
Evidently, I did not fit in amongst the rest, after all this audition was but a large test
I am no superhero, but I wear a mask.
My mind is morbid and macabre,
My face is stoic and static.
What am I thinking? "Nothing," I will answer.
It's my inaction that becomes my reaction,
Forgive and forget,
I'm here when you need me,
I don't say things i'll regret.
friendship with me is free.
I'm open like a book
Listening is a key for success.
Just try for once and take a look.
I am flawless because I am me
My eyes are open to the world, but through my battered heart is how I see
I see the world for what it is and for who people truly are
Everything you say has so much meaning but I don't listen 'cause I don't want to think too much.
All you saw was rags,
All you heard was hunger,
All you said was "sorry",
All you thought was "homeless".
All I could do was wait,
wait to find someone else beyond that,
and learn to love them,
I am rebuilding what I have destroyed
Reveling in the beauty I have found
My scars are tales waiting to be enjoyed
My curves are more than just a breeding ground
I once wanted desperately to shrink
Why will you not leave me alone?
You are always there, even when I go home.
I need some time away to breath and just be,
Because with you I am not really me.
I sit at home trying to fight the fight,
Common Sense tells us that credit is only distributed to those who are successful,
But i say, when i was wonderfully made there was no succes in mind, just life.
The curtain I hide behind,
Is something you usually don't find.
It is not a hood or a mask,
for it is simply just a simple task.
That task is a mountain I must climb,
to help me get to my goal on time.
Tall. Blonde. Blue eyes. Skinny.
Make up on?
Good girl.
Deep breath.
Pull back the curtain.
Smile, damn it.
They have to beleive.
You cannot know me,
No matter how you try,
For I am only known to me,
There is more than meets the eye.
Inside the gilded cage,
Inside the enigmic mind,
No one knows my age,
I remember the time
The time I hid behind my so called curtain of protection
I remember the time
The time that I was too scared to look at my reflection
So scared of who I had become
Flawlessit makes me feel lawless.Like I could do whatever I want,and then just flaunt it.But I sit and think,what's that thing that makes me in sync?
Her hair, is the light which my eyes crave,
like a miner hanging onto a dead cannery.
Her skin, the silk I lust for,
like a foreign dignitary in a feudal japan.
Living under a facade is hard when it's all you've ever known.You trudge past the faces of todaywhile remembering the ones
Of course I have time to listen to your multitude of problems
It’s not like I could be doing hundreds of other more productive things right now.
Do you see the sympathy in my face?
"Break some rules, but don't break the law... Break the rules that society sets for you."
That's what he said. That's what he preached.
"What's the point of living if you want to be like everyone else?!"
I am bold, I am strong
I’ve been holding it back for too long
I am funny yet wise
The people that change for others are the people I despise
As I walk down this road
I look for a low glow
A free place in this world
With no judgement to speak.
When the sign that I hold
Is only for show,
They see me walking down the hall each day, a smile on my face with a Leather jacket to ace.
Listen, but do not look, for I can’t be seen
Forget the appearances for they aren’t what they seem.
I am Death, Life, Love, Hope, Sorrow, Grief and Despair,
She knows she is going somewhere, but is she? She knows she pushed hard, but did she move? Her legs carry her far, but to nowhere. Her talents drag her up a high mountain only to drop her down into an icy water fall that keeps falling.
On the stage stands a puppet that smiles frequently
With poise and impeccable posture
On the stage, she never neglects courtesy
Conscientious, preparing for the future
But behind the curtain
I changed my look
I changed my hair.
I changed for friends who won't be there.
I changed my smile
I changed my clothes
I thought my change would be worthwhile
The pursuit in life
Like our hopes and dreams
We must never lose sight
For if we do
We are no better
Than a simple rock
that has endured the weather
I am every flaw you could imagine. I am every mistake you could be part of. The path of life is crooked and beautiful; Just as it should be. That's what makes it flawless. What makes me flawless? I am not flawless; I am a beautiful mistake.
Tell me
What will it do?
Make me fly?
Make me sly?
Tell me
Who will see?
Who will hear?
Will they cheer?
Tell me
The real you is not liked,
Not admired, not of any importance.
You hide to be accepted,
I used to have more Freckles.
I suppose I quit spending so much time in the sun
When I was little they were something of a talking point, something to notice
When I was little I would marvel over them, show them off
She's ugly
She's a nerd
He's weird
He's such a loser
Judgement is surrouding us
wherever we go
It has shaped this world
when it shouldn't have
If we didnt judge people
Who am I?
Im a young girl
Happy as can be
Always smiling
when my friends are with me
Who am I?
Im a young girl
Drowning in sadness
consumed by sorrow
always crying
I don't want to be thrown in a box, Shoved in a closet and kept under lock.
I don't want to be labled, and carefully put in a cabinet, only to pop up when needed in action.
The true me is being smothered.
It’s been stuck under an ambiguous mass for some time.
It afflicts me.
I have yet to figure out where I went or when I lost myself.
And I remember being seven years old
Coming home from school the first time a boy called me ugly
the quiet girl, they all speak of
my thoughts parade in my mind
how can perfection occur when the world is no better
it is a race between time
a smile in public, but a frown alone
In My kennel I find peace.
I find the security I need within My leash.
This 5x5 has limits at least.
Limits reserved for powerful beasts.
Can limits imply that I am free?
She sat there in disbelief,
The things they had written were so malicious.
She read the words on the screen:
I found a doctor who doesnt believe a word I say
He asked what was wrong with me on this day
I replied "I see things that I shouldn't see
A world without sweet honey or bees
To sting"
I was misguided. My demons would taunt me. Convince me to wander on countless occasions. I'd roam around until they'd finally attack. They always did and always do, as soon as they see their chance. They feed on any sign of weakness.
I was misguided. My demons would taunt me. Convince me to wander on countless occasions. I'd roam around until they'd finally attack. They always did and always do, as soon as they see their chance. They feed on any sign of weakness.
the cold did not burn as she froze
but she wrapped herself in blankets
to thaw herself
as the rivulets ran down her thighs
she sighed
“warmth at last”
but from her cocoon she found
Looking over my shoulder,
Checking my pulse,
Fighting, fighting, fighting
The panic
Until I am afraid
Of my own fear.
Appear calm,
Inside I am screaming,
My mask is like no other
She smiles and laughs and jokes
But people don't even bother
Knowing the girl that chokes
On her tears
It ages her years
For this is me
Behind myself
I am the one that many people do see
As independent, confident and free.
But many don't know that deep inside
Is a scared little child, desperate to hide.
Behind the spectacle that many behold
"A", yeah, that's my initial.
It's the first letter that defines me.
Who I am displayed for the world to see.
But that's just on paper and computer screens.
Wave hello,
Be friendly,
Be bold,
Be perfect.
They expect that from you,
So you give it to them.
“What’s wrong?”
They ask, if you only slightly frown.
As I smile, it smiles. As I laugh, it laughs, but behind a mask a smile never lasts.
It never remains because of the pain- the pain of which I’ve endured.
Forgive me, Bluejay
I killed that bird,
because that bird was hurting me
it pecked here and there, Bluejay
but mostly stole my air
as it flew around my head
and kept me awake at night
Be the Change.
Stop the bullying.
Instead of tearing them down bulid them up.
Or say nothing at all.
An egg,
Smooth and white and
What's inside?
I can't tell you.
Let's break her open
And see the truth drip down our fingers.
Not drip.
Smoke, fog
Behind the Curtain I hide,
No one would like my other side.
There is worry, sadness, and confusuion.
No one sees my happiness is just an illusion.
I am not the same person with friends and alone.
"She is far too naive. She converses too
often with the sky, and eventually,
she will crumble."
I am shaking the terror off my skin
and I am digging up the words that have
If I were perfect,
I'd have a perfect personality,
A perfect smile, a perfect laugh,
A perfect complexion, a thigh-gap,
I'd be 1O pounds lighter,
I'd have perfect grades.
I stare at the mirror,
Trying to understand why everyone hates me so.
The people at school whispered and laughed.
The adults sneered and turned up their nose.
Surrounded by echoes,
I have nothing,
Nothing in the slightest, but thats alright,
if I have nothing, you can't take from me, right?
There used to be a curtain
But I tore it down
This is who I am
Someone who thinks inside and outside the box
I used to be afraid, I use to be "different"
They used to make fun of me
From behind the curtains i peek. Too afraid that people will see me. To be judged or booed of the stage. I would have to brave. From the beginning it has been a game of hide and seek.
Has Anyone Told You...
If Not,
Let Me Be The First!
Has Anyone Told You...
That They Love You
Let Me Be The First!
Has Anyone Told You....
That You Are Beautiful
Ha, yah that’s really funny, that joke you just made
Suicide jokes always are aren’t they?
You know what’s even funnier?
Being up at 4 in the morning on a school night
Trying to talk your friend out of suicide
I am me
I refuse to hide behind a curtain,
A mask, a wall, anything,
It's just not right.
I strive to show myself
In everything I do,
When people see me,
Bringing out laughter
Is what I am after
Audience laughters
Brings out the clown
The clown who cheers
To those who frowns
On the clown
A smile is painted
Upon the face
HIs darkness is imprisoning him,
It's so bad that he can barely breathe.
