Let It Fall
No one notices
They don’t see my pain, sorrow, and loneliness
I cry behind closed doors, and dream of nightmares
Only sharing my thoughts with myself
I act as if everything is fine and that I’m happy.
I always aim to please those around me
Doing this I berate others for doing
Even to where I disgust myself
I wish to run free and be truly happy
But I’m scared of what those I care about say
I can’t lose them, not now, not after everything
So I continue to hide and hurt myself.
This pain in my chest causes me great agony
It worsens as I see others who are like the real me
Laughing truly and their smiles always reach their eyes
Mine sound hollow and my smile pained
I form my personal likes based on society’s standards
I have learned to hate myself and how I look
Never being satisfied with who I am
Always aiming to please them and my parents
My parents are who I must please the most
To them I like boys but in reality I like girls
I am Wiccan but to them I am Christian
I prefer my friends to my family but they must never know that
Every time I want to rip this disturbingly beautiful mask off
The negative thoughts of uncertainty stop me
Will they still like me? Will they shun me?
So the mask is just readjusted and left in place
Maybe one day this mask will shatter
Soon it will splinter into pieces and fall
It will set me free and lift my soul
Then those will either love me or be left behind