Can You Hear Me Now?
The mask gets hot sometimes
After wearing it for so long, it fogs up
clouds form before my eyes
diluting my presence
After you wear your mask for so long
weeks, months, years
you lose your true self
until all you know is lies
and you’re a caricature of what you once was
Everyone says, “be yourself.”
But how can I when I am judged?
“Wear whatever you want,” they say.
“Except that. And that. Definitely not that.”
I do not know what to do with myself
I am full of self doubt
and secrets
which answers are kept from myself
for I don’t want to know
And so I hide my true self inside
when you ask to really see me, I know that you lie
for you don’t really want to know
About how I cry in bed every night
within the darkness that won’t subside
not with candle light
Windows shut, curtains drawn
concealing the playground of scars
upon my skin
About how my smile is mask
protecting me from you
your words hurt me
and when they do I smile brighter
the noose around my neck gets tighter
Your expectations for me
kill me
So I hide behind a mask of competence
and happiness
Just so that you are happy
but what about me?
I’ll tell you what I am not.
I am not perfect
I am not the cardboard cutout the world wants me to be
Teachers, school, grades, college
4.3 GPA
A, B, C, D, F
I am more than the alphabet
for you cannot define me
you won’t find me in the dictionary
What if I don’t want to be seen as a number?
I am more than my letter grade
I am compassion
I am sleepless nights
well past midnight
I am the sweet aroma of coffee on a lazy Sunday morning
I am my mother’s quiet mourning
she thinks nobody hears
but I do
Does anybody hear me?
Can you hear me now?