It's becoming good company
And it scares me 'cause it's taking him
Farther and farther away from me
Rescue me from this broken heart
And all that is dark
From this stolid state
And harm that awaits
Take me far away
To my happy place
Hopefully you're not too late
Rescue me
From the days I spent bathing
in warm light that danced around me,
freckles form fragmented constellations.
From the time I grew up
faster than my mother ever could have imagined,
I'm pushed around by a big mean kid, the bully of the playground
In my mind that kicks and hits and spits about the bits and pieces of me,
Once standing so tall, now a pile of self-loathing fragments, the kind that aphall
Wake up, repeat, sleep
to only live an obstacle piled heep.
Social by nature yet forced, into being competitve
and repetitive, made to think that "Yes" this is happiness,
Si ohW
Fo em sihT
Ma ?kaeps uoy mohW
I kniht uoy ohw I
Ohw I mA ?mA
I yas I
uoY ?mA
Ton dluoW
Ylf a truH
Dna tnuh I teY
We step forward
Out of the dark
No longer afraid
Of the people who stare
We take pride for who we are
Hand in hand
We take our stand
And speed our words
Words that will be heard
Cogs ticking, time whirling, deep thoughts imbedded in rich caves of dust
No one managed the day well enough
To pause, instrumentally plucking glass from the ground, to stop and smell the dirt of humanity or the
Skinny or fat
Tall or short
What makes us beautiful?
Is it the we carry ourselves?
Or how the media thinks we are supposed to look?
I can't hold a tune, dance, act, or play a sport
To the guys who think showing no emotion,either in their faces or their voices,is the masculine thing to do.To the girl in my high school gym class who wouldn't reach for the ball
What is beauty?
People say beauty is what's on the inside,
if that were true, I would be ugly.
I hide behind my mask of silky blonde hair and "flawless" brown eyes,
but who am I really?
It took me a long time and much painful boomeranging of my expectations to achieve a realization everyone else appears to have been born with: That I am nobody but myself.
I have to tell something to the world today;
The secret's out; I'm out; I'm gay.
For years and from some people it's been a secret,
Afraid I won't be treated as an equal.
The guilt is evidently
Non existent
I, honestly, could care less.
I pick up the broken pieces.
And dream of the better days
And yet I'm still adhesive
To my dreary ways
I have moved on from you,
4 years in a realationship with someone who actually care,
So why I am still scared of you?
I see you and I forget to breathe,
I even begin to shake.
In the depths of the soul there is a place
a place where the innocence lies awake
Where planes fly high in the heavenly space
a place where there is no time for a snake.
The depths of the soul hold something asleep
You wake up,
You don't know where you're headed.
It's a time that you understand,
But a time that is the hardest of them all.
The overcoming of life,
Of the depths that it causes.
You soar above them,
The sun beats down but it's cold as iceWinter winds break through my barrierWaiting for spring, waiting for warmthWaiting to bring down the wall I've builtChills run down my spine, frozen deep
I had hoped to stop hiding my face in a curtain of hair
So I chopped it off
But the struggles kept building and building
until finally collapsing on me like avalanches
The Locked Mind
They don’t really see me,
Only my vulnerability,
They look for a way to attack,
A way to take me down,
Find a way to make me drown.
I hear all the worlds probe my scars
they cant seem to get passed the "bars"
they can't see the happy parts
My mask is more like makeup.
I don't hide behind an imitation, there is no shell.
I conceal.
I hide the blemishes, blend them into
the background. I love to win, but no one
sees how much I hate to lose.
A smile on my face as the sun shines through,
Another wonderful day enters the room.
The same routine is what is done,
Halls. Long walls, windowless, and seeming to stretch for miles. There are people. Some familiar, and some strangers. Each face, friend and foe, I am afraid of.
Men and Women.
Sons and Daughters.
Overlapping lives trying to relate with one anther, judge one another.
We scratch and scrape, betray, abandon. Whatever it takes to reach the top.
I stand behind this curtain,
Talking, in different tones, voices
I dare not peak out to see you
And for you to see me
I stand beind this curtain,
Laughing, in different ways
The curtain's hurting my eyes
I never chose to hide my pride behind red velvet
I listened to that last monologue and felt it
The curtain is falling on me
I want to rise with every scene however the curtain
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,
He stands hollow and meek
Bear witness only to the façade of the curtain
It hides his faults, concealing truth,
My costume is the day to day
not Halloween, the holiday of the eternal smile
The eternal smile
Everyone looks for that infinite line
Dug under the infinite line is a bullet hole of compassion
Suicide is a action I feared ive come to Due to the pain and the hurt ive been through Sitting in the dark room with a knife in my hand Cuting and cuting again and again The blood drips and hits the floor Cant feel the pain anymore Im a fighter w
Unmask Me
Unmask me.
Unmask who I am.
Unmask who I was and will be.
Who I never was;
Who I wish I was;
Who others think I am;
Who I think I am;
I hide behind a curtain
because I'm afraid that others will see,
the person I truely am,
The person I want to be.
I hide behind a curtain
because I'm hated for what I am.
It's fair to say that at some point we all hide behind a curtain,
scared to show others the real person behind the mask,
because we live in such a judgmental world,
being true to yourself isn't always an easy task.
Masks are what we see.
My true self isn’t what it seems.
The mask I hide under is shown,
But my true nature is unknown.
What do I hide under my mask?
I am a man under a mask,
Raise the curtain
Dim the lights
Take the stage
And shine bright
Play the part
And look to the crowd
Put on your mask
But smile proud
Black satin covers drapping over me
I push away, but the
Layers upon layers only suffocate me more
Deep trenches of black
Blind opportunities to
Seek further in finding my footsteps
A Disability Awareness Day came my way,
“Let’s try that TTY machine,” I say!
An interest in ASL and the Deaf Culture you see,
How does one sign “A B C”?
A little while later in middle school,
The curtain so black
Mysterious to conceal
Minute inner thoughts?
What's to be hidden
Other than identity
I'm just curious.
Are you hiding thoughts
Or just feelings you're having
Why must the pain live on?
Why must suffering prolong?
Why not love
And be loved?
Why do I close that curtain to my soul?
“Don’t show them who you are.
Don’t let that side break through.”
Mr. Jolly, Always Happy
Happiest man alive He is never mad, never sad
He is no ones slave
But thats not me
thats what you see
There is more to my book
Happiness is elusive,
But I am conclusive.
I have found the equation
To make life as glamorous as a fiction.
Take all of the negative vibes from society,
Push them into the leaving air.
My world was trapped in a bottle before I knew
What world I was living in.
He lost himself in a bottle
She lost herself in his betrayal
Only a child, I cried for comfort
Who am I?
When everything I
was dies,
When everything I
thought I knew was a lie.
Who am I?
Who tries to be something she's not,
Who cried and fought
And in the end had
I will say this
You can make friends quickly
Other children being kind to you, they will
Offering you a spot in lunch generously
Oh that, how I miss
In your room, playing games happily
Lines upon lines of this beautiful art
Who's composition lies within the heart,
Of the artist.
No need to see or to view
For the beat plays through
His mind, His head,
There's nothing he can do
I see a girl looking back at me
young and youthful,
Bright and joyful.
she enjoys her friends
and the company they bring
yet knows theres more to life.
contemplating her future,
I play hide and seek, but only with me.
With my eyes closed, I refuse to see.
I stand under restless green leaves.
They sway and they shush and they bend with the breeze.
Plump soft lips are desired in the world,
I always wanted plump lips like my mom
so that I could show I am worth something when I let you in.
Soft kissable lips are desired by men,
Redifining, rearing its ugly head
Erie, empthying its color along my bed
Daring, coming alone and not dead
Red is the color of a crayon, and blood
Red is the name of album, and song
The letters I type, they form a word, and with the word, a sentence, correct?
The letters with strangely, no meaning alone
The letters without a home
The word with strange meaning behind
Hell ain't a place, but a word now used to describe the situation
Hell ain't nothing without a king, but now it has an emperor, a god, and leader.
Heaven is not a dream too far away, but a place I called my home
I see
I see the storm brewing around me without any grey clouds in sight
I see the crash bound to happen when speeding on an empty road
I see the shining light in the darkness that is wrongfully avoided
Life has its ups and downs as you know
Things can make me sad and they can make me happy
I want to be uplifted.
Perfect euphoria is within my reach when:
I stand in the clearing of a snow-cloaked forest
“Pay no attention to the face behind the curtain”,
Or the silhouette in the mirror,
eyes are the window to the soul, they say
you say you dont love me anymore,
that you could never come back,
you are lieing to yourself - and me
you cant come back because you never left
we all have that face
you know, the one we hide from the ones we love.
but who saves us from seeing it in the mirror?
who saves us from seeing that face when we close our eyes?
somenights i dream about killing you,
somenights i dream about kissing you
but - every morning i wake up breathless -
and alone
My veneer is my skin disguising
My indecisiveness tracing the outline of my cosine core
My discomfort following the dying reverberation of my laughing waves
Pay no attention to the woman behind the curtain,
her heart is filled with hurt, deceit.
A woman who's built a reputation and has standards none can match
Im only me.
