I Do Not Wear A Mask
I do not wear a mask
I am forced into a mask by society
A society that deems me “fat”
Everyday I view myself as too heavy
And everyday
I wake up
I put on clothes that do not cling to my body
And I walk out the door
I do not wear a mask
I am forced into a mask by society
A society that deems me “ugly”
Everyday I view myself as less than
And everyday
I wake up
I put on the make up I am told will make me “pretty”
And I walk out the door
I do not wear a mask
I am forced into a mask by society
A society that deems me “obnoxious”
Everyday I view myself as too loud
And everyday
I wake up
I muffle the sound of my own voice because I’m told it will make me “wanted”
And I walk out the door
I do not wear a mask
I am forced into a mask by society
A society that deems me, and women, as “items”
A society that doesn’t see past the store-bought-photoshopped-brightly-lit-ultraviolet-always-moving-never-stopping-full-of-shit structure we live in
I do not wear a mask
I refuse to be forced into one
Society can view me however it wants
I am a size perfect
I am beautiful
I am opinionated
I am a woman
And I am proud