Thats all I can be.
No more, no less, don't second guess.
I love, I live, I laugh, I cry.
Some days I'm funny, others I'm not.
Sometimes I sing and i can't stop.
Rough as a rock, nothing close to a diamond.
Trying to put on a front as if he didn't break her hymen.
He's constantly telling her that he loves her, but does she love herself?
People judge what they see
It cannot be;
it cannot be.
I hide behind
the fear of unfair judgment
Afraid to show their
true colors.
Stop the hatred
and the prejudice
This is Plea Bargain from a love torn apart,
Searching for someone, something to mend this broken heart.
As I send these words out, hoping they shall return,
I stand here shallow, a vessel, while my heart yet burns.
Surrounded by people stands the girl behind the mask,
Her smiling cheerful face,
Always a tiring task,
With her book in one hand,
And her music in the other,
Wanting to slip away,
So they walk with their heads down,
Or look up at the city lights,
The mirrors for their eyes
Reflecting everything,
For they have no feelings
On the insides.
A hand to them is a weapon
Have you ever thought?
This deep throbbing knot
It pulls and it pries
Deep inside the red door.
With a blink, a thought
Cold fingers on the knob
Did that get locked?
No muscles strong enough,
English is a language far too complex,
Ordinary man or scholar it will perplex.
It seems nothing will translate directly,
Because it cannot be expressed correctly.
When I was 13, and depressed, and suicidal, I missed five months of school.
Well, I was homeschooled. But I wasn’t at school.
Only my teachers knew why I was gone.
I had no friends.
phsycially i am strong
emotionally i am not
most of us are that way
we can endure many things
but we break down alot easier than we care to admit
i am a man with a secret that is breaking me down
Behind my mask is a girl who's afraid
This mask is what the bullies made
She can't even tell her best friends
She needs someone to make amends
For the pain she can't help but feel
I stand on the edge.
My hair whipping wildly in the ebony wind.
Whispering serenity.
Sanity crumbles under my bare feet,
Tumbling down
A picture can capture the beatiful scences created by nature. The scence might dissappear after a few seconds, so every picture is different and that's the beauty of the world.
I wish people would change,
Change for good
I wish people would love,
Love forever
I wish people would stop
Stop abusing
Yes, I wear a mask, who doesn't?
Mine changes from day to day though.
Samedays it's purple and somedays it's black.
Puple for the days when no one sees me,
When I can be me and express myself.
Believe what your eyes see, then you are a fool.
Each of us hides something, almost like it's a rule.
Hide it or risk ostracism, hide it or risk criticism.
The eyes are the first thing that you notice, then comes the whispers and you cannot unnotice this.
Outside there's a girl with her head held high,
but inside she hides behind shadows.
Outside there's a girl who has her life constructed,
but inside she's still trying to piece it all together.
She struggles each day to face the friend she hates. Watching people in the halls thinking they're laughing at her, she wants to hide. She wants to find a safe place.
when I was four, Dad taught me to read
before all the others
and when the teachers all found out
I felt really smothered.
even now if someone says
"Hey, look at what Cathy can do!"
Tell me about yourself.
Well I guess I'm perfect.
Well at least everyone says I am.
They say I'm perfect for my honor roll grades,
I stand staring in the mirror looking so hard as if my reflection might change. Leaving the breeding grounds that feed the sounds in my head. Slipping on a cloak of silence as I leave the house hiding the very things that make me, me.
I shall never comprehend what it feels liketo know that you could change everything,in just the same way that you could carve out life
Down far below in the cellar,
There is a window
I look out somtimes.
And I see my reflection-
My soul much like my foe-
Staring back at my imperfection.
It is here now in this cellar,
Who are you?Are you,Every mistake, issue, mess up you've ever dealt with.What about all of the opprotunities you've passed up?Every test you've failedAll the blunders you've gone through
Why cant i see what others see. I want to see what others say of me. They say your awesome, they say your great. But they fail to realize that I hold up a gate.
She is the girl that you see smiling in the hallway,
She laughs a little harder than others
She has always been there for others even if they arent there for her
That girl goes though every day wishing she was gone
Outside lives a girl with a smile that can brighten up the room,Yet, inside hides a girl with a frown full of despair.
I see the past as lessons
and I pray for blessings
that will make me strong for the future
I've made many mistakes
including acting fake
I can't believe I put my personality at stake
I am surrounded by the need to conform
But I refuse to
I will forever be unique
My mask is introversion
It shields me well
Because of it I am independent but often alone
We all hide our true selves in some shape or form
With make up , clothes, our persona- what we want other to see and know,
but not what we actually are
and very few knew
what was underneath
Ever wonder?
About the clap of thunder
That is never heard
Under the rustle of the wings of a bird?
A bird who goes just with the group
That follows loop after loop
Explore and dream and speak and learn
An image I've worked hard to earn
Good girl, hardly wrong, always strong
A reputation that makes you want to belong.
But I wanna be just me
To say it is a curtain
is to compare a match to a tree.
While one is simply shading you, the other is burning me.
I hide behind this made up wall
hoping to one day dissolve
into the very world i've created
Look at you,
You are beautful, naturally beautiful,
Even though you don't see it yourself,
I see the pain glimmering in your dark brown orbs you possess,
So much seen,
So much experienced,
I'm not your doormat
I'm not your fallback
I'm not soley here to comfort you
When no one else will deal with you
My accepting nature has becomea weakness
You don't really get to see
what happens behind these scenes
The shifting of bags
the scuttling of feet
powders, balms, lights, and cues
remembering to stand on the tape
meeting your gaze
On the outside I smile and laugh
But inside I am very sad
I look around and wonder why
I always want to lay and cry
My life is good. I’ve done good things.
But even the good can be crushed by
The young man in the mirror is me,
His broad shoulders show his age,
My head starts to question,
Is this my own reflection,
Which is staring me face to face.
The young man in the mirror is aging ,
Dreams hold my inner thoughts
From writing poetry beneath La Tour Eiffel to diving into the sky and touching the clouds
A human has two hands
Made to explore the land
And touch all that is grand
Shaping the world into a dream
In my thoughts I slip away,
as I jump off the dock of the bay!
With the tide slowly rolling in,
tasting salt water upon my skin!
Swimming across the water so blue,
my body changing into something new!
"Don't wear that it's too much black"
But I think I look fine
"Don't cut your hair it'll be too short"
I hate having long hair
"Don't listen to that music in which they constantly scream"
The room is pale and dull.
There is no noise.
Only the walls could hear and see.
Any yell or scream couldn't be heard.
Four empty corners.
No time is waisted.
There is no way out.
Suddenly the skies are blue,
The grass is green and the flowers grow.
Could it be that I'm finally happy.
I'm finally free,
I'm finally home.
I dont know about you, but I know about me.
It is time for me to speak, my head is filled with words,
But my mouth says otherwise.
My life contains unclimble peaks, out of this world,
But people tell me to clime to the skies.
Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain,
he does not have a say in what I do or what words come out of my mouth.
He is only there for the effect.
I sometimes ask myself what I'm doing,
Intimidation is the wall that separates her from the truth
To fit in she dresses to impress the ones who call her “lame”
What is lame anyway? It’s only a describing word, like perplexed, or shamed, but what’s in your soul?
Always be yourself
Take pride in oneself
Friends should not discourage
Only encourage
You should feel comfortable
Thats whats honarable
Always be yourself
Up there in the sky!
A canvas of grey, some splashes of white.
A sliver of blue,
That slips like a bullet straight toward me and you!
Standing in front of the mirror
Knowing who I am
But I feel like I'm lost
In this wonderful land
The prospect of independence,
The idea of alone time,
With no friends around,
I just do my own thing.
Everyday would be a new adventure.
Everyday would be something interesting.
Have you ever felt the kiss of a good book?
It's delectable--
the wispy yellowed pages caress your fingertips
My poem is uninspired.
It is boring; it sounds tired.
You may like it for its tons of rhymes,
But trust me, it ain't worth your time.
Now, ain't ain't a word,
But it's a word many have heard.
Beneath the lattice
Of heavy vines,
A garden grows
Where no sun shines.
No roses bloom
In neat, straight lines.
Weeds they call them
In groups like shrines.
A rabbit hole
I have always admired the strong.
We as a whole have been taught to idolize those who can carry the burden of thousands
and manage to exert unimaginable strength in pulling the corners of their lips into a smile.
Fingertips trace along the worn out, cracked wall,
I have it pinned up front where everyone can see.
“You’re boring”
I smile thinly
Returning to my book
It’s hardly a plot twist
I’ve heard this many times
I already know it’s true
But then they keep coming back
The curtain is green, white, and green
The comments ahead are obscene
Too tall, too quiet, too Nigerian
too rich, too poor, too different
Growing up, did your grandma cook grits?
No, fufu
Calmly and Gently,
Sure and Confident,
Happy and Together
on the outside
Shaky and Scared
Unsure and Questioning
Never to know
On the inside
The person I want to be
All my life a sea of white
At school and on teams
They ask so many questions
" Why is your hair like that?"
" Let me touch it!"
Expressing so many comments and opinions
Through their own ignorance
The tripod is set, and the camera is rolling
Count down starts as time is on going.
I look at the Lens from deep within
Watching my viewers who can’t wait to begin.
1 view, 2 views 3 even 4
Who are you to question me,
To tell me wo I should and ought to be?
Who are you to dictate my actions,
Decorating a chocolate cake
Forming teams for an intense water war
Pushing your brother in the lake
Playing hide and seek behind a door
Listening to music turned up high
Singing in a hot shower
The iron is my best friend, my goal is for the bar to bend
Training to maximum potential, my possibilities are exponential
Conquering my goals vehemently, proper nutrition and training frequently
Last night I looked at you
And I could feel it
I could feel the love that filled my entire body
The kind that made my days
the kind that made my toes curl
The golden hue of a time forgotten
Silver shades of today,
Together they meld into the generations of my family.
Charcoal shadows give character to the night
While white light bathes the day in hope.
Let’s play pretend
Let’s pretend we’re explorers, roaming through uncharted territories, undiscovered scars
There's a picture in my head
I will gain it when I lose
Every piece given will be a mighty win
Fighting through pangs and frailty
A crown awaits
But then I climb the pedastal
The world
Is so...
What I've been taught to fear
And what I hear
When there's killings,
and beatings
Smells like melted butter
A pinch of cinnamon
The local newspaper headlines
Events that will only be known within a five-mile radius
Hesitant sunshine dipping into the kitchen
In the silence of the black night
My eyes follow the black ink
On crisp white sheets
And I see a world of possibilities
Imaginary and alive.
Yesterday I was a Celtic warrior
You could say that everyone thinks of me as a little crazy; simply because they don't understand me. I spend my weekends with my best friends, but we do not talk to eachother, we speak to eachother in a hidden language.
Sometimes I wish it was possible to
freeze time and live in a single moment
for forever. Like today,
today I stuck my head out the open car
window, listened to the leaves crackle
With its permanent power of emotional resonance, I have not a negative thing to say of music. To proclaim that music is not the ultimate cure for any broken soul is but an act of nonsense.
I'm suffocating
I’m drowning
My cells collapsing
I’m being dispersed
Becoming air
I am almost nothing
My art encourages me,
And amplifies my sound.
It embraces me for who I am,
And makes me feel free.
Unbound to the troubles that exist in this world,
Lost in time itself,
That is who I become.
What is a friend?
If you are unsure, I can tell you more?
Friends are not selfish
This I can say for certain
My Friends are not the normal type
They are loud, proud, black and bright
Black Crow Roar Me Your Song
Should I fly? Should i soar?
This bird stays caged no more
Like a phoenix, a fire lays dormant inside
Notes running frantically, jumbled up in my mind
A day has not gone by
Since I been apart from you.
Waking up to your sweet aroma
Arouses me with joy.
The moment you touch my tongue
I feel shivers through my spine.
Every time you met my lips
swing sets---have this way about them
when you’re up in that momentary air
you can reach up and catch infinity
before sewing it into your pockets.
-----for that split second
gravity has nothing on you.
What makes Anonymous happy
is not anything sappy
except for the two preceding lines.
What makes Anonymous happy
is to see others happy--
if only they would be happy for the truth.
Senior year:
The year of heavy-body, tear inducing stress.
The year of supposed fun that nobody has.
The year of being top dog over nothing.
Is that all I have to look forward to?
What is it that brings me joy?
It's rather quite simple,
It's just being who I am.
I am a dancer,
A writer,
An artist,
A cyclist and a linguist.
My passion is in living
When my name be tied to success
My spirit shall soar past the sky.
Forever I am free of stress,
When my name be tied to success.
Living a life of nothing but lies is living a life where everyone hides.
Hide behind those bright blue eyes, hide behind those clear blue cries.
She is strong she is bright she is thin she is light,
Knowing you’re waiting for me at home makes my day seem torturously long.
When I walk in the door, I know right away I need to find you—I’ve been craving you for hours.
Schools in session,
Welcome another year,
Almost time to go,
Yet my homework pile contiues to grow.
SLEEP, what is that?
FUN, what is that?
LUNCH, hardly get that!
If my emotions traveled up a ladder,
Then my feet would be debate
Biting and electrifying against
the wooden rungs as I fight to emancipate
from the acceleration of Gravity, now commenced.
Some see the winter breeze as the coming of change,
An end of the sun drenched days,
Start of educational imprisonment.
No more seasonal freedom.
But they are wrong.
Winter is:
I need to get my feet out of the sand
It's time for teachers to teach.
I need to leave these foreign lands
It's time to hear reuniting friends screech.
School has began,
I'm proud of all the effort that I put into my mental well being.
The previous despair that kept me frozen and unseeing
is easily done away with due to my new medication.
There are thousands of songs
With cheerful melodies
And smiling musicians
That say to lighten up
The world isn’t a bad place
It gets better
The list goes on
In your mind you have a place
One that only you can access
Scenarios that never come to light
Things that only you can imagine
A place where you can be happy
Reality hits, and you're back
What illustrates happiness in my life
May be completely different than yours.
I've encountered enough to know now
Sometimes we must make windows out of doors--
To see the light by allowing in hope
A beautiful life is one which is adorned in words,
With no words would be,
No "I love you"
With no words would be,
No promises,
With no words would be,
No memories,
My main source of uplifting comes in the form of an object
which you may not expect.
It consists of a cover and pages filled with words,
Yes, it is a book, and perhaps I am a nerd.
I am uplifted by Music.
If I can put in my earphones, I do it.
If I can replay a song that energizes me, I play it.
Music is my outlet, Music is my Forte.
When I was born, my soul was full of crack and cocaine
Six months premature, those drugs nearly murdered my brain
You called my mom? Mom like a stranger who gave me life
Hand in hand.
Soul to soul.
I read to escape reality
Yet another builds up around me
It engulfs my being and doubts my existence on Earth
Oh no! The words flew from the mouths of bystanders seeking the cause of the accident. Not me. The bitterness of my salty tears flowed down my face like a thunderstrom swirling in my soul. Not emotional tears. Laughing tears.
Seeing you is like looking up into the sun.
You're so bright and warm, and you light up my life.
Hearing you is twice the fun.
There we were, on the last day
I knew leaving them was my only crime
But I told them, “Until next time!”
Even so, the fact remained: I was going away
The memories rush back to me
I remember it was a Thursday.
It rained for a while, but we made the best out of it.
You made me truly laugh, which hadn’t happened in a while.
An infinity or a figure eight.
Your fingers always seem to trace.
As if you’re trying to unlock a gate.
Your fingers trace perhaps a face?
A trace made only by your hands.
I remember like yesterday, it was 2013
I was on the mock trial team, you know what I mean?
I'm talking judges, lawyers, witnesses, directs
With a pencil in hand, I sit with a mind wide open
The blank space lays patiently until I see the lines
behind my eyes ready to melt through my fingers.
Tip to page, the graphite wears thin
Out of all that makes me happy,
I include scenarios I make in my head.
The stories I dream, thinking at night,
Laying alone in my bed.
If you haven’t done this, give it a shot,
As a elementary student I read books to get gold medals
It was for competition, climbing academic levels
However my competitiveness turned into a love affair
Books became my escape from despair
Different aspects of life, new born babies that are born with innocence.
Smiles that are filled with joy and excitement
the sweet, sweet candies I devoured as a child, that left me with nothing but delightment.
Schadenfreude was the word to describe joy for me.
But is it really pain I enjoy watching?
It is because they are the one to suffer and not me?
Its a terrible habit but yet it is a guilty pleasure.
My education makes me happy
if it wasnt for education I would'nt even have a temptation to pursue what I want to become
In the dying hours of every day
I find myself cheered
By the details of the world:
An open voice,
I lay across the grass, a book in my hands
A breeze spreads over me as I am transported to a different land.
A magnificent work of art,
An abstract painting up above.
Bringing peace and serenity,
And happiness and love.
A resplendent spectrum of colors,
An inspiring, heavenly sight.
Art is like a bird learning to fly
Or learning to ride a bike or read a book -
One of those skills that,
once learned, can never be forgotten.
But first, it must be found.
Bright lights blind her tired eyes
which have only just awoken
from a restless slumber
caked in disdain
The tedious transmutation
is set to begin
The blueprint is embedded in the sculptor’s mind
Mother Earth spreads her children far and wide.
Their existence is well-known by but few.
My discovery the groom; they the bride.
I'm trapped by society.
A society that works much like a beehive.
The world follows this unknown queen with lingering questions left upon their lips.
Our life is a cycle,
a pattern of actions and commands.
Atop the steepest hill, my hand comes off the brake again.
And I move slowly at first,
But that soon changes.
I Pity the wind that
tries to stop me
as I go faster:
faster than
I told you
I love you
but the wind tore the words apart
they landed scrambled
in the ears of another man
they said something else.
Some words were like that.
theres this thing out there called honesty
and i tried to do it once with this kid who turned out to be just another flea
seriously fuck rhyming im very angry about this
I dreamt that Summer crept into my room
One Fall night
Betwitched me into bed
sung me sun-struck
and kissed me
(I think I made it up inside my mind)
She drowsily whispered
To never be perfect for anyone.There is always one person who will.Hate.To know hate at a young age,then to petrayupon another is,inhumane.From a child to now,people glare.
When I watch golden, fluffy dandelions turn into white puffs in the wind,
I think of our finite days on our finite planes that have to finitely end.
They curl in and out,
Deep and Slow.
Sliding over your tongue,
Gliding around your teeth.
They take death in,
And let life creep out.
Soundlessly labored,
They huff all about.
Without me, they say,
It makes me happy and makes others sad
I drive gas and they drive hybrid
I get dirty and they get nerd
I modify and they replace
I love my old car
I consider myself to be an artist in every facet of my existence
My art is my everthing; not confined, it's unbound, not grounded but profound
I see a place with mountains higher than any cloud,
a place where silver rain falls like a widow's tears.
My feet will hit the ground like singing thunder
through a radiant curtain of opaque shroud,
Oh dream maker
You heart breaker
My Mexican pride
I will never hide.
El conquistador de México
Leader of destruction
El veneno toxico
That killed our nation.
One of the greatest pleasures in life, Bagehot told me, is doing what people say
I love to prove them wrong.
In that dark roomat the end of the never ending hallway,laying in her white sheets, in nothing but a gown,all alone,with the clicks and clangs of the cold machines,the rhythmic beeps taunt her.
We may ask ourselves "Where do I belong?"
Where are those people we surround ourselves with in order to make us strong?
I failed to find my home, a place to come together
I love the groove of the bass,
and the crashing of the drums.
It all brings a smile to my face,
and it makes my mouth hum.
The melodies reach out,
the rhythms twirl around me,
The sun peeping through my window as my 6:40 alarm clock goes off. My coffee brewing as I get ready to leave for school. The 14 freckles that take up your face. The kisses my puppy gives me when i come home.
Staring out the window
the snow dances quietly in the pitch of night
beyond the sparkling lights in the Christmas tree
The smell of hazelnut and cocoa
laces the air from the steaming mug on the living room table
As Summer comes to a close and Fall flowers arose my mind lingers on those who were taken by bros.
When family hurts family the pain that I feel is stronger than I can yield and my knees buckle to my heels.
I can’t help but laugh when people say they know me.I can’t help but choke back a storm of words and instead just,simply nod my head and agree.Yes, of course you know me.
Summer has gone,
with that warm gulf breeze.
And, fall has arrived,
turning leaves in the trees.
My carefree days,
spent out in the sun,
now replaced by a classroom,
Music that matches my mood
Riding shotgun on a road that's smooth
Feeling the sunlight touch my face
Slipping converses on and tying the lace
The stars that twinkle overhead
The Crow's the one who tells the story
With fleeting ebony wings, he comes
To torment the mind
He brings all nightmares into reality
Fates ebony angel
His eyes see straight into the soul
I try to speak outAgainst discriminationAgainst wordsOf hatredAnd humiliationOf racismAnd against hurtI try to speak upI try to speak outAnd I AM upfront about
Behind me is me
If only they could really see
that my beauty is skin deep
not all is just vanity
when I take off my makeup
and let my hair fly free
I know behind the me they see
I am a secret
even to myself.
I am darker
than I can accept.
I chase butterflies
and good causes
to run from my
My rules are set.
people see me walk, they watch me everyday,
tell me how I should do life, but in a different way,
This infinite self
resonating through eternity.
I made you both from scratch
and you are both so much more
than me.
My sweet serious boy
who hates mess
and craves preservation.
Deep within the shadows there's a me you've never seen
She hides within the darkness shrouded in endless mystery
I keep her locked up nice and tight
she never sees the light
There's just no guarantee
Guillotines and personalities
I'm condemned to commit to the same fate as the Hydra.
One face down and yet two more rear
Oh how they argue
the stress of the norm,
to conform,
is too much for them to bear.
Basketball takes desire, dedication and heart.
Then you'll be at the top of the chart.
It takes a coach, captain and team endeavoring to do it's best.
When the game is over you can rest.
Mirror mirror on the wall
Do you see me thin and tall?
School is rough, the kids don't see
The person I'm truly destined to be
I try and smile or force a laugh
All behind a face that's masked
The hour glass flips over as soon as you're born
Time creeps away like nocturnal raccoon
You go about life like a winding staircase
At first you take caution with every landing you reach
As an Autumn slowly secedes,
Partners of snowflakes begin their
Annual waltz amid the breeze.
While they but merrily glide,
There is something separate outside.
A roar from the audience
Turns my stomach into knot's
The curtain is lifted
And I am all they got.
The night was dark and the ground was cold
the day the rocks shifted and shook in their place,
breaking up buildings and streets and cars and
I wish you would know to love yourself
before you learn to love the boy down the street
with eyes like gems too easily broken.
Come in baby blue, barefoot.
Leave your shadow on the threshold,
grip the edges of a sweet brass
Golden honey sunsets,
The delightful salty breeze caressing my cheek,
Flowers lining every corner in every imaginable hue,
What could be better?
The beauty of the elements engulf me
" He leadeth me beside the still waters."
My first time at the pool
" Do not run! " she says
"Jump with me Rissa! " my little sister yells
The bubbles surround my face
The delay is over and the chapter of adolescence we've all anticipated has come to breath;
We say we have it all planned out but do we really know
five years later will it be the way we thought it would
we both know we don't want to go in all alone
but are our dreams leading us upon two differńt roads
Look at my face:
She is the sun, all summer and youth -
light and warmth, all beauty and truth.
Flowing chiffon and flowering lace,
daisies and lilacs, all spring-time grace.
I am a solitary girl
In my own little world
But other people
Were always in my way
My parents tell me that
I am a free agent
I will never tie myself
Down to a guy
Push it down, the urge to run
Put on the mask, hide the real you
It's not like they care, anyone
The person who you become with them you rue.
Painted faces, glances backwards, whispering
What do you see when you look at her Most would say a soldier indeed But behind every smile is a story
Stumbling through the labyrinth of pine,
I am abruptly greeted by the water’s edge,
And the overpowering beauty of color,
Intouched we see
a heart that beats
bounces to him
where the sun
pure bleeds
never touched
but seen
In touched we see
there in sleep
odor of crys
there in pure heat
I wear a mask, thick as leather
Beneah the seams fear keeps the mask together
No scars lie behind this invisible shield
A single word is all that's concealed
The summer days are over.
School has just begun.
But, Who says we can not have fun?
When the leaves fall, we will run and play.
But, when it's too cold out inside we will stay.
I am true.
I am true to the person living inside of me.
I am loving.
I am comfortable in my own skin.
I am a fighter.
I fight for my wanting.
I never give up on challenges that hurt my being.
Your seats will be in section C
Furthest to the left, third row.
If you have any questions don’t bother asking
Just enjoy the show
Tonight’s act features a girl misunderstood
I love the sharp pain
And the loud bang
Of a laced leather glove
Driving through your brain
Many call it " the salvage science"
I call it organized violence.
Blank notebook pages,
Crisp, clean, unwritten phrases.
The slick ink flows as the pen goes.
Across the page, inscribed the future.
Senior year is finally here,
a year full of shout and cheer
It's hard to believe our time is near,
My baby brother's smile can brighten anyone's day.
He can make the sky seem sunny, even when it's cloudy and grey.
There once was a happy turkey
His name was Mr. Quirky.
He was born in the winter
with neither brother or sister.
It was Christmas Eve night
and Mr. Quirky shook a box with delight.
My heart melts when it looks through yours.
Your smile, Your glare, You're swell.
There are days when I can't get out of bed
When I can't seem to focus on one thing
When the only thing I want
I can't have, I can't do, I can't even begin to understand
The first time I met you, you were going on and on about potato salad
my complexion pallid, nose wrinkled, you didn't notice how much I hate potato salad
you shoved it into your mouth claiming you could eat buckets, gallons,
I am nothing.I am scum.
I am stupid. I am ignorant.
And be sure to remind me how much you despise the fact that I walk this earth, breathing.
I am a person, but be sure to ignore what is me
I am kind.
forehead on cool white
falling cathedrals in your synapse
burning communion and
crumbling pews
there is
better than this
smash those tired lips
Find me in this maze I call my home.
Remind me why I stay.
Lying about all the things I felt Yesterday.
The simplicity of a laugh
The commonality of a smile
Rejoice in the beauty of life
Because it is worth the while
Life can be so short
As we already know
It's okay to be affectionate
Once upon a time, there was a girl who tried to rhyme
About her life’s journey.
With all her soul, she wanted to reach her goal
Of healing those on a gurney.
She went to college to get some knowledge
Rivers meet,
Rivers leave,
Never know where one might lead.
Back and forth, never sure,
Like relationships, never pure.
Fights and spats,
Imagine that.
No one's perfect,
Call it what you will, be it heartless or insanity,
But I find no point at all to exist.
It's been fun, in a way, just to be,
Yet on this I must insist.
1)It's funny how things always
Go from bad to even worse.
It's like everything She touches
Inherits her curse.
I was always perceived as a happy child
Because I always smiled
I never wanted my anger to show
I preferred to let my happiness glow
I tried looking on the positive side of life
Always arriving early,
ready to start the show.
Water bottles in hand,
Athletic trainers are always ready to go.
Early August practices,
in the heat of summer days.
Every sport is covered,
Always arriving early,
ready to start the show.
Water bottles in hand,
Athletic trainers are always ready to go.
Early August practices,
in the heat of summer days.
Every sport is covered,
There was a band
That originated from the U.K.
They played rhythm and blues
Every night and day
Bill Wyman is the oldest one
But Charlie Watts is a lot more fun
Average American girl, that's what people see.
They feel as if they know me, but truly they do not.
Judging me like they judge a cover of a book.
Hurling rocks at me waiting for my complexion to break.
Bam, Bop, Slam.
The doors were shut tightly behind me.
Lock and key and keyed and locked.
It was this day that I left behind that I realized I was not meant to be a lover.
I was not meant to be a lawyer.
Do you remember that smile?
When my words jumped a mile a minute and I didn’t have to think before I said a thing
Do you remember madre?
How every day I would sing the same song?
Don’t you remember?
Sleep is the joyIn which I have foundEqual footingOn unequal ground
I’ve turned the lightFor the last time tonight
Huff huff huff, her little nose twitches, black button eyes blink.
Scare her, and into a ball she will shrink.
Her quills will poke you and your hand will sting.
She’d rather be hibernating up until spring.
My fingers clutch at the curtains physically pulling with all my might to rip them open
But my mind keeps them closed
Pay no attention to the girl behind the curtain
She is the one who cries herself to sleep at night
Who try's her best to please everyone
I draw all day
If only my work would pay.
Doodle all over the page
Assignments are a cage.
I'm an artist I should say.
When I go through the drive thru,
I always see you there
When I roll down the window,
I smell you here and there
All I eat is YOU
No burgers, shakes, or nuggets
You are w
Though the summer's haze has slipped away into the south,
I still taste salt on my mouth
In remembrance of summers day,
They say it's impossible to change
They say you always stay the same
But what would they say if they knew
Of the change that I had gone through
On that insignificant late August day
I am not who I should be,
The way I put the me in mean,
Hurting those who on me lean,
Lord you must help me.
Being this way, a jerk
To those who look to me,
Lord please set me free,
When you see me, Am I invisible?What am I?
You conversate to me like you know me.But do you know?
Seeing little children playin' outside is what make me happy.Laughin', Smilin', Runnin',and carrying on.
I have no shame of who I am.
and people see me but despite of my wonderful soul, i am invisible to those who are important.
I am to true to myself but I still hide behind a mask.
I often hide
behind a false identity.
They think I'm boring,
because they don't know anything.
If they could only see me
for who I truly am.
But I won't allow it,
because sadly, I'm too fat.
If only, if only, is what I find myself saying almost every day. If only she liked me for myself and not the money I have? If only he liked me for myself and not for my body?
Anticipation thicker than the white smoke
Flashing strobe lights that dazzle your eyes
Raise your voice from the depths of the pit
Mingling with the entire crowd’s cries
Standing united for one purpose here
If I tried, I could fly.
I'm sure of it.
If I tried, I could dance.
I know it.
But, I am here. Behind the world.
Waiting, waiting, waiting.
If I tried, I could cure cancer.
I have faith.
Freshman year was a big doorway,
As I walked the long dark hallway.
Spent most of my time memorizing my locker combination
Because I was not use to my location.
I was rushing to make a best friend,
A hot summer's day
Sun scorching and sizzling
The air thick and humid
My long hair is frizzing
I hear the sweet jingle
As you come my way
The yello ice cream truck
is saving the day
Inside i cannot hide,
it’s only an illusion that life is on my side.
Red roses, Blue skies,
looking at the sun, hiding behind that line.
Late nights, early mornings,
all apart of life,
studying to win that prize
All A's, No B's
Trying to make them smile
It might be nice.
That's what I've come to think, yes.
If I could buy myself some silky thick skin I'd spare no expense -
I'd wear it for days.
Many a chain store, botique and secondhand shop I've searched
My captain, Where art thou?
The plank thee walk so freely
Down that narrow path, overboard.
Thine eyes they must deceive me.
On a Saturday morning, I wake at nine,
My stomach growls and I'm ready to dine,
I smell the breakfast in the air,
The smell is pleasent, but first, a prayer,
I close my eyes and bow my head,
English is a dying subject
Eradicated by shortcuts and slang
Vocabulary is no longer lengthened
Choosing to ignore what is correct
I, remaining exempt from idiocy
Fighting illiteracy with a vengeance
A facade, that's all you see
A trick for you to believe
Behind the mask, I am
Waiting for you to realize
I am not the oblivious fool
Nor am I a wandering tool
What you do not see, I am
Has anyone ever told you don't let sex make you a mother before love makes you a wife?
If they haven't then thats the reality of life.
The trees are dying and the
Streets are quickly filling up with
Dead bodies. The stench of money
is in the Air and the water drips red onto
our blackened palms.
I wake up in the morning and choke
I cover my mouth with my hand.
My body quakes with silent laughter. My eyes twinkle in amusement. My eyebrows rise in happiness.
I told you about my soul today and
I thought it was very funny because if
you replace one
Letter to becomes soil and I
think that's wonderful.
What's wonderful? You ask. Well the
I wear old coats of treason and
Smiles made of brittle silver on the Cliff. all
the Fish talk to me as if I am who I say I am.
They gobble it up one by one and I
hide away in the night with my words
Kids disappear, in a blink of eyes, of party involvement. a dor da depressão é um envolvimento do desastre de imperfeição. La depresión de honestidad me hace sentir como una basura. Tears flowing.
The sunset slowly disappears from my sight,
tears roling down my eyes,
my feelings for you, they seem to stop, as the moon.
When I first started my first job this past week, I never imagined myself crying everyday after work
The very first day of work I was a trainee and I was very nervous of course
Maybe life ain't all it's cracked up to be,
Maybe it's not all sunshine and smiles,
Maybe that is a mask for what life really easy.
Life is like a cave, dark and dreary,
Life is like a hurricane destroying a soul,
Maybe life ain't all it's cracked up to be,
Maybe it's not all sunshine and smiles,
Maybe that is a mask for what life really easy.
Life is like a cave, dark and dreary,
Life is like a hurricane destroying a soul,
On the outside,
People around me can see a large smile,
Which is planted on the "mask" I wear.
Those people are smiling as well.
They're laughing, joking around,
And sharing lasting memories.
I love you...
Im not just saying it so it can be spoken
but im saying it to be heard
dont misinterpret my feelings
cuz i mean what i said and i said that i love you.
A mechanical pencil is all I need.
To draw out what's floating in my mind.
So go out there and get me tons of them.
Because I'll show you my little world that's still a work in progress.
My hand is tattooed with the evidence of my pencil.
It is stained with the purpose in my hands.
The dents in the paper grow deeper, darker, thicker.
My mind wanders.
Soft, careful, lovely.
"Lets get a selfie."
#__ #___ #___
What is #?
Is it a symbol of peace in which two fingers combine to make a conjent peace sign?
Is it to make your statement sound exciting to get likes?
Starting from struggle
A single mom, an unknown figure
Working seventy hour weeks
For food on the table
Creating a home
Focused on God, He who created us
The sun rose in the west that day,
Though some say it did not.
It rose above the quiet valley village
And it rose above the mountains
That encircled it.
The dark birds watched it rise too;
A mask,
is not just something you wear on your face,
it is what can covering up the true you,
Why wear this mask?
Why do I wear mine?
I wear my mask to hide my fear,
my fear of failure.
You're beautiful. You may not see it, but every time I look at you, you captivate me like no one else.
Unlike most of what I write, this isn't about the heartbreak I've felt from the harsh loss of a boy who didn't deserve to break me in the first place.
Oh how I wish someone would find me
the real me
behind the cutian I stand
I see a petty man
but that is not me
I am not who you see
but you understand
you to must know I wish to be free
The power within me has lifted me through it all,even when it felt like I was going to fall. Through it all I've learned to grow with you. You hold me up when it's time to rise and you give me space to shine.
A shy girl who was often bullied;
criticized for the way she dressed,
way she talked, way she walked...
The leader of a world that no other person has seen;
She is a mastermind in hiding...
The deep, agonizing thoughts swarm around my head as if they are bees.The dark memories cloud my brain to the core, keeping me from seeing the reality around me.
Why leave?When the cover of the curtain so soft like satin can hide youAlways hidingBecause the reality of being found out is terrifyingAnd the curtain is soothing
I am not just me, I am also we.
We have been here all along.
Protector, Innocence, and reason.
There is no fallacy here. No mask or curtain.
Just acceptance and innovation.
Many people are a 'we'
Asking what makes one happy could be dangerous. << 8 word story. I could use insightful quotes and give the author the glory.
Maybe am just to shy,
or I might be a little too scared.
But no one really notices that am there.
I hide in the shadows ,
so I wont be bothered.
I just hope that one day these people actually get to know me.
The first pluck of the string,
The first note they sing.
The first melodic tune that enters my brain;
That's the beginning of my awakening.
I'm transported to a world unknown,
At first it was all a peice of cake,
then i realized i was insane.
Most of the time i just want to give up.
When did life get so tough?
I started to belive I couldn't do it,
Saturday is adventure day.
Dad rises early, bustling around
up and down the house with morning business.
Coffee, Cheerios, newspaper.
He rouses the rest of us with a beloved relic from his Navy days.
It's amazing how many people you meet in this life.
How different they all are.
How attatched you can get to some,
Or how you detest the actions and quirks of others.
Then when you experience a loss or gain,
We all search for that lighthouse
When we're hopeless, in need of direction,
it's not there.
When you close your eyes and imagine,
you can see the light.
You find it.
Life is chaos.
Every twist and turn brings the unexpected.
Sometimes for the better,sometimes for the worst.
Yet life always pushes us forward.
Hope, fear, love, dreams.
To support her life, she had to sell herself.
She spent those long, horrible hours with strangers.
With no respect from her peers or kin
She had to eat her food out of can made of tin.
The story of life goes like this..
When you're young , life is so exciting and full of wonder
As you're in the backseat of your parent's car you wonder why the sky is blue
My curtain hides so much it has tears
Behind my big 18 year old happy body
There is a depression, overweight girl
The depression from a love who passed way too young
Shattered glass isn’t always what it seems, it chips and cracks
It was once one full piece, nothing could ripped away
I see storms of furry waves of the crashing sea
Yes I'm black, that doesn't mean I'm vulnerable to attack,
I'm just like you, a human, red blood, emotions and a moving figure,
The scarlet and the gray,
The pride in the students' eyes,
The joy and laughter from friends and faculty,
The halls full of chatter and classes that matter,
Having fun throughout the day,
Don’t all people hide behind curtains?Ones that appear physical, invisible,Some even palpable.
Rain falls in bursts,
Or perhaps just in trickles.
The pitter-patter of droplets
form a cascade of sounds.
The crickets are quiest
but not for long
But drowsiness is coming
I'm all about the sunshine,
it's hot tounge rolling down my spine,
the citrus smell of sumer
like peeling back an orange rind
but when the snow inevitably falls,
Can I Be Anymore Excited
A Senior
Thats What Everyone Is Calling Me This Year
I Am Graduating High School, I Am DONE My Childhood
Young Adult, I Love The Sound Of That
How long can it take
For one to go insane?
Who knows? Don’t we all take
the trip down ‘Crazy Lane’
Things start to appear in your eyes
The truth is it’s all in your mind
I’m the person sits quietly listening to everyone
The one that they ignore never realizing I’m there
Wishing to come out from this cursed shell
I could start with the things that are petty, the things of no use
But those things that elate me, their structure's too loose
No real thought, no passion, and no feeling can be found
Faint memories of the times we had.
Now that I have moved out, I dearly miss it.
Laughing, feeling entertained, joy
We would spend forever together.
Just thinking about it makes me happy and fulfilled.
There are some things I will never forget.
Ten years from now,
your smile as we walked through the park
is all that I'll have left.
I am grateful for the potency of these images,
For a second, pay attention
I can tell you that life is hard and easy
I can tell you stories about pain and happiness
I can tell you that these things exist in the same place
But would you believe me?
Watching the moon fall as I rise,
my mothers weary, loving eyes
The way my friends embrace me,
as if it has been years
The way my algebra homework
reduces me to tears
I accidentally let my mental illness define me.
I didn't mean for that to happen.
I don't believe in hiding the face that I am depressed,
that yes, it's a real thing,
Every day I wake up
My first thought is that I must put on my mask
I have to hide my imperfections for a society with a predilection towards perfection
I neglect food, sleep, my passions and needs
Dare I delve
into my mind
to find an inkling of
In a life touched by so much hate,
The Girl Behind Her Tears & Fears
18 years old, her mom walked out that door, she didnt want to be there anymore.
Have you noticed me yet?
The little burst of purple in that crowd,
the one with her arms stretched high over her head.
The one playing back directly whatever command the band gives.
What if they find out?
What if they see?
The deepest despairs
that dwell in me?
What I don't show
They needn't know
All that they see,
I feel I am still asleep
as I walk these white washed halls,
wishing the summer I could keep,
wishing I wasn't here at all.
With summer's end brings the books,
the homework, the restless nights,
It drifts by my ears and enters my weary soul
It plays soft and slow
caressing my fears and pain
It soothes the broken places
It makes me float
High above
all these troubles
It is music
My shelf of secrets is tucked away behind a black veil
Never to be discovered if I'm in control
Living is not living unless you are happya life that is fragile is worth timeI was put here to spread the truth.
You taste…
Like the summer home,
Grass overgrown,
And all alone.
We stand…by the Oceanside,
Life passes by,
Our hearts collide.
You taste
Like a bitter end,
I had carved names in the wood,I came back to find them healed.I go by a different name now,but the roots of his seed he wateredis poison.
Somewhere inside of here
Is that sweet girl with sandy brown hair,
Living happily with no fears,
Trusting everyone that comes near.
But most never get the chance to meet this girl
Christmast time.
The best time of the year.
Growing up in Arizona,
Christmas also means some enjoyable wheather.
Decorating the Chrismast tree,
Everyone is happy and full of cheer.
I'm tossing stones of content through ears of the broken
So why do I feel so alone in crowded rooms,
My character's impotent.
I'm a stranger at home who can't find his place in life.
The Light of summer closes its doors
What remains are pictures on the walls and floors
Memories, and excitement
Happy incitements
Glistening in the back of my mind
Happiness intertwined
Disgust takes over my body,
Ugly and Fat yell at me- angry.
I try to tell them I'm under stress,
I'm a protector, though it may not seem
like this feeble stature can hold up the theme,
I strive to preserve, to keep and to hold
the balance of nature in all times and all folds.
I've heard a word used most everyday,
During work and amid my play.
A word so strong it knows no bounds.
What am I hiding?
Can't you tell?
A secret so big,
Hidden deep where I dwell.
Something I want to share,
You, Them, Everyone
Stops me.
MathThe one subject that I wish didn’t existThese numbers, they hate me, drive me insane!Why do they exist? They literally are labels and math should die.
I watch the clock move backward,
Minutes go by in the blink of an eye,
Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick.
There goes life.
While time slows,
I pick up my pace.
Another year to go,
A smile doesn't mean happiness
Often a mask for desolation, it seems
pearly whites shelter the blackness.
I am me, me no more no less
my future decided,
Past unchangeable
and my present is carried by my faith
Love which God has giving me as a present
I am dark
not only because of the color of my skin,
but also because of those who view me with
who see me as a criminal.
Do not judge me
based on your misconceptions of my race
My soul is dark,
And the light that glows within is dim,
Try to see inside,
And struggles you will find,
my naked soul,
I was never perfect
I was never strong
But I tried to be brave
My mask was not a good one
But people are easily fooled
Days went by and I got good at losing friends
I became scared
As the nights get longer
The days get shorter
The thoughts get deeper
And your mind starts to spin
The voices in your head start to scream and yell
You hold death in your hand
i know i cry for a lot of thing,stupid things, like you, and school and problem iv created in m head,and abanoned dreams.
But lately what i have been crying about most is
when i saw your body for the first time, i realized how war had torn you apart.
how many battes you had lost
on youre wrist
on youre thighs
how any fights accurred
on youre stomach
I'm almost done with school
This is my last year
I've dreamt of this my whole life
Now it's finally here
My parents are both sad
I'll be moving out
But when I turn eighteen,
The tik-tok of the clock
The whistling and hissing of the winter air
Roaring and screaming that suddenly stops
Long enough for a heart to beat once
The resounding gong of the clock that struck twelve
Smiles, jokes, laughter, and joy.
That’s what they see.
But there’s a monster brewing inside.
Lurking just beneath the surface.
I keep pushing him deeper and deeper inside.
He watched her through the window from across the street.
Her clothes looked sleek,
her hair fell gracefully,
Each movement's meaning, oblique.
He studied her.
Made extensive notes
Misguided and misled,
A teenage youth assumed to be stupid,
Out of sight and out of mind,
Don't be silly, these wars aren't one of a kind,
Freedom is supposed to be a righteous cause,
Summer is over, and school has begun.
Things get crazy, and hectic, and stressful.
The homework and stress swell up in heaping piles of despair.
It had always been easier to hide who I amI joked and laughedand nobody needed to know me more than thatIt wasn't too long before I had forgotten who I was to
It doesn’t just mean to move rhythmically to music.
It’s artistry, bravery, endurance.
I dance as though telling a story.
In reality, I'm a very cruel person.
I don't like to show it though, for I'm afraid it'd scare others away.
I have little to no sympathy, I cannot empathize with others at all.
Hug my mom
Play with sis
look at me,
what is this?
dance around,
talk to friends,
with me the fun never ends
listen to music
laugh and play
it from the rooftops
the words from their mouths and
the newly created freedom
the energy of the crowd into a
of freedom and joy that
"Pay no attention to that man beind the curtain."
Why? Does he not have a story to tell?
Often times, we hide behind an image so appealing to others, we tend to loose ourselves.
Life is going to have its ups and downs, time when there seems like no one is around.
Life isn't going to be easy, and its not going to go your way.
Life will sometimes make you feel like you don't want to live another day.
Time and time again I press the pencil to the page
Beginning a new piece that mystifies my age
As if channeling an inner persona
Of which I have no connection
I see what the birds see,
as if I were one with the flying
the wind is my element as my wings are floating above me
Above the heads of all the ground dwellers, I soar
i knew myself,but you don't
so why you try to create my future
you may write me down in your notebook
It is the ache in your cheeks when your smile has stayed for too long,
The laugh that escapes when you realize it won't go away.
It is picking the perfect gift,
My happiness begins outside of me,
It starts in the people around me.
It begins in the start of your grin,
At the end of my dumb joke.
It’s in the sounds of a peaceful day,
My entire commute, lunch break, day, night,
And essentially, life is made up of “moments”.
To know me, is to know my love and passion for all things funny.
My entire commute, lunch break, day, night,
I have changed
This I know;
You don't have to tell me.
Anger and emotion
Have made me do this:
You may not see me now.
For I am a broken mirror.
You have shattered me
I have been taught to fake a smile, to fake a laugh, to fake a conversation
to fake me
Holden Caulfield calls them phonies,
I call them regulars.
Why must I conform completely to be accepted?
I don't mind if my studies whirl me through space and time,
Time, the dime that pays for our studies, our crimes,
The buddies, the lines, defined in our minds,
Who am I?
I am human.
Who hides her emotions behind a mask.
My mask is my smile.
A smile is a mask for every girl, boy,
woman, and man.
When I'm sad, I smile.
The ceilings descended im feeling uplifted.
Fundamentals of reading bring a feeling of repentance.
When the night seems slow
And the air feels still,
I love to think you near
and dear,and here
with me.
But for I am sane
and I know it impossible
for you are gone
gone far away,
In this crazy life why, not focus on what we can celebrate,
spreading love instead of hate.
Until the memory of living for ourselves is faint.
Don't worry.
It may seem as if the rain will never go away
But I promise the winds will eventually change.
Besides, not every cloud brings rain.
Sometmes you just need to change your point of view.
A cynical sneer captivates the muscles on the outside shell of the girl that sits still,
She everlastingly wants it to end,
All the others are thick silhouettes of mass media, pop-culture,
Ocean eyes that tell a story
about the rough seas
though you would never know
He reveals a smile
of innocent perfection
so you cannot see, nor hear
about how his ship rocked
Everyone is different, thats why we are all here..
We make up this wild world we all hate and love.
But our likes and dislikes are what's craziness.
Some of us like writing and some of us like drawing.
It's all a sham, who gives a damn about my plan
I'm not a good friend because I can't be the person I really truly am
I'm quiet, but in a moments notice that can surely turn violent
You see the pain in her eyes, behind her smile the fear she has. In the corner crunched up pouring out a river.
"Senioritis" , please stay away from me.
I have so many p,ans ahead of me.
I joined this and that,
but if you infect me,
I'm gonna end up lazy, as a cat.
I joined the Senior Call Officers,
I am a sickness
I am a sickness that will never leave you
I am at the back of your mind
I will cause you sleepless nights
I am just a mistake away
I am what will give you ease
The rain that never falls, is the rain thats never cold to touch. the rain that you hear roar is the mightiest of them all. the rain that is never calm is the rain that is one of its own.
[For every single]
Person all alone, every
Gap in the system, all the
People with a thought thinking
Nobody will miss them, every
Lie ever told behind a
Smile on the surface, and
I live through depression,
He runs through my veins,
He sneaks up on me,
When I feel astrain,
He burdens my mother,
And her mother too,
We three share him,
I no longer want to be in this relationship.I want to try new things and be free.
The day started fine, soccer practice began
I saw an old friend, while my teammates ran.
He looked very lonely, his eyes a deep blue
I wanted to stop or have him run too.
A dream:Alive, wind skimming my faceOxygen ripening within my lungsI am outsideRunning among the lives of everyoneThe world, a reverse cementary People, not yet in loving memoryBut in living memory
If you decided to leave
I'd have to live with a heart broken in two
If you decided to leave
I'd lie on your grave and only dream of you
If you decided to leave
1.) Get as much money as you can, catch a cab, bus, train, plane, etc. and get the hell away
2.) Create a virtual world online and never leave your room
3.) screw an ugly guy in return for a hitchhike ride across the country
Angst with bone trembling
Is how I woke up this morning.
I don't recall when I fell asleep because of the smell.
This hotel is cold;
And quite frankly falling apart.
No one sees who I am inside
No one can understand
Depression is my darkside
It seems to have the upper hand
I feel bombarded by the crowds of fans
They only know what is on the surface
A majestic sky covers the entire world
Beauty rains down into everyone from it
Yet, I must have been left out of this storm
No beauty can exist in my soul
Nor this imperfect skin I live in
Dear sister friend,
What is it that you see?
Are you not pleased with what’s underneath?
Experinces and opportunities like this do not happen everyday.
To be able to go places, see things, meet people, and spread wings.
Inspiration, aspiration, ambition,, courage, and determination.
Into flesh I am made to be
becoming man given eyes to see
a loving heart to spread love, you from me
It's easy to let oneself fall
Upon hearing that blue call
It's hard to stand with it all
All that sadness and your still tall
Its easy to take that knife
End all your strife
Don't drown in it, they said
The complex idea of conformity
The self indulgence of the waves
Those that wash your being away with the rest of what evolves us
into what we call the world.
I have to let you go.
I need to move on.
I need to be happy,
And you just made that harder for me.
I will never forget you.
You once made me happy,
And made me believe I was a princess.
Lips stuck together with dripping, sweet lipstick,
Face flushed with the kiss of remembered summer evenings
Nose colored in the ambrosia of July,
And tongue lavished with memories of two month friends.
It takes me too long
To look in the mirror.
Much too long
To look at my reflection.
Remember the times you called me
The beauty of life can take you by surprise
If you look at it with caring eyes.
A smile, a voice that gives you chills, warming your soul,
As goosebumps rise to soak in as much of it as they can.
I don’t speak much.
I don’t chatter with classmates about boys and hair.
I don’t wax poetically about life and its delights.
I don’t grunt with anger or whine in distress
To random strangers who care nothing less.
It's easy to kill a deer.
They're only animals. They contribute nothing to society.
Who cares if another one is dead?
It's easy to kill a deer.
They're worthless and have no value.
Sometimes at night I wish I could turn down the volume on my mindI wonder who hears the whispers that
Man the feeling you get when your mind runs free
You do not like this feeling but it makes you want to get down on one knee
You just want God to take all of these overwhelming thoughts away, desperately you plea
I put my pencil to the page and sparks flew
as the sheer pressure of my thoughts
compounded with words to create an ephemeral sense of joy.
No substitutes for the attainment of euphoria,
They told me it was okay to cry.
But these tears have left hundreds of scars
Auto-biographies written in my skin
All etched with the hopes of finding some peace
Because I only see war.
Time went by and I observed Passion grow,
He told me to take the path of Plan, and to the right way I’ll go,
Enthralled by my destination I went courageously,
People called her “perfect.”
She did everything she was supposed to do.
Aced every quiz and was the highest in her class.
She fought and struggled her way through.
I had my whole life ahead of me.
I had a plan, I had a dream.
When I was little I envisioned what I could be.
I had a great life,
My family treated me well.
It all went down the drain.
When I was young I could see everything
It surprises me how my life has changed
As a kid who could once see the screen
Blonde hair, hazel eyes.
So quiet, yet so funny... whats up with the sky?
Yellow, Blue, Purple...and Green...
All these colors we see in her jeans.
Tye-dye shirt, orange shoes...
All my life I’ve been taught one thing
And that one thing was to be tough
Ever since I was a tiny human being
First, bad words and fists. It was never enough.
Having a childhood in my house was never easy
My first face is one timidity, of shyness and of meekness
Bowing for others more "superior", convinced of my supposed weakness,
The second face is a jovial one, meant to placate and pacify,
Who can think submission
so far to raise the white flag
to rage no longer against the enemy
allow themselves to be enslaved
by the enemy--perhaps forever.
who will give up their brethren,
I will wait for your mark.
Blank stares as you manipulate me,
sway me with your words
abuse me to spread hate or enlighten the other masters
for I am your slave
waiting for your mark.
I write with curiosity and remembrance
My mind is always wandering and I tend to follow it
It gives me ideas and dreams of what could happen
I tend to find myself writing down the thought so I cannot lose it
It sounds like poetry,Gushing through the windSoaring through existence,Above noise, in quiet.
The sound of poetry,Rumbling louder than before,In the heart and mind’s heart,Unleashing power.
My soul is overflowing with the capacity of sin,sin that we know as has been,sleeping dogs and changing tides are just some of the lies we find,to liberate ourselfs from
Asking me why I write is like asking me why I live
Because I was born in a city of gangs, crime, blood
I can't expect anything better,
If I ever go back to the hood
Here's to being different,
It is dawn and the blistering and bright sun has yet to grace me with its presence….
Which will remind me of all of the things I still have yet to accomplish today.
In New York City, you’ll find two kinds of people;
those who see something and say something,
and those who see something and assume nothing is wrong.
As I walked to the South Street Seaport one weekend last Summer,
She cries in the corner
Thinking nobody sees,
But she doesn’t notice that
The other corner hides me.
I can see in her eyes
The hurt and the pain.
She’s been through a